Straits Echo, 30 October 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1182 1 iRAKO v i NATUMi FOR SALK One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model EUFHOBILE CAES in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order, complete with accessories Intending purchasers can hive a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang
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    • 12 1 Ifis MILK nttir*N<T3cau0* .siMtirr > e *£r t mb w i* 'ul u>*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 988 3 T ir ,l Faring Wa cimraittoo of banker», J has been investigating tho question W r b m, Tiding incre-fl *d fi >»ncial f cilities for ot Br !t >h rade h t«pirt. It of a nature tb.t Rive, ration to the advocates cf a more ;S ,„rou,
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  • 1062 3 At first it was only a sentimental foible of mine, but in latter years it has growa to be the weakest joint in tbe armour of my behaviour, Again and again have I tried to overcome it, steeled my mind, and, with ruthless hands, torn and utterly
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 57 3 It Never Flits. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all its Dame implies. It cures diarrhoea aßd dysentery in either children or adult*, and the most violent cases of cr»mp colic or pain in the stomach give way to a few doseu of this medicine. Safe, sure, always cures.
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    • 466 3 Lassitude IS L. f t el B of weanness depression, fatigue, which affects equally men, women and children, and it is most important that these signs of a run-down condition be not neglected. Thp pf' ma y eas, y lead <o more serious ailments. Til. f f yoy are feeling
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    • 207 3 E. G. Hotel. SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. Craig 8 Rose Ltd. LONDON. EDINBURGH. GLASGOW. Contractors to H.M. Government, Admiralty, and War Office. Manufacturers cf Paints, Oils Vamislus, Write it as a headline, stamp it on the mat, Mark it on jour handkerchief, paste it in jour hat, Paint it
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  • 1552 4 misapprehension cleared. SoMS IItTIKMTIIfO Co»B18FOHDllfCl WITB GotUITMINT. At the general meeting of the Planter*’ Association of Malaya held in Ipoh on Wednesday the Chairman (Mr. W. Duncan) stated that in coniequenoe of a statement made at the last meeting of the P.AM. by the Secretary regarding
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  • 295 4 From the Malay Mail Under the list of wounded in a recent casualty list appears the name of J. F. Leys, Durbams. This undoubtedly refers to the Mr. Leys, an assistant on Lukut Estate Port Dickson, who went home in September 1914 and received a commission
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  • 206 4 Perhaps you hare already noticed that your daughter in her teens has a fitful temper, is restless and excitable. i„ that case, remember that the march of years is leading her on to womanhood, and at this time a great responsibility rests upon yon as parents.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 484 4 NEW SHIPMENT OF TENNIS RACKETS BALLS. SU zsngors Doherty C/3 r > N n 2 o 0 c/i o o X n H •< 'J be championship of the world has been won with a Doherty for 11 years Used by all the leading players. Central strung Black Gut. weights
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    • 36 4 Children's Colds. let the ohildrea rack their liffl a in such a distressing manner when you can jo easily cure their SdTLShl bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough i. For sale bj all Dispensaries and Dealers. J
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    • 389 4 fastest Relief for SICK HEADACHE NAUSEA AND HEARTBURN. You cannot have sick headache when your liver is right. Dr. Cassell’* Instant Relief sets it right, and that is why it cures sick headache and other bilious troubles so quickly, so surely, and so thoroughly. It is not violent, like so
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  • 998 5 A Hitch The ceremony of the launching of the |«->. ihe lat< at addition to the Eastern Shipping Compao)’* fiset and tfce largest steel vessel jet built m Penacg, took place at the Eastern Shipping Company’* Dockyard at Sungei Nyok on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Quah Beng
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  • 722 5 Spo»tB and Sid* Shows. i Every road led to the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon when sports were held i 00 tbe PadaDg for natives. There were also many side shows, tie proceeds of which went to the “Our Day” Red Cross Fund. Great credit is due to Mr.
