Straits Echo, 27 September 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1016 1 lI4LMAI It v- sssg iILED NATO motor car for Sale. I One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order, complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Tel [Address: Hokimteik. Penang. 'Phone No. 694. Motor
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    • 18 1 eg a glfr' «ajjgs milk me* tj n« «or c 1 n°AT ?‘*IC tion* poi u»* s MM
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  • 879 2 There is an immemorial attraction for the mind hi those who can recall events and percf the far distant past. James Smith exclaims in his Address to a Mummy,” And thou has walked about, how strange a story, In Thebes’ streets three thousand years ago. It
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  • 1004 2 Qukstion or Indkmnitiks, One of the most cheering contributions to the ever-growing literature of the war is the a* tide which Mr. Edgar Crammond has written in the Nineteenth Century on the amount of the indemnity that can probably be recovered from the Powers responsible for thisccstly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 87 2 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for cide, croup and whooping cougb. It baa been a favorite with tie mothers of youDg children for almost forty years, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds
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    • 152 2 PUTTEES IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. IMPROVED PUTTEES r n 99 F. I. P. NEW NON-FRAY SPIRAL (PATENTED) Extra Fine Quality Price $3.90 per pair. INSTRUCTIONS. Each Puttee is marked in the corner R Right Leg or Left Leg To put on, start from the ankle (with the marked corner
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    • 10 2 For OhilirwHi Hacking Couch at N Wood*’ Gnat Papparmmt Oir»
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    • 343 2 notice. Mjwife Florence, haeiog u (l of her own accord on the 2<Hi a ou, s shall not be liable for at,y debt. ;I her from that date, 1 ln curred by B C. nickelsen. notice. WE HEREBY beg to notifr th that Mr. Khoo K ok L e PUblic
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  • 117 3 Penang, September 27. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2At^/iR 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 o Credit 2/413/16 Calcutta, Demand j^ 32 Boiv. L d r;ri h i k Priwte J Moulmein, Demand Bank mi Private 175! Madras Demand Bank Jl** Rut,” 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 1529 3 Qcekn Stibet Tragedy. Tbe bearing was resumed yesterdiy afternoon in tbe Supreme Court before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden and a special jury of the Cise against Muna 81 aim an who was charged with attempt'd murder of Sbeik Mydin and murder by eiusiag tbe death of a
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  • 90 3 The following prices were obtained at the Eistern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday Diamond Smoked Sheet from $lOB to $ll9 Plain Smokei Sheet $lO5 to $lO9 Diamond Unsinoked Sheet $lO4 to 112 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $!O2 to sio4 Diamond Smoked Sheet No. 2 8105 Scrap Sheets from 73
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  • 369 3 At tbe installation ceremony of the Victoria Jubilee Royal Arch Masons, which was held at the Freemason’s Hall, the following principals were installed by M. E Z, P. J. Sproule D G, H. M. E Z. R. J. Kirke Z. Companion F. Fletcher H. A. S. Wilson
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 356 3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Two Compositors for the Newspaper Office. Salary $3O to competent men. Apply personally to FOREMAN, c/o Straits Echo. f.m.s. war loat*. w 476* ANTED to buy $3,000 woTth at 3% Premium. No. 99. c/o Straits Echo PENANG GOLF CLUB. DLBENTURES. \fOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that jA| twenty Delentures
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    • 274 3 AMULET SMOKING MIXTURE QUITE NEW PACKED IN TIMS OP l/4 and 1/S lbs. FOR SALE BY ALL PRINCIPAL DEALERS. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. PRESENT PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PLAY 5 Parts THE GREATER WILL Parts 5 Featuring the emir eat actor Cyril Maude and supported
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  • 101 4 NMmM bOj (txeeft S«md»ji ul pib Wh)i) as m CRITERION PREBB, Ltd. No 59, Beach Street, Penang. ftxoa. Daily Local «a 994 per annum. Ortrtat iom. M Portage Extra. Mail Edition (Port Free) 917.50 U, OABLI ADDEBSS t m ECHO- —PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Echo 586 Printing Department
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  • 1412 4 Mr. C. W. Darbishire occupies a position unique in this Colony by reason of his i well-known independence of thought, his almost unrivalled experience of local commerce, his skill as a controversialist and his personal popularity which is particularly strong with the younger generation. A generous giver
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  • 940 4 Dr. R. Dane, 8.M.0., Penang, is retiring in the near future. Mr. Allen Dennys continues to make good I progress towards Mr. J. R. Macfarlane, we are sorry to hear, is now a patient in the General Hospital. Private T. H. Stone has i>een elected the representative
