Straits Echo, 20 October 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1108 1 MAI L 52 m 1!Sd mum FOR SALK One new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUPMOBILE CABS in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS OXFORD In good running order, complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage
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    • 14 1 m ■5 *you 33> »0* m iV IV Qj ||0 rKOUHVM))KU JHHW s 3l
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  • 1076 2 Tai IIWVSTBUX Peoblbh. Tbe industrial problems which will arise after tbe war are beginning to reoeive serious attention at Hem?, and tbe Mail papers contain moro than one contribution to a discuss ou which is bound to increase in importance. Mr. Gosling, the President of tbe Trades
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  • 810 2 Tn Gutu ihb Olobim ow Gallipoli. “Gallipoli” By Jokm Masefield. (London; William Heinemann.) 2s. 6d. That the world can forget Gallipoli when it forgets Marathon or Agincourt; that the records and the imagination of chivalry were alike outstripped on the beaches of Cape Hellos; and that the
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  • 196 2 No mother should allow nervous weakness to get the upper hand of her j if she does, worry will mar her work in the home, and torment her in body and mind. Day after day sprat amid the same surroundings is enough to oause fretfuloess and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 459 2 NEW SHIPMENT OF TENNIS RACKETS BALLS. Slazesgers Doherty 1 he championship of the world has been won with a Doherty for 11 years Used by all the leading players. Central strung Black Gut, weights 13, 13*. 14, 14*. $16- 50. C/5 r > N PI Z a f*) v (/>
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    • 98 2 iiphtkcria—Hov It May It AfoiM. chS P hM e a ft^ld ’“The To!? 0 Wb6n the child’, system for the receptlon^aScTdeve 1 6 cpment of the diphtheria germ. When <¥s 0f dJ Pbtheria in the J2h! bourbood children that hare cold, should be *ept at home and off the street
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    • 379 2 Knife-like Pains. The sharp, shooting pains, the intense agony of 8ciatics, often make death preferable to life. The fiery darts that run from hip to heel, the sleepless nights, the cheerless days—why not stop all this and get back to health and comfort again P Little's Oriental Balm is the
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  • 614 3 f ANOTHER SUGGESTION. 1 What About Exchan«bP > Exchange” writes to the Malay Mail 1 > 1. Toe greater tbe real.zed wealth of tbis country, the larger ihe revenue which can be r»i*ed without additional taxation P 2. Tbe trade return* for 1915 shew that the value of
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  • 166 3 The proc3e<jB of the above, obtained oa the 4th and sth October for the benefit of the National Institute for the Blind, were as follows Sale of Pictures by Mrs. Macintyre 90.C0 Mrs. Aid worth ***** J. Brown 35 80 Le Fevre 18.00 Hamerton 30.00 <Bilfour
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  • 38 3 Friday, October <O 1916, Esplanadr 6 to 7 p.m. 1 Selection The Belle of New York Kerker 2 Quadrille The Gondoliers Buralosti 3 Waltz La Fascination Pecorini 4 Polka Honeymoon Thierre 5 March City Sighta Csibulkaj
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  • 796 3 UTCW CONTRIBUTION. The Honorary Treasurer gratefully acknowledges having received per Mr. Van dar Woude and Mr. Van Voltenhoven a I cheque for $1,775 with tbe request to accept i same on behalf of “Oar Day" Fund as constituting the total amount of contribnr tioa from Dutch Firms”
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  • 55 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Diamond Smoked Sheet from $ll5 to $122 Diamond Unsmoked Sheet $lO6 to $ll7 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $lO7 Brown Crepe $92 Scrap Ciepe s76to 90 Pressed Scrap $4O Loose Scrap s46to 71 15.879 lb. were sold
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 169 3 REID’S RED-ROC MINERAL WATER. Superior to any other Mineral Water on the Market. Red-Roc Water and Dry Ginger Ale. Obtainable at Pritchard Co., Ltd. and Tong Joo’s SOLE AGENTS: R. T. REID CO. o > < h i n w a H H «1 UJ C/3 LU cu U-J c/3
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    • 328 3 f--o Virginia i cigarettes V/D HO.Wills Bristol 4 LondonWZ% a S-JIIU Do you know that each tin contains a coupon and that the coupons will be redeem ed by the British American Tobacco Co. (Straits) Ltd., at Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore? SEND FOR AN ILLUSTRATED LIST OF PRESENTS.
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) at th> CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Pbics. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 If.B.— All buainesa commurvcations should bs
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  • 42 4 Watson-Lindsat —On the 19th October, at St. Andrew’s Church, Penang, by the Rev. Donald J. Ross, William Harold Watson, second son of William Watson, of Boddin, Montrose, to Anne MacLaren, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay, of Montrose, Scotland.
