Straits Echo, 28 October 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1169 1 A 3*27 -vX FOR SALK One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUPMOBILE CASS in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS OXFORD ■i B A NK S Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER) 7/i good running order, complete with accessories Intending
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    • 10 1 VH a ¥11) #»li i i m -u X Wilt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 936 3 Th* Kco Huiakd Grniral ChANO H BUN. Mr. Li Hsieu-yang and twinty other Kuominting members of the National Assembly have addressed the following interpellation t> the Government demanding the reason why the Governm-nt has not yet taken any action wiih regard to the arrogant attitude of Gen»
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  • 973 3 A distinguished general has lately been taking the managers of theatres and music halls to task for the quality of the enter- tainmenta they provide* In his view the morals of young officers on leave are un favourably affected by these shows- Now taste
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 627 3 MARBLE HALL. (TOP OF NORTH AM ROAD.) -qOARD RESIDENCE; for short J> or long periods; separate tables; s c .> ,iud ctol rooms. Mrs H. BO DOM, ProprietretsFOR SINGAPORE. HONG KONG. 'WAT0W AW AMOY. The s s Hong Moh, Captain J. Blasoo, is eiptcted to arrive hero from Singapore „ii
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    • 228 3 l§llsS3esiaEßHSsHgS»|gĔllsig]lSSlls^lS^ls^isigllsgllSig|!siglfeSa!ig^liimßigi@ FOB COMFORT AND ENDURANCE. pr so»-.*: V r ST Mk v. a n r-* a 4-4 L; fr' E 3 I i -71 00® I mr TifTTorf rrrntrn !I 'li ’rn’nrrrTTTTTTTTTTmi ■I i :*> ME TV At *5 V P 3BXB SOLE AGENTS: R. T. REID CO, E. O.
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  • 1182 4 We hive had an opportunity of looking orer the enactment oreating The War Loans Investment Trust of Malays, pass 3d the other day by the Legislative Council of the Federated Malay Stat« s. It is a simple and clear measure, creating a body which will have power
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  • 804 4 At the P.A.M, meeting Mr. W. PuncaD, who presided, submitted the following proposal bj the Standing Committee on the subject of Chinese labour That a Special Comm ttee be appointed to go into the whole matter and formulate a scheme for the approval of the P.A.M., such Committee
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 438 4 NEW SHIPMENT OF TENNIS BACKETS BALLS. Slazmgers Doherty m r: C/E r > N n 2 O 30 C/E o o I n H ■< Pr: seers “Gcrona” 'I he championship of the world has boeu won with a Doherty for 11 years Used by nil the leading players. Central
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    • 41 4 A Clear Head and ow an a hearty appetite, aound sleep good digestion are sure to folk» occasional dose of J l.sKtnF tiny Gentle u netnre. Do not gripe onallchemist*, 50 cents perphial, or Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Dept, le, Singapore
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    • 29 4 MARTIN'S BUM® f'»"** 1 Kamadw for all IrrMularltlaa ThouMn ti «f Tho*« eaornjoj* ule. At all ■Aiim. a* nt 7 o<\Z v;j" h L he^fc*< •ogx HlMMaa °L ,tm
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    • 644 4 Methylated Spirits. (QUALITY GUARANTEED). Retail Price: 35 eents per quart bottle *7 per tin of 4 gallons. OBTAINABLE AT CHEAHKEE EE CO., 66, CHINA STREET, PENANQ. The Eastern United Aswarce Corporation Ltd. Read Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned hue been appointed e t for the above Corporation, ai_ ig now r
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  • 1205 5  -  (By Wright.) Beachcombers, deadbeats, stiff*, all scallywags bare an interest for me that I never try to resist. I can listen to the life 8,01 7 (generally fttlm) of a ne’erdowel! where the autobiography of a Self-Made Man would bore me to the length of mendacious excuse and abrupt
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  • 711 5 19th Sunday afire Trinity. 8-00 a.m. Matins. 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion. 5-00 p.m. Sunday School, i 6-00 p,m, EvensoDg. Parade Service, Hymn 274. Responses Roberts. Psalm CXLVI) d cxlvii j Bi y |e y* Magnificat Nunc Dimittis Maunder in G. Hymns 193, 222, 437. During the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 U3 -J r*' a UJ OChANANS SCOTCH SKY H u w a x c/3 m z < z < K Q 3 CQ 0 (0 _i < tSS: JAMES A .Lon Dor< \X\t’ 5^ GLASGOW “SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT tt BLACK&WHITE ♦f »tV;-¥ *»<- rfr v •,*.-„•>■ ALWAYS THE HIGHESI
