Straits Echo, 14 October 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1036 1 ILHLMAIJ) aL.I It S SIZED NATUM FOR SALE Ooe new 1916 and 2 second-hand 1913 Model HUFMOBILE CABS in good running condition. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS OXFORD In good running order, complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage
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    • 17 1 V MlfcK WAtr,'SO*** >, 5 sNat Jk'„ i l*' i M» «L2?<ic TiOma f jfer *3ar tMMI era
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 3676 3 A NEUTRAL’S REPORT. A**rieu Jovrtillil'i Views, The Battle of Jutland, (From the “beta York WorldV). Base Port, Grand Fleet. August 8 (delayed by censor). On board a destroyer travelling better than twenty knots, I have just spent a morning passing up and down lines upon lines of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 392 3 EMPIRE MOTOR CARS. Twelve of these new 1916 models—electric light self-starter with high tension magneto, good appearance and powerful in hill climbing—cars due to arrive by s.s. KARONGA about 20th October, 1916. The public wanting a good and reliable car are now requested to book their orders as several of
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    • 673 3 YOU MAY REST ASSURED that B«*cham's Pills will b« of great service to you if your stomach is out of order or your liver is sluggish. The conditions of life in these days are so strenuous that nearly everybody is at times, overtaken by various derangements of the digestive organs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 560 4 THE SIGN of SATISFACTION tNGLA^Q 1 Ft R 40 «EX THE “REX" BRAND. WHITE AWAY LAIDLAW& C \1Z We have some particular customere who defire a strong and •tardy boot wbipb will staid up, and bold its shape m everyday wear, and jet is a$ eitamely s»It and easy wearing
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    • 61 4 Sunshine and Common Sense* Don’t doctor your blood for rheumatism Use an external application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. In a few days it will get you 1 P d at ll mto l t e B “°»hi oe then nature will «.tore the rich red blood to your vein, and
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    • 46 4 A Clear Head *gl»tite, mul sleep and good digestion are sure to follow an occasional dose of PINKETTE^ the tiny Untie* Gentle u nature. n Do not gripe Ot all chennst,. 50 cents per phial, r tr 0m the Dr William’ Medicine Co., Dept, lc, Singap^
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    • 339 4 ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company Ltd Iaeorporfttcd ip Itdia. BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE. J. R. Macphhrson, Secretary S.S. and F.M.s Total Assets exceed $28,000,000 Claims Paid $26,000,000 LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. Apply for Prcepectus etc, to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 168 Beach or Street, Ptananf, The Branch
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  • 1043 5  -  (B y Tom Wright) To a book lover, very few things more piquant would nowadays suggest themselves than an essay by Joseph Conrad on Guy de Maupassant It isn’t a new production, being the preface tc an English translation published about the beginning of i be war
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  • 386 5 [To the Editor of trm Straitt Echo.] Sir, My response to your correspondents is Don’t be too sure.” It appa&rs to me that the fint importance is to make an overhaul of the boys instead of the girls, Tne Government have not provided the boys with a high
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  • 133 5 17th Sunday after Trinity. October 15. 8-00 a.m. Matins. 8 30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10- a.m. Holy Communion (Tamih) 11- a.m Baptism, 5- p.m. Sunday School. 6- p.m. Evensong. Hymn 540. Responses Roberts. Psalm LXXVIII Q aadrupl Chant Oakley. Magnificat Mlunl rinC Nunc Dimittis Hymns 254,
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  • 86 5 Oct. 9 By Balance $2,317.49 12 Employees of Cale-donia-Cum-Sctions, Sept, as follows: W. B. Wilson 50.00 F. C. Marplcs 25.00 A S. Evnna 25.00 W. M. Miller 28.57 J. M. Kydd 2143 G. Phillips. 20-00 G. H. Sargant 12 50 K. M. McL-td 18 00 A. F.
