Straits Echo, 18 October 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1007 1 ft m iM' for sale Oi.e new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUPMOBILE CABS in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order, complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road.
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    • 9 1 l 5 yftCfl THt US’ •I V»« u esa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 1503 3 At the psychological moment, when the outstanding topic in the Federated Malay States is a suggested war super-tax on rubber and tin, as a means of raising revenue for diversion to the Imperial Exchequer as a freewill offering from this Protectorate to assist in the prosecution
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  • 557 3 Opium, its sale and cultivation, fills a large place in the minds of a few enthusiastic p*tiiots iu China to-day. They are anxious that the drug should be banished from the cjuatry, but are at a loss to understand how to root out the evil seeing how
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 174 3 THE BEST THE BREWERS BREW. A S A H I in SENE R BEER .>£/•'-NO PRIZES *i rlT "5H EXMIGITKI* .I»? “ACIDIC EaHIWT.OW*> A > VuX! VK'Jfl !l >< i. pTt.-fviir' pii E&gte;:;.* 1 *S ,1 v vf 2 1 P; 3 1-^ w V£«S V,o '.O 1 dll' 4jS
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    • 10 3 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Care Is. 6d,
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    • 659 3 The Eastern Produce Exchange 27, Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000 Auctioneers and Brokers The Seventy-fifth Auction Sale WILL BE HELD On Thursday, the 19th October, 1916. Salta or Purchases negotiated bv Private Treaty or by Public'jjAuction uniting Sellers aul Purchasers TO
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  • 1206 4 We have been solemnly told by the Hon. C. W. Darbishire that this Colony has done much more than any other colony in the Dependency, and that it was wanton rashness to think of doing more in view of our financial position. The best
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  • 508 4 Sir E Shackliton’s Mix's Stort. When was the war over That was the first question asked by the members of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s expedii tion who had been marooned on Elephant Island, when the leader of the expedition at length effected the rescue They had heard
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  • 51 4 S.°r T WvTT F TH StraUt Kme..] i„ stjLs industry in the F.M S B tqf that already have the M 1° n B their labour with al 9 a S P>T* r g for a 2s. 41. do-llr IrJurs e^ 1 IDBt6ad of Singapore, October 14,
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  • 166 4 Though an at tick of Malaria last* but a short usually causes after-suffering and misery out of all proportion to its importance. The reason is this. When the acute stipe of the fever has passed there often remains a neurasthenia that persists for months if not
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 578 4 THE SIGN of SATISFACTION. ENGlAftft FOR O £2 «EX <// C!U THE “REX” BRAND. IITEAWAY LAIDLAW& w We bare some particular customere who desire a strong and sturdy boot which will stand up, and hold its shape in everyday wear, and jet is an extremely soft and easy wearing boot.
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    • 61 4 I* N«rer Faili, C;,lic Cko'e™ and Diar. rhoea Bemedr i. «II iti name “J. cures diarrhoea and djraenterr in either children or adults, and the most riolent «,e. of cramp colic or pain in the alomach oWe wa. to a tew dose, of thi. medicine Sate always cures. For sale
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    • 70 4 “1“ t he f thi *lwa 7 moit dangers, ‘j"** Wor kidney. ,re «fr„,i U e tb •itber out of or/er a direaf^^o'nfl >“ d W th bo set up. condition may WOODS’ «MAT nmniNT COM the finest corrective of a v-n one can take. A dose or V hlll
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    • 557 4 WHOOPINQ COUGH ••d Babies' Broaekitis Cured ky Veno's Lightning Cough Cure No cough sufferer old or young can taka ▼eno’s Lightning Cough Cure without becefit. Iu wbcoping cough its quick, mre relief is truly startling. Mothers who do not know Veno’s often think that whooping cough must go on until
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  • 878 5 The K. P. M. 8.8, Koemai will leave tc-morrow for Belaw&n Deli. The 8.9. Oanja, which has left Darban, is due here on the 22nd iustant outward bound. The 8.9. Malacca, which arrived here yesterday fromTongkab, brought 1,129 bags of tin ore. The ss. Cyclops, having loft Durban on
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  • 266 5 The eighth annual general meeting of the members of ths Penang Volunteer Rifla Club will be held at tbe P. V. Drill Hall oo Thursday, November 2, at 5.30 p m. In tbe agenda for tbe meeting will be included, (1) 2nd Lt. C. D. D-
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  • 241 5 Puteb, P. C. 139, was this morning charged before Mr. V. G. Ezecbiel in the Third Court with leaving his post while on quarantine duty at Armenian Street and sleeping while on duty m tbe Ist instant. Hamat, P, C. 171, stated that on the day in