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    • 372 5 8* r VIRGINIA CIGARETTES HO. WillsVN,, Br, 5T0L LONDON. N «.I** 4 1 n.tti »>ca < WZ% m 14 v i i i*«V£t i. mfliri U Do you know that each tin contains a coupon and- that the coupons will be redeemed by the British American Tobacco Co. (Straits) Ltd.,
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  • 95 6 Publish*! daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT TFT» CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Fenang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Eitra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 S B. —AH buain*sa commnnK-ation» should
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  • 1341 6 British subjects in Malaya are not in a position to do much towards helping to defeat the German in the field but they can in their own way do a good deal to make it impossible for him ever to regain the position which be formerly occupied
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  • 680 6 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jenninga have been on a short visit to Penang. Mr. D. T. Middleton, of Trans-Krian E&trte, goes home on leave by the Novara to-day. Mr. Oliver Marks, Secretary to Resident, Penang, came to Penang last night to say eocdbye to his brother, Mr.
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  • 220 6 [To THi Editor of the Straits Etho.'] Dear Sir. The usually so well-infornnd writer of Random-Notes does not seem to be aware that existing Treasury regulations prevent the unconditional sale of shares from abroad »o or through the London Stock-Exchange for which reason ever since
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  • 25 6 Maj.- Gen. D. H. Ridout. C From Our o\n i Correspondent.) Singapore, October 28. Brigadier-General D. H. Ridout, C.M G. has been promoted Major-General. t
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  • 951 6 Th« -Jollies”. We cannot allow the two hundred and fifty-second birthday of the Royal Marine® to pass without offering to that distinguished corps our heartiest greetings and congratulations. There is not a campaign in which Great Britain has fought since the days of Charles 11. in which the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 165 6 G.TD. SERYICE. IT IS NOT OFTEN wo hav9 to tell cur cuitomsra wo are cut of btock. If jtu want to be euro of getting a thing try the GEORGE TOWN. THE George Town Dispensary, Ltd,, F ENANC. TAIPtNC A* D IPOH. ANDREW USHER Co.s SPECIAL RESERVE O, V. G.
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  • 593 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. [NEMY COUNTER-ATTACKS. R p „l»«a Wilh H«*»y Lo»»«». LjDdoD, October 27, 1.55 a.m. A p 4r ii offici»l announcement states that b 0 f ti, e Somme an attempted enemy B |((tck gainst Bois l’Abbe was easily jt pulsed. A T ary lively artillery
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  • 852 7 (Reuter’s Service,) Copyright Telegram. AROUND THE STUFF REDOUBT. Effective Artillery Prsetiec. London, October 27, 12.35 a.m. General Haig, in an official announcement, states that in the morning, after a heavy bombardmsnt, the enemy attacked the Stuff Trench running northward to the Stuff Redoubt, but was driven off with
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  • 668 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram GERMANY AND NEUTRALS. Sternert Svtk. London, October 26. The following stiamers have been sunk Sidmouth (British), Venus II and Sola Dag (Norwegian), Alf (Danish), Cemtesse de Flandre (Belgian), also tbe schooners Tweed and Twig (British). Copenhagen, October 27. A German submarine burned the Danish
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  • 877 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Satisfactory Situation. Athens, October 27. An announcement dated October 25 t states that the British Minister was received i in audience by Kng Constantine. It is t understood that tbe latter rep^a f ed the i assurances given to the French Minister yesterday
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  • 824 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. LAST DAYS AT CONSTA^ZA. At Orderly Retreat. Oles-s, October 26. t 1 Particulars of the last day’s Russoi Rumanian occupation (of Constanz»), i gathered from arrivals here, show that as many as fifteen aeroplanes dropped bombs in oae day. Fifteen wounded soldiers in the