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  • 21 5 Out. 6 By Balance ...$13,568 44 12 W B. Wilson, monthly 50.00 Oct. 13 By Balance ~.$13,618 44
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  • 99 5 The pi y for tbe Ladies’ Monthly Medal for Oc'ober resulted as follows Mrs. J. Gray 44 +44= 88 30= 58 nett T. E. Winfield 45 +43=BB 26 62 Brown 43 40=83 15=68 Miss Mahler ...41+45 86—14=72 Mrs. G. C. Clarke 47 +46 93-20 =73 Miss Brown
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 285 5 MV K|| 6t> VIRGINIA cigarettls WZ% Bristol lcndo* B* ■kafc—- j. JlJ., Do you know that each tin contains a coupon and that the coupons will be redeemed by the British American Tobacco Co. (Straits) Ltd., at Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore? i i-' SEND FOR AN ILLUSTRATED LIST
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  • 94 6 Publish*! daily (except Sunday a and public holidays) AT THB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 5?, Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local 524 per annum. Outetation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” TelephonelNos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 SB. —All bu*in»*» ec*nimunic*tion» »hould b*
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  • 1342 6 The submarine activity near the American coast recalls again the mystery of the Bremen, It will be remembered that a message from Portland, Maine, dated September 30 stated that a life-belt marked Bremen, with the name of the maker at WilhelmshaveD, has been found on the seashore
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  • 16 6 Latest Quotation. hir fi ed> I" 01 1 here to-day (rjfioeiit at d^J^/K™ aaa£. «s
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  • 557 6 Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule is away in Kuala Lumpur. He is expocted back on Monday. Mr. V. A. Chan Fook Tet, youngest son of Mr. Bachu Achan, will be leaving in the near future for Edinburgh where he intends to study medicine. Mr. Heap, of Messrs
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  • 107 6 Singapore, October 13 Sin a P ore Rubber Auction 125,129 lbs were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheets $m t ***** B,a 114 to 117 Good, plain u 2 Unsmoked tine i l2 to 115 ood 107 to 110 Fine plain 110 to 113 ood 108
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  • 166 6 [To the Editor or the Straits Echo .l Dear Sir, J mett To?«° f ,h llar e 8t U80r of the Government Telegraph service, I strongly protest gainst any suggestion to increase the rates «bn* a, the service i, run on tbepreTut I should be delighted to
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  • 1020 6 Blackmail. Why is it that Teluk Anson poople r fond of Penang 1 Ike Governor’* Gift. Stanley Gibbons prices, as philatelist, who have to break up their collections |c no only too well, are seldom obtainable h* amateur sellers except in the case of J tremely rare specimens,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 153 6 G.TD. SERVICEPenang and Perak Premier Pharmacies THE 6eorge Town Dispensary, Ltd., 37a. Beach Street, Penang. 18, Main Road, Taiping. 27, Station Road, Ipoh. ■ARRIVED!!! New Shipment of the well-known JOOCOCLES" Fitted with Real BRITISH MADE Dunlop Tyres Complete with Lamp, Bell and All Accessories, Reduced Price $53 each nett. TIANG
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  • 578 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram IN THE DOBRUDJA. latcrestiag Review. London, October 12. The Morning Post correspondent at Petrograd states that the Russian and Rumanian forces have made rapid headway in the Dobrudja and advanced from eight to twenty-five miles against stubborn oppolition. The enemy’s left holds fast about
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  • 668 7 (Reuter S Service.) Copyright Telegram TRANSFER To the allies. Tovekiag Secies. Athens, October 13. Rguter’s correspondent, by the courtesy of the Premier, was allowed to witness the transfer of the fleet from the cruiser Lemnot for 2j hours into thirteen French and two British tugs, twelve British
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  • 437 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ARTILLERY LIVELINESS Sark Oper»tio»». London, October 12. The Serbs repulsed violent counterI attacks and gained a footing in the village of Brod. Gun-firing and skirmishes took I place on the whole Micedoniin front, Britiak Operation. London, October 13. A British official announcement issued at
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  • 95 7 Iatsr-Settlemeat Matek. The following will play for Singapore: Goal: Salleh (Darul Bahar) Backs: Chi (Darul Afiah), H. Abdullah (Perhimponan) Halves Buang (Fathol Karib) Osman (Capt) (Police) Forwards: H. Omar Junid (Persenangan Stia) Sedik (Darul Bahar) Sbaik Diud (Rushdiah) 3aid (Darul Bahar) Biba (Darul) Afiah) Both sides are
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  • 71 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 3. —The British Navy. 4. The British Navy. 5. —Rot About Literature. Belgian Relief Fund. Penang Relief Fund. Church Services. Female Education. Penang Golf Club. g —Banishment and Gambling. The Week’s Events. Definition of Taxation. Caldbeck, Mecgregor Case.
