Straits Echo, 3 October 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1039 1 im***aid si Ui ux 7 ■4^. i gED NATUiii motor car for Sale. I Oncjsccond-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order, complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Tel [Address: Hokimteik, Penang. ’Phone No.
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    • 17 1 5? ‘\f2& s milk ot* '•tt a ma IM -v I» »f J 5! :c MS "-i
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  • 895 2 Io the syllabus of subjects to be taught to the budding Taipans at the Chinese Language school which has been started at Shanghai by the British Chamber of Commerce will be found that of Chinese Etiquette. It is an item of the first importance for perhaps there is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 338 2 Whiter way, Laidlaw 8 S Offer Special Value in Table Damask. *rV 4-r. W *s72* if .*4. No. 4040 Bleached White Damask Table Cloth. New Design. Biae 70 by (0 inches Pnoe $5 *0 each. 70 by 80 $6.60 70 by 105 $7.50 1 I• m m m m 4
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    • 194 2 PENANG. HUTTONS PINEAPPLE HAMS BACON. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co.. Ltd.. PENANG. Telegrams: Storage. Telephone No. 602. ■fa l SOME MAKES OF PENS are pretty, but fail the test cf hard work. Some pens write under favour able conditions, but fail when driven The “Swan” stands every test. Untjualilied satisfaction is
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  • 1024 3  -  (By Tom Wright). I was Bharply reminded how far from my proper kampong I have been straying by i seeing in an Australian paper a poem headed Th* Echo-Man.” War, death, travel, micropccnoiosity, gold-seeking, politics, and other knavish tricks have been seducing me from my metier, which,
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  • 38 3 The Stiawan Rubber Plant itions, 9,683 lbs. m According to tbe Yostische Zeitung 430.000 Iron Crosses, including 10,000 first class have been distributed since the beginning of the war. Their total weight is 150 cwt.
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  • 211 3 Tie P A O s Namur duel argeJ 50 tons general cargo, b he loaded 970 tons of tin and 1,200 cases of rubber. The Prince liner Tuecan Prince is due kere to morrow from Port Swettenbam. She will be promptly despatched for New York via the Cape
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  • 279 3 Intie-Srttlembkt Match Most of the difficulties of enclosing an open space like Dato Kramat Gardens have now been surmounted, and it is settled that t >n cents will be charged on 14th October, in aid of the Allied wounded. Singapore suggested twenty cents, but that would exclude
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  • 92 3 Mr. Kh»w Joo Tok advises us that the outputs of the following four companies for 'hi month of September were Tin Tongbah Harbour Tin Dredging Co. No L ability 96 tons. Bangnon Valley No Liability. Cubic yards. Hours. Piculs. 62 037 518 430 Deibook Dredging No Liability. Dredge.
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  • 297 3 At the Eistern Produce Exchange Aucti n yesterday the following prices wore obtained. Diamond Smoked Sheet fiom $ld9 to $11H Plain Smoke 1 Sheet $W8 Diamond Unsmoked Sheet $105 to $108 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $101 to $103 Bark and Scrap Crepi $64 Blanket Crepe J Lump Scrap
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 222 3 < Ui c/3 O BS UCHANANS SCOTCH WHISKY (0 O r O J < H u u ft (0 c/3 z -c z < E o co 0 (0 j < it i 1 1 *1 c :x“BLACK&wmTE «S 5 WH1SKV r I sc H s > > mMES BU
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    • 339 3 THREE NUNS TOBACCO THERE CAN BE NONE NICER. This is an entirely new departure in the Manufacture of Tobacco. PACKED IN AIR TIGHT TINS of 1/4 lb. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. TO-NIGHT TO NIGHT 11 The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. 4 Parts FILM D’ART’S MASTERPIECE Parts
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  • 94 4 MBAii daily (trap* Sundays ud p4hfi* as *n OMTIRION PBEBS. Lt®. No 59, Beach Street, Penang. run. iWy Littl MW4 par aapnm. m OvUtataon... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Pot* Fra) «17.50 Q OilLI iSDBIN M ECHO—PEN ANG.” TtUpkonc Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 JT-M.—AB Mm «MuiNtlou