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  • 190 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. UNIQUE STAGE-MANAGEMENT. A Border Plot, Washington, October 27. Tha War Office has definite information I that opponents of tha Government’s policy lin Mexico had arranged with General Villa land other bandits for a spectacular attack Jon the American border before the PresidenJ
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  • 429 7 Lauaehinf of the a.a. Rcnoaf,” The launching ceremony of the s.s. Renong, the latest addition to tho Eastern Shipping Company’s fleet, took place at the Sungei Nyok dockyard this morning. There was a fairly largo attendance. The launching was not a success, as after moving a few
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  • 26 7 (/•row i Our Own Correspondent L.ndon, October 27. The prices in the Loudon Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2/54 Diamond Smoked 2/'5£
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  • 37 7 Latest Quotations. Tm (unrefined) is quoted bore to-day at $88.40, business d me, in Singapore (refined) at $B9, business done (75 tons sold) and in London at .£lBl 5s spot and j£lB2 15s. three months’ sight.
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  • 68 7 The following articles will be f und on our outside pages Pages. 3. —Affairs in China. The Morals of the War time Stage. 4. —War Loans Trust. 5. —Communications. 8, —Singapore Municipal Budg?t. Tie Week’s Events. “Our Day” Football. 9 —Taxation of Pain. America and the Prayer Book. <>a
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  • 1398 8 Mr. Braddell’b Criticism. Od Wednesday afternoon a special meet- mg of the Municipil Commission was held to consider tb3 Estimates for 1917In introducing the Budget the Prca.dent I •tatod that the estimated expenditure wa9 14,248,519. this amount being exclusive of the miscellaneous stock and public lighting I
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  • 315 8 Saturday, October 28. Our day.” St. Simon and St. Jude. Mohammedan New Year Commences (Anno Hijro 1335.) Native Sports, Esplanade 3 p.m. Auction Sale of tte Free Gift?, Town Ha'l, 6 39 p.m. Sunday, October 29. Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. Monday, October £O. Penang Volunteers— Battalion Drill,
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  • 2209 8 ANOTHER P. O. C- VICTORY. The return football match bat ween Kedah and the P. C. C. was played on the Esplanade yesterday evening, resulting in another victory for tho Penang Crioket Club by three goals to two after a most interesting aud exciting contest. For the
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  • 125 8 Penanq, October 28. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2 4d Dj 4 months’ sight Bank g 3 m Credit 2/413, m 3 Documentary 2 127 32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Ra 3 days’ sight Private Bombay, Demand Bank (ti 17^ Moulmein, Demand Bank M 17^ 3
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 622 8 WANTED. PPLICATI0N3 will received at the A. Ilarb ur Master’s Office Penang, up to noon on the 31st October, 1916 for the appointment of 2ad Boarding Officer, Marine Department, Penang, Salary £180 per annum rising by annual increments of £10 to £230 with a duty allowance of £50 per annum
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    • 58 8 It Neter Fail*. Chiml erliin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea R-medy s all its name implies. It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adult--, &ni the most violent cases of cramp colic or in the stomach give way to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure, always
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    • 52 8 Middle-aged people are often affl cted with that dis'ressmg ailment, windy spasm?, they sejm to cut like a knife. Sufferers Ehcu'd gtt a bcttli of 6 WOODS' 6REAT PEPPERMINT CORE. The very first dose w,li bring relief and prove itsva ue. Sold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere at 80 cents
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    • 193 8 STRAKER SQUIRE CAR Colonial Model, in good order and newlj painted. Apply to X. Y. Z. 548* c/o Straits Echo. PENANG SIN POE. Chinese Daily Newspaper. IF you want to make your goods known to the Chinese advertise iu the Penang Sin Poe” whicn is the best advertising medium of
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  • 490 9 Urge number of Norwegian, Swedish, (j punish pipers hire, during the last few weeks reprinted an article wbioh seems bare originally appeared in a Stavanger jl T by a memb?r of the craw of a German .nbianne. The following passages from this article are instructive On
