Straits Echo, 1 November 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1142 1 iM ft 'r v PJ fOR SALE One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUPMOBILE CARS in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS OXFORD ■(BANKS. FOR Chartered Bank of India* Australia and China (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER) £1,200,000 £i.600,000 In good running order, complete with accessories.
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    • 9 1 s J r* a di is* RDM «3 r
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  • 943 2 Probably never have the early stages of a Presidential election in America received leva attention in the Press of Europe than in the case of the contest which is to be virtuallj decided in the first week of November. part, no doubt, the reason is that the
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  • 831 2 Ni«mt Lira iir Lohdok. Certain aspects of the Social Parity question to which I called attention, not for the first time, in my address at St James's, Piccadilly, on Wednesday last, are l so well known and generally admitted," said the Bishop of London in the
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  • 51 2 To-night 's Band Programme HaT? 0 f oI, ®Yi D^ proprrainme of music will 7 n P m 7 »v at the EBp,anado from 6 P-“. to < p.m. tbn evening 2 p!|U 10D 4r RanaWB 7 Girl K-ftppAy aw& 22££ f 4 Garotte O impi. W.ldteufel 5 March The
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  • 224 2 Too many girls and women look old lone before they should. Their faces b-’com-pale and drawn, wrinkles appear, and their eyes lack brightness. Can it be wondered at, when they so frequently have headaches backaches and a general feeling of wretched ness and weakness? From one
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 57 2 It Nccr Fiil!. Chamberlain’» Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ia all its came implies. It cure* diarrhoea ard dysentery in either childr»n or adult», and the most violent cases cf cramp colic or pain in the stomach give way to a tew dote* of thia mrdicine. Safe, sure, always cure*.
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    • 471 2 CHINA WARE, Prices are up 50 per ceHt. at the Potteries and may advance still higher; The prices quoted here are extremely cheap and cannot be maintained much loDger. THE “STRATFORD” Dinner. Tea and Breakfast Pet made of white semi-porcelain ware, decorated with afiple green and leaf designs St. Regent
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    • 77 2 th^r 004 articlei «commend themselves their value causes the public to ask fnr That T. w”;‘ u Wi,h "rt-Btito WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE ba« so increased in favour during the 20 jears and more it has been sold g Tt medicine put forward a euro for' Court, colds and kindred
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    • 467 2 ESTABLISHED 1874 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company Ltd. Incorporated in Iedia. BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE. J. R. Macphkrson. Secretary S.8. and F.M.S. Total Assets exceed $28,000,000 Claims Paid $26,000,000 10W RATES. LIBERAL COMUTIONS Apply for Prospectus etc. to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 158, Beach or Street. Peanang. The Branch
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  • 904 3 The members of the Penang Ladiee Rifle Club held their last shoot of the season, yesterday afternoon at Kampong Bbaru, when the Club Prises were presented by Mrs. Sproule. Miss Mathieu was the winner of the two prists presented by the Club for the twelve best
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  • 638 3 Oot 30 By Bilanoe $46,384.52. O. V. Thomas 40, Oct, 31, Japanese Community 140, E A O Special Dinner ADaaoe 4,634.21, Proceeds of Concert given by the Convent School 1,000, P. Forrest 10, R?d Cross Box No 24 Chartered Bank 3 57, Red Cross Box
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  • 217 3 The s.s. Providence arrived here this morning from Rangoon w th a cargo of rice The P. A O s. p Malta, which arrived heie to-day, disebarg* d 75 tons of general cargo. The s.s. Ningchow is expected here tomorrow from Colomb). She will discharge 790 tons of cargo
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  • 27 3 Tennis Tournament. The following tie has been fixed for Friday, the 3rd November: Championthip. W H Tbrelfali (Holder) VI. A V Perrin (Runner Up).