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  • 1008 4 The Air Raid. The renewal of air raids on England wi only to be expected, for something obvi® ug i, had to be done to flog the public enthuiiwm in Germany. The unprecedented scale of tie invasion testifies eloquently to the desr*>r a f! j anxiety of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 242 4 A BIRD IN A GAGE IS WORTH TWO IN THE CHASE. Just received a large assortment of latest pattern Bird Cages. All have strong solid metal cornerpieces, impossible to break away. They are a bright open cage, that display the bird thoroughly and give it plenty of light. Every cage
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  • 679 5 (Reuter’s Service) Cop yright Telegram. GENERAL HAIGS REPORT, Attack Continues. London, Sept. 25, 3.45 p.m. General Haig, in a communique, states >»\ small enemy attack was made east of Qourcelette and repulsed. We blew up mines yesterday evening D ,rth of Neuve Chapelle and north of Hullucb, considerably
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  • 25 5 {Prom Our Oum Cbrreepondenu) London. September 2$. The following were the prices in kjQclon Rubber Market to-day Pale Crepe |/4 Diamond Smoked
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  • 505 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. VIOLENT BATTLE PROCEEDING. Simultaneous Attack. London, Sept. 25, 3.40 p.m. The Paris comrauniqul says: violent artillery engagement took place on the Somme. German attacks on Vaux Wood were easily repulsed. London, September 26, 2.15 a m. North of the Somme a violent battle was
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  • 694 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. fall of taif. Aa Important Success. Cairo, Sept. 25, The Grand Sheriff of Mecca reports that the Turkish Garrison of Taif has aur. rendered. Fifty officers, 18,000 meo, ten guns and large quantities of military stores were captured. [Taif (Ok Tativ) is a town
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  • 390 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Gardfsl OecvpWdRome, September 25. An official announcement atatea that the Alpine troops have taken the summit of Gardfal 8,186 ft high, north-east of Mount Cauriol. The enemy Btubbornly I resisted. The positions were strongly consolidated notwithstanding immediate I bombardment by the enemy’s heavy I
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  • 257 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. Special cables to the Sumatra papers of Monday, September 25, contain the follow- 1 ing news items i Hollaad aad tks War. I A Bill is being prepared in Holland to I prevent increases in rent. Tk« Western Froat. The Timet states that the
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  • 132 5 At a special general meeting of the subscribers to the Penang Nursing Association held in the Town Hall on Monday, the 25th September 1916, it was unanimously decided that the Association should cease its'activities for the present, It was found that partly owing to the opening of
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  • 506 5 SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING. The adjourned sixth a nnu il general met ting of the Nellmay Rubber Company, Ltd., waa held at noon ti-day at the office* of Mesa Kennedy and Co. There wire present Messrs. W. Duncan (Chairman). F. Duxbury and A Lindley (representing the Secretaries
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  • 401 5 Magistrate's Finding. The hearing was resumed this morning before Mr. V.G, Ezechiel in the Third Court of the case against Ooi Kim Chong, Mohamed Hassan and Tambyah who were all charged with theft as servants of one bale of cloth value $3OO. Mr-GN. Saye appeared for the
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  • 61 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $83, buyers no sellers, in Singapore, (refined) at $83.37£. buyers no sellers, and in London at J2172 spot and .£,172 10s. three months' eight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were thequotations for Rubber on Spot
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  • 744 5 New Bt-Laws I’absbd. An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal office yosterdiy afternoon. There were present Messrs W. Peel (President), P. T. Alton, F. Duxbury, A F. Goodrich, Quab Beug Kee, end L m Eow Hong, with Messrs L M. Bell (Municipal Eugiteu)
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  • 65 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Pages. 2. —Links With the Past.. After the War. 3. —Criminal iss's”*. Etstern Produce Exchange. “Our Day" iu Singapore. 6—Amok in Borneo Psychical Hr search. Penang Cricket Club. The Colony and the War. The Week’s Events. Words Words!! Words
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  • 83 5 j A postcard inform*» us that '‘there will bi a practice of the “Pirates of Penzmca at the Town Hall oa Tuesday, the 28-h iust. at 9-15 p m punctually.” Further roor**, 1 it ad ’s pol tely/'Piease endeavour to attend." Alas, our sing n{ days a
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  • 208 5 Obituary. (From Over Oxen Correspondent.) Singapore, September 26. The death has taken place of Towkay I Leong Man Sau. TOne of the pioneer» of the timber Indus- j try has passed away in Mr Leong Man Sau t who carried on the mills of his father Mr. Leong Fong Choong.
