Straits Echo, 7 November 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1136 1 IL-U&IAI a xz t&gED NATUM FOR SALK Odb DOW 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUPMOBILE CABS in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run end full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7\
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    • 7 1 MIIiK 'CKNNrnCMK* TMi **CT)O ,if m I»
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  • 2148 2 There have been many claimants to the possession of the first idea of the tanks'’ or land dreadnoughts’’ which have suddenly become a comic and terrible instrument of war. For the most part, the discussion of their claims has been discouraged by the authorities, but there
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 505 2 The Worlds Greatest Dust Gatherer. w or" /WI /O-S^.rM^p/ THE O-CEDAR MOP O-CEDAR MO? Cleans as it Polishes. O-CEDAR MOP. Mad-} with a strong enamelled steel centte. Indestructible. Cleans ai d polishes at the same time, putting a high lustre on all var*-ishtd suffices. Tbeie ’s nothing to equal tbe
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    • 110 2 &iph h*ria—Hjw It May Be Avoided. n»,?! P tlieria iB ™*>ally contracted when the chid baa a cold. The cold prepares the chi a s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria" germ, men jh a re are cases of diphtheria in the ne*b bonrhood children that have
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    • 434 2 ASTHMA BRONCHITIS. Tke f'»e»t Remedy procurable it Veno’s Lightning Cough Cure There is no doubt about the curative powor of Veno’s Lightning Cough Cure No cough sufferer, no victim of Bronchitis or Asthma can tike this great remedy without being benefited. The first dose brings relief so effective and rapid
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  • 1177 3 Coroner's Finding. The hearing was concluded yesterday afternoon before Mr. 8. H. Langston in the Second Court of the enquiry into the cause of the death of Mr. J. St. Clair Saunders, a planter of KUng, who was found dead cn the 1st instant at Pulau Tikus
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  • 117 3 Nut. 4 By Balance ...$56.925 22 6 Sikh Police 100.00 Penang Peranakan" Club 55.00 Bean Teik Seng 5.00 Gob Taik Cbee Bed Croaa Box 8 32 Tbos. J. A. Scully 10.00 Municipality Red Croaa Box 6.26 Jinricaba Owner* 3rd instalment 40 80 Municipal Employees 16.50
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  • 85 3 At the E; stern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Sheets from $l3B to $142 Diamond Smoked Sheets fair $l2B to $137 Plain Smoked Sheets from $123 to $l2B Diamond Unsmoked Sheets $llB to $l3l Plain Unsmoke 1 Sheets $ll7 to $123
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  • 38 3 The output and profits from Kramat Pulau Limited for the month of October, 1916, were as follows: Output. Estimated Dressed Or\ Profit. From the Mine 307 piculs. $lO,OOO From Tiibutors 248 1,075 Total 555 piculs. $11,075
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  • 378 3 Alma 22 200 lb, Bukit Toh Alang 14 38) lb, Shanghai KlebaDg 9,543 lb, Kota Bihroe 36,543 lb, Sungei Duri 15,835 lb, Ohemor United 17,648 lb, Cluny 18 679 lb, Kinta Ke’las 42,794 lb, Klian K< Has 5,795 lb, Tmjong Pau 15,037 lb, Old Kellas 17,718 lb,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 265 3 bank holidays. The Exchange Banks fill he closed on Saturday and Monday, the 11th and 13th November, 1916, which have been proclaimed Public Holidays. Wednesday, November Bth. MERLE THE MYSTIC IN The Moving Theatre Ernnt Road. Opposite Empire Theatre. MERRY MOMENTS IN Modern AGIO, IRTH, YSTERY etc. FLASHES OF FUN.
