Straits Echo, 15 September 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1107 1 ILKMAID It lygD NATUEa motor cars for Sale. Two second-hand two-seaters morris oxford AND humberette In good running order, complete with Accessories! Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Tel'Address: Hokimteik, Penang. 'Phone No. 694. Motor Car Importers
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    • 14 1 7r? ■ft m r I r« if I k nma JH K mi r
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  • 959 2 EXPERIENCES AND EMOTION* IN Two Raids. What happened was this. People Baid, As jou value your life, do not go holidaymaking to the East Coast; the Huns are loo*e, and they make their hunting-ground tb ßut the East Coast kept calling and calling. London wa* hot, and
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  • 1024 2 ThI COALITIOIf. It is a rash generalisation which declares that England bates Coalitions, for the number of occasions on which the thing has been fairly tested are too few to furnish any real test, but it is certainly true that political parties greatly dislike tbem. This is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 12 2 For Children'# Hacking Cough at Night, Wood»’ Great Peppermint Cure 1». 6d
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    • 305 2 Pure Water a Necessity in every home, Use the BOULTON’S Improved Germ Intercepting Filters. Absolutely the best of all. *3 j ..Willi; kMt i ED ft S2 m ’Mm, --ill mu "Iff mm si Household pattern in cream enamelled stone ware with detachable filtering cylinders, as illustration. The use of
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    • 571 2 WANTED IMMEDIATELY' Two Compositors or t K. Newspaper Olfice. «»1 130 to competent men Apply personally to foreman, C J° Straits Echo. Par» Rubber Seed» and For particular* and p™, A P P Ij to KHOO K,m h Manager 1 388 Son Che D Bun gei Paun,. 1 FOR SINGAPORE,
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  • 854 3 At t** Town Hall. Of the exict amount taken on behalf ofi the Otfio**r*’ Families’ Fund at the conoert last night W8 are not aware, bat it must have bran a pretty substantial sum, for there was scarcely a vacant seat at the Town Hall when His
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  • 375 3 Access» AcqciTT»». Before M r J. C Sugars in the District Coart this morahsg the bearing was resumed of the ca*e agaanat Haji Mdbamed Kasaim, who is better know» by tbe Dame of Hiji Colombo. Tbs charge against him was that be on July 18, 1916, in the
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  • 109 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 15. A* the S ngapore Rubber Auction 572,382 lb. were cff rod for sale and the following prices were obtain'd per picul Smoked Sheets $116 to $120 Good 109 to 115 Fine 103 to 111 Good plain 104 to 105 Unsmoked
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  • 98 3 The undermentioned prices wore obtained at ti e E istern Produce Exchange Auc'im yesterday. Diamond Smoked Sheet fiom $108 to $115 Plain Smokel Sheet $105 Diamond Unsmoked Sheet $105 to $108 Plain Unsmoked Sheet 99 to $103 Diamond Smoked No. 2 89 Brown Crepe 98 Scrap Crepe
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  • 76 3 Last Saturday, Mutbibol Abzan won from Jamathol Moslem by three to nil, in the First League. On Sunday. M j'is, who hid most of the game in tbe first half, lest two points to Crescent, by one to nil. Mr. M. Shafee refereed. To-moricw, Saturday, Babrol Itarn
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  • 147 3 On Wednesday afternoon a Chinese girl of about 15 died suddenly in Market Street, near tbe juoction of Trescher Street. From enquiries made it has been learned that it was a case of plague. Dr. Wan I Ek, whose pharmacy stands in the Bimo street, told one
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 477 3 NOTICE of sale. gy order of the Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang. r De undersigned is instructed to put up for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, On Monday, 9th October, 1916, I’nier the Archway of Logan Buildings COMMBNCIWO AT 11.30 A.*, The following property All that pieca of v*o.*nt land
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    • 522 3 AMULET SMOKING MIXTURE QUITE NEW PACKED X N TIMS OF l/4 and 1/8 lbs. FOR SALE BY ALL PRINCIPAL DEALERS. TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT I! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Present Pathe’s Latest and Most Wonderful Serial NEAL OF THE NAVY. It ia the serial supreme, the serial
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  • 97 4 MHrtH daily (mm§ 1 Bmadayi aad p6Mb wa*y«) ax *n CRITERION PRESS, In. No 59, Beach Stree 4 Penang. Prior. Daily Local M $24 per annum. Ortrtation... Portage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 OABLR ADDBRSS ECHO—PENANG.” t Telephone Noa. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 IF*.—All fcaatMM
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  • 1461 4 There are faddists who are dangerous and others who can be dismissed with a tolerant smile. Speaking generally, a faddist may be unheeded except he repeats a malicious or dangerous statement sufficiently often to tempt some people into believing him. It is full time tLeato challenge him stroDgly.