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  • 1704 4 America, not too prond to fight when the enemy was Spain and the spoils lay at her very door, has entirely failed to maintain daring the present war an attitude calculated to inspire respect in any of the belligerents. In fact I the only manly utterance
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  • 663 4 Mr. and Mrs. C. R A. Goatly left by the P. and O. s.s. Nore to-day on a trip to Hongkong. Mrs. O. V. Thomas and Miss Sakaguchi left by the s.s. Nore to-day bound for Shanghai. Mrs P. J. Sproule left by the mail to-day for
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  • 221 4 Promiaent Trustee Arrested. We learn that Yeoh Boon TVan, a Chinese merchant well-known in Penan* and one of the trustees of the S‘h Yeoh Kongsi, was arrested in Singapore yesterday on a warrant issued in Penang charging him with bavmg misappropriated a sum of $7 000
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  • 1035 4 Tke Attitude of Greece. Greece’s declaration of war against Bulgaria, about which we heard so much a few days ago, does not seem, as the newspapers say, to have "eventuated". Personally, we never expeoted that it would at that juncture. When Veuizelos has got his provisional government established
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 81 4 C.TD. SERVICE. NO ORDER TOO SMALL NO ORDER TOO LARGE. The same attention given'to all Orders. THE 6eorge Town Dispensary, Lid., THE LE4DINQ CHEMISTB. Penang, Taiping nod Ipoh. ARRIVEDTTT New Shipment of the well-known JOOCOCLES Fitted with Real BRITISH MADE Dunlop Tyres, Complete with Lamp, Bell end all Accessories, Reduced
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  • 744 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AIRSHIP DOWNED. No Damage Dome. London, October 2. It is officially announced that ten airships crossed the East Coast yesterday evening. One approached north London but was driven off by gunfire and pursued by aeroplanes On attempting to return she was again attacked
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  • 585 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. CAPTURE OF EAUCOURT. Puahiag Otwirdi. London, October 2, 2.5 a.m. General Haig, continuing hii communique, states i Further east we pushed our posts well beyond the original front. 8o far three hundred prisoners have been made. Our casualties were small. “In to-day’s action the
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  • 510 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. HINDENBURG 3 STROKE. Situation at Hermaaattadt. London, October 1. It had been generally expected that Marshal von Hindenburg would attempt an audacious stroke somewhere in the East as a counter to the Allied offensive in the West. The bitterness of Dr. von Bethmann-Holl-weg’s references
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  • 68 5 Laitest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day I at $84, buyers no sellers, in |Smgapore, (refined) at $85.50, business done (125 tons sold) and in London at £175 5s. spot and three months’ sight. Rather late in the day as compared with the Straits Settlements the Government of
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  • 569 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. Attitude of the Eateate. Athens, September 30. The Greek Government is still ignorant regarding the intentions of the “Entente” Powers and will probably resign on Monday. It seems that the Entente” is determined to refrain from pressure with a view to imposing any
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  • 1306 5 Application for Coami meat. In the Supreme Chuit before Mr, Justice L. P. Ebden this mornirg the hearing wis resumed of the application of Mr. E. E Col man, Assistant Official Assignee, for a commit meet order against Chee Kok Foo, a Government pensioner, under tection 107 a
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  • 628 5 Verdict. (From Own Oum Correspondent.) Ipoh, October 3. The Full Court of Appeal, consisting of Sir Thomas Braddell, Mr. Justice lnnos and Mr. Justice Farrer-Manby, has concluded tin hearing of the appeal of Narain Singh in what is known as the Kroh murder case. Naraiu Singh, a
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  • 72 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Pages. 2. —Chinese Etiquette. 3. —The Old S’and. September Rubber Crops. Shipping News. M. F. A. i Tin Outputs. Etetirn Pr>duce Exchange. i 6.—British Red Cross in France. The Week’s Eveot?. Modifying Her Promises. “Our Dtv.” P. L R.
