Straits Echo, 26 June 1916

Total Pages: 13
1 1 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1032 1 LftMAID m &§> natuM Two second-hand two-seater MOTOR CARS for Sale. MORRIS OXFORD AND SWIFT. In good running order, complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Tel. Address: Hokimteik, Penang ’Phone No. 694. Mortor
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    • 8 1 mm r' r* fis* si* a w Sjfca** «,*•>•>■
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 1061 3  -  By Frank J. Adkins To more from an Imperial to a Canadian unit is to move into a new world. The Homelander (one has to be continually inventing terms which avoid the hint of proprietorship and dependence that still cling to such words as Colonies and Possessions)
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  • 912 3 British in the Foreign Legion. Some interesting facts about the Ist Marchiug Regiment of the Foreign Legion, formed in Paris after outbreak of war, ar<> givtn by the Express Paris correspondent. About 500 of the members were British subjects resident in France, and the remainder were made
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 368 3 Craig 8 Rose Ltd. LONDON. EDINBURGH. GLASGOW. Contractors to H.M. Government, Admiralty and War Office. Manufacturers of Paints, Oils Varnishes, Write it at a headline, stamp it on tb« mat Mark it on your handkerchief, paste it in your hat, Paint it on your windows to tell the coming guest;
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    • 39 3 Something Dependable Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during this weather. Be prepared for it. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It oan always be depended upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers,
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    • 430 3 Debility When you feel licnp and washed out, weary and fatigued with no inclination for exertion—your body is in a run-down condition—you are debilitated. You need something to put fresh “go” into you —you need a fortnight’s Iron ‘Jellojds’ treatment English price 1/1J). Unequalled as a tonic restorative. Iron ‘Jelloids’
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  • 1006 4 A PsOtPIKOUB aits Qvurr Yia&. In bis report for the 1915, which il just to hand. Sir L Brockman, K.C.M.G. Chief Secretary to the F.M.S. Government, write* a* follow* on the general condition of the country The year under review ha* been a prosperous and quiet
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  • 123 4 PiKAiro, Jcjtx 26. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2 4* 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 11/16 3 Credit 2/427/32 3 Documentary 2/4 7/8 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174^ 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 1744 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173# 3 days’ sight Private
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 183 4 )CDCZZIDCXJ TZBOCDC XX DOC (T JUST RECEIVED hew shipment of TRIUMPH CYCLES. Find Fitted with with Bind loaUl T, Brakes. iff* \J r\ Prict TRIUMPH 9 from $70 to $125 nett. o PEDLEY TYRES, o o Pedley Oxford Oyole Covers, Prioe *3-00 each Pedley International Covers, Prioe 2-50 each Pedley
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    • 10 4 For Ohildra'a Hacking Co«gk n.t Night V?»-4«*Qr«al P«pp«7Kiiat Oara. I*.
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    • 592 4 WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED CLERK with knowledge of printing preferred. Salary according to qualifications. Apply to BOX 5, cjo Straits Echo. POLICE NOTICE. OWNERS of arms are hereby reminded that their licenses to possess the same' expire on the 30th June 1916. Neglect to renew licenses will render the holders of
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    • 1413 4 F.M.S. GOVERNMENT 6% WAR LOAN, SUBSCRIBERS to the above Loan are reminded that the Ist instalment of 25% payable on the Bonds falls doe on 3rd July. Payment can be made at any of the Branches of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China in the Federated Malay States
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  • 676 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Tke Nitioitlut Cot(*rtiet, London, Jane 23. The conference of Ulster Nationalists ▼oted in favour of the acceptance of Mr. Lloyd George’s proposals by 475 votes to 265. Difficaltie* Ended. Loudon, June 24 The decision of the Belfast Conference has been received in London with relief
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  • 703 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Iwktii AmHcu Militia. Washington, June 23. The War Department haa ordered that the first five thousand of the militia be mobilised in the cential and western States and rushed immediately to the Mexican border. Latest New», El Pasos, June 23. General Pershing in a wireless
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 429 5 Sweet est/iut To Sac co Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. r ?<* m Si j K. 4 •v. '-V To-night! To-night JI The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Present Pathe’s Wjouderful Detective Serial. THE
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  • 95 6 HMistad daily (except Sundays and pnblie holidays) at ran CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street Penang. Fare*. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo 586 Printing Department 343 JV.E. —All business communication» should b»
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  • 1324 6 While we are quite as strongly in favour of an income-tax for this Colony as th 9 Strails Times wa must protest against its rather cool assumption that because it haa ricdived no letters on the subject it may he taken for granted that there is no
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  • 24 6 To-day'» Quotafoas. Tin (utmfined) is quoted here to-day at $B5, buyers no eellejs, aDd in Singapore (refined) at $B5 s#, buyers no sellers.
