Straits Echo, 28 September 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1075 1 It 1&D NATURAI MOTOR CAR for Sale. One second-hand two-seater MORRIS OXFORD In good running order, complete with accessories Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Tel jAddress: Hokimteik, Penang. ’Phone No. 694. Motor Car Importers and Stockists
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    • 6 1 milk Hu ?u> 53 <•' S^?ct*2 E
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 643 3 Lord Robert Cecil'* recent speech in the House of Commons dealing with various 1 aspects of Britain’* naval measures as thev i affect the Netherlands has naturally aroused j much interest in this country —an interest 1 which has, perhapa, been heightened by the s effort of
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  • 276 3 Fiiday 29, September 1916. I EsPLA.NA.DB, 6 TO 7 P.M. 1 Selection Maritana Wallace < 2 Two Step Merry Mitzi Anthony j 3 Waltz Lac D’ Amour Hartm-nu 4 The Virginia R sjnfeld 5 March The King’s Musketeer Howson A Royal warrant has been issued authorising any recipient
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  • 962 3 Since the announcement of the opening of the Chinese Parliament on Aug. 1 we have no further news of the proceedings of that Assembly, and very few indications as to how the constitutional question is being solved. In passing we may observe that the indications which
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 219 3 GRAN T’S m i a Hi Bp 'A 3» /.Vf: /fnT 5 At^BRzf<.t^k-*,N tJ5 ii»sp^g »®a«i WHISKIES. R. T. REID Co. < H to w W H &Q H C/D tQ C/D 1 l I I I Swimming Club 8 Spring Tide Hotel. MOTOR CAR SERVICE. I I 1 I
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    • 449 3 For Sale. SHARE TRANSFER FORMS. PRICE: S CENTS EACH OR $1.50' PER HUNDRED. The Criterion Press, Ltd. 59, BEACH ST BEET, PENANG. The Mirror Shows Then Words Whst a Improvement May he Realised hy n Gn a of Even 10 or II Pounds. S*rgol Makes Pu \y, Peevish
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    • 73 3 The primary object of life i surt&cc lis PROTECTION ahd policies of thi CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co.. Ltd. GIVE THE MAXIMUM AT MINIMUM COST. A BRITISH "COMPANY incorporated urd r the Companies On'iutnied, lionnktnr, 186- r >/1890 and Registered under the Assurance Companies’ Act (Eugland) 1909. Age cics established
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  • 112 4 Minutes of a meetim: of tbe Municipal Commiesoners held on Tuesday, tbe sth September 1916. Prfient. W. Peel Etq, President. P. T. Allen Esq. A. F. Goodrich Esq. Abtent Lim Eow Hong Esq. Quah Beng Kee Esq. Yeoh Guan Beok Esq. 1, The minutes of the la6t meeting
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  • 123 4 Pknano, September 28 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/8 8 Credit 2/413/16 M 3 Documentary 2/4 27/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1731 8 days’ sight
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  • 384 4 To the Editor of the Straits Echo Sir, Tj In Mr A. C J Towers’ letter in your Tuesday’s issue he says L, A point which should not be lost sight of is the fact that a servant can always prosecute his employer should he feel
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  • 541 4 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo Sir, Since reading Miss S. T. C’s first con- j tribution about Chinese Marriage Law, I have been contemplating of raising a protest to her rather mystic language, but being diffident of my judgment and abilities, I have refrained, so far, from
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  • 108 4 when you rub in Little’» Oriental r The pain goes right away and th« itself d sappears with few a D nl J! Dg It is utterly useless to suffer. T*' to pay big doctor’s bills and then yourself no better. For IR e 0 n<l a bottle
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 409 4 NOTICE. My wife Florence, having left my houso of her own accord on the 29th August, 1 ■hall not be liable for ary debU incurred by her from that date, R. C. NICKELSEN. TRANSLATION. THE UNDERSIGNED undertakes to translate any document from English into Chinese and vice versa. Also Chinese
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    • 530 4 PUTTEES IN STOCK FOR" IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. Ti I of P IMPROVED PUTTEES F. I. P. 99 NEW NON-FRAY SPIRAL (PATENTED) Extra Fine Quality Price $3.90 per pair. INSTRUCTIONS. Each Puttee is marked in the corner R L Right Leg or Left Leg To put on, start from the ankle (with
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    • 462 4 WHY enr loh those who mcu. 1 1 1 mulate riche3 simply to spend in their own Countries when you can Save Your Time Save Your Money and Save Your Rickshaw Fares by getting your Drinks, Tiffins and Casual Meals at THE BODEGA (the ONLY REALLY CENTRAL RIgTAURAXT) where the
