Straits Echo, 24 October 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 993 1 WlkmaID A ii i j a 2LUz ED NATUEa FOR SALK One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 191 S Model BANKS FOR SALE HUPMOBILE CABS in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS OXFORD In good running order complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full
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    • 5 1 $011)1 »11 j fp, J
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  • 875 2 A BIMA.KKA.BLB CHA.BOB OT TOKB New York, September 1. Id the summer of 1915, when tbe military situation in Europe aroused misgivings among those who sympathised with the Allies, tbe jubilation of the Huns in America went far beyond tbe limits of ordinary discretion. It manifested itself not
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  • 898 2 There is a touch of pathos which is veiy human and natural about the new book by Miss Annie Topbam, who spent tight years 1 in Germany as English governess in the Royal Family and gave her impressions very frankly in Memories of the Kaiser's f Court.” Bhe
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  • 153 2 Tk« World-spproved Rcasdy la Veno's Lightning Cough Cure Veno’s Lgbtning Cough Cure is the safest and quickest remedy ever devised for Influents colds and coughs. It does not suppress the cough by dulliog with narcotics the sense of irritation. On the contrary it enables the system
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 THE OFFICE MAN lead» a sedentary life; h‘s brain grows sluggish—so does his liver His health suffers—so does his business. PINKETTF." the tiny laxatives gently stimulate the boa els thus toning up the system and nerves which lead to sparkling good health. Do not gripe* Of chemists, 50 cents per
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    • 464 2 NEW SHIPMENT OF TENNIS RACKETS Si BALLS. Slazcsgeis Doherty Prcssers Cc rona” Davis Risley Hexagon r mr.sss N m 2 r s a D x :n x H < 1 be championship of the world has been won with a Doherty for 11 years Used by all the leading players.
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    • 37 2 Children’s Colds. Why let the children rack their little bodies in ouch a digressing manner when you can jo easily cure their colds with a E „f Cough B.iJa y For tale b> all Dispensaries and Dealer*.
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    • 441 2 PENANG TURF CLUB. NOTICE. The Annual General Meeting of tin Members of the Penang Turf Club will be held in the Cbamberof Commerce on Monday, the 30th October, 1916 at 4*30 p m. Business. 1. To confirm the Minutes of the Half Yearly General Meeting held on 11th April, 1916
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  • 284 3 Del? Sir* Editob 09 TH Straits Echo. Penang Turf Club thoroughbred gr,ffi os arrived thi« morning by the a.a. Klang The balance of eight are bemg tramed in Singapore. _7 h ,?k °i WU g w&8 the reBult o« the drawing I cj,n_; a t Xfa? DftB
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  • 374 3 Committed for Trial. The preliminary orquiry into the case I tgainst Lee Ah Lai, alias Li Ctaeong Lai, who was charged with returning to this Colony after bring banished from Selangor for the r erm of his natural life on December 18, 1911, wa3 commenced in the
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  • 72 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday tie following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Sheet from $ll5 to $125 Plain Smoked Sheet $lll to $ll2 Diamond Unsmoked Sheet $llO to $ll7 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $lO6 to $llO Scrap Ciepe s72to 85 Blanket Bark Crepe $4O Virgin Scrap
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  • 64 3 Wednesday 25th October 1916. EsPLAjra.DK, 6 to 7 p.m. 1 Selection A Runaway Girl Kappey 2 Polk* Wet Cher Crook 3 Waltz Manuelita Waldteufe' 4 Gavotte Olimpia Burns 5 Mirch Tbe Fencers Nazy The Electric Poly sops presents the first five parts of Lubm’s remarkable serial Lord Piccadilly,”
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  • 901 3 The N.Y.K, ss. Tos Maru is expected here on the 3rd proximo from Rangoon j The 8.8. Teiresias ia alongside the wharf j loading for London. She will be despatched to-morrow, The 0. S. K. liner Luton Mam, which r arrived here to-div, will leave to-morrow for Colombo and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 295 3 EMPIRE MOTOR CARS. Twelve of these new 1916 models—electric light self-starter with high tension magneto, good appearance and powerful in hill climbing— cars due to arrive by s.s. KARONGA at the beginning of November, 1916. The public wanting a good and reliable oar are now requested to book their orders
