Straits Echo, 22 September 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1193 1 L*liviAl nahM motor car for Sale. One second-hand two-seater morris oxford In good running order, complete with Accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Tel’Address: Hokimteik, Penang. ’Phone No. 694. Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various
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    • 2 1 lIISIH r
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  • 925 2 Has thi Blockade Failed Prcfeasor G, H. T. Koblbrugger has ecutribued to the Nieuwe ft•tterdamsche Courant his impressions of a recent visit to Germany. Impressions prevailing in this country regarding the situation in Germany, be writes, answer so little to the reality that it may be of
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  • 978 2 Keigwin’s Rebellion. By Ray and Oliver Straohey. (Oxford At the Clarendon Press. 1 7a. 6d. net.) The closiog yeirs of Charles tha Second’s reign, ao full of pa-snnate incident in the sphere of domestic policy, witnessed a critical stage in the history of the Etat lodia Com*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 362 2 99 Pure Water a Necessity in every home, Use the BOULTON’S Improved Germ Intercepting Filters. Absolutely the best of all. ft- i 0P f'>" m m m Household pattern in cream enamelled stone ware with detachable filtering cylinders, as illustration. The use of these filters ensure a supply of pure
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    • 88 2 Chamberlain's Couth Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for oils, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for a'most forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy’ can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds
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    • 42 2 Tr eitmciit for Dysentery. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Eeqißdy followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers,
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    • 465 2 translation. The undersigned translate any docnment Vro® p 1 into Chinese and vice versa Al?n lBh accounts into English. Chinese Fees according to the following (1) For translation for i DBflr L Strait» Echo or the Pinana Sin P ln printed by the Jobbing 5S5r PreBB> <* r foli 100
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  • 571 3 [To tmk Editor or thi Straits Echo.] Dear Sir, A Reader is evident)y a false psychologist. He is far out of the mark when be prophesies me to be the same person as Mr. C. B Teat, or that my article to be the direct outcome of the
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  • 101 3 [To The Editor or thi Straits Echo.] Dear Sir, No wender that Mr. C. B. Teat is so excited and bewildered over my fair comment as lie has a say iu the matter. I really sympatbizs with him for pleading on behalf if Miss T. S O. when
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  • 97 3 The following were the results of the ties played eff vetterday: Bowls Tournament. Single Handicap. W B Houston beat W Houtson 21 —l3. TknniB Tournament. Single Handicap C, H R Ckeeseman beat O Savage 4-6, 6-3, 6—2. A Lindley beat Pennycuick 6—4. Double Handicap B. A W
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  • 66 3 Members are reminded that the next Club Handicap Shoot will take p'aee on Sunday afternoon next at 3 p.m. Ranges 300 and 600 yards. This is the last shoot of the Season 1915 —1916. There will be a change of programme at the B‘raits Cinema to-night
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  • 94 3 From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 22. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 595,380 lb. were sold at the following prices per picul Smoked Sheet* $123 to $l2B Good Hd to 125 Fine 112 to 127 Good plain 108 to 109 Unamoked 11$ to 115 Good 110 to
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  • 90 3 The following prices wore obtained at the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction yesterday Diamond Smoked Sheet from $lll to $123 Plain Smoked Sheet $lll to $ll2 Diamond Unsmoked Sheet slls to $ll4 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $lO4 to $lO6 Diamond Smoked Sheet No. 2 $lOl to $lO3 Pale Crepe
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  • 77 3 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday Smoked Ribbed Sheet $llB to $123 per picul. Smoked Plain Sheet $lO9 $lll No. 2 Smoked Sheet $llO $ll2 Uasmoked Sheet... $lO6 $lll Crepe fine pale thin and
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  • 39 3 The following are the particulars of the output of the Renong Tin Dredging Co. for the first half of S j p‘ember No. 1 Dredge 78 Piculs. No. 2 Dredge 200 Picule. No. 3 Dredge 407 Piculs.