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  • 189 5 Tbe s.e. Pbyrrhut dig charged 460 ton* of general cargo aiosgt de tbe wharf yesterday., "I he Ajax which arrived here yesterday from Liverpool diioharged 377 tons of general cargo. e e The i.s. Titan which is due to arrive here on the 30th instant from Singapore wil load
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  • 87 5 Trams Tournament. Tbe following were the results of the ties played off yesterday: Mixed Doublet A. Mrs Harrop and E. A. Swan boat Mr and Mrs Everest 6—4, 6—2. Double Handicap B. J T Nicol and J J L Harvey beat A F Goodrich and G N
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  • 128 5 A meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices to consider applications for public bouse and billiard saloon licences for 1916 was held in the District Court yesterday afternoon. There were present Mr. J. C. Sugars (Chairman) Dr. G. W. Park, Messrs. A. S. Anthony, D. A. M. Brown
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  • 72 5 Fenanq Women Wobkers. Amount previously acknowledged 52,791.50 Presbyterian Cburth Ladies (3 d Donation) 12.00 Mrs, Trengrove (13th Donation) 5.00 $2 808.50 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers w 1 be given out cn Fridays at 9.45 ***** a m. at the Town Hall.
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  • 303 5 The undermentioned prioes were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday Smoked Ribbed Sheet $ll7 to 1119 per picul. No. 2 Smoked Sheet $lO3 $ll2 Unsmoked Sheet... $lO5 $lll Crepe fine pale thin and blanket $l2O $122 Good pale
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  • 969 5 I QUEEN BTREET TRAGEDY. Acccsna SuiiMU vo Dbath. Tbe heating wee. resumed yesterday afternoon ift the Sapcetp Court before Mr. Justice L P. EbJeu and a special jury comprising Messrs. J. R. Mwrty (Foreman)) 1 A. Hastie, A. W. Bteeketeoet F. D. Hindley R. M, Richards, G- B.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 504 5 T Ht AYER KUNIN6 ROBBER ESTATE, Ltd. (IncrrP*r«Mri in tH* Strnite Settlement* N OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that a second interim dividend of b% has declared by the Directors on account 0 f the rear ending 3 1st December, 1916, notice is also givea that the transfer of this Company
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    • 280 5 AMULET SMOKING MIXTURE QUITE NEW PACKED IN TINS OP 1/4 and 1/S lba, FOR SALE BY ALL PRINCIPAL DEALERS. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT I! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. PRESENT PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PLAY 5 Parts THE GREATER WILL Parts 5 Featuring the eminent actor Cyril Maude and supported
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  • 96 6 PlNklttd <Uilj («oept today. a»d paUii MMI9I) Aim CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No 59, Beach Street, Penang. FftlOß. Daily Lml M 924 per annum. OvteUtion... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Port Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDIIII ECHO —PENANG.” t Telephone Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 543 JT.B.-AU knsiasss esrnauniostlon» should
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  • 56 6 Bennett—Beckett.— On the fith August, 1916, at St. John’s Church, Buxton by the Rev. Canon Scott Moncrieff, Capt. James Rindle Bennett, 6th Batt. Man* Chester Regt., elder son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bennett, Alderley Edge, Manchester to Nora Adeline, fourth daughter of the late J. H. Beckett
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  • 1419 6 Mr. C. W. Darbishire’s speech to the Singapore Chamber of Commerce on the subject of the income-tax and the Colony’s war ccntribut on has met with whit is called a "mixed reception" in the Singapore press. The Straits Times attacks it violently. The Free Press rejoices to find
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  • 665 6 Gunners Y. L. Peterson and C. Moore, formerly of 'B Company of the Penang Volunteers, who are with the Mesopotamian Field Forces, have already proceeded to the firing line. Mr. Bateson, Government Mycologist, B.N. Borneo, is seriously ill with appendicitis, which developed during his recent visit to
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  • 169 6 Red Cress Fund. Mr. W. G. Peter, as Honorary Treasurer, forwards us the first list of subscriptions to Our Day fund. As an initial effort it is very encouraging and satisfactory. The list reads Sept 11 By Surplus transferred from War Demonstration Committee Fund $551.45 26 Hon. A.