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  • 32 3 The »8. (Bertam) 92,000 lb, St aits 226 0001 b, Penang 174 000 lb, Tali Ayer 78,500 lb. Rubwna 55.000 lb. Bagan Sirai 35,000 and BaUk Rabit 26.500 lb.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 449 3 Id J o td as SCOTCH WHISKY M 0 ill A Z 4 z < E 0 3 CD 0 (0 j < t* rl- SCOTCH hakam*^ BUC JAMES oi^soow "SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT BLACK&WHITE ypi •mmfUggt -r— y' ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY CO o r O n •< >
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    • 219 3 -I 0 VIRGINIA CIGARETTES wd D.GHOAVHtS' B *fSTOL LOWO^ *N -j m wz% ffeltLaSS Do you know that y&ch tin contains a coupon and that the coupons will be redeem* jd by the British Ameri :an Tobacco Co. (Straits) Ltd., at Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore? SEND FOR AN
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  • 97 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS t ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo 586 Printing Department 343 SB.— All business communications should
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  • 1392 4 During the seventh century one of China’s great rulers chvised and establishec a very complete system of civil service, entrance to which was only obtainable through the gateway of a very elaborate <nd exacting examination process. That system continued practically without change until the closiag years of
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  • 866 4 FINANCIAL ACTION. Aa Attractive Issue. From the Treasury in Singapore we have received particulars of the Straits Settlements War Loan Bonis which it is intended to issue in the near future in order to enable residents in this Colony to assist the Home Government in
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  • 27 4 1 1 rom Our Oxen Correspondent London, October 31. ihe prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/64 Diamond Smoked 2/5
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  • 1011 4 Profitssriag. Of course it is the war. To those believe in menthol as a cure for headache a 5 word of warning is necessary. The stuff that is sold in some of the shops about town is merely a blob of wax with a thin coating i of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 206 4 “BEAUTY IS ONLY SKIN DEEP” When buying a trunk, don’t be led away by its outward appearance. That class of beauty will stand you in poor stead if unaccompanied by the essential beauty of Accurate Workmanship and Good Material, always unfortunately hidden away below the paint. The reputation enjoyed by
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  • 729 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Raid oi Lmemj Trcickti. London, October 30, 2.5 pm. General Haig, in a communique, statis: «During the night taro successful raids were made on the enemy treocbes west of Wylichaote and east of Boesinghe. We took prisoners and inflicted considerable damage. We bombed enemy
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  • 106 5 Tr*l» DaiKci iato Railway Gates. The goods express from Kuala Lumpur to Ipch was approaching the Ipoh station a* *bout 10.35 on Monday night when it dashright through the railway gates at the Bilibin Road crossing, completely smashing both gates, which were closed at the time. It
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  • 558 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. Towards Saillisel. London, October 30, 4 15 p.m. A Paris communique states We carried the trenches north-west of Siiliy-Sailliie] and advanced easti ward in the direction of Saillisel. We made 60 German prisoners. The Germans attacked Biaches to the ■outh of La Maisonette, but
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  • 459 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. Glasgow Stcaatr Soak. New York, October 30. The State Department has received advice I Glasgow steamer Marina, with a British and American crew was sank by gun-fire without warning, The crew are safe. Americas* AboardNewport News, October 30. Fifty Americans (were on board). The
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  • 238 5 [To TH* Editor or thi Times oj ataiaya .j Sir, —It has been pointed out to me that my letter which appeared in your paper of yesterday under the above heading is not quite clear. What I intended to convey was that a super-tax on rubber
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  • 707 5 (Reuter’s Service,) Copyright Telegram. Briliak Operitiops. London October 30. A British official announcement, issued at Salonika, states We raided the enemy position at Crete* dentes, north-east of Nakukovo and inflicted considerable loss on the Turco-Bulgarian force. Enemy aeroplanes were brought down north of Lake Doiran. Our aeroplanes bombarded
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  • 469 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. Ofirttioai i» Tniiyl»»»i». London, October 30, A Rumanian communique states: In the Jiul Talley our pursuit of the enemy continues. We hare taken 312 moiv prisoners and four machine-guns. We repulsed two enemy attacks north of Ezuga near the P.edeal Pass, six miles within
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  • 151 5 Leong Ah ChoDg, a Chinese P. C., was this morning arraigned before Mr, S. H. Langston in the Second Court charged with absenting himself from duty without good cause on three occasions. Accused pleaded guilty to all three charges, stating as his excuse that be was unwell.
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  • 114 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $37.50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $BB, buyers do sellers, and in London at JEIBO 15s. spot and .£lB2 three months' sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were thequotations for Rubber on Spot in
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  • 783 5 FURTHER DISCLOSURES. Bail Increased. Yeoh B>on Tean, a trustee of the Sab Yeoh Kongsi, charged with criminal b raoh of trust as a servin’; of the koogsi funds, appeared in the dock before Mr. J C. Sugars again this morning to answer the charge against him.
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  • 91 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. —The Morals of Blighty." The American Electons Tc-Dight’i Band Programme. 3.—Penang Ladies' R fir Club. "Our Day Red Cross Fund. Penang Cricket Club. Shipping. October Rubber Crops. 6. —Registration of Servants. Peron» and Combles. War Taxation. The Week's
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  • 25 5 Obituary. General Sir Frederick Mauasell. London, October 31. The death has taken place of General Sir Frederick Maunsell who served in the Afghan campaign (1878
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  • 934 6  -  The Entrance Gates to Picardt. B y J oan de Bosschere. There are no towns or villages more in view tc-day than those in the locality of Coniblei, Ginohy, Chaulnes, Peronne, whose names now meet our eye in the day’s war news. These are places, houses, ruins
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  • 45 6 Parcels intended for delivery in any part of the United Kingdom b3ftre Christmas and New Year's Day should be posted in time for the Howard P. A 0. Mail due to leave Ptnmg on or about the 11th instant.