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  • 89 5 The deciding race in the Mile Sea’ol Handicap competition, rendered necessaiy by the fact that Messrs. Threlfall and Stone tied for the Ist Priz3, took place at the Swimming Club on Sunday forenoon. As expected it was a very keen contest, Stone winriog by 2 s.-emds as
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  • 28 5 Tennis Tournament. The following tie has fcesn fixed for Wednesday, the Ist November: Championship. W H Threlfall (H lder) vt A V Perrin Runner Up
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 173 5 EMPIRE MOTOR CARS. Twelve of these new 1916 models—electric light self-starter with high tension magneto, good appearance and powerful in hill climbing—cars due to arrive by s.s. KARONGA at the beginning of November, 1916. The public wanting a good and reliable car are now requested to book their orders as
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    • 361 5 WZ*4 k Virginia cigarettes Wills. B RlSTOL«, LONDO* :i f*nii M kit wm -Z'jjl'j. R HP Do you know that each tin contains a coupon and that the coupons will be redeemed by the British Amerl can Tobacco Co. (Straits) Ltd., at Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore? SEND FOR
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  • 107 6 Published daily (except Sunday* and public holidays) at thi OBITEBION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Paic*. «““j Daily Local 124 per annum. Outatation... Postage Extra. |f«.il Edition (Post Free) 117.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone No». (Echo) 583 I Printing Department 313 UB All bu.inPM
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  • 580 6 It is not our intention to enter at all I deeply into the question, now mildly agi- I tatiDg the planting community, of the alleged desire of certain American capitalists I to obtain control of large areas of land suitable for rubber cultivation in Malaya. Most of
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  • 723 6 How very much the ultimate success of any scheme or uudertaking in thi* country I depends upon the personality of the I people who take it in hand and run I it rather than on its own intrinsic merits may b 3 gathered from the relative results
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  • 840 6 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jennings returned to Ipoh by car yesterday. The Hon- Mr. Eu Tong Sen has sub- scribed $2,000 to Our Day” Fund at Ipoh. Mr. F.W. Howl, of the F.M.S. Railways, Port Swettenham, is going on leave by the Futhima Maru. Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 976 6 Tli« Gift of Toagass. I poll's auction of free gifts for "Our Day must have brought in a vast sum for the Timet of Malaya states that a polyglot collection of valuables had been sent in by generous donors. Thea aad Now, It is a little curious to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 788 7 (Rioter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. GERMAN destroyers sunk. At l <m pt OB Cross-Channel Service. London, October 27. Ad official announcement states Yesterday night ten enemy destroyers attempted a raid on the Cross-Channel transport service. The attempt failed. "An empty transport, the Queen, was fU nk and her crew
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  • 620 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Eacray Aeroplane* Active. London, October 28, 12.25 p.m. Oeneral Haig, in his communique, reports that heavy rain continued. Artillery and trench mortars were active between Labassfca and Hulluch and in the neighbourhood of Beaumont Hamel. I We bombarded the trenches south of Armen tie
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  • 555 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. douaumont bombarded. Uefavovrahle Weather. i London, October 28, 12.30 a m. The Paris official announcement states i In the Bomme region oonbiderable reci- > P roca l artillery firing took place in the sectors of Sailly-Saillisel, Boachavesnes, and Biaches. The enemy north of Verdun
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  • 55 7 (Froin Our Oim Correspondent.') London, October 28. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were:— Pale Crepe 2/6 Diamond Smoked 2/5J New Adtts. A. B. C.” offers for ■ale a new 25ft. motor boat Commander D. C. Macintyre gives notice of the firing of salutes on H.
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  • 803 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. REFERENDUM RESULTS. First Returns. Melbourne, October 26. The first returns of the Conscription Referendum were:— N 0—723,000 Yes- 637,000 86,000 Majority for No, Yes had majorities in Victoria, West Australia, and Tasmania. No had majorities in New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia.
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  • 1203 7 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. SPLENDID RALLY. Falkeahaya CkitkcA London, Octcbar 27. The Rumanian communique states that there is no change in the Dobrudja and Danube regions. 11 We continued to advance in the Uzul Valley aad made 80 prisoners. We hare withdrawn in the Jml Valley towards the
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  • 54 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $88.90, buyers no sellers, and in Singapore (refined) at I89.32J, business done (300 tons eolJ). Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on Spot iu Loudon cn Saturday:— Plantation 1st latex crepe
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  • 93 7 The following articles will be on our outside pages:— Pages. 3. —Adventurous Bjnkiug. On Destroying Things. 4. —Planters snd War Relief. The Kill of Honour. 5—Launching of the Rer ocg M Our Day.” PenaDg Cricket Club. Penang Swimming Club. 8, Telegrams. CLinese sod Iocoroe Tax- The Week’s Events. F.