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  • 428 9 How was Killed. As we announced on Monday, one of the famous Sipaug man-eating* tigers has at last been destroyed. It appears that for the last three or four months varied fforts on the of several noted Malay Pawanga”to t.ap this beast have been unsuccessful. At the
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  • 486 9 Several correspondents have written to protest against the increased price of aspirin, i one of the few drugs of its kind which the general consensus of medical opinion declares to have no injurious after-effects rhe facts are simple Aspirin is a coined word for a product whose
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  • 305 9 Pronosed Alterations. Chicago, September 4. The time-honrured word obey ”in the wedding ceremony seems destined to be driven from its final stronghold. In a printed report of a commission of twenty-one composed of seven bishops, seven priests and seven laymen, suggestions for the revision of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 372 9 English Fish. Haddocks Bloaters Kippers Fish Fillets SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co.. Ltd.. PENANG. Necessity is’Jhe Mother of Invention. IRADE COAGULATEX MARK "A Boon and a Blessing" to Planters. A L^ EX “gently discovered process for coagulating rubber baa already got a firm hold of tbe market-tb.s speaks for itself. Those
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  • 977 10 An Old-Time Caftain. Asa ledger-keeper James Quill, Chief t Writer, was irreproacliably perfect, jus j accuracy could always be relied on, his figures were faultlessly neat. Coder stress of work. as. for instance, towards the end of the quarter, he was the one man who
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  • 1125 10 Rubber Industry's Abillty to Pay. At the meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya, the Chairman. Mr, W. Duncan said: "Under the heading of '•General” in the agenda there are 1 think one or two matters that may come up for discussion and it is just possible that
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 11 10 For Chronic CL eat Complaint*, Wood»’ Qieat Peppermint Cure I*. 6d
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    • 298 10 WHEN BUYING MANILA CIGARS Be careful to see that the box bears the trade mark as shewn below: LONDRES. HIGH LIFE IN THE EAST. REINA VICTORIAS. CORTADO FINO. S'** fkS' 1 ■sms'. m f:. i* m s V>- i. 4 1» Li PERLAS. PERECTOS. IMPERIALES. CORTADO DE LA REINA. THE
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  • 2236 11 Thb Qiiiux Colonics, It ia certainly true to say that when war broke out two years ago there was no idea in the minds of the British public, or even of the British governing class, of wishing to annex German territory in any quarter of the globe.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 101 11 ASK FOR IT White Port No, I. GOI.D GABEL YELLOW SEAL. White Port No. 2, SILVER LABEL RED SEAL. MEDOC CLARET *5HA0B QUALITY UNEQUALLED Obtainable at all retail stores. G. SLOT 8 Co., SOLE IMPORTERS. 2* 'V J iMM€ •r A r~* xf/l. £*»■> •-> -< 1 \A > Kvf
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    • 67 11 a child develops one of those nasty hacking coughs which the family awake at night it is annoying for them, but far more serious for the child, because cf the strain thrown on its undeveloped bodily organs. Rupture is often caused by a straining cough WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE would
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    • 491 11 A Stubborn Foe To corqner an obstinate enemy nquiie* persistency and perseverance It is the same with Rktuu.atism, the dread foe of minkind, wl ieb racks foremost in stubbornness. To eradicate it from the system, you must use the iwht w upon. Little* Oriental Balm is the only remedy that
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1628 12 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE Incorporated in England.) Mall and ,Pa»»en(Jer Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Ja»an i KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAAT8CHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.! (Incobporatid in Holland.) For Intrndrd to Sail. St ramie. tProcoeds direct to Marseilles London. •from London direct.
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