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    • 353 3 Virginia cigarettes WD €r HO Wills|K., LONDO/t T X wz% ■uimii. Ti fit. at- .ai-J»» 1 Do you know that each tin contains a coupon and that the coupons will be redeemed by the British American Tobacco Co. (Straits) Ltd., at Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore? SEND FOR AN
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  • 95 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Ho. ss. Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. flail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLI ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noi. (Echo) 583 Printing Department 543 Jf g— all ccinn»Jn>c.tion. .houW
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  • 555 4 It would seem that we were in an unduly critical mood when we wrote the Random Note on this subject which appeared in the Echo of October 10. In the interval we have been reaching over the original prospectus and the various annual reports of the company
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  • 823 4 It is, we are well aware, puerile to expect the man in the street to know anything about constitutional practioe or preoedent; but it should surely not be necessary to remind an Imperialist that the relations of the Mother-Country and the Colonies are based upon the principle of "no
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  • 565 4 We regiet to learn that Mr. A. L. M. Scott, a brother of Mrt, L. C. Brown, of Penang, died at Parit Puntar this morning. The funeral takes place in Penang to-mor-row morning at eight o’clock. It is rumoured that Mr. A. Keir, Headmaster of the Malay
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  • 154 4 [To the Editor of thb Straits Echo,']. Sir, Duriog the last few weeks, owiDg to the regrettable indisposition of Mr. Michell, the District Judge, the work of the two District Couits has been considerably disorganised Mr. Sugars had put ou him more work than he could
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  • 169 4 The rainfall for the twenty-four hours euded 9 am. to-day was 1.65 inches as registered by the gauge at Fort Cornwallis. The rainfall for the past week was Sunday 15 'O3. about 1 Hour, Monday 16 -16. 2 Hours. Tuesday 17 3,05. 9 Wednesday 18 210. 7
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  • 982 4 P. V. Bag pip* Baed. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to congratulate Pte. N. R. Allen, the leader of the Penang Volunteer Bagpipe Band, and his colleagues on the success of the band which headed and inspirited the Volunteers out for a Route March yesterday evening. It
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 136 4 G.TD. SERVICE. THE LARGEST STOCK of Drugs, Chemicals, P.t9nt Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Toilet Articles, &t., he. IN PENANC. THE George Town Dispensary, Ltd., 87a, BHACU STREET, PENANC. ANDREW USHER Co.-s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. WHISKY Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Agents for PENANG S’ PERAK. D9NL BECAUSE OF tlic Fleets’ success in
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  • 1676 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. TRANSFER OF THE TROOPS. Kim's Objections. Athens, October 23. It ia learnt on rerj reliable authority that King Constantine has expressed his readiness to consent to any measures ensuring the protection of General Sarrail’s rear, but it is pointed out that the transfer
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  • 622 5 (Reuter’s Service,) Copyright Telegram. SITUATION IN THE DOBRUDJA. Raatlaa Report. London, October 23, A Russian communique states that under the continuing pressure of the enemy the Russian and Rumanian forces are retiring in the Dobrudja. But they are stubbornly resisting. West Frostier of Moldavia. Stubborn battles continue on
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  • 37 5 Latest Quotatioa. Tin (unrefined) in quoted here to-day at $88.40, buyers no sellers, and in Singapore (refined) at $88.875, business done (100 tons sold) and in London at J6lBO spot anc. JilSl hi. three months’ sight.
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  • 41 5 Still No Ckaage. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, October 23. Prices in the London rubber market are ■till unchanged. The freight shortage is being felt particularly at present by those who grow I coconuts and deal m copra.