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  • 964 6 In view of the diseuaeion which is to take place in the Chamber of Commerce this afternoon, says Monday’s S. F. P. we propose to put forward some of the suggestions which have been made from time to lime with regard to measures for raising extra war taxation.
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  • 838 6 A private Bill providing for the registration of domestic servants in the Federated Malay States has been drafted by an unofficial member of the FVdsval Council and will be considered at the next meeting of that body. Registration of servants is one of those topics, like the
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  • 81 6 Wednesday, November 1. Penang Volunteers—Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. All Saints’ Day. Ladies Ambulance Class, Free School, First Lecture by Dr. Liston, 6.30 p.m.' Thursday, November 2. Penang Volunteers-Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwalba, 530 p. m Recruit Drill, Chinese Company Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. All Soul’s
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  • 679 6 It was a sombre picture that wm punted by one of the speaker* atfthe reee«*mieetiog of the Trades Union Congress when he started out to deeoribe the ways of some denizens of 11 Cisnatoas” in London, After raiding his charges, r ober-minded .ppeple may well hare paused
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  • 262 6 [To the Editor, or the lYmss »f Malaya Sir, —With regard to the above question I have read several opinions, but Mr. Hope’s latter is the moat amusing of all* particularly his assertion that the Chinese have failed to recognise whatr the British Navy—or the British Army—is doing. He
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  • 83 6 H*ii-Y«»#ly Report. Fronr Oim- Ovm Oomapondent). Singapore, November l. The report -ofthe Harbour Board for tbs half-year ended October 30 shows a credit balance of $1,088,726 of which interest psid on doe- to tho» Govern meet loan was $1,001,315. The revenue from the Wharves and Docks amounted to
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  • 143 6 The sorntineersH-eport that the Commrttee for the Turf Club for the ensuing year is the same aa that for last year i Messrs, D. A. M. Broun, W. Peel, H. B. Pike W, S. Goldie, G. G. Hereford and W. Duncan. Mt. Jules Martin, who bad 20
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  • 119 6 Pbnano, Notsmbbr 1. (By cowriesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 Credit 2/418/16 •f 3 Documentary 2/427/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Bs. 174 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’ sight Private 175}
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  • 217 6 Penajm, November 1. 8. F. Tapioca $9 sales M. P. Tapioca 9.80 buyers Gold leaf 64 40 Pepper (W.Ooast 3 lb. 50z).516 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper 25.00 buyers White Pepper 38 00 seller». Trang Pepper no stock. }Jace- siio nom. Mace Pickings 57 sellers. Clove* 40 sellers. Nutmegs 110
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 646 6 MARBLE HALL. (TOP OF NORTH AM ROAD.) BOARD and RESIDENCE: for abort or long periods; separate tables large and ocol rooms. Tel. No. 671. Mrs H. BODOM, ProprutrttiNOTICE, LABOUR CODE, 1912, F.M.S. '‘Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance, 1911.” Employers of Indian labour are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding
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    • 38 6 Childres s Colds. Why let the children rack their little 6Uch di »tree B iDg aunner wheD J°ru J cur e their colds with bottle of CbamberUm 8 Cough Kerned?. For ealeb) all Dupecsiriea and Dealers 7 I
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    • 46 6 CUaberlaii’s Pii» Balm i There i 8 nothing so good for muscular rheumatism, sprains, lameness, cramps of the muscles, bruises and like injuries as Chamberlam s Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in less time thananj other treatment. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Comphunu, Woodi’ Great Peppermint Cnr* U. «4.
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    • 87 6 The usual monthly sale of Pawnbrokers’ forfeited pledges for sums exceeding $lO will be held pnnotuslly at 11 o’clock a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 6th 7th and Bth proximo respectively at No. 42, Beach Street. The above forfeited pledges may be viewed *t the Sale Room on Friday
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  • 1279 7  -  A RECORD OF ACTUAL EXPERIENCES. (By an Air Pilot.) Fourteen or fifteen airships participat led in the attack on Great Britain last I wo °f the raiders were brought I down. Hard official words these, that, ln .the cold black and white of print j fail entirely
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  • 691 7 Every generation thinks that the good I old times" were the best. Not once, but I twice, or thrice, iu every generation, mothers I seem to come to the boil,” as the cookery I books say, on the subject of intractable I daughters who never are what “girls
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 663 7 E. 0. Hotel. SP r CIAL_ TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. or* 7(5 m Of all Chemists Mi Bazaars If you are Run Down from overwork, suspense, anxiety, illness if appetite and digestion are impaired and the nervous system in need of a tonic, there is no treatment »o generally successful
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    • 10 7 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Or*at Peppermint Cure 6d.