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  • 183 5 The hearing was resumed this morning before Mr. J. C. Sugars of tbe case against Fernands, Assistant and Book-Keeper of Messrs. Ismail and Raheom who was charged with criminal breach of trust as a servant of a gold watch which was entrusted to the forwepairs. The accused
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  • 53 5 The followirg are tbe exports of Penang for the first half of October: To United Kingdom Tons. 1.^40 Pepper (Black) 40 (White) Tapioca (Pearl) 315 Copra 325 Rubber 910 To U. S. America. Tin 155 Tapioca (Pearl) 150 Rubber Copra 50 To Continent or Europe. Tin 50
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  • 63 5 Tennis Tournament. The following tie has been fixed for Thursday, the 19th inst.: Single Handicap A. A W Harries vs. A V Perrin The correspondent of the Hamburger Nachnekten asserts that when Marshal von Hitdeoburg visited tbe Western front the French spectators were astonished at his 'uth
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 240 5 I /O Virginia cigarettes b RISTOL LONDON m (TCT ffk&sS! TO Do you know thav each tin contains a coupon and that the coupons will be redeemed by the British American Tobacco Co. (Straits) Ltd., at Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore? SEND FOR AN ILLUSTRATED LIST OF PRESENTS. COMING
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  • 94 6 Published daily (except Sunday» and public holidays) at th* CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Tenang. Peic*. Daily Local 524 per annum. Outetation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 517.50 CABLE address ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone No*. (Echo) 58 3 Printing Department 545 ff,B_ —All busineM should !>•
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  • 1382 6 On July 30, 1913, a Memorandum on Public Opinion in Germany was handel to Mr. Stephen Pichon, French Minister for Foreign Afftira. It contained the two following passages: Others, again, want war from a mystic hatred of revolutionary France.” In addition, doctrinaire manufacturers declare that
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  • 62 6 Latest Quotations i r nr fined quoted here to-day at 587.25. business done, in Singapore (refined) at 587.25, buyers no sellers, and in London at £l7B spot and £l7B 10s three months’ eight. Messrs. Boustoad Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on
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  • 29 6 C From Our Orni Vorre*prj7idc/i‘.) m. London. October 17. 1 he prices at the London Rubber Market to-day were Pale Crepe 2 4' Diamond Smoked oia*
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  • 863 6 Mr. acd Mr.. Ouj C. Clarke bare gone to Singapore for the races. Mr. M. B. Shelley has assumed duties a* Registrar of the Ipoh Courts, relieving Mr. J. Rigby. Mr F H. Sperling, of Matang, who has j been on a short visit to Australia, returned
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  • 972 6 The BrHlsk Ford. An advertisement in a Bulawayo new», paper states that the South African Government has bought 100 Ford cars for the campaign in German East Africs, If jj is a fact, it is one to be sincerely deplored the S. A. Defence Department has set mi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 186 6 If you arc Out for value we are In to jive it. r m -V ,TK lwocd’s Tropical Heine 4 superior quality. Pric* $7. «yi New Style of Gent’s Soft Terai Hats, colours, grey, fawn or steel. Price $5-50. Child's Wuite Topee, all siz)s Childs White Silk id stock. Price
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  • 794 7 Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. from flers to morval. A Mot* Forward. London, October 16. Reuter’s correspondent with the British Headquarters says i We advanced on Thursday on the front piers to Morval and retain several new positions. We fell back from others sometimes as far as but never
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  • 665 7 (Reuter's Service). Copyright Telegram. Isterestiag FiguresLondon, October 17. In the House of Lords, Lord Darby said that pending the decision of the Government regarding recruiting in Ireland, he will make an appeal for voluntary recruiting. The numbers who joined between April 24 and October 12 were
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  • 537 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Tks Traasylvaalaa Frost. LondoD, Octooor 16. A Rumanian communique shews that vigorous fighting took pi ice on the Transylvanian front, especially at Rucar wheie the Rumanians maintained their positions. It says that we repnlsed the attacks on the Oituz and Buzen Valleys and at
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  • 291 7 [To thi Editor of the Times ef Malaya.] Sir, —There are rumours emanating from various sources regarding what appears to be a tentative effort on the part of some American rubber manufacturers to obtain control of the plantation rubber output of Malaya. It is said that 27
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  • 931 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Retell' Bol4 Move. Amsterdam, October 16, The correspondent of the Telegraof at Weltevreden, in a wire, states that two thousand rebels for two hou’-s attacked Soerlangeoo, north-weit of Moor* Roapist Sumatra, also the Government buildings at Mcera Roepit which, however, are undamaged.