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  • 432 3 The September monthly Medal Competition viz 50 yards handicap will be. held at the Swimming Club on Sunday, the 24th September at 11-15 a m. Entries will be received by the Secretaries up to within half an hour of the start of the race. We must do
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 243 3 J < <n Q U) UCHANANS SCOTCH WHISKY a 4 H 0 u a x Z < z < X o 3 CO 0 (0 -I < M s: SX X filASW" (0 o r O SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT' BLACK&WHITE ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY CD •< > t* r
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    • 407 3 AMULET SMOKING MIXTURE QUITE NEW PACKED IN TINS O F 1/4 and 1/S lbs. FOR SALE ALL PRINCIPAL DEALERS. TO-NIGHT 1 TO-NIGHT!! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Present Pa 1 he's Latest and Most Wonderful Serial NEAL OF 28 PARTS 28 THE NAVY It is the serial
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  • 93 4 fitfshsfl daily («xoept B**days od frtbl» as m CRITERION PRESS, Ln. No 59, Beach Street, Penang. FKIOB. Daily Local $34 per amnum. OvtsUtion... Poatage Extra. Mail Edits* (Port Free) $17.50 CABLE IDDKIU «ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Not. (Echo, 556 Printing Department 343 MM.—AO NonaiMtlMi ahoaM to toArwato to Tib
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  • 17 4 Olliver —Oa September 4, to Lieut. Olliver, R A., and Mrs. Olliver, a daughter. (By cable.)
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  • 2264 4 One of our medical friends lent us recently a copy of the “Report from the Select Committee on Patent Medicines which was published some two years ago and the caption above sums up succinotly the reflecrions which a perusal of this very interesting document suggests.
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  • 38 4 L»t«»t Quotation». «UO rn nre^ ned > iB <l UOted her to-daj at 583 50 business done, in Singapore, (nboed) at $83.875, buyers no sellers, and m London at £172. 15-. spot and £173 ss, three months’ sight.
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  • 679 4 Mr. Quah Beng Kee, of the Eastern Shippiog Co K r M r yesterday for Kuala Lumpur oi a busing Miss McNair, head nuraj at the General Hospital, «.turned fr m hoVZT the P. and O mail. Sho i, lookTn.T by tionally well and was warmly
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  • 70 4 From. Ovff Own Correspondent Singapore, Sept. 22 Messrs. Fraser A Co’s weakly report states that a substantial advance in the price of rubber, followed by an appreciation in local rubber shares, have been bright features of the past week, but as a whole tbs rise has been
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  • 28 4 (From Our Oxen CbmespoudenL) London, September 21. The following were the prices in th 3 London Rubber Market to-day Pale Crepe 2/5$ Diamond Smoked 2/5
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 262 4 Our Policy is to supply goods of undoubted smartness at the lowest possible margin of profit. A huge stock of lion Bedsteads now on view in our New Show Room. MISSIVi IRON BEDSTE D'.ss sketch brass rings and Spindles, S ze Price 4}' by 6J' 11' pillars $32-50 5' by
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  • 734 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. minor successes. At Interesting Kind. f, judon, September 20, 5.10 p.m. L iu o rii Haig's says farther k> t l a general situation is uuchanged. A ,tiilery dastroyed two hostile gun and an ammunition store. einp |U ggfal minor enterprise was carried b
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  • 582 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. CAPTURE OF CHATEAU PARK. Haad-to-Hsad Figktiag. London, September 20, 12.40 p.m. A Paris describing the capture of Deniecourt, says No pi ice except Combles is so strongly fortified as Chateau Park which is now in ruins. The chateau was a veritable f irtress bristling
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  • 567 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE PRESENT SITUATION. SltkirkiUkiiTi Alfkte*. London, Sept, 21. The correspondent of the Timet in Galicia wiring on September 19, states that General Sctcherbatcbeff'a army is advancing steadily although confronted by heavy German reinforcements- The Russian* are now only a few hundred yards from Halici
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  • 553 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. A MILLION HOMELESS Crops Destroyed. Washington, September 21. A million people are rendered homelees by floods in China. Several cities in Northern Anhui are submerged. There were few fatalities but the crops are generally destroyed. Chinese Loan. For Reorgaaisatioa Purposes. Peking, September 20.
