Straits Echo, 21 September 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1185 1 It&MAID It h IiUED NATUM HOdl aNV ONVN3d -pajiuif-j •tjodj pu v jndutn'j f/tny 4WBJS jaqqnfl 'sjanjs-^ccg “03 1 9 1 Pi VHIX3 39YISOd 00 s sj, saaoif MI¥IIHB XV3H9 1^1; Hi KII niog O*Y moh •••rasijoadi g jo (masi^ qisog jdjjy k e«Jno ii|9iaii*j oi«p-oi-dg 9 :qAi P°°o iojoj*
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    • 19 1 'l S I f .J Hta v 9 ii n hi* si; :i;n C/)?f p v/z// to J? s
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 72 2 DRINK it m it n ap 1 If > Hi HK1 r»; ffc PIHs B|? $?SH9Ef Ima Sm wm 1 Hitema 1H mt Qt-> m N gj 5». t '2 1 1 1 f% I A NOISSEORS TH s'^,V SOLE AGE I fci fit W m JL MU wmq, W
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  • 830 3 Buttbb at 28s. Pbb L». Amsterdam. The efforts of Batocki to put an end to the surreptitious selling of food bv the profiteers to the rich has led to the invention of many amusing devices on the part of the former to continue to defeat the intention
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  • 869 3 What Wk Can Do. We have had a long course of Germap frightfulness,” yet the significance of it all is atill generally misunderstood The average Englishman still regards that long series of aft« of brutality and best slity as the natural ffl ireacsnce of the barbarous
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 422 3 1 I >i b Ss «hUSP» H I r°i 73 99 2 S </• SMflf 3|f:l!2e z- y Hi (0 r*m w SlHsg Mm Ml Sill* lAr Z 3.5 SriT a w g M-notf ji'i c cr- j: i> 3-'* 5-3- S'. o r. s-i'S I 0 I S-gjj 5T
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    • 917 3 n THE BLOOD is the LIFE of the FLESH Dr. Morse’s India» Root Pills-What they are and what they do. Their Four Principal Ingredients. It is an established fact that all diseases spring from one source, namely Impurity of the Blood. Therefore our strength, health, and life depend upon the
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  • 447 4 The India Office has announced that in future persons other than British subjects will not be allowed to undertake missionary or educational work in India unless they hare previously obtained the permission of the authorities to go there for that purpose The German missionaries have all been
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  • 129 4 The Commissioners of George Town, Penan?, invito separate t.n J ers for the following: 1 Alterations to Town Ilall consisting of additional exi's, staircases, 2. Erection of Coolies’ Quarters (one block) at Sungti Piuang. Full particulars can bi obtained and plans and specifications inspected at the Municipal Engineer’s
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  • 159 4 [To the Editor of the Time*.] Sir, —Tie forcible abduction of woimn and girls of which we bra»’ ia France is nothing new in Hoheozollern warfare. The King of Prussia [wroto the Saxon Resident oa lB, 1771] has had nearly 7,000 girls from 16 to 20 carried
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  • 321 4 The people of Kiangsu are getting tired of the notorious Queue General” Cbaog Hsud, who is now being attacked from all sidep. Since the saving of the Republic, all the secret service bureaux have been abolished, save the one maintained by the General. This one is causing much
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  • 373 4 Austria and the Progress of the War. Amsterdam, Aug. 20. Prince Ilohenlohe Sobi ltDgsfii-st, the Aus-tro-Hungarau Ambassador in Berlio, speaking at a recaption at the Embassy of the Autt o Hungarian olory on the occasion of the Austrian Emperor’s birth* day, said:— “A year ago no one thought
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  • 294 4 “Not Sufficiently Neuteal.” m, u, Amsterdam, August 20 The whole German Press reproduces 'an article m the North Oor, nan QauZ denouncing the Danish Press for not bet sufficiently neutral. The article says the Danish Press, under» mask of neutrality, i. carryi Dg O J, merits which
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  • 150 4 To the Editor of the Straiti Echo. Bir, Your correspondent, “A Reader," has certainly meant to play me a game of i I win, tail you loss.” So that I do not know if I may be right to assign him the prearranged name of cat-witted and cocktailed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 988 4 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., LTD., P E NAN C AND TAIPING. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) MOSQUITO NETS. We are noted for the quality of our Mosquito Nets and Netting, and know that our prices cannot be equalled on equal quality anywhere. All Nets are made up with full corners, have wide doors,
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  • 431 5 Comm but Bt The Timet, London Sept. 2: The Timet has published its fourth Japan Supplement. It contains, among others, an article contributed by the Navy Department of Japan giving an outline of the movements made by the Japanese Navy in connection with the present
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  • 417 5 A Host os* Aliens, D s:ussing the case of Mr. Keyser, who, it w 11 be remembered, was sentenced by tin the Germans at Brussels to 12 years’imprisonment on a charge of espiou ige, and suggested measures of reprisal on German spies in ths country, the Nieuwe
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  • 131 5 To the Editor or the Straits Timet. —3Jy attention has been drawn to the report, app ariog in the September 16 issue of your paper, of an address delivered by i me to the leaders of the Mohamncelan community on the subject of “Our Day.” I
