Straits Echo, 6 September 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1056 1 M.MAI JL Xz lijZED NATlMi HSVD )lOJ INflOOSia *Ol ■MOHS NO MON AH3Nrnm •yodj puv jndwnq f/t«y 'Vuvutj «■•I I I (S fl •’css.?y -«a <m»)s »sii 'nn ijj.ji u B( eqx najßg jo 0003 I y U V b aocao[Cg Jaig aavoovH usaid *H NI iSHXVT 3HX 30 mmm
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    • 15 1 i ifi’s MILK •S roe iwwn oit»** Bf ***fliSTn*«HT TIO N* u»e ret 85 s
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  • 906 2 THE FIRST NEWS OF JUTLAND. Statimkkts bt Chili*» N*v*l Oitici&s. A Correspondent writes: In view of the criticism that was levelled at the Admiralty for its first report of the Skager Rack battle it is interesting to note from newspapers just arrived how the news was reoeived
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  • 1193 2 The statement of the German Emperor that the second year of the war has been c one of glory may arouse as much apprehen- c sion as pride in his subjects if they trouble themselves to consider what truth there is in j his words. The month
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 62 2 Rheumatism. Have you ever tried Chsmbarla'u’s Pain lVtlm tor rluruui&litin If uo f ycu are wasting time, a* tin loner this disease run* on the harder it is to ciu». Get a b.ttle tod»v. apply it with a vigorous manage to the tttlicted part* and ytu will be surprised end
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    • 557 2 ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company Ltd Incorporated ia Iadia. BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE J. R. Macpherson, Secretary S.8. and F.M.S. Total Assets exceed $28,000 000 Claims Paid »26 .OOO,CO0 LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS Apply for Prospectus etc. to representatives Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 23, Gnoh W. Pak,
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  • 1858 3 Contributed). At the time of which I am writing, the 8,«. liaranj Kali is a Government emplovee, ar her four passengers, Hurbey the Surveyor, Marer a 16 stone attashe of the Land Office, myself, and I he Padrĕ,— noted in three States for
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  • 83 3 Sumatra Cons'» id.ated 52,095 lb, Bukit Mortajam 57,744 lb, Taiping Rubber Piautaticm 56,360 lb, Sungei Siput Rubebr Plantations 12,200 b, Sungei Ueyla(F M.S 7,8*3 lb, Kedah 47,713 lb. Kennedy 4,768 lb. Aver Kunirg (F.M.S 690,00 lb, Bradwall (F M.S) 40,927 lb, Chersonese (F M.S) 64.837 lb, D*nn
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  • 101 3 Wednesday 6, September 1916. E-planadb, 6 to 7 p m. 1 Selection Macbeth Verdi 12 P<dka Tha Shop Giil Bucalossi 3 Waltz Dans Tea Yeux Waldteufel 4 Gavotte Passion Flowers F’eutini 5 March The E'ectric Wav® Sulton A youthful I*iih chain's t has invented bd aniline dye. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 608 3 WANTED. 4 X EXPERIENCED CLERK with kuowledge of printing preferred. a. cording to qualifications. Apply to BOX 5, c'o Strait8 Echo WANTED immediately. Two Compositors for the Newspaper Office. Salary v30 to competent men. Apply personally to FOREMAN, c/o Straits Echo. for s^le. j\VO LARGE STEEL SAFES nuasurijg 6' 10"x
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    • 633 3 WESTMINSTER CIGARETTES. TURKISH BLEND.! SPECIALS 50s. PLAIN “A. A.” 50s. do. do. 50s. STRAW TIPPED do. 20s. do. do. 100 s. GOLD TIPPED PACKED IN AIR TIGHT TINS. ALL DEALERS. COMING! COMING! I COMINGII! Our next great serial Neal of tho Navy in 28 parts—an innovation in serial pictures. TO-NIGHT
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  • 92 4 MftM (irnapt Sodkji iai yrttfia ix m okthrion press, l n. No 59, Beach Street, Penang. men. VnOjhml mIM pviuu, Pottage Extra, fttol XSMkra (Port Frta) «17.60 I 'l OilLl ADDBBM: SOHO—PENANG.” TtlrtkoM Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Dipartiuat 345 jr.B.—AU Mmm mmmudlmUom aboaM to liii—l to TBB
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  • 1370 4 We publish to-day on page 6 a most interesting and important statement on the sea affair” by the First Lord of the Admiralty. Although Mr. Balfour, with a sense of dramatic fitness, chose the date of the second anniversary of the deckratioi of war for
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  • 939 4 Madame la Comtesso de Bondy-Biario will be shortly leaving for France. We are sorry t > learn that Mr, W. Peel is indisposed and unable to attend office. Mr. J. Sellar has recovered from bis recent illness and is now out and about again, Mr. H. T.