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  • 544 7 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. THE CARSO VICTORY. Fwrtkgr Dalai)». Rome, October 12, A omtnuoique issued in Rome statei that as the result of fuither violent fighting we consolidated and extended yesterday'» gains, captnring a further batch of 1,771 prisoners. 30,881 Austrians have b?en made prisoners on the Giulian
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  • 2100 7 SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING. A special general meeting of tbe member! of tbe Penang Turf Club for the purpos) of considering the amendment to rule 23, which was proposed by Mr. H. B. Pike and seconded by Mr. D A. M. Brown, WA held at the Chimb tr
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  • 982 8 Charge against Government Servant. In the Police Court thi» morning before Mr. A Cavendish the hearing was returned of the case against Mr. A A. Surio, Chief Clerk, Police Courts, who was charged with receiving a gratification of $3 which was other than legal remuneration. Mr. R
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  • 1024 8 BREACHES OF LIQUOR REVENUE ORDINANCES Fines Totaling $2,000. A ca a e which has been many times postponed yesterday at length came before the senior magistrate, Mr. W. L ingham Car.or, when sixteen charges were preferred against Mr. Kenneth A. Stevens, manager in Sing»* pore f>r Messrs.
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  • 1129 8 When is a nation or a Colony highly taxed? We have seen certain statements, emanating from a source which has created some interest lately, which w «M o answer our q neat ion by siymg When the revenue per bead of population is higher than the revenue
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  • 474 8 Detewtiow or 8wspecti. [To the Editor o» tbe Malaya Tnbunc fr Sir,-A sbo.t time ago you ™ced a lie pest to some purpose th J 51 kee lottery speculators wbo wer fai still a grave evil in many respects to this Colon,. Following close!, upon youc ed
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  • 267 8 Saturday, October 14. j Anglo Chinese School Concert* Ii»oh. iDtersettlement Football —Singapore M. F. A. vs. Penang M. F. A. Dato Kramat Gardens 5 p.m. j Concert by Convent Children, Dress Rehearsal, Town Hall 5 p.m. in aid of Oar Day” Fund. j Teik Chin Co. Ltd.,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 479 8 notice. MY WIFE, Lim Guan Hong, haring I left my protection on September 28, 1916, I will not be reaponaible for any debt or debts contracted by her on and after that date. Sd. KHOO CUOOI CHIAR Sungei Patani. MUNICIPAL NOTICE APPLICATIONS are invited for the poat of Chief Inspector,
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    • 45 8 Chsmberlain’s Piia Bain. There is nothing so good for muscular rheumatism, sprains, lameness, cramps of the tuuscUs, bruises and like injuries as Cham* biriaiu's l'ain Balm. It will efhct a cure in lets time than any oilier treatment. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 51 8 It Nerer Fail», Chimberlain’a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ia all ita name implies It cures diarrhoea and dysentery in either children or adult 3, and the most violent cases of cramp colic or pain in the stomach give wav to a few doses of this medicine. Safe, sure For
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    • 408 8 •CROMDALE’, No. 2, Johore Ro«d from 15th Norember. 1916. Furm.bod. Apply to 512 B. E. ROSS. notice. THE Resident Councillor will Ut At Home at the Residency on Wednesday, 25th October, from 5 p.m. Tennis. Red Cross Badges will be on sale. 515 MARBLE HALL. (TOP OF NORTHAM ROAD.) BOARD
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  • 1370 9 SCENE BETWEEN MEMBER AND THE GOVERNOR. Council Pbemitubelt Closed. There was a little brer ze at the last meet, ing of the Hongkong Legislative Council. Arising out of some answers to questions [regarding the Government Civil Hospital, the Hon. Mr. Pollcck, K C., said r wish to
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  • 681 9 It would be folly to impugn the wisdom of that universal testimony which pro nounces certain traits of character to be conducive, if not indispensable, to success, but the successful men one meets cannot be said invariably to present very luminous illustrations of such traits. It is not uncommon
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  • 120 9 Pbnang, Octobir 14. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months' sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 Credit 2/413/16 3 Documentary 2/427/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Ks. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1731 3 days’ sight Private 175