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  • 295 5 Progress or Shipbuildibo. London, Sept. 4. In an article dealing with his impressions of a fleet in course of construction, Mr. Alfred tfoyes makes the following statements of tbe present condition of the shipbuilding industry of Great Britain. “The same week in which Great Britain lost eight
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  • 197 5 The Home Treasury’s Thanes. With regard to the $15,000,000 which the Federal Council of the F.M.S. have placed at the disposal of the British Government the following Treasury minute was issued last night:— The thanks of their lordships have already been conveyed by tbe Secretary of
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  • 146 5 The K. P. M’s s.s. Rothussen his been stuck on the bar at Belawan for the past thtej days. TLe ss. Jin Ho, Captain Ferguson, will leave this evening for Bagau Datoh and Teluk Anson. She arrived here this morning from Asahan. b The ss. Strathord, which arrivod
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  • 226 5 Tae Timet of Malaya nya on the question of a suggestion to get this matter dealt with. Full details of the system as it is worked in Ceylon have been very readily g iv f“ b 7 the Inspector General of Police of that Colony, and the petitions
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 363 5 AMULET SMOKING MIXTURE QUITE NEW PACKED IN TIMS OF 14 and 1/8 lbs. FOR SALE B Y ALL PRINCIPAL DEALERS. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT I! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. THE GREAT EUROPEAN WAR KULTUR on the screan. Special War Pictures tuken under Shell Fire DIRECT FROM THE FRONT
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  • 96 6 MbM daily («xoept todays aid pOkßc Wday.) as m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No 59, Beach Street, Penang. PBIOD. Drily Local Mi 924 per annum. Omtatation... Postage Extra. Kail Edition (Port Free) 917.50 GABLE ADDRESS i ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Departnent 343 jr.e.-AU builaM# evnußonioatioß* «herald
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  • 1283 6 The reports from Peking of the manner in which the Chines? Parliament is approaching its task are not encouraging. Indeed they go far to support the opinion of those who doubt very much whether China now is, or will be for a long time to come, ripe
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  • 64 6 A special reminder must be given of the musical evening at the Town Hall tonight. We hear most allqring accounts of the programme that has been arranged, while the good cause alone should ensure a bumper heuse. The price of the seats throughout the hall is only 91
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  • 571 6 We hear that Mr. P. de C. Morriss has obtained a commission in the Coldstream Guards.— MM. In connection with the marriage of Mr. Cheah Cheng Keat, invitations are out for a dinner at 6 pm. to-morrow, the twelfth day of the marriage. Mr. Justice Innes and
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  • 59 6 Latest Quotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $83.75, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at $83.62£ buyers no sellers, and in London at £172 17s. 6d. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on Spot in London
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  • 258 6 C From Our Otm Vomeep&ndenl^ London, September 20. The following were the prices in the London Rubber Market to-day Pale Crepe 2/5| Diamond Smoked 2/5JA Chinese painter, while painting the wall of a newly built house in Bishop Street this morning, missed his footing and fell headlong to
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  • 977 6 A Slrt*(( Bird. It would seem that officialdom in Sapors has again been adopting the attitude of what the revered Major St. Clair iuaH call the ostrich with cold feet.” 0 Ditquietiat. A couple of davs ago we alluded in th column to an Ostatiatiche Lloyd telegra giving
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 114 6 G.TD. SERVICE. A Recent Unsolicited Testimonial —“Thanking you for the prompt and careful (attention you have always given to my orders THE George Town Dispensary, Ltd. THE LEADING CHEMISTS PENANG, TAIPINC and iPOH. JUST ARRIVED. 2 HUPMOBILE 5-passenger Touring Cars. 7 Touring Car. 2 SAXON 2«Seater Roadster Cars. 2 DODGE
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  • 740 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FURTHER fighting Ammuaitioa Depot Exploded. LjndoD, September 20, 12.10 a.m. (jeueral Haig, in a communique, states <*Xbo situation is unchangod. ••A local enemy attack east of Martin poicb wii repulsed. „O JQB iJ e rab!e artillery activity took place ,30th Of AnCre hostile balloon
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  • 890 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. BAD WEATHER CONDITIONS. Enemy Cowater-Attack» Repvlacd. London, September 19, 4.15 a.m. A Paris communique states weather interfered with the operations on the Somme. We made progreaa east of Bemy. Enemy attacks in Champagne were repulsed with serions losses. Two enemy counter-attacks on Morthomme failed
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  • 551 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. POSITION IN DDBRUDJA. Battlg Froat Skortcaci. London, September 20. A telegram from Bukharest, dated September 18, states that skilful strategic movements by the Busso-Bumanian troops in theDobrudj* region have resulted in such a shortening of th 3 front that the enemy’s position it critical.