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  • 1081 6 A Captious Critic. A Critic” writes to us objecting to th. action of the Municipality in granting mi.iion to the M*l Date Kr&m.t Garden, in order Z “gate" for Onr Day. He .ay, C Me<lt I have read with (Treat interest y OU r of yesterdays date wherein
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 71 6 G.TD. SERVICE. SKILLED CHEMISTS superintend the execution of YOUR ORDERS at THE 6eorgs Town Dispensary, Ltd,, THE LEADING CHEMISTS. Penang, Taiping and Ipoh. ANDREW USHER Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. WHISKY Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sob Agents for PENANG 6* PERAK a AFES. THT i l* r>4 IhtiUli! in m i! >
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  • 1230 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. COMBLES CAPTURED. ADMIRABLE CO-OPERATION. Entirely Successful Operstloss, London, September 26, 12.40 p.m. General Haig, in a communique, states “Fifteen hundred Germans have been made prisorars. We have entered Combles and are overcoming the enemy’s resistance.” London, Sept. 26, 3.45 p.m. The text of General
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  • 515 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. FALL OF COMBLES. Further Det -11 London, September 26, 5 15 p.m The Parii ommurque, continuing, states; “Violent enemy attacks on the Thau moot Work and Floury were repulsed with serious losses. “Our reconnaissances penetrated tin cemetery of Combles and reached the southern outskirts
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  • 97 7 Latest Quotation». Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $83 50, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at $84, businers done (175 tons sold) and in London at j£173 spot and .£173 5s. three months’ sight. Messrs. Bonstead A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations
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  • 476 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. ACTION BY VENIZELO3. Provitioial GoTtriattl Formed. London, S- p'ember 25. A telegram from Athens confirms the report that M. Venizelos left this morning accompanied by Admiral Condouriotis, some supe.ior officers and other supporter*. They are probably bound for Ciete aud thence for a
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  • 48 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 28, At the meeting of the Amp&Dg Tin Company it was stated that the decrease in the output was due to an outcrop of limeston». It was decided to write off the preliminary expenses and to carry forward $2,211.
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  • 226 7 (From Our Oien VorwpmdcnL') Singapore, Sept. 28 At the meeting of Mergui Rubber Company, Mr. Biddeley, who p esided, said that they h id taken up $15,000 of the Federal War Loan. The crop should steadily expand and the expenses increase very little if at all. Conservative
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  • 640 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. FIERCE FIGHTING ON TWO FRON TS. Bombs os Bukktrett. London, S ptembar 27, 1 30 a.m. The Bukhar at communique says "Th'rewaa fierce fighting in the Jiul V*ley in Transylvania where the Rumanians advanced. The enemy made three massed attacks in the D bradj
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  • 357 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Violent Flghtiag. London, feptemtxr 25, 4-30 p.m. A French official telegram from Salonika says We heavi y lepu’s d violent Bulgaria* counter attacks east of Fiorina.” Bulgaria* Attack* R«p«U«4. Lo don, September 2°. A French official despatch, itaned at Salonika, states that three Bulgarian
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  • 209 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 3. —Britain and Holland. Band Programme. China and Her Troubles. 4. —Style. Registration of Domestic S grants. —Shipping New». Pining Rubber Auction. Penang Cricket Club. Criminal Asvzes. 8. —Income Tai and War Gift. The Silent Hand. Famine In
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  • 3256 8 HUNTING GERMAN SUBMARINES. Secrets Revealed, 1* By Alfred Noy«», Deuttehland unter allet was the cry of all Germany when her submarine first popped up, not without a touch of comedy, in Norfolk, Virginia; and undoubtedly one reason for the new trans-Atlantic submarine is the fact that certain
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  • 372 8 Experiences Of a Resident. A Dutchman who has been living in Germany from the beginning of the war and has only just returned to this country, declared in an interview with a Volk correspondent that there was no truth in the German assertions that there was no