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  • 944 6 Mr. See Teona: Wab, of Singapore, has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. i Mr. \l. T. Clark, Inspector of Schools, I returned by the s.s, Klang this morning and resumed duties. Mr. R. T. Reid, who went to Australia on a trip,
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  • 962 6 The Good will of Foreign Countries On this day twenty-eight years a go the Kaiser opened the Imperial Parliament f or the first time after his Accession, and the speech he then made is interesting to-dar He said: *'l will follow the same path by which my deceased
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 229 6 Make use of time, let not advantage slip; Beauty within itself should not be wasted. Fashion’» lateit an I cro tc lay. WmOK ‘r-jT hkss£s. New Sen son’s Ilat, chiffon and ITwers. Pi ice ?4-50-Poppies, Ast< r% Rogea, praches, berries, from 50 cents a 5-pray. jX /*s rv Mtv fws
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  • 992 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Bayoaet Fightiag. Paris, June 23. A French communique states that the Germane thrice attacked on a front of 1,200 metre* in Champagne aud penetrated the trenches west of Mount Tetu. They were driven out with the bayonet, leaving prisoners* There was artillery activity
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  • 279 7 Recruiting or Labour. (From Our Own Correspondent o Kuala Lumpur, June 25 At the P. A. M. Meeting at Klang, Mr. McCulloch in the Chair, the question of raising the local recruiting fee came up for discussion, it being finally decided that the matter should be brought
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  • 1384 7 (Reiter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. FIGHTING NEAR DVINSK. Vaia Attempt» to Croat Caaal. Petrograd, June 23. Unsuccessful German attempts at an offensive in several sectors south of Drinsk, with heavy fighting, began on the 21st along the Oginski Canal and continue on both sides. The attempts to cross
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  • 728 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Allies’ Diplomatic Saccos. Athees, Jane 23. a Tift now Cabinet included M. Zwmis Premier, and Minister for Foreign Affiirs M. Callaris as Minister of War, and temporarily as Min'ster of Marine, with M. Rallis as Minister of Finance. It has had a most favourable reception
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  • 68 7 The following articles will bo found oc our outside pages:— Page. 3 With the Canadians. Soldiers of Honour. 4 F. M. S in 1915 s.—Telegrams B—Paaaengers to the Straits, Chur. h of the Assumption. Municipal Commission. Shipping (News The Income Tax The Week's Events. Straits Trading Company. 9.—War news
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  • 453 7 To the Editor or tbi Straits Echo, Sir, I have read the various letters and comments on the proposed Income Tax with great interest, and am delighted to see that to ensure the success of the Allies in thair fight for right against might, practically everyone realises
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  • 113 7 The following army instruction, dated from the War Office, May 16, relating to regimental journals and battalion diaries, has been issued: It has baen brought to notice that Regimental Journals end Magazines frequently contain information regarding the movements, aetions, and situations of battalions, which would
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  • 65 7 Address Presented to Risidint. C From Our Own Correspondent Ipob, June 25. The Perak Sikhs to-day presented the British Resident with a loyal address, in which they expressed their deep loyalty to the Crown. The Resident said that the name Sikh was almost a synonym for loyalty. Payers
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  • 35 7 Sultan of Jokorc's Gift, From, Our Own Correspondent Singapotp, June 26. His Highness the Sultan of Johore ia giving a who'e tquadron of aircraft, consisting of fourteen fighters, to Great Britain,
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  • 159 7 June 23 By Balance 9 491.50 24 Collection Box at E. O Hotel 40.00 June 24 By Balance 531 50 roc unt previously acknowledged 27.308.22 Total ...127,***** The postponed special general meeting of the Penan* Turf Club has been fixed for 4 30 p m. on July