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    • 350 3 fir id 0 Virginia cigarettes IV^GHOWHLS- LOrtDOrt- wj mtm iAi ITOI IfeJU Do you know that each tin contains a coupon and that the coupons will be redeem ed by the British Ameri' can Tobacco Co. (Straits) Ltd., at Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore? SEND FOR AN ILLUSTRATED LIST
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  • 100 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) at th a CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Tenang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. H Outstation... Postage Extrallail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nox. (Echo) 58 3 Printing Department 313 If.B.— All billin'*, ccmm
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  • 1403 4 We have beea wondering why Eurasians io not patronise the Maternity Hospital to a greater extent. A correspondent gives the reason. He says In most cases Eurasians here live in large families and they consider that more assistance enl facilities are provided in their own houses than in
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  • 881 4 Mr. B. J. P. Joaquim, birrister-at-law, arrived here this morning from Calcutta by the s s. Kut Sang. Mrs. C. Arathoon and Miss A- C. Arathoon are on board the s.s. Kut Sang on a tour of tbe Ear East. Lt-Col. the Hon. A. R Adams and
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  • 961 4 Troth and Fiction. Out of the details of the railway steamer collision, wired out by Reuter yesterday, one fact stands out by itself—the sole aur! vivor of tbe disaster was a man who oould not swim. Truth, if not stranger than fiction, sometimes copies fiction faithfully in that
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  • 25 4 (from Our Oxen Correspondent*') London, November 7. The prices in the London Rubber Market tc-day were Pale Crepe 2/7 Diamond Smoked 2/6J
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 148 4 JUST "“TIM i FOR TO SEND TO FRIENDS AT HOME, Pictures'Penang. A beautiful album of 28 views of Penang. PHICE ONE DOLLAR. The George Town Dispensary LIMITED. a Penang, Taiping Ipoh. ANDREW USHER Co.s SPECIAL RESERVE O. V. G. WHISKY Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Agents for PENANG PERAK. Tf J
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  • 602 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Import»»! Admit. London, November 6, 1 5 a.m. A Pari* communique states North of the Somme we executed ■ever&l attacks during the day and made a series of appreciable advances from south of Lc Transloy to the south of St. Pierre Vaast Wood. We
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  • 581 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. Further Progress. London, November 6, 1.80 a.m. General Haig, in a communique, state*: We attacked several points and made ■ome progress. We cleared a pocket of Germans on the extreme right and made progress in the centre on a front of over a
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  • 661 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. Gaia» aad Loaaca. London, November 6 A Rumanian communique states: "We repulsed several enemy attacks in the Prabova Valley. The enemy in the evening succeeded in occupying part of our trenches on Mount Dihamu, north-west of Azuga. Several enemy attacks in the Dragos la
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  • 703 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Amsterdam, November 5. A Vienna paper states that Count Burian, replying to a deputation from Warsaw said that the future of th) kingdom of Poland would only begin her fall national existence after the i war in closj connection wi*h the Central Powers
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  • 35 5 All PaassKasas Safe. Messrs. Boustead Co., the local agents, have received a telegram from the owners of the Glen Line to the effect that all and crew of as. Qlenlogan wtre safely landed.
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  • 542 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Veaiz ’lists Persecuted. London, November 6. Telegrams from Athens state that the Royal Government is p3raecuting the Veoizelists. Twenty-five officers are at present prisoners and one was executed at Ekaterini before the Venizelist occupation of the town. Royal Decree. A decree dismisses from
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  • 150 5 The following articles will bo found on our outside pages Pages. 2. —On Having an Idea. 3. —“OurDiy” R?d Cross Fund, Tin Outputs. October Rubber Crops. A Planter’s Suicide. 6. W*r News and Gossip. Rubber Notes. Shipping N jws. Thu Week’s Events. 7. Palau,, Buiang. The Governor’s Promise. Petang
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  • 394 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. w w mm m a v w w m w m m w ADMIRALTY REPLY. London, N >vembar 6. The Admiralty states that the German Fress is attempting to make capital out of what it describes as a second Baralong cate.