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  • 1029 5 A Dutuctivi’s Suspicion. A Chinaman named Tai Ah Ngan, alias Lai Naw, was this morning brought before Mr V. G. Ezechiel in the Third Court and asked to shew cau'e why he should not be bound over to be of good behaviour. D. P. C. 104 stated
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  • 1066 5 Half-tearlt Retort, We give below the report of tbe Penang i Harbour Board for the half-year ended June 30, 1916. Aa inte-esting point to not 3 is tbe gradual recovery of the Wharf revenue, though the receipts for the first half of 1916 are still only about
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  • 69 5 Tbe following articles will be found oc our outside pages:— Pages. 2. —Tbe Hyphenates. Tbe Fatherland. 3, —Penang Turf Club. Two Banisbees’ j Return. Eastern Produce Exchange Band Programme. Shipping. 6. —Mr. Asquith. Rubber and Earth-1 quakes. Our General’s Appeal. The j Week’s Events. Kaiser's Religious Acrobatics. Prince Eiilow’s
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  • 109 5 Anaual Report. (From Our Oxm Correspondent.') Singapore, October 24. The annual report of the Singapore Cold Storage Comyany shows a ntt< profit of 1134,758, A dividend of 10% is recommended, also a pavmant of $5,000 to the directors, the balance of $10,662 to be carried forward. M>*.
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  • 382 5 The first lecture in connection with the above, will be t'vn in the Free School (kindly lent by Mr. R. H. Pinborn) on the first Wednesday in November, by Dr, Liston. Our Sirgiprra correspondent wins that the total sub'criptions to “Our Day" Fund now amount to $62,544.
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  • 26 5 Obituary. Sir Jesepk Bteekta. London, October 23. Tbe death has taken place at tbe age of 68 of St Joseph Beecham, the well-known manufacturer and philanthropist.
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  • 1081 6 If every British subject give* according to his means the Fund will do splendidly.’ Singapore has never been more prosperous than to-day. These words of H H. General Bidoubt rhould make the large number of prosperous people, who have yet done little in comparison to thdr means,
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  • 708 6 COMPLSTB CoWMDBNC* IN HIS Leadership The Spectator of msil week publishes an impression of Mr. Asquitb, in whose ability to hold the Grand Alliance together and bring the country jafely and victoriously i through the war it has complete confidence. Though it has been —and probably will be
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  • 225 6 The earthquake in Java, with its damage, fortunately 6m ill, to soma of tho buildings on the Telogoredjj estate, is a plain bint (says a London paper) to tho buyer of rubber shares of the risks which he runs in putting money into auy industry carried on
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  • 1129 6 The German protests of innocence are so loud and so inoes3ant that if we aie to prevent them from affecting opinion by mere repetition we must take every opportunity of going back to the sources and origins of the w»r. For that reason we have devoted a
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  • 306 6 ALLURING STORIES FOR SPAIN. CONVBRTBD TO ROMI.” Paris, September 20. The Figaro once a/-*iu exposes the religious acrobacy of the German Emperor,” which, it says, is as repugnant to unbelievers as the most devoted of Christians. Germany is just now miking much in Spain of a pretended
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  • 216 6 Tuesday, October 24. Penang Volunteers—Battalion Drill, Race Course 5,15 p.m. Recruit Drill, Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis, 5.15 p.m. A.C.S. Union Display, Empire Theatre, Municipal Commission, Wednesday, October 25. Penang Volunteers—Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5.80 p.m. P. A. M. Meeting, Ipoh. St. Crispin. The Straits Sumatra Syndicate Ltd,
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  • 311 6 Mr. A. W. B. Hamilton writes t—"Mr. Parrett bas kindly presented all the cups and saucers lent by bun for tea at the Bazaar to be sdld at tbe auction in aid of the fnnd. Mr. Tan Cbye San has given a very fine statuette,
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  • 46 6 Tennis Tournament. The following tie has been fixed for to-morrow:— Single Handicap A. A V Perrin v». R N Byatt (Final). Bowls Tournambnt. The following tie has been fixed for Thursday, the 26th inst.:— Double Handicap Harries and Threlfall VB. Houston and Houston
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 441 6 “OUR DAY.” UUICH OF iI. REIOIO." The "KiNOifa” will be launched AT SUNOEI NYOH OH SATURDAY, 28th OCTOBER, 1916, AT 12.30 P.M, PROMPT, All persons wishing to attend can do so by buying $2 a<l mis won ticket», the proceeds of which will be given to “Our I)*y Fund. Ticket
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    • 45 6 Chimberlaii’s Paia Bala; There is nothin? go trood for muscular rheumat stn, sprains, lameness, cramps of the musclfg. bruises and like injuries as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It will effect a cure in lets time thanany other treatment. For sa e by ail Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 81 6 One test of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE would prove to you its solid worth as a preventive medicine that should be in every family medicine ehest. Sold all over the world its popularity is increasing every year, and as you will know it is not possible to keep sell ng
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    • 56 6 It Never Faiii. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ramedy is all its Damo It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adu.t?, and the most violent cases of cramp colic or pain in the stomach give wav to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, 7 always cures, and
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    • 209 6 3NT OTICE. THE Resident Councillor will be At Home at the Residency on Wednesday, 25th October, from 5 p.m. Tennis. Red Cress Badges will be on sale. 515 WANTED. TWO EXPERIENCED OPERATORS to take charge of large drag line excavators in connection with Irrigation Works now under construction in Siam.