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  • 1024 7 Excerpt from the Minutes of a Mooting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, held in I the Chamber on Tuesday, 10th October,' 1916 Present: —Hon. J. Mitcholl (Chairman), A. F. Goodrich Esq., (Vice-Chairman), W. G. Peter Esq.. J C. Benson E q, A. W. Blackstone E-q, F.
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  • 567 7 First Day's Rssalts. (From Our (hen Correspondent.') Singapore October 18 The wjather was splend d atd tbe attendance good on the opening day of the Autumn Meeting. The Hon, Mr, F.8. James. Colonial Secretary, other prominent people, and rniny visitors from Penang and tbe F.M.S. were present. We
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  • 101 7 Tbe following articles will be found 01 our outside pages Pages. 3. —War Taxation and Tin. Opium in China. 4. —Colony’s Share in the Great War. Life on Elephant Island. F. M. S. War Taxation. 5. —Shipping. P. V. R, C. Asleep on Duty. Ptntng Cricket Clnb. Exports of
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  • 967 8 8 true that the Rumanians are not I worthy to stand up as our judges and critics; I for they are, as regards their leading classes, a hollow people. But it is precisely their lack of character which makes them a mirror of the picture of things
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  • 965 8 t remain all sorts of eventualities capa able of producing serious danger. A i hard pressed and desperate Germany might even involve unexpected perils, in the t opinion of some observers. A German retreat in the West, under the continual sledgehammer blows of the Allies, may
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  • 321 8 Tc-morrov (rays ths Bangkok Timet of 1 October 7) the Southern Line will be open to traffic between Bangkok and tbe ports of j Trang and Smgors. That means the practical coapletion cf a big step foiward i in tbe devekpmeot of tbis country. Atteni tion has
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  • 595 8 Th3 Hamburger Nachrichten publishei r a long letter from a grieved citizen who went out to ses whether, after two years of 1 rftflra HitU^ Ur as become German, and after a walk along the Steindamm came to L h don« C US1 n that il i8
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  • 969 8 bince 1874 Echegaray had turned FI m3 talents to play-wntiDg. As le avowed his conviction that he could do I anything if ha tried, and that any man Jean write poetry who “knows a little grammar, has some imagination, and a tolerab'e car for music,”
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  • 322 8 Work was commenced on this railway south of Petchaburi. in August, 1909, though it was not fully in hand until the middle of 1910. With the opening of the regular service to Traog and Singora tomorrow, the total length of line now under traffic is 1,082 kilometres,
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  • 129 8 I Pbnano, October 18. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 Credit 2/413/16 3 Documentary 2/4 27/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Ra. J 74 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1731 v 3
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 437 8 Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Savi. r.p.c. WANTED. TWO EXPERIENCED OPERATORS to take charge of largo drag lioe exoarators in connection with Irrigation Work* now under construction in Siam. Application» accompanied by copiea of recent teatimoniala should be addressed to the Director General Royal Irrigation Department, Bangkok, Siam, stating age,
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    • 21 8 Chamberlain’s Pain Bata. ihcm.LV,pub* Umeww «LToah’ lets time tbananv ntK« r t 1 efiect a cu re in .11 F «H
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    • 176 8 the in ['he ted hia an El ito :ed ler \ia re ut is notice. THE Resident Councillor will bo At Home OCobe a r. from 5 p e m? y Wed 2 *‘<- Tennis. Red Cross Bidges will be on sale. 515 EUROPEAN AGENCY. KSs 5 kt“« Scludin°g nt,3h
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  • 505 9 An English officer billeted in France clow to the firing line writes to his parents concerning his landlady, and the following extracts from his letter are quoted from the Daily JZrprctt: "There is a terrible old woman in this billet who unfortunately sometime ago got a