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  • 340 5 A Serious Offence. The hearing of the case against a Tamil Muuiappen, charged with having committed a serious offence on a Tam 1 girl named Muniammal about seveu years of age, was concluded yesterday afternoon before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebien and a common jury. The accused iu
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  • 34 5 Latest Qjot&tiom. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $88.90, buyers no seller-i, in Singapore (refined) at $89.35, bu)ers no sellers, and in London at JbTB2 15a. spot and ss. three months’ sight.
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  • 14 5 Obituary. Baroa Claamorri*. London, November 6. The death has taken place of Baron Clanmorris.
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  • 989 6 II.TMTMMT BOTIKO OT Boll» 8ba»1« —Pobitiow in th■ Commodity. Writing in the Financier of Oclcber 6, Mr E. L Killick says that Investment buying of Rubber share* continues to be one of the most promtoent feauros of the Stock Exchange, and it is evident from recent reports and
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  • 808 6 The b.i. Aljeh will be despatched on Thursday for Acheen Ports. The s.s. Koemai ia fixed to nil for Belawan Deli on the 9th instant. The ss. Benten Maru may be expected here early next week from Calcutta. The 8.8. Sappho, which arrived here this morning from Tongkab, brought
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  • 2481 6 SUPMB-FBIWMTrULNKSS. {From Our Own OtrreepondentJ > London, October 13The new outburst of frightfulness m j the Western Atlantic and the Kaiser s j defiance of all international law gives point to the nemorandum addressed by the j Allied Governments to certain neutral States on the use
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  • 70 6 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. Penang Volunteers—Battalion Drill, Race Course 5,15 p.m. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis, 5 15 p.m. Wednesday, November 8. Penang Volunteers—Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. Thursday, November 9. Penang Volunteers—Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 5.30 p.m. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis 5.30
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  • 120 6 Penang, Novbmibr 7. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 Credit 2/413/16 3 Documentary 2/427/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1731 3 days’ sight Private 175|
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 656 6 WANTED. A BRITISH wotking gentleman deiire* I BOARD AND RESIDENCE with a nice quiet homely family. Address W. J. C. 1 e'o Strait» Echo. WANTED. i .-> i WANTED MANAGER, young and ecergetic, for Coconut Estate ,D i Boaring. Province Welle«!ey. S* ary j 1400 00 and commission monthly, lbree
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    • 62 6 In a hot climate inch as this harmful bacteria multiply very quickly, and that is the reisen of stomach aud bowel complaints bfing so prevalent. These troubles are difficult to cura unless the right medicine be taken. WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT GORE is a medicine of sound curative properties and particularly
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    • 61 6 THE OFFICE MAN leads a sedentary life; his brain grows sluggish—so does his liver His health suffers—eo does his businessI NKETTE' the tiny laxatives gently stimulate the bowels thug toning up the system and nerves whioh lead to sparkling good health. Do not gripeOf chemists, 50 cents per phial, or
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  • 877 7 THE DIRECTORS’ REPORT. Wob* Dcbibo tbb Ysab. The Director! of Pulau Bulang Rubber and Produce Co., Ltd., report n follows on the working of the company for the year ended 30th June, 1916:— No further calls were made during the financial year, the contributory shares remaining 98 50
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  • 779 7 AC yesterday’* meeting of the Legislative Council, say* the Malaya Tribune, of Saturday last, the Hon Mr. Darbiahire, ■peaking on the seoond reading of the Supply Bill, dealt at length with what, accord* iog to the Hon. Mr. Adams, “he had vomited and eaten again” on the
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  • 51 7 Tennis Tournament. The following tie has been fixed for to-morrow: Single Handicap A. A V Perrin vs. R N Byatt (Final). Eowls Tournament. The following tie has been fixed for to-morrow: Double Handicap A W Harries and W H Threlfall rs. J G Allan and H Sfarr