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  • 356 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. GBEAT BATTLE BAGING. Tminc Stbuooli fob Soistilbikt. Petrograd, September 19. A great battle on the Biver Narayavka, to the north of Halics, has been raging these three days. The Buasians attacked on Saturday morning and hand-to-hand fighting ensued. Repeated German counterattacks were held up.
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  • 322 7 A Ghastly FaiUre. LondoD, Aug, 30. A correspondent of Reuter’s Agency has returned from a visit to certain aviation oentres in Great Britain. He spoke to a number of flying experts on the subject of Zeppelin raids, and says their views may be summed up in two
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  • 647 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. N«w Ckicf for tk« Uiics. The Hague, September 19. Reir-Admiral Jan Marina! Bron has been appointed Commander of the Naval Forces of the Na?j Department in the Dutch East Indies in the place of Vice-Admiral Pinke. To CztsaJ tks Flest. Hague, Sept. 19. Queen
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  • 196 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Ssptember 21. The Rubber Auction is unfinished. In sympathy with the London quotations higher prices prerailed and the average advance was |8. At the outset the demand was brisk but it fell away. m An officer and a gentleman” is not an
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  • 726 7 Attempted Murder. Rcngasamy, who was charged with attempted murder of Govinda-amy at Ti laga Ayer, Province Wellesley, in bis defeuca denied the allegations preferred against him. He stated that he was arrested while he was having his meals. He was found guilty and sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for
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  • 159 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Page. 3, —Week in Germany, The Problem of Reprisals. 4. —The German Abductions. Charg Hsun. Germany and Donrmak, Chinese Marriages. Missionaries in India. Vanishing Hoprs. s—Japan’s Navy and the War. Bpies in Holland. The Rid Crrs Society. B itnin’s
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  • 959 8 In the midst of the fine results that are coming forward now, from the fighting line it is salutary to recall that even more astonishing results are being accomplished in the line of war finance and as the efforts in the fighting line are only
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  • 274 8 CHINESE FACTION FIGHTS. It was stated in the Kuala Lnmpur Police Court yesterday, (says the local paper of Tuesday) when Dtt3ctive Chief Inspoctor Wyatt charged three batches of Chinese with affray, that there exists in Kuala Lumpur at present considerable ill-feeling between two factions of Hokien Chinese.
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  • 407 8 Thursday, September 21. PenaDg Volunteers —Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 5 30 p.m. Recruit Drill Chinese Company, 5.30 p.m. St, Matthew. Penang Golf lub, Ladies' Monthly Medal. Musical Evening, Town Hall, 9.15 p.m. Friday, September 22. Penang Volunteers —Recruit Drill, Maxims, Fort Cornwallis, 5.30 p.m. Ambulance Co
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  • 639 8 Aw Int*rbstin<* Cam. The restrictive measures which have been put in force by His Britannic Majesty’s Consulate General in Bangkok, designed to I allow as little enemy goods to enter here as possible and to prevent enemy firms from < keeping in touch with their
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  • 76 8 Tennis Tournament. Tbe following were the results of the ties played off yesterday: Championship. A V Perrin beat H E Mason 6-2, 5—7, 6—4. Bingle Handicap B. C D D Hogan beat J J L Harvey 6—2, 6—4. Single Handicap C. E R Henderson beat H W
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  • 86 8 British Captain’s Opinion. New York, Sept. 3. A British army captain has arrived here bearing dispatches from the Foreign Office to the Embassy at Washington. The captain, being interviewed, said that it is officially believed in London that Germany will make peace proposals before the winter campaign
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  • 920 8 Dutch Writer's ExM EliNctB Prom the battlefields of the the ship-yards of the Clyde in a lutu twenty hours is sorely a record in\£ T r days, when international travel is in iiti«. Ch,D6se Ct I Amid tbe roar of a steadilv ino™. bombardment I drove
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 483 8 'OB COMPOSJTORa Salary according to qualifications. Apply to FOREMAN, Criterion Press, Ltd. SIDDELEY— WOLSELEY 14-*0 h p. CAR. 5-seater. Fully equipped in ice every respect. Has been carefully looked it after. In perfect running order. Owner tc going Home. Price $3,000. R. DANE. WANTED. WANTED immediately a Chinese Cashier for
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    • 60 8 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea? Ke fP absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in btd if possible, be careful of your diet and take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. This medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea that physicians have failed on, and it