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  • 881 4 H E. the Governor and Lady .Evelyn < Young went up Penang Hill (or a few hours yestardav. i t The marriage of Mr. Wee Giin Puay, eldest son of Mr. Wee Swes Boo, of ‘Medan, to the youngest daughter of Mr. Lim Boon Haw has been
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  • 36 4 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-daj at $82.50, buyers no fellers, in Singapore (refined) at $B3, business done (80 tons sold) and in London at .£l7l 10s. soot and 4170 three montba’ sight.
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  • 996 4 Compcatatioa». It is quite remarkable to see what a large number of rubber companies failed to produce their estimated output for the y P% r ended June 30. Most of them, however seem to have sold their rubber at an average price rather above the estimates. District officers
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 210 4 The Most Popular Drink in the East. In Peace ASAHI LAGER BEER, SAPPORO BLACK BEER CITRON WATER In War HAS WON THI GRAND PRIZE HAS WON THF GRAND PRIZE AT THE Anglo-Jtpan AT THI Exhibition. Pacama--1910 Va 2“/ MM Pacific A.N I) International The Taisbo PRESS COMMENT. (Japm) National Exbibitiop,
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  • 1403 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. »OUCH-A-VE3Nr.S CAPTURED. Conquer** 1 Potitioas Orgtaitcd. London, September 13, 5.35 p.m Paris communique statei: .ipbe whole of B juch-a-Vosnes, where tbe is strongly entrenched, was fi jrried brilliantly. We organised the conquered positions. The enemy did not attempt a counter-attack.” Artillery Activity. London, September
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  • 558 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram HEAVY FIGHTING. Allied Progress. London, September 13, 4 30 p-m A trench official oommunique, issued at Salonika, states f 14 Tnere is no change on the Struma (rout. The Italians were engaged on both sides of tbe Vardar in the region of Monnt Beles
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  • 444 5 (Reuter's Service). Copyright Telegram. ADVANCE IN TRANSYLVANIA. Coalrol of Daaakc Traffic. London, Sept. 13. Romanians have occupied tbe island of Adakale, opposite Orsova, completely controlling the traffic on the Danube. Ckaafe of Cooaiii. Bukharest, Sept. 13. General Cirainioeanu, former’y Minister for War, has been appointed to the command
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  • 98 5 {From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, Sept 15. The M.B K. stfamer Qubari, bound from Kobe to Calcutta, has come in with a ti e forward, which had boen burning for four days, from the spontaneous combustion of bleaching powders. She remained outside the harbour limits. The authorities
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  • 1803 5  -  [Bt ’•Pebisc p* concluded III. The Trade War party has not hesitated to make capital out of tbe Paris Conference and while at first sight, the Paris-Pact which, it must always be remembered, covers three quite distinct periods, might convey the impression that it favours a trade-war,
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  • 64 5 (.From Over Own Correspondent Sing*| ore, September 15. At the irquiry into the fire on brard tbo s.». Qlenartney the wh<rf manager Mr, King denied incivilty to M\ St vens of thi Singapore Brig*»d i when tbe Brigade arrived. He nev, r thought it advisabh not to
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  • 75 5 Tbe articles will be f »uad on our outside pages: Page. 2-—Oa Baing Z ippid. Politics at Home 3. —Alleged Pd»jury. Eistern Produce Exchange. M F.A. 8 n»sp»re Rubber Auction. A Musical Evening. Plague in Ipoh. —Shipping N=ws. P.lice C Prifouers and Captives. A 9 ndur Song from
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  • 587 6 The P. and O. s Novara which is due here from Colombo on the 18ih instant has 1 11 tons of general oargo to discharge. These. Hong Bee which arrived here I yesterday from Rangoon brought a large i cargo of rice, The following tin ore shipments were
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  • 249 6 Cha.ruk Withdrawn. Lae Hock Lye appeared before Mr. J. C. Sugars in the Distri.t Court yesterday, charged with living partly or wholly on the proceeds of immorality. He claimed trial. The Solicitor-Geueral, Mr. R. D. AotoD, pointed out thit owing to the cod stant delay and the
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  • 979 6 Its Functions Under the Republican Regime. Paris. The French aristocracy, or what is left of it, was, like all ether classes of citizens, mobilised on tbe outbreak of war it has contributed in full measure to the heioic sacrifice of life France ha9 made and is making
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  • 682 6 In the Hands of t*e Sbnowssi. Compiled from tha Diary of C*ptain R. Gwatkin-Williamß, R. N. By Mrs. Gwatein-Williams. (Pearson. 2s. net.) Readers who are beginning to complain of the wearisome similarity of the war boobs will welcome Captain Williams’s Diary, which stands in a class apart.