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  • 420 9 [To thk Editor or thr Straits Timssl Sir,—ln your issue of October 12 I was much struck by one passage in the case against Messrs. Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co The passage reads as follows Tfce Monopolies Department haa alwava given Mr Stevens credit for being an honest and
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  • 557 9 Per P, and O. steamer Mongolia, From London Bept. 15.—T0 Singapore Mr. Garratt, Mr, and Mra. Stennitt, Mr. Agge, Miss Atkinson, Mus Wood, Mr. Margnett, Mr. G. N. Reed. Mr F. Bjyc°, Maj >r G.F. Schreiber, Mr. J Haidoo Hall, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Cornell, Mrs. Hophin.
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  • 464 9 Curious Comments iiv Cologne Journal. Discussing an article in the Kolnitckt Voikssextung criticising the patience of the neutrals in the face of the attempts made by the Allies to turn them into tools for their blcckade policy,” the Nisuwe Couranl says This criticism in itself would not
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 601 9 GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH AUCTION SALE OF VILLAGE LOTS AT BEDONG. TWENTY-SIX village lots at Bedong will b) put up for Auction Stle at Btdong commencing at 10 a m on Saturday, the 21st October, 1916, at an upset price of $25/p*r lot. It will be one of the conditions of
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    • 11 9 Tor Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Orpat. Peppermint Curo l«6d.
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  • 1202 10 1 UBLIC REPRESENTATION. A System Outlined. Contributed There are a certain numbor of people who, whilst admitting the practical difficulties aud the political inadvisability of imposing an income tax in the F.M.S, at the present time, atill believe that this is the only absolutely fair tax which can
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  • 665 10 The End of a Chapter.” By Shane Letdie. (Loudon: Constable and Co.) ss. net. We may welcome Mr. Leslie’s book as a protest against the stodginess of most autobiography. Feople who are old enough to write memoirs,” he observes in his first sentence, have usually lost their
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 105 10 Diphtheria—Hew It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the cji d has a cold. The cold prepays the child 8 system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When thsre are cases of diphtheria in the ne:gbbourhoed children that have colds should be kept at home
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  • 2249 11 Anatole France A Dialogue. Prowling round tbe rcom during one of those pauses in ta k which the w:ia conTerser is in no harry to bring to an end, I notioed on my new friend’s shelves a long row of Franch books, some bound, some backless, some new. Half of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 179 11 ASK FOR IT White Port No. I. GOLD LABEL YELLOW SEAL. White Port No. 2, SILVER LABEL RED SEAL. MEDOC CLARET i t r.Jp: tv» 31 S: »«A#l QUALITY UNEQUALLED Obtainable at all retail stores. C. H. SLOT 8 Co., SOLE IMPORTERS LIQUID FUEL FOR Diesel and Semi-Diesel Engines, Smelting
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    • 579 11 Knife-like Pains. The sharp, shooting puus, the intense agony of Sciatica, often make death preferab'e to life. The fiery darts that run from hip to heel, the sleepless nights, the cheerless days—why not stop all this and get back to health and comfort sgain Little's Oriental Balm is the host
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1695 12 P. O—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England.) Mail and Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINCS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan) tProceeds direct to Marseilles A London. •from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily suspended.) Wireless Telefrapky fitted oa all Steamers. i-JOTICE.—All cabins are
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