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  • 1302 4 Critics sometimes complain that neither the British Government nor the British public understands the nature of war. Herein they are eften contrastel to their d s id vantage with the German people, who have been schooled in the doctrine of Clausewitz and subdued to a p3rfect discipline by their
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  • 814 4 Dr. Chen Chin-tao has again requested the President and the Premier to relieve him of the office of Acting Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, which he holds in addition to the Ministry of Finance. The Peking Gazette vehemently demands the dismissal of Hsu Shu-cbeng, Chief Secretary of
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  • 76 4 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $87.75, business done, and in London at j 6179 10s. spot and .£lBO ss. three months’ sight. A. special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange gives the following quotations yesterday:— Pale Crepe t/41 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/4 Market
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  • 972 4 Tke Dutekmea's Gift. Congratulations and thanks to the Dutch* men of Penang who, like their fellow, oountrymen in Singapore, have raised a handsome sum of money and forwarded it to the Honorary Secretary of Our Day Fund. We have long known towardi which side the neutrality of our
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 161 4 If you are Out for value we are In to give it. r* mn E lwood’a Tropical Helmet, •uperior q« a it j. Price $7. N«w Style of Gent’s Soft Terai Hats, colours, grey, fawn or steel. Price $5-50. Child's White Topee, all siz9i Child’s bite Silk in stock. Price
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  • 471 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram ADMIRAL rOURNET’3 ANNOUNCEMENT. Coilltion »1 Alktti. Athena, October 18. Admiral Fournet has informed the Major of the Piraeus and the Chief of Police at Athens that the Allied detachments;were landed to ensure order in consequence of erents on the parade ground where the
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  • 182 5 On Wednesday next, the 25th instant, the above combination will give their only e'rformanoe in Penang, at the Runnymede otel, at 9 p m., when 60% of the proceeds will go to the Our Day fund. The Melbournes are well-known throughout the East for their efforts
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  • 633 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. NEW OFFENSIVE. Ruiiti Help, London, October 19. The Rumanian news is regarded as showing that a new and vigorous offensive has been begun with the timely help of Russia Compared with the subdued tone of the Austrian and German communiques which describe the situation
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  • 345 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. PREMIER'S SPEECH. Sympatketlc Altiitiot ProaiMl. London, October 18. In the House of Commons, during the Irish debate, Mr. H. H. Asquith promised very sympathetic attention to Mr. Redmond’s suggestions in filling up the gaps in the Irish division with Irishmen. He admitted regrettable
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  • 428 5 Watson—Lindsat. A wedding of great interest to planters in Province Wellesley was solemnised at St. Andrew’s Church, Northam Road, yesterday afternoon when lir. William Harold WatsoD, of Byram Estate, second son of Mr. William Watson of Boddin, Montrose, was joined in marriage to Miss Anne MaoLaren Lindsay, eldest
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  • 940 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ENEMY COMMUNICATIONS BOMBED. Railway Stock Damaged. London, October 19, 1.5 a.m. General Haig, in a communique, states The morning's attack extended from the front north of Gaendecourt towards Butte* de-Warlen court. A hundred and fifty have so far been made prisoners. Yesterday aircraft carried
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  • 595 5 (Reuter's Service). Copyright Telegram. War ia Ike Air. Londop, October 19. The French official communique aa ja: M The enemy aeroplanes were brought down on tie Somme. One of our aviators was attacked by three Fokkers. He brought down one of his opponents and drove off the others.”
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  • 137 5 The following were the results of the 3 oond day’s racing. 1. —First Pony Grifin Handicap. Orion 8 5 1 2.—Thi Up-Country Starrs. The Earl 8. 7 1 Michael Graham 7.10 2 Drown Comet 8. 7 3 3—Thi Grand Stand Platp, Loaddeer 10. 2 1 Quiker Girl 7.12
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  • 415 5 S»ys Thursday’s T O M. Very keen regrjt and sorrow will be aroused by the news of the death this morning at Kuala Kaogsar of Her Highness Raja Che Sapiab, the Raja Pdrmeisuri, wife of HH. thi Sultan. The Raja Permeisuri. was about 45 yea's of
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  • 182 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages s Pages. 2. —A Deathless Army. After the War. 3. —War Taxation. Oar Day Fund. Etstern Produo Exchange. The Penang Impressionists Exhibition. t;. —War Jonrnals. P.atforra Tickets, American Activity in Mabya. Police Court Casas. The Week’s Events. 7. —An
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  • 120 6 Pbnano, October 20, (i?y courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) Loudon, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 Credit 2/413/16 3 Documentary 2/427/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1734 3 days' sight Private 175}
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  • 1111 6 A European resident of Kuala Lumpur went down to the Bailway Station early on Monday morning to meet a friend arriving by the special train which brought the M.8.V.8. contingent back from Singapore. He was refused admission to the platform and, on inquiring the reason, was informed that