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    • 103 7 Diphtheria—How It May B« Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepare a the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neighbourhood children that have colds should te kept at home and
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    • 677 7 YOU MAY REST ASSURED th*i Becc ham's Pills will be of great service to you if vour Innuf .k y r r Th of <*vly u m overtaken by o( organs. Even the strongest and healthiest occasionally a little corf”,"! nwdtcine. It is wonh remembering that thousands of people
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  • 1349 8  -  By R. B. OSBORN. The cinema has come to stay, and its countless critics should think of mending it rather then ending it It is already fulfilling two important functions with a surpr sing measure of success. In the first place, it enables you to see what journalists
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  • 633 8 GERMAN PRINCE’S NAIVE IDEA, EllBARftO on Amkbioan Munition Exports. Berne, September 21. How timely was the warning against intrigues in favour of a German peace, which was given by a neutral in a Swiss newspaper recently, is seen from an article by a Girman Prince, namely, Prince
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 187 8 ASK FOR IT White Port No. I. GOLD LABEL YELLOW SEAL. FPortaPoij White Port No. 2, SILVER LABEL RED SEAL. MEDOC CLARET u/ ti A 'ituce QUALITY UNEQUALLED Obtainable at all retail stores. G. H. SLOT CO. SOLE IMPORTERS. EMPIRE MOTOR CARS. Twelve of these new 1916 models—electric light self-starter
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    • 60 8 Sunshine ind Common Sens?. Don’t doctor jour blood for rheumatism L ae an external application of Chamberlain’s Pam Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your veins and soon rid the system of
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    • 579 8 Violent Methods Are unnecessary to conquer tb&t bitter enemy of cifilizition Rheumatism. All it forms, including Rheumatic Gout, cm be cured permanently, safely, ard inexpensive!? by Little’s Oriental Balm. No matter how much pain your Rheumatism is causing you No matter if you have tried a doa n oil* ointments
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  • 202 9 o.Tpr*] accidental deaths occurred during One Hsji Mat of Kabong died lb !,tpnou*ljonthi night of the 2nd he *Jy #n the bed at 3a m. in sound health ai f oD nd dead at 5a m. with his child u D .ng in hia arm?. Jalin,
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  • 190 9 lije famous law action between the Am j]gt m afion Properties of Rhodesia, Ltd., d the Giobe n(1 Ptcsnix Gold Mining Company —one of the world’s greatest pro-(juenrs-reached its concluding stages od September 22 before Mr. Justice Ere, who rerrrel judgment. The action which conearned «utre
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  • 426 9 1 increased* SLSTfcftf ItM 1 tM ,ar el y r ied B nce the beginning of the war, Ihint f[° m Fratce sa 7 B th e »me thing with the adjed icfoimafi>n that direct love-mak ng is taking the place of the old family bargain sys'em,
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  • 396 9 Wholi Villaob Aflame Shortly after eleven o’clock on Monday a fire broke out in one of the at tap shanties composing the Chinese fishing village at the end of Martin Lane, off River Valley Road. This village, a straggling collection of huts, les just on the
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  • 441 9 Amsterdam, September 27. Aoeording to a Berlin telegram tbe Bociali*t conference met in tbe Reichstag building yesterday. About three hundred delegates were present. In tbe name of over a hucd'd drputies and delegates. Herr criticised the composition of the conference, and sa d that be and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 664 9 Quaker squire car coionia V Model, id good order acd newh painted. tin Apply to X. Y. Z. e/o Straits Echo /V 0tor Boat. Teak it ted 12 H P. 4 Cycle Motor. Suitable passengers, Rubber, or Merchandise. Further particulars 549a c/o A. B. C. Straits Echo. THE TRAINED MAN
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1847 10 P. O B. I. AND APGAB LINE (InOOftFOKATID iw England.) Mail and ,Pa««en|fer Service». «SH PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan) Connecting with Morea Medina Mongolia Malwa Kai§ar-l*Hi D( I Mooltan Kashgar Karmala Arabia Murea Medina Mongolia Malaa Kaisar'l-Hind Mooltan Due Penang.
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