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  • 34 5 Obituary. j (From Our Oxen Oorresponden L) j Ipoh, October 2. The death has taken place at the front of I Lieut. H. M. Hitchine, a brother of Dr. I Hitching of Ipoh. j
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  • 1097 6 A Planter's Experiences. So many Straits and F.M S. men, who were not passed tit for military service, are now serviDg with the motor ambulances attached to the British section of the French Rad Cioss that our readers should be interested in the following account
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  • 451 6 Germany's Submarine Plans Captain Persius, tbe well-known naval expert of the Berliner Tageblatt discusses tbe revival of submarine warfare against merchant ship*, which is now certain, and the possibility of reconciling this with Germany’s pledge to the United States. When in the last Note from the United
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  • 319 6 Tuesday, October 3. (Rociuit Drill Chinese Company) 5.30 p.m. Fort Cornwallis. Wednesday, October 4. Penang Impressionist Art Club, Annual Exhibition. Thursday, October 5. Penang Impressionist Art Club, Annual Exhibition. (Racru t Drill Chinese Company) 5 30 p.m. Fort Cornwallis. Friday, October 6 Saturday, October 7. Singapore Ricos,
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  • 275 6 The following programme of events in aid of the above is published for general information. Alterations and additions (if soy) will te duly notified. Oct. 14—Singapore v. Penang football match at 5 pm. 50 cts admission to enclosure and seats —10 cts and 5 cts to tbe rest
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  • 143 6 McGregor Trophy. The following was the result of the shooting at Kampong Bahru yesterday Rap d Firing. a <l •C'O r -g iS w o o o o g cp 6^(0 Mrs. Liston 24 32 28 84 Miss Mathieu 29 24 27 80 Mrs. Durege 27
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  • 372 6 The following are the exports of Penang for the latter half of the month ended September 30 To United Kingdom Tons. Tm 210 Black Pepper 25 Tapioca (Flour) 50 (Pearl) 395 c °P ra 150 Rubber 420 To U. S. America. m in 400 Tapioca (Pearl) 287
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 591 6 TAPIOCA INSTALLATION. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. I WANTED SECONDHAND MACHINERY (or preparation of Tapioca. Prices and full details to be sent to O. J. M. KEULEMANS. 4, F.M 8. Railway Buildings. 497* TRONOH MINES LIMITED. (Incorporated in England.) DIVIDEND No. 44. A Dividend of Is. per share less income tax 4». 61.
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    • 89 6 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cura for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mother* of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain a Cough Remedy can always he depended upon aDd is pleasant to take It not only cures
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    • 512 6 PENAlfG Sffl POE.” Chinese Daily» Newspaper. IF you want to make your goods known to the Chinees advertise in the Penng Sin Poe whion is the beat advertising medium of its kmd .in the Straits ana F. M. S. For contract and non-oontract advertisements, apply to THE MANAGER, Criterion Press
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  • 1908 7  -  By Michael Monahan. (In The Fhoenim). I good old father learned his earliest lessons in English and rebellion at the hedge school. He lived through the horrors of the Great Famine, when the London limes rejoiced that “the Irish were going with a vengeance.”
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 580 7 JUST ARRIVED. 2 HUPMOBILE 5-passcnger Touring Cars. 1 7 Touring Car. 2 SAXON 2-Seater Roadster Cars. 2 DODGE BROS. 5-passenger Touring Cars. All the above cars are up-to-date models fitted with high ;ension magnetos, besides electric light and self-starters. TRIAL RUN CAN BE ARRANGED. PRICES ON APPLICATION. WING LEE Co.
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    • 180 7 University of Hongkong! Matriculation. Senior and Junior Examination*. IVrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that -LI the Matricu'ation, Senior Bni Junior Local Examinations will bo teld on the folowing dates. Monday, Dec. I UK— Dec. 16tK 1916. Arrangements will be made to hold the Examinations at any town where a sufficient I
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  • 5020 8 FULL TEXT OF JUDGMENT. We append the full text of the written judgment delivered by Mr. Juki ce L. P. Ebden in the suit The Shanghai Kiebang Rubber Estates, Limitsd, vs. The Banking and Trading Corporation Haudin Ten Cate and the Hon. Mr Arthur Robert Adama The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 17 8 ■Mttßilisa. p Ch iT n^ pir the d a«ic£d 1 y t r t. you^te 010 4
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    • 451 8 The Eastern Doited Assurapce Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed ent for the above Corporation, and ia now r*. (pared to accept MARINE 6* FIRr RISKS a t current rates. QUAH BENG REE, 43. JBmok 8treet, Pmo«| The Chinese Steamship Co. FOR SINGAPORE. HONC KONC. AMOY
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  • 1277 9 A change is gradually coming over the covers of English book", owing to the war. The Problem of the Qold Supply is a matter which may exercise the minds of other people on this paper, but abaut which I know nothing. You can always get a sovereign
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 441 9 Neuralgia Soothed Away by Little'» Oriental Balm To &!1 who suffer the desperate twisting agonies and spasm* of Neuralgia To all who are acquainted with any of the sufferers To all who have never suffered yet who with tj be on the safe side: Hero’s news: Little’s Oriental Calm RELIEVES
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1618 10 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (IkCOEFOEATED IK EnGLAKD.) Mail and. Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. HAIL SERVICE. Hoatw»rd (for Europe.) Ontw.rd (for Clin» ad J»h»,) fProceeds direct to Marsalis* A London. from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily auopeaded Wireleta Telegrapky fitted oa all Steamers. NOTICE.—All cabins are
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