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  • 977 4 A Query. How is that the oharge for hire for a five-seater car in Shanghai ia only 13 ew hour with a minimum charge of il -k fcD in Penang the charge is 14. n hour and minimum apparently 92 P DQ Moreover those are Hongkong ddi. which
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 192 4 \X v\ v\ Be ready for a rainy day, bay a Waterproof coat now. It is much (beaper than paying doctor’s hills. Made of superior waterproof cloth, colours Gray, Fawn or Olive, all seams sewn, well cut, best finished. Vest pockets, Makers— I R. Morely, London. Price only $lO-50. KENC
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  • 283 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram HEROIC AIRMAN’S FEAT. Awarded Ike V.C. London, September 5. The man who brought down the Zeppelin which fell at Eofield, on September 3, is L eutenant W.L Robinson, of the Worcester.birei, attached to the Flying Corps. He ha. been awarded the Victoria Cross.
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  • 148 5 Arrival of tke Hick Commissioner. (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Kangsar, September 5. In consequence of the rising of the river the fish drive, fixed for to-day, is off. H. E. the High Commissioner arrived at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon and was received by H. H.
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  • 27 5 (From Our Oxen Coxreepondent.) London, September 5. The following were the prices in the London Rubber Market to-day Pale Crepe 2/3 Diamond Smoked 2/2*
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  • 155 5 To-day'» Quotation». Tin (unrefined) is quoted here and in Singapore (refined) io-day at $82.50, buyers no sellers, and in London at JEI7O 15s. spot *od X l7l 10s. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on Spot in
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  • 1301 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SPLENDID PROGRESS. Farther Sueceiui. London, September 5, 3 15 a.m. The Paris communique states We ad b'g progress east of the forest, outflanking the Hospital Farm and occupy, ing the height weit of Marrieres Wood. Today’s captures included a dozen machineguns. South of the
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  • 378 5 It is understood that the Police authorities in the F.M.S. are making close search in tbe country with a view to ascertaining whether any measures are possible against firms here for dealing either directly or indirectly with enemy countries, says the T.O M. The “Trading with
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  • 826 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. GERMAN PROPAGANDISTS. GoT«ria»t UadcrUbiag. Athens, September 5. Tae Government has undertaken to expel for the duration of the war the subject! of foreign powers whom the British and French Ministers indicated aaGerman propagandists. M. Ziaii aad tbe Veaeialiate. Athens, September 5. Notwithstanding the fact
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  • 970 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. British i* Pursuit. London, September 4. The official message regarding the capture of Dar-?s-Saalera continue: We continue to pursue the main German forces south of Mg<r>. General Smuts' main body is near Matombo on the eastern slopes of the U uguru Mountains. Smaller
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  • 880 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special cab'er are from the Sumatra Post of Monday, Augu.t 4 NEUTRALS AND THE WAR. The British Blockade. The Dutch steamer Koningin W dhelmina has been held up and taken into an English port. r England his also detained tin cvg-ies of
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  • 67 5 The following articles will be f und on our outside pages Page. 2- —The Sea Affairs. Russia and Austria. 3- —The Last Voyaer* of the*‘Barapg Kali.” August Rubber C ops. Ba d Programme. 6—A N Mghbr.ur’s P, b’ m§. Fatal Cmixge A-'cideut. Tie We*k’i K?eDts. IVDsug Cii:ket Club. Slipping
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  • 30 5 Obituary. London, September 4. Colonel Duncan Campbell, M. P„ is dead. The death is announced of Colonel du Pity de Claui who was a prominent figure in the Dreyfus case.