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  • 748 8 (R euter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Complicated Situation. Athene, October 28 The sit adit ion in Gteece is complicated by a strike of the employees of the Larissa railway for higher pay, a strike of the employe is of the Attica railway and the dock labourers at the
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  • 652 8 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram Mesopotaaia Postal Service. 0 London, October 26, In the House of Commons, in reply to Mr. MacCallum Scott, Mr. Austen Chamber- a lain said that he greatly regretted delays in the transmnsion of letters and parcels for 5 the troops in Mesopotamia. He announced
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  • 171 8 From the Sumatra Post of Friday and Saturday, October 27 and 28 The Berliner Tageblatt, in an article written in a pacific tone, declares itself opposed to the desperrdo-policy of the followers of Admiral von Tirpitz. After the middle cf February all the Dutch mail steamers to
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  • 503 8 [To the Editor or th* Malay Mail.] Sir, —I thank yon for your answers to my several question?, which are in a way interesting. Further in my question regarding the admission of Chinese ladies and your answer thereto, it apparently did not Btrike you that it is likely
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  • 431 8 The following F. M. S appointment* are gazetted Major A, McD. Graham to be Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. E. Bagot to be Assistant Commissioner of Puihe Mr. C. W, H. Cochrane to officiate as Deputy Public Prosecutor, Perak. Loavo has been granted to Major A, T. MacDermctt
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  • 539 8 A Reply to Me. Hope. [To THE Editor or THE Timet of Malaya gir f Mr. H. Ashworth Hopa is fortunately ’alone in his views when ha fays that the Chinese do not really appreciate or understand what they owe to the British Navy or the
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  • 270 8 Monday, October SO. Penang Volunteers —Battalion Drill, Esplanade, 530 pm. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis, 530 p.m. Atnbu'auce Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 5.30 p.m. PenaDg Turf Club, Annual General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4.30 p.m. Penang Club, Half Yearly Meeting, 9 p.m. Tuesday, October 31. Penang
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  • 145 8 Monday 30th October 1916, EsPLAEADB, 6 TO 7 P.M. 1 Selection Favor ita Donizetti 2 Two Btep In the night Gilbert 3 Walts La Fille do Tambour Major Metra 4 Gavotte Wilbelmina Neumann 5 March Wbistliog Rufus Mill: The following passengers arrived here per s.p. Klang this morning:
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  • 122 8 Pewano, October 30 {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 Credit 2/413/16 3 Documentary 2/427/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Hank 173 j 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 214 8 Pbnawg, October 30. 8. P. Tapioca $9 sellers. M. P. Tapioca 9.75 sellers Gold leaf 64.40 Pepper (W.Coast 3 lb. 50z).516 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper 25.00 buyers White Pepper 38.00 sellers. Trang Pepper no stock. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings 57 sellers. Cloves 40 buyers Nutmegs 110 s 34
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 587 8 WANTED. Applications will be received at the Uarb-ur Master’s Office PenaDg. up to ncoo on the 3Ut October, 1916 for the appointment of 2nd Boarding Officer, Marine Department, Penarg. Salary .£180 per annum rising by annual increments of to <£230 with a duty allowance of JE50 per annum and free
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    • 11 8 For Children’» Hacking Cough at Night, Great Peppermint Cure la. 6d,
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    • 31 8 JUSTARRIVED OXO-GAS LAMPS THE MOST BRILLIIir, SIMPLE AMD ECONOMICAL LI6NT 300 Candle Power Burn Kerosine Oil THE LIGHT for Factories and Estate Bungalows. 'Phone 661. «J. HEIM, 2, Railway Building f.
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  • 1141 9 Mr. Braddell expreaaed quite accurately, a meeting of the Singapore Municipal tb other d »7* •widely prevalent feeling that the burden of rating h* so 1 tco high in Singapore. A maximum wax fired under the Municipal Ordinance, 15 per oent, we believe, on the rent value of
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  • 605 9 Protisioh roa 1917, The F. M. S. Oa»«tte contains the draft of an Enactment t? make financial provision for the public service for the year 1917. the item! being as follow Pensions. Retired Allowances Gratuities, etc. 666,594 Interest on Advances and Loan Gorges 1,071,428 The Rulers and Native
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 10 9 For Chronic Cheat Complaint*, Wool»’ Croat Peppermint Coro la. 6d.