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 431 9 THE PERAK RIVER VALLEY RUBBER Co., LIMITED. notice of dividend. V'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Third Interim Dividend of 5% has declared by the Directors, on account of the jear ending 30th September 1916, parable on Tuesday, the 2*tb 1916, t, Shareholders whose names are on the Register on
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    • 91 9 FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS If you feel ‘out of sorts’ ’run down* ’got the blues’ SUFFER from KIDNEY. BLADDER. NERVOUS DISEASES, CHRONIC YVEAKNKSS.ULCERS.SKIN ERUPT lONS, PILES. write for FREE cloth bound medical book on these diseases and WONDERFUL CURES Me and deride for yourself if it is the remedy for
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  • 1323 10 An Historical Fragment. (From a Corre»pon?»nt.) In the fourth year of the war Britain was overtaken by a calamity, which for a time seemed likely to overwhelm her and the Allied cause in one ruin. The affair was miraculous in its incidents, strange in its sequel, and without
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  • 657 10 HON, MR MACFADYEN’S VIEWS. Reasoaa AgiLst I&com’-'ax. What the F.M S. Should Give. A representativ9 of the Time» of Malaya his secured tha following interview with tbo Hon. Mr. Eric Macfadyeo, of Kuala Lumpur, than whom there is no more outspoken public man in the whole of Malaya.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 For Children’s Hackiig Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is 6d.
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    • 271 10 WHEN BUYING MANILA CIGARS Be careful to see that,-the box bears the trade mark as shewn below: LONDRES. HIGH LIFE IN THE EAST. REINA VICTORIAS. CORTADO FINO. V' m a-. PERLAS. PERECTOS. IMPERIALES. CORTADO DE LA REINA. THE TRADE MARK OF THE LA ISABEL FACTORY. One of the few Tobacco
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  • 900 11 Masts and Yabds I read somewhere recently the remark of an American writer to the effect that on seeing our invalided sailors lodged in a Naval Hospital bearing an inscription dating from the time of Charles 11. he realised that the war is bat an
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  • 1000 11 Estimate* of the world’s robber production in the current year range from 170,000 up to a trifle over 200,000 ton'. In 1915 the total supply was about 158,000 tons—exceeding that of the previous year bj 38,000 tons. The same increase for 1916 will bring the total to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 162 11 ASK FOR IT White Port No. I. GOLD LABEL YELLOW SEAL. White Port No. 2. SILVER LABEL RED SEAL. MEDOC CLARET C "M'-Gl QUALITY UNEQUALLED Obtainable at all retail stores. G. H. SLOT 8 Co SOLE IMPORTERS. S.--M UE”SCRAP WASHER Over 150 Machines now in Use and on Order Fitted
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    • 105 11 Diphtheria —How It May Be Avoi M. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child has a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the ne gbborbood children that have colds should be kept at
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    • 58 11 With a »ore throat it is often «beer agony to apeak a word. That ia the turn when WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE provea ita worth. Take a teaapoonful awallowing it gradually, then an hour after uae a little Peppermint Cure in warm water aa a throat gargle. The relief will
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    • 602 11 The Best Advice To give to a person suffering from Headache or Neuralgia is to use a remedy that will give instant relief.—Like a (ouch of the wizard’s wand Little’a Oriental Balm acts on these painfnl disorders. Tbe effects are simply marvellous. Ooe application and the pain subsides as if
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1558 12 P. O.—B. l7 AND APGAR LINE (1NOOBPOBATSD IN ENGLAND.) Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL 8ERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Owtwird (for China and Japan) tProceeds direct to Marseilles A London. •from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily suspended Wireleta Telegraphy Fitted oa all Steamers. WOTICE.—All cabins
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    • 266 12 For Motor Car Insurance TOU CANNOT DO MWTTMR THAR The Excess Insurance Co. f.t ▲anrra: Adamson, Cilfillan A Co., Ltd. Incorporated in Enoland. Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited. (Incorporated in Enoland.) Hoad Office: —LONDON. Eastern Branch:—SINGAPORE. Fire, Life, Marine and Guarantee Departments. For particulars, applj to A. A. ANTHONY 4
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