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  • 300 8 Thursday, September 28. Penang Volunteers—Ambulance Cj* Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 5 30 p.m. Jewish New Year (5677) commences. Friday, September 29. Penang Volunteers—Recruit Drill, Maxims, Fort Cornwallis, 530 p.m. Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 5.30 p.m. Michaelmas Day. Saturday, September 30. Ann by Mrs. Herbert Cooper an< Ipoh
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  • 2101 8 Mb. Dabbishir*’» Sfebce. From the Singapore papers of Tuesday we take the following more complete report of the Hon. Mr. C. W. Darbishire’# speech as Chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce in so far as it referred to the question of income tax and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 40 8 Remember the Name. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the beat known medicien for diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or painß in the Btomach. You may need it Deal«. mo F r Bal by all Dl, F #n rie »nd
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    • 41 8 Tratacit for Dysentery. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For sals by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 59 8 Chronic Diirrfcoo. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoeaP Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in bed if possible, be careful of your diet and take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea that physioians hare failed on, and it will
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  • 942 9 Weltevredea, Sept. 22. A telegraphic message from Tjipanas to the Soar, Handelablad under date crept. 18 states that CoL Koersen arrived at Djambi on the afternoon of the 16th and assumed command. As Lt. Col. Gerlach was still at Moeara Tambesi, and without communication facilities, a company
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 48 9 A Clear Head a hearty appetite, sound sleep and good digestion are sure to follow an occasional dose of ErcrcsffiB the tiny laxatives. Gentle as nature. Do not gripe Oi all chemists, 50 cents per phial, or poet free from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Dept, lc, Singapore
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    • 270 9 Craig 8 Rose Ltd. LONDON- EDINBURGH. GLASGOW. Contractors to H.M. Government, Admiralty, and War Office. Manufacturers cf Faints, Oils Varnishes, 4y Write it aa a headline, stamp it on the mat, Mark it on jour handkerchief, paste it in jour hat, Paint it on jour windows to tell the coming
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  • 967 10 FUIURE OF THE BRITISH WORKMAN. By Anglo-Saxon. More than a hundred years ago Rousseau said, When the poor have nothing to eat they will eat the rich,” and as recently as June, 1903, the late Sir Henry CampbellBannerman, speaking at Perth, said, In this country we know,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 335 10 WANTED. Large aviary for birds. Send derails, dimi'Dkiona and price to P. R. 479 a e/o Straits Echo. f WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Two Compositors for the Newspaper Office. Salary $30 to competent men. Apply personally to FOREMAN, c/o Straits Echo t* ■————mm NOTICE. "YYTE IIEREBY beg to notify the public that
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    • 10 10 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure la. 6d.
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  • 2900 11 RUMANIA’S IHTI*TEKTIOI«. (From Own Own Correspondent.) London, September 1. Rumania’s intervention did not come as a bolt from the blue.” It was known here weeks ago that Rumania would enter the war on the side of the Qrand Alliance when it suited her to do so.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 213 11 X> '•> «r* J r, <;>•'. r' v.. V .J 1 V Xv _j r s n N V’ «P X <a WANTED yso- SILVER BULLETS. IS YOUR NECESSARY EXPENDITURE ASSISTING THE OLD COUNTYT REMEMBER THAT 002 of our materials comes direct from British sources. Over 90 cents out of
      213 words
    • 60 11 Fheumatum. Hava you ever tried Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism If not, you are time, as the longer this disease runs on, the harder it is to cure. Qet a bottle toiday, apply it with a vigorous message to tfce afflicted parts and ycu will be surprised and delighted at
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    • 13 11 For Childrea’a Hacking Cough at Night, Wood*’ Great Peppermint Care 1 a 6d
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1670 12 P. O.—B. I. AND APGAB LINE (Inoobpobatbd I» England.) Mail And Passenger PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan.) fProcpeds direct to Marseilles A London. *£1000 London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily sutpeaded.) Wireless Telegraphy fitted oa all Steamers. NOTICE.—All cabins are fitted with Electric
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