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    • 88 8 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a cure for olds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. i Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures
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    • 75 8 When Baby scream* there is much to do to quieten him. The poor little chap cannot tell you what the trouble is, but, moat likely, it is just wind. Two drops dt WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE in a little warm water will put the matter right and quickly make Baby
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    • 10 8 For Children’. Hacking Cough at Nigb^ Wood.’ Great Peppermint Care
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  • 1099 9 Pbrsk’s Trad* Outlrt. It is recalled that a few years ago the question of providing better facilities for landing and shipping goods for the northern i part of the Federated Malay States was j widely discussed, since when the linking up c of the F M
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  • 1085 9 New Lioht in Old Words. (From a Correspondent Wheu in the first shock of the war m#n read the Bible they fouud in it an unsuspected sympathy; words came to them char.ed with an almost personal understanding, as though the writers spoke from one experience
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  • 112 9 (INCORPORATED IN SINGAPORE.) In connection with the proposed mcreasa of the Company’s C*prtal the holders of bearer share warrants desirous of claiming an allot aunt of the bonus shares are notified that they will be require 1 to exchange their share warrants for registrred share
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 199 9 t -v r- U J N V t J /> okc: V <N wsfc» WANTED SILVER BULLETS. IS YOUR NECESSARY EXPENDITURE ASSISTING THE OLD COUNTY? REMEMBER THAT 902 of our materials comes direct from British sources. Over 90 cents out of each Dollar you pay for our Aerated Waters goes
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    • 10 9 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d
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    • 790 9 The Straits Trading Co., Limited. (INCORPORATED IN SINGAPORE.) NOTICE is hereby given that an Extr-« ordinary General Meeting of the Ompany will bo held at the Registered Office of tho Companv, No. 11, Collyer Q ny, Singapore, on Wednesday, the sixth day cf September, 1916, at noon, for the purposes
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  • 1388 10 Mr. Alfred Spender, in bis Letter to the Anti pc dee, says: Thu best news is that the official classes hare b?*n utterly taken by surprise by the course of evbnts this* year. Their idea of this year’s campaign was, roughly, as follows. Italy was to
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  • 568 10 A Germany Without Hohineollerns. A treaty of peace in which neither William of Hohenzollorn nor any member of his family shall have a part is the vision of a Paii-iaD, Joseph Reioach. Upon the head of Germany’s reigning house he heaps the responsibility of tbs war and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 65 10 Rheumatism. Hava you ever tried Chamber lain’* Pain Biltn for rheumatism If uot, you are waaiiog time, as the loDger this disease runs od, the hir Jer it i« to cure. Get a bottle to d«y, apply it with a vigorous message to the <-ffl eted parts aud y<ru will
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    • 12 10 For Children's Hacking Ccugh at Night, Words' Great Peppermint Oere Is 6d.
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  • 2333 11 There never was a stranger example of the irony of fate than the present position of Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary is really an Empire, an Empire in which there are two ruling races and a number of j subject ones and the immediate cause of the war was
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 84 11 n jt j r-. v. aa *ftk it* 1 sk j-.- 1 V '^vl^ umjj, > j s3^“ fW«= Kw |foi r* RK £2 LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES. 1916 PRICE LIST. SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, CIIFILLAN Go., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANC, SINGAPORE MALACCA. emui »*BSS23^®S3K£ jsas^w r.*s ~-r 1« 1
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    • 66 11 THE OFFICE MAN leads a sedentary life; his brain grows sluggish— so does his liver Hia health suffers so does his business. r^rrr»nM vMMxSS the tiny laxatives gently stimulate the bowels thus toning up the system and nerves which lead to sparkling good health. Do not gripeOf chemists, 50 cents
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    • 476 11 Never too late to cure Neuralgia If you are Buff-ring now from the gripping, twitching pains of muralgia—if you suffered yesterday and expect to suffer tc-rrorrow —yes' if you'n suffered all your life from the «gomes of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatic», backache, toothiche, earache, s|.riiu8, strains, or swellings, row is the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1527 12 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINK (Incobporatud in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan) fProceeds direct to Marseilles A LondoD. •from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT BERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) (Service temporarily suspended.)
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