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  • 187 7 Pbnanb, 7ts Novbmbbb 1916. Bbbb— cU. ®°°P per cattv 16 Boast ,14 Ptesks 24 Btew or Curry Meit 18 Rump Steak 34 Ox Tail e aoh 40 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 40 L vsr per c\tty Bft Fobk Pork par c»tty 40 Pig's Head lg Feet 21
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 228 7 SAN I TAs > CREOLEUM Protects, Preserves Beautifies WOODWORK, from the ravages of Weather, Inseet Fungoid Lifg. n 0 1 Hit i Supplied in Drums Barrels Light, Medium &Dark Sole Agents lor Penang, Federated Malay States. Sumatra Java G.H.Slot Co., Penang. *21 r p s 1 m I NGIN |TD„
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    • 276 7 Have you a Rheumatic Friend Tell him about Little’s Oriental Balm, a modern emancipator from the aches ami pains of the human body. No mere rditf, but permanent froedom from the tortures and deformities of rheumatism. The cure has been achieved not once, not a few times, but thousands of
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  • 933 8 Of the week’* vignettes from the battlefield this—from The Timet—is certainly the best: i When Captain ’s company rushed a trench to our right, round the corner of the wood, a German officer surrendered in great style He stood to attention, gave a clinking salute, and said in
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  • 964 8 Per P and O steamer Kaitar-I-Hind, From London Oct. 13 To Singapore Mr F C McGregor, Mrs H B Baker, Mrs A S Gardner, Mr W A Btevens, Mrs G D Smith, Mrs Ball, Miss White, M■< Ryder, Mr Wright, Mr Asnwell. To Penacg Mrs L
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 602 8 JINTAN wonderful Tonic and Mouth Refresher» -M>PCIAL MERIT OT JINTAN— A. I dEES? H b ««oqaslled and will not disturb the functions of the e ry efficacious in j£i- «3L u of Aloobobc d f6to< l S!« Wbwe vocAtiou neceswtato* e *m*e »tmo on the lhr OOOD FOR 1 Headache,
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    • 56 8 SvnskiM end Cobbob Sfotf. Doq t doctor your blood for rheumatism Use an external application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the suashine, then nature will reatore the rich red blood to year veins and roon r,d the system of
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  • 856 9 Memorial.” By Edward Clodd. (Chap- b aan and Hall. 10s. net.) C It it a aim of his modesty that Mr n Edward Clodd, whom so many great men a '.ave singled out for friendship, should q '«vote his reminiscences almost entirely to s ecords of his
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  • 142 9 Penang Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged 82,870 10 Mrs. Jamieson (15th Djn.) 10.C0 Mrs. Heim (15th Den.) 10 00 Mrs. Trengrove (15th Don.) 510 Buttons 0.33 Debit Balance 9.81 Total 82,904 74 The following is a statement of accounts for fifteen mmths—aud there are farther bills
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  • 530 9 La 1915 tha expenditure of the P. W. D. under Annually Re- I curient wis $2,956,988 < In 1917 it is proposed to spend $3,473,081 i An of 516,093. Ji Special S jrvices (P. \V. D.) in |l 1915 cost $1,844,978 j lu 1917 it is
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1898 9 SUBSCRIPTIONS LIST NOW OPEN. WAR LOANS INVESTMENT TRUST OF MALAYA. I INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES BY ENACTMENT NO. 3 OF 1916.) CAPITAL $6,00,0000. Issue of Certificates of $lO. each fully paid, bearing 1 interest at the rate of 6 percent, per annum which together with repayment in full
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    • 127 9 EUROPEAN AGENCY. WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest cash prices for all sinds of British and Continental goods, ■ncluding:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leathor, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Earthen wa.e and Glassware, Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Pancy Goo Is and Perfumery, hardware.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1655 10 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incorpoeatid in England.) Mail and Passenger Servioei PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL BERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for Ckiaa aad Japan) KOMIHKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET 3. N. COMPANY.) Incobpobated in Holland.) Fob Intend id to Sail. Langsa, Telok Serna we, Segli, Olehleh, Sabang,
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