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  • 1061 6 Further Proceedings. lathe third Court b tore Mr. V. O. Ezechiel yesterday afternoon the hearing was resumed of the case aga nst 0)i Kim Cheng, Mobamed Has «an, aud Tunbyah, who wern charged with theft of a bale of cloth, valued at $3OO, from a goiown of the
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  • 1004 6 A good deal of interesting—and it is to be hoped, profitable —discussion occurred at a meeting of the Planters’ Association ot Malaya hold at Kuala Lumpur last week under the presidency of Mr. VV. Dunctn. It has always struck us, says the Straits Times, that these meetings serve
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  • 859 6 TWO YEARS’ REVIEW. Tfce Jutland Battle. Turning Point or War. Mr. A. J. Balfour (First Lord of the Admiralty) has issued a review of the naval situation on the second snoivetsary of the British declaration of war. He says it is a fitting opportunity to survey the Navy’s
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  • 557 6 Lecture at Y M.C A. An interesting lectu.e on the above subject was given by Mr. Song Oag Siang, M. A., LI. M. at the Y. M. C. A. in Singapore last Thursday. The lecturer said that in this Colony, where so large and important a part
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  • 235 6 Wednesday, September 6. Town Bmd. Esplanade, 6 p.m. Penang Voluutoers.—Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5 30 p.m. Lodge Prince of Wales 9 15 p.m. Penang Golf Club, Ladies’ Monthly Medal. 3 Thursday, September 7. Peuang Volunteers—Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 5 30 p.m. Recruit Drill Chinese Company, 5.30
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  • 874 6 The «.a. Tuscan Prince from New York is due here about the end of the mooth. The s.s. Kaiping from Chinwatan is due here about the 23. d instant with a cargo of coal for this port. The s.s. Benalder is expected to arrive here on the 20th
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  • 362 6 Like Siam the colony of the menu haa its opium problem it is closely bound up with tber o too finance. But it '"««««oil that the colony has also a eamhlm*' rPal "e<l due to the proximity 0 f tt K pr ble n>, gambling house to
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  • 272 6 Old Chinaman Killid, A fatal carriage accident occurred Penang Road at 12.50 p.m. yeshrdayre. suiting in an old Chinaman Darned Choo Ah bong, being knocked down and run ever. The unfoituuate man del in the General Hospital a few hours later. It would appear that there was
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  • 146 6 Tennis Tournament. The following ties have been fixed for Thursday the 7th inst. Double Handicap A. C C Rogers W H Threlfall (-40.) vs. A W Blackford F N Syer (-.3) (4) F W Harris k 8 F B Martin (-15.4) vs. C D D Hogan E
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 For Children's Uackirg Cough at Night, Wood»’ Great Peppermint Cure 1» Gd
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    • 44 6 Treatment far Dysentery Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a d se of castor oil will eff ctualSy cure the mist stubborn cases of dysentery. It is f specially eojd for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 68 6 Sufferers from indigestion will ficd speedy and permanent reiitf by taking a course WOODS’ CHEAT PEPPERMINT CORE. I hie mediciue has been proved by generations of English Colonists throughout the world to be the best for family ts.'. It is a trua corrective and preventive. Millions of people rely upon
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    • 37 6 Remember the Name. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedj is the beat known medicine for diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or pains in the stomach. You may need it some time. For sale by all Diipenaariea and Dealers.
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    • 92 6 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior a 3 a cur 3 for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers c young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Rainedy canalwsj' l be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only
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  • 1237 7 ENGLAND’S FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT. By Hajeold Cox. Carnally the other day in the Honee of Ccmmona Mr. McKenna annonnoed that oar war expenditure had anexpeotedly risen irom £5,000,000 to £6.000,000 a day. He subsequently explained that he was referring to the total outgoings from the Exchequer and that
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  • 636 7 SWEDISH UNFAIRNESS.’ Pkaisk or English School System. Amsterdam, July 31. Ware it not for the unconscious humour of German journalistic argument the pipers would make dull reading. For the latost news we are indebted to a contributor to tLe Bheinitch’Wettfaelitche Z«itung, who vents his indignation at what
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 68 7 riffteamscogZ* <0 i\ x\i SL* 'S3 Z?JZ NaiTk O 'AJBU'?* 0 T*> M CKOA" KOTA 50LE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE MALACCA. Go., It FOR Diesel £tnd vsemi-Diesel Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, etc. E FOR kerosene oil engines. SOLAR OIL. LARGE STOCKS ALWAYS on HARD. THE For particulars
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    • 59 7 Chromic Diarrhoea. Are you nubject to attacks of diarrhoea? Keep absolutely quiet for a few days, rest in be dif possible, be careful of your diet and take Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Thi9 medicine has cured cases of chronic diarrhoea that physicians haTe failed on, and it will
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    • 826 7 Women and Pain. Few men realise that about one woman in four does her housework while suffering aotual pain. It a msn had to endure as much pain he would stay at home and let his work take care ot itself. But there is nobody to do the work ot
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1780 8 F. O.—B. I. AND APGAR LINE (Incorporatrd in England.) Mall and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. If KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland.) For Intrndid to Said. Steadier, L&ngsa, Telok Semawe, Segli, Oiekieh, Sabang, Padang, Benkoelen and Batavia. Pandan, (Billiton), S.ngapora, Tanjong
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