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  • 1007 5 A Query. “Wnat is the piae of good tea in the Straits, as compared with the pro iu Ceylon? What is the freight from Colombo to Penang on a ten-pound chest of tea r’ asks a Constant Reader.” We give it up, but psrbaps oie of our erudite
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  • 883 5 Attempted Ovicide. name] Tbangaveloo this morning chirgod before Mr. V. G. Ezechitl to tbs third Court with attempting to commit suicide by hanging himself in a house in Tanj mg Buogah. On the accused claiming trial An&meb, a widow, deposed that she knew accused who *as
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  • 72 5 The following articles will bo fiuni on oar outside pages:— Pages. 2. —An Indian Rebellion. In Girmipy To-day. 3. —Self-Education Elucidated. Ciinese Marriage*. Penaue Cricket Club. Penang Volunt er Rifle Club. Tin Output. Penang Swimming Club, Penang Rubber Auc'ion. Eastern Produce Exchange. Singappora Rubber Auction. 6—DatchEist Irdi’«\ Ceyloi Labour
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  • 328 6 The s s. Kaiping. which is due here on the 27th instant from Chin Evan Tao, has 2,800 tone of ooal to diecharge. The e.e. Rotorua and the s.e. Pin Bong, which arrived here yesterday, brought 2,784 and 1,047 tons of tin ore respectively. The i s. Pembrokeshire
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  • 348 6 Friday, September 22. Penang Volunteers—Recruit Drill, Maxims, Fort Cornwallis, 530 p.m. Ambulance Co Drill, Fort Corawallie, 5.30 p.m. Saturday, September 23. Football—P.C.C. vs. Kedah, Esplanade. Sunday, September 24. 14th Sunday aft)r Trinity. F. M, S. Chamber of Mines visit to Malayan Tin D.edging Mine. Penang Swimming Club,
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  • 1020 6 Touching the question of registration of servants in Malays, we learn from our Ipoh contemporary that fall details of the system as it is worked in Ceylon have been given by the Inspector-General of Police of that Colony, and the petitions and circulars bearing the names of nearly
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  • 793 6 Tn Djambi Rebellion. Weltevreden, Sept. 15. The insurrection at Djambi continues apace, though the situation is, according to reports, now much better than last week. Since reporting last seversl other companies of brigades have been despatched while three days ago Col. Koersen of the Infantry left for
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  • 155 6 To-morrow, Saturday, in First League Jamathol Moslem against Hutton L*ne. Sunday, Muthibol Ahzan against Sabrul Jamil. The Amsterdam Telegraaj iearns from the German frontier that caricatures of highly placed personages, and even of the Kaiser appear mysteriously on walls and hoardings of streets in Gdimany. i -Deserted
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  • 928 6 Plantation Labour problems are ai prominent in Ceylon aa they bare again become in Malspa. A naotd gathnag a* Kandy has been dianaaaif the veaed question and, after,a very long aitting, arrived at the conclusion that it could beat be controlled by legialation aa opposed to federation.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 85 6 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This remedy bas no superior as a cure for olds, croup and whooping cough. It bas been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty 3ears. Chambenain’a Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to tain It not only cures colds
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    • 62 6 KhroaitiioL Have you ever tried Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism If not, you are wa9tiog time, as the longer this disease runs on, the harder it is to cure. Get a bottle to d»y apply it with a vigorous message to the afflicted parti and you will be surprised and
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    • 585 6 WANTED immediately a Chinese Cashier for Collection of Bents etc Must hare knowledge of Chinese characters. One speaking English preferred. Guarantee $2,000 requited, Apply JOHN MITCHELL, 464 Receiver Bek Teoh Kengsi. A FURNISHED HOUSE not later AJL than Ist December, sea-front preferred. Apply by letter to PRITCHARD Co, Ltd. 466
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  • 952 7 The Far Bast, a reliable Tokyo paper, takes a serious vitw of the rebellious out* breaks that bare he-m taking place in Cbioa —in Cmton, Hankow and Manchuria. I' <js unless the Chin'se people realise tbe i fleets of such outbreaks in disturb nz trade t>nl public security,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 150 7 The World’s Family Medicine The reooD why BMthtm'i Puila lut* cone medicines i. dear to everyone who ha. had occakon to qualities. Between the man, willed cure. remedy there i. a wide gulf. The Beecham’s Pills Will Do You Good. Females «pwiaily will find that Beecham't Pill* wttl re,tor. free
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    • 66 7 Sharp attacks of colic are very prevalent in this trying climtte, and it ia well to know what abonld be taken to overcome the trouble. Hare is the knowledge to act on Get a hotHe of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT COM and take a teaepoonful every three hour». Speedy relief will
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    • 201 7 N, C v J v JCs.'**, f u '>i f J .JT A?T > v. .-1 •x Ji S l-..; /> IT- k- Vov WANTED SILVER BULLETS. IS YOUR NECESSARY EXPENDITURE ASSISTING THE OLD COUNTY? REMEMBER THAT 90JI of our materials comes direct from British sources. Over 90 cents out
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  • 1049 8 Peoblkm foe Employer». For tha past dozen years the question of commercial education in Malaya has been trougbtto the fore on repeated (cessions, discussed in aba f-hearted manrer and then permitted to smk back into the limbo of for-, witLoat any appreciable good, apparently being accomplished.