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  • 244 6 Magpies in Picardy. The magpies in Picardy Are more than I can tell. They fl cker down the dusty roads And cast a magic spell On the men who march through Picardy, Through Picardy to hell. (The blackbird flies with panic, The swallow goes like
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  • 2360 6 M&BOTfi INQUIRY Evidence ox Smifx Omnu. Toe sitting of the Marine Court which is inquiring into the fire on the motor ship Qlenartney was continued jester lay afternoon, says the Strait* Timm of Wednesday. Mr. W. Laogbam Carter, district court judge, presiled, accompanied by Lieut Commander B. A*
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  • 172 6 Friday, Skptembeb 15. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Penang Volunteers— Recruit Drill Maxims, Fort Cornwallis, 530 Pm Ambulance Co Drill, Fort Cornwallis* 5.30 p.m. Saturday, Ssptimbie 16, Town Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Penang Golf Club Men’s Monthly Medal Criterion Press, Ltd., Extraordinary General Meeting Eastern Shipping
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  • 76 6 The following were the result* of the tiei played off vettarday: Twnhis Toubkamini. Championship. F W Harris beat E E Everest 6—3, 7—5. R E Prentia beat C C Roger* 3—6, 6—o, 6—4. Bingle Handicap A. R N Byatt beat M M Stewait 6—3, 6—B, 6—3. Bowl*
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  • 158 6 The Arsenal Military Bureau abolishedht* Seoret Service Bureau yesterday Tbs announcement says that “as the conditio* cl flie country is now peaceful, this bureau i* no longer necessary. —China Press of September 3. The Rev, B. G, Bourchier, vicar, of Bt. Jude’s, Hampstead Garden Suburb, bu replied
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 60 6 Rheumatism. nave you ever tried Chamberlain’* Pain Btlm for rheumatism If not, you are wasting time, as the loner thia disease rune on the harder it is to crui. Get a bottle a PP‘j Wll h trigoroua massage to the afflicted parts aud you will be surprised and delighted at
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    • 59 6 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you nubject to attacks of diarrhoea? Keep absolutely quiet for a few day*, teat in bed if poaeihle, be careful of your diet and take Chamberlain's Cjiic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine haa cured caaea of chronic diarrhoea that physician* have failed on, and it will
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    • 50 6 There is nothing more certain than fact that WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE will correct that heavy overloaded which afflicts those troubled with digestive powers. It is a medicin o has been tested and proved by n3l O ,Vw T sufferers from digestive trouble*. Dispensaries and Stores ersrjwhers *< cents per
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  • 970 7 Visions of the course of events in Central Europe after the war are deprived of reality because when the people realise their certain defeat, which, except in Hungary, they have not began to do, there is no knowing what political convulsions may i ensue. Still, Messrs. P.
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  • 882 7 MANY DELICATE QUESTIONS TO BE DECIDED. (By a Labock Cobbupobdb.yv-) What will be the position of Labour after the war When, some years ago, the Taff Vale jadgment struck at the heart of trade unionism, and the Osborne decision bad the effect of drawing organised Labour
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 153 7 I a J&T 5 mT fj srt w 1 -.1 Alt' V LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEE 1916 PRICE LIST. SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Co., (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE MALACCA. Ltd., ik UE 55 f*JSLT£3£«XJBI>.) Over 150 Machines now itv U?e and on Order Fitted with Machine Moulded Gears
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    • 10 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Gmat Peppermint Care Is. 6d.
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    • 88 7 Chamberlain's Couth Remedy. This remedy has no superior as a curs for colds, croup and whoop ng cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Runedy can always be depended upon and is pleaeant to take. It not only cures
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    • 631 7 Kill Pain Before Pain Kills you Attacks of neuralgia, constant pain or the dread of tbe sudden shooting pains, are a continual wear and strain on the vital forces of the sufferer. Unless relief is obtained a breakdown is sure to follow. Little's Oriental Balm brings certain and speedy relief
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1629 8 P. O.—B. I. AND apcar line (Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homew«fd (for Earope.) Outward (for Ckina and Ja»an I Connecting w.tb. Arabia Morea Medina Mongolia Malwa Kaisar-l-Hind Mooltan Kasfcgar Karmala tProceeds direct to Marseilles A London. •from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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