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  • 1319 6 A Typical Cab*. Very rar-dv do we bear nowadays o!, cases of Amok but the British North Borneo Herald, of September 16, contains j report of a typical instance. It ia interest-• iDg to note that whereas three people were killed and four wounded by the Amoker
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  • 618 6 Year's Aggregates. Season 1915/1916. The Championship includes only nett scores and all the other Aggregates contain j h indie ip scores. Scores counting for 200, 500 600 Aggregate 5 best scores during S ason. 300 A 600 =1 best scores during SeasoD, Grand Aggregate=tbe tetal of
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  • 848 6 It is not often that the revelations of a medium in her tnmce are followed up by a sleuthhcund from the reporte s’ rocm of a newspaper office; but in The Quest for Dean Bridgmtn Conner” (HeinemanD. 6s. net.) Mr. Anthony J. Philpott tells the true story of
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  • 137 6 Tennis Tournament, The following ties have been fixed for Tnuraday, the 28th inst. Profession Pairs. G N Saye and J J L Harvey vs E H Syer and F N Syer Double Handicap A. R N Byatt and E A Everest 9» C C Rogers and W
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  • 2122 6 Five P*r Cbnt Bonds. Apart from anj questions of sentimental loyalty, it i 9 a matter of supreme importance to all who live within the boundaries of the British Empire that Biitaia should be successful in the great war—not merely successful in the sense of
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  • 316 6 Words! Words Words!!! Says the Singapore evening Daimr. We published on Saturday a rather m letter from a Misa T MT Irbiefc in a Penang contemporary. The laf; ‘t again. She is all for self-educaMou "tV she says, a mediocre student after 10l school would learn onl, ten word Vd'7
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  • 236 6 For many years the Aiabe, chafiog ueder Turkish misrule, have looked forward to the day of regaining their former freedom and revolts against Tukisb domination in Arabia have been of frequeat occurrence. The misdeeds oi' the present Government ia Constantinople and its complete subservience to German influence,
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  • 402 6 The Straits Chinese British Association has made the following arrangements with regard to collecting for Our Day.” 1. Children’s fi e to be held on Saturdiy, October 14, 1916, from 3 to 6 p,m. Entrance fee Adults 50 cts. Children and amahs 10 cts. 2. A
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6
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    • 38 6 Remember the Name. i Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the best known medieire for diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or puns in the stomach. You may need it some time. For sale by all D.spensaries and Dealers.
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    • 76 6 The moment a min does his beet bit of 'quick thinking is when attacked by a violent pain in the stomach, His thoughts immediately fly to WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, The wish for a dote of that famous medicine is uppermost, a wish founded cn s >hd experience, because he
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    • 61 6 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoia? Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in bed if possible, bo careful of your diet and take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar. rhoea Remedy. This medicine has cured oases of chronic diarrhoea that physicians have failed on, and it
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  • 836 7 And when we write war words" we do not mean the kind of language which has shocked the tender ears of the Church Timet, and incidentally giren many a hardworking newspaper commentator a chance to show that he is at least acquainted with one remark of Uncle Toby—that concerning
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  • 207 7 [To this Editor or the Straits Echo.'] Sib, —During a game of Bridge the following rule concerning exposed cards was criticised. The rule reads “If after the final declaration has been made, and before a card is tad, the partner of the player who has to lead
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  • 770 7 It h&B often been acid that sailors, being in constant touch with death and danger, with wbat people who lire in armchair* call the realities of life, are more inclined to superstition than dwellers in cities. There can, at all events, be little doubt that inces*
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  • 233 7 Protest by London Clergy. Opposition to the opening o£ churches to women speakers during the National Mi sion i» becoming apparent in the Diocese of London. As far as is known at present, only two bishops—the Bishop of London ar d the Bshop of Chelmsford—have announced that they
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  • 184 7 Not to be limited in one’s diet but to eat whatever one pleases without discomfort is the dream of every dyspeptic. Nobody can honestly promise to restore any stomach to this condition, because all people cannot eat the same kind of food with equally satisfactory results.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 73 7 t "T I < I., i mlsfMm 4 1J,r OT".. -j« j%* «5 G V' >PI I 4 -r- t k>* LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEE 1916 PRICE LIST. SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, CILFILLAN Go., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE MALACCA. S*& sgJ I < I I a mxt its
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    • 511 7 Swellings Disappear when you rub in Little’s Oriental Balm The pain goes right away and the swelling itself disappears with a few applications. It in utterly useless to suffer. It is useless to pay big doctor’s bills and then to find yourself no better. For 1 Re. you can buy
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1658 8 p. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England.) Mail Eii&ci Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan) fProcoeds direct to Marseilles London, from London direct, INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily suspended.) Wireless Telegrapky fitted oa all Steamers. NOTICE.—AII cabins are fitted with Electric Fans
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