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  • 198 8 A great London physician said that half the fatal illnesses in the world are caused by eelf-neglect. People allow themselves to become seriously ill, because they do -not take oare of their health when they are only a little out of sorts. He said that there
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 354 8 u f Look that L air of nkinny scarecrows Why don’t they try Sargol F EXCESSIVE THINNESS Doctors Say There Is Safe Simple Way To Get Fat. Dr. Amaat tka eaiacat authority, d«et*r«* this is the most successful y i method of puttios o* flesh." find difficult to lress
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    • 10 8 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d,
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    • 363 8 1 THE r London Directory (Published Annually.) j Enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English Manufacturers Dealers 3 in each class of goods. Besides being a t complete commercial guide to London «.«d its suburbs, the Directory contains lists of r Export Merchants 9 with the Goods
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    • 213 8 INVICTA MOTOR CYCLES^ 2± H. P.—2 Stroke $375-00. B, S. A. MOTOR CYCLES AND BICYCLES. CATALOGUES FREE. CYCLE AND CARRIAGE CO., The complete Cycle Motor Cycle House, Penang Kuala Lumpur Ipoh Singapore, X x x x X X JUST ARRIVED. 2 HUPMOBILE 5-passenger Touring Cars. 7 Touring Car. 2 SAXON
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  • 1100 9 11 have ciptorni ihe ridge, wa cm e i &r any ta k e tie cuse of the campaign, «nil think, in the dim dist«nce, we ctu »eo the end.” Tbi- ssattnre, which wa t«ke i from Mr Lloyd Gcorgb’a speech in the i U u«e
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  • 1020 9 A Wartime Nocnrmvß. (From a Gao ctuQot 1 )ok a* senchiigtu* working together in any Dumber w.tuout fancying that they mutt be playing some celestial game. Their movements clearly hire nme purpose; but this exploration if the sky must be so de’igbiful that it seems to be practised natu
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  • 123 9 If you are si ffoiog uow from the gripp;ng, twi'ebing pains of neuralgia—if you euff red yesterday and eipect to suffer tp.n>o r row—yes if you’ve suffered all your life f odi the ng’n e»s of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, backache, toothicbe, earache, gfrtine, strains,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 69 9 7! r i 4 A > #4 VJ «ri 4 r T r i 4 S7' W LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEE 1916 PRICE LIST. SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Go., Ltd., (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE MALACCA. ;*As h .4; 1 •;*fv I ■ga ft "7* Ml Shv>< “'i i
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    • 45 9 Remember the Name. Chamber a n’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kun dy is the bfst known medicice for diarrh ea, dysentery, colic, craucpr or pa ns in the stomach. You may nted it some t m fl For sale by all D.spensanes and I Dialers,
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    • 66 9 Fheoaatha. Hare you ever tried Chunhe'laiD’s Pain Balm for rheumaMMn If no’ you are wasting t»me. as tin longer tbs disease tuds od, the bar ier it is to cure. Get a bottle to d*v, apply it with a vigorous in> t>sage to tbe affl oted parts and y u
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    • 459 9 does not solicit the custom of all Patriotic Britishers simply because it is the On'y Eng’ish Restaurant Bar IN PENANG BDT BECAUSE ITS NAME 19 A GUARAN PEE of QUALITY whilst its FOOD PRICES are obviously fixed as a draw and convenience to customers. A MAN OF DISCERNMENT who lias
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1729 10 P. O—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan I tProceeds direct to Marseilles A London. •from London direct, INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. (Service temporarily suspended Wireless Telefrapky fitted oa all Steamers. NOTICE.—All
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