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  • 931 7 A Giant's Auowa. Altar the return of peace children will be no longer spoken of m "encumbranoes.” We shall at least hare learned thia leaaon from the hot breath of deatrnotion which haa awept away ao many of our beat and brareat: that the young children
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  • 901 7 NIGHT LIFE IN PICCADILLY. 1 Bishop op London's Denunciation. l Mats Hawks." Men for Whom Shooting is too Good. The Bishop of London preached from the open-air pulpit at St James'a, Piccadilly, to-day, on The Moral Change Required in London” says the Pall Hall Qaoelto of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 710 7 CHEESE. ENGLISH CHEDDAR STILTON AUSTRALIAN CHEDDAR SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co.. Ltd.. penan u > ‘.1 41 W M 1 i f '•V' <4 r7 X V J 88 £8 Ycl in the game—Sargol makes Puny, Peevish People Plump and Popular. SARGOL, the concm'rated Lol (hit puts on good, healthy fl
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    • 569 7 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 1133 9 BOARDING SCHOOL MORIBUNDHOME LIFE VITAL. Oue Primary System the Best. By Oscar Browning. [No one write* with more authority on the education guest ion than Mr. Browning. Not onl y ha* he had practical experience of both elcmtn'ary aad secondary education in all its phases
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  • 768 9 i NEED OF EDUCATION. 3 Anolo-Russian Friendship. i Petrog rad. When the war ends,” w ites M. MenI shiktff, ia the Nevoe Vremya our economic position will b 3 immeasurably worse thaD before the war. Our fcr-ign deb's will occupy from one-half to one-third of our Budget. Our
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  • 138 9 To conquer an obstinate enemy require* persistency and perseverance. It is the same with Rheumatism, the dread foe of mankind, which ranks foremost in stubbornness. To eradicate it from tho system, you must use the light weapon. Little’s Oriental Balm is the only remedy that can overpower
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 273 9 ASK FOR IT White Port No. I. GOLD LABEL YELLOW SEAL. fr'-M m MEDOC CLARET White Port No. 2, SILVER LABEL RED SEAL. k <v. t 'Hue l na. QUALITY UNEQUALLED Obtainable at all retail stores. G. H. i SOLE IMPORTERS. GRANT'S 1 .c? Hfi I m 9cR 5« ✓R
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    • 103 9 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child hag a cold. The cold preparfs the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the ne ghbourhood children that have colds should be kept at home and
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    • 60 9 Sunshine and Common S ns?. Don’t doctor jour blood for rh-umitism U90 an external application of Chamberlain’» Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you up and out into the sunshine, then nature will restore the rich red blood to your veins and soon rid tha system of
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    • 376 9 THE BODEGA. CLAIMS YOUR FATRONAGE ON THE GROUNDS OF Purity of its Drinks Excellence of its Cuisine Promptness in Service Moderation in Charges Scrupulous Cleanliness AND British Supervision. Banquets and other Catering Undertaken. Telephone 553. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the books containing the Annual Valuation of and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1730 10 P. o. I. AND APCAR LINE (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) Mall and .Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SEBVICE. A tProceeds direct to Marseilles <fc London. from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily suspended.) Wireless Telegrapky fitted ea all Steamers. NOTICE.—All cabins are fitted with Electric Fans free of
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