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    • 46 9 Chamberlain's Paii Ba'a. There is nothing bo good for muicaltr rheumatism, sprains, lameness, cramps of the muaclPß. bruise* snd like injuries as Cham* berlain’s Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in ler s time than any other treatment. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 699 9 translation. »pHK UNDERSIGNED ucdwUkM to t™ D8l ste anj document frrm English into Chinese and rioe versa. Also CbineM aooounts into English. Pees aooording to the following scale (1) For translation for insertion in tbe I Straits Echo or the Pinang Sin Poe or to bn printed bj the Jobbing
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  • 544 10 A man of the moment is undoubtedly M Venizelos, the l*tj Prime Minister of Greece. He has already 1 e n to the front in the present crisis, and no cne knows how scon he may be called upon agsiu. In these circumstances special interest attaches to the
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  • 219 10 With the rulber maiket in its present buoyant condition, tho buyers are not paying particular heed to the veiy uncertain point as to what companies maybe liable tor iu the way of excess prefits taxation, says a London paper of September 22 Most cf the rubber companies
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  • 197 10 These who have becime experts the needle aud knitting pins are again hard at work waking comforts for the wounded ard for the soldiers and sailors- The need is greater than ever, and for the next six months enormous and constant supplies will be needed. Quern
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  • 550 10 Th« American Railway Loan. General gratification slnuld be felt Cok odIj among tho Chinese and Americans but among ether nationals doing business ln China as well over the signing of the railway construction contract between th, Chinese Givernnoent and the American international Corporation, represented by the Sirm?-Carey
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  • 282 10 Wine and spirit merchants in the F. M. 8. have had a surprise sprung upon them bj a notification with appeared in the Government Gazette Supplement announcing further increases in the import duties on intoxicating liquors which are now in excess of those ruling in the Straits
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 221 10 WHEN BUYING MANILA CIGARS Be careful to see that the box bears the trade mark as shewn below: LONDRCS. HIGH LIFE IN THE EAST. REINA VICTORIAS. CORTADO FINO. LA ISABEL FACTORY. One of the few Tobacco concerns in Manila that is not controlled by Germans. r *>• 3« KV*! V
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    • 58 10 Sunshine ini Common Sense. Don’t doctor jour blood for rheumatistnUse an external application of Chamberlain Pain Balm. In a few days it will get 7*? u up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your vein* and soon rid the system of this
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  • 1175 11 To THi Editor or thb Nsw Statesman. Sir.-Uoder the heading, Inlia and the Philippines,” in your issue of the sth inst., Sir William Wedderburn reminds your readers that in the Uaited, States all branches of the legislature agreed to a definite declaration of policy full independence to
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  • 731 11 The Law Quarterly Journal contains an article of grjat inteiost by Dr. Ernest Schuster on the of war on the German legal mind. Ono effect is to make the German jurists lose temper with the eminent English jurists of German name or origin who have
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 107 11 ASK FOR IT White Port No, I. GOLD GABEL YELLOW SEAL. MEDOC CLARET White Port No. 2. SILVER LABEL RED SEAL. i i > Z.' *v., 2 *shage QUALITY UNEQUALLED Obtainable at ail retail stores. c. LOT S CL SOLE?! IMPORTERS. a. v-*» .j 8 r O 1 m ‘'V
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    • 106 11 Diphtheria—H It May B i Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold preparrs the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neghbourhood children that have colds should be I kept at home
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    • 605 11 Violent Methods Are unnecessary to conquer that bitter enemy of civil zition Rheumatism All it forms, including Rheumatic Gout, can lie cured permanently, Sifelr, a r d inexpensively by Littles Oriental Biltr>. No matter how much pam yoor Rheumatism is causing you. No matter if you have tried a doz
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1541 12 P. O.—B. I. AND APGAR LINE (Incorporated in Enoland.) Mail and .P lender} Servioei 7. 2 (X V* f- > PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. fProoeeds direct to Marseilles A London. •from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily suspended.) Wireless Telegrapkjr fitted oa all Steamers. NOTICE.—All cabins are
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    • 281 12 For Motor Car Insurance rou cujnror do bwttmm twam The Excess Insurance Co. I,id. aqmntm: Adamson, Gilfillan A Co., lm InOOSPOBATBD IH ENGLAND. Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited. (InCORPO UATID IH ENGLAND.) Head Office .—LONDON. Eastern BranchSINGAPORE. Fire, Life, Marine and Guarantee Departments. For particulars, apply to A. A. ANTHONY
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