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  • 1015 6 Two Ttpbs. Two war journals of two very different kinds lie before us, says the Times. One is French and unlike the Matthew Arnold in Mr. Max Bierbobm’s cartoon, it is almost wholly serious. The other is English, and it is so seldom serious that its lapses into
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  • 980 6 Cruelty to Animal. A Tamil tamed Appasamy appeared before Mr. V. G. Eseebiel in the Third Court this morning charged with working a bullock while in an unfit state. On the accused pleading guilty Mr. Sundrum, Municipal Veterinary Surgeon, state! that the animal was sufifating from an
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  • 1308 6 In view of the interests since created and of the numerous rumours that are rife, it is t a pity that the discussion at the last meet- ing of the Planters’ Association of Malaya l should have Jed those interested into nothing more nor less than
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  • 235 6 Friday, October 20. Jewish Holiday (Rejoicing of the Law.) Free School Entertainment in aid of Our Day fund, Town Hal), 5 p.m. The Melbourne Gomady Company Special Concert Runnymede Hotel 9 p.m. Half of proceeds to go to Our Day Fund. Saturday, October 21, Singapore Races. Centecary
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  • 183 6 PINJUfO, OCTOBKR 20. s Tapioca »8.30 tale. > «.7S «ales, j Gold leaf i t 64.40 r PfPP’f (W.Coaet 3 lb. soz'j!*l6 1/a borers. 1 h l^ epper 25.00 buyers I White Pepper 38 00 seller.. i r Pe PP« r no stock. i J} 10 «10 nom. M»«>
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 257 6 NOTICE rpilE Resident Councillor will be At Horae JL at the Residency on Wednesday, 25tb October, from 5 p.m. Tennis. lied CrcH'i Badges will be on sale. 515 vii/ANTED. rpVVO EXPERIENCED OPERATORS X to take charge of large drag line excavators in connection with Irrigation Works now under construction in
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  • 2110 7 Tn Niw Map. Of all the belligerent* Great Britain i* the least directly concerned about the change* which war will make on the map of Europe. Baring ourselves no territorial interest* or ambition* we can approach the subject in a* genuinely disinterested a spirit a* could the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 80 7 ASK FOR IT White Port No, I. GOLD LABEL YELLOW SEAL. IM White Port No. 2. SILVER LABEL RED SEAL. MEDOC CLARET S QUALITY UNEQUALLED Obtainable at all retail stores. C. H. SLOT Co., SOLE IMPORTERS. LIQUID FUEL FOR Diesel and Semi-Diesel Engines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, etc. KEROSENE FOR KEROSENE
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    • 10 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cere Is. 6d.
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    • 578 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the books containing the Annual Valuation of and rates imposed on all buildings and lands situated within the Municipality of George Town, Penang, for the year 1917 are open to the inspection of Ratepayers at the Municipal Office daily on week days between
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 34 8 DRINK •V. RECOGM m% T7 THE W 5W? i-t 1 1 ON THE E»T 39^ BRAND ET. SOLE AGENTS: KA E£i l-aS f*% jJ %f B y (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) LTD., PENANG.
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  • 504 9 "Slackers in India. rvi.rfl mmt be rery few able-bodied 1 J»n« now In India/’ write* oar Lahore Europe “who are not member* of c(,Qt#m corps or other.” Never sbout must be There are dozens in C o°r t pOr r 7 V* 0 11 h .T" ago the volunteers of
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  • 475 9 There have been many collections of legal stories pub'ished, and another was recently added to tho list. It i* entitled The Majesty of the Law” and although many of the anecdotes are well known, the book provide* good reading. A few extract* may to of interest. A declamatory
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  • 391 9 The action taken by a group of prominent Dutchmen in drawing up a formal protect against German designs upon the independence of Belgium ie significant of the growing readmes* of neatral« to express themselves frankly upon the moral aspects of the war. These Dutch citizens—magistrates, lawyers, doctors,
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  • 396 9 There are some little incident* about the mascots in the big naval battle which are worth giving. The mascot r n the Tiger was a bulldog. He is a fine fellow. When getting into the battle, the crew were a bit concerned as to how their favourite would
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 612 9 Penang Sales Room. The undersigns 1 is instructs 1 to sell bj PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable Household Furniture COMPRISING Single and Double iron bedsteids, marble top washstands, Dressing tables, mirror front wardrobes, Dining table, chairs, couches, Book Case, Cent’s Cycle, Glas*, crockery and E. P, ware, Carden implements, cooking utensils, etc.,
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    • 66 9 MAN do you know the danger of neglecting a chill? Chills lead to pneumonia and a score of other dangerous disorders. B > piudent, and at the first sign of a chill t ike a dose or two of WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. the med’cine that should never be absent
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1849 10 P. O.—B. I. AND APGAR LINE (Incoeporatid in England.) Mail and Servicea. p KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland.) Fob Intbndbd to Sail. Stbambb PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan 21st October 4th November Langsa, Telok Semawe, Segli, Olehleh, Sabang,
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