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  • 949 8 The Lai Sang it due here on the 23th instant from Hongkong. We are advised by the agents that the N.YJL a.*. Kaicri Maru is scheduled to arrive here on the 29th insUnt bound for Europe. N»w Pacific Stbamshif Sbbticb With reference to the reoent report that the
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  • 618 8 Dbdicatiok or Pifb Oboak. The dedication ceremony of the new pipe organ at the Church of the Assumption was held on Saturday evening. There waa a large congregation present at the Church to witness the service, which was performed by the Rev. Father Gerard, of the
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  • 142 8 P< r P. and O. steamer Kaisar-i-Hind. From London June 9.—To Singapore Mrs Palmer and 2 children, Mr Tickler, Mr Keyzer, Mr Edwards. To Penang; Mrs Turner and child, Mr and Mr 9 Clarke. Ptr N.Y K. B.s. Iyo Maru, From Loudon June 3. To Singapore:
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  • 189 8 Following is the Agenda for to morrow’s meeting of tbe Municipal Commission 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may briDg forward. 3. Questions. 4. Some bills to be passed. 5. Declaration under Section 136 of land taken for
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  • 886 8 The Laees Tcenovee of Bcsiness Continues. The half-yearly meeting of the Straits I Trading Company will be held on June 30, when -the following report, signed by the Hon. Mr. W. W. Cook, managing director, will be submitted to the shareholders: The directors now submit the accounts
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  • 2672 8 SIL BSGB Grvas COKSBBT.” f The Government may take the com par a- j live absence of correspondence in the news- papers as a proof that the simple juatice of < an income tax ia fully realised, says the < Straits rimes. We one ie:ter dealing with
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  • 353 8 Monday, Juni 26. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Penang Volunteers :—Battalion Drill, Esplanade, 5.30 p.m. Recruit Drill, 5 Chinese Company, Fort Cornwallis, t 5.30 p.m. Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. i P.L.R.C. Shoot, Rifle Range. i Straits Cinema, Penang Road, 915 pm. The Electric Polyscope
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 71 8 HaviDg to li?e as we do, under the burnlog tropical sud, climatical conditions render us particularly liable to Colic, a most distressing complaint. The correct medicine to produce a quick cure is WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. It is a wonderful corrective of all stomach disorders. Never be without a bottle
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    • 48 8 Bowel Complaint in Children. DuriDg the summer months mothers should watch for any unnatural looseness of the child’s bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ways be depended upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 21 8 BANK HOLIDAY. r PHE EXCHANGE BANKS will be X. closed on Saturday, 1st July, which has been proclaimed a Bank Holiday.
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  • 260 9 Hbeb’« a Safi Easy Wat to Gain 10 to 30 lbs. of Solid, Hbatlht, Permanent Flbsb. Thip, DerTouß, undeveloped men and women everywhere are heard to «ay, *T can’t understand why Ido not get fat. I ®at plenty of good, nourishing food The reason is just
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  • 157 9 All conditions of depressed vitality tend to disturb the processes of digestion. TbiD, weak blood affects directly and at once the great processes of nutrition. Not only is tire action of the gastric and intestinal glands diminished but the muscular action of the stomach is weakened. Nothing
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  • 2968 9 C From Otar Own Correspondent. London, May, June 2. Vuouv. It would appear that the Kaiser and his advisers have irrevocably committed themselves at Verdun to a plan of campaign which is inflicting more damage on their own troops than on the Frenoh. For three long,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 328 9 PENANG LIBRARY. (Opposite Sit, C eorg'e’s Ohuroh.) Comprises some 20,000 Volumes, including the valuable Logan Library of Literature dealing with Malaya and the Eastern Archipelago. Entrant* Fee: $2-00. Subtcrivtion Books $1-50 per quarter. Newspapers and Magazines $1-50 per quarter. Visiting Subscribers $1-00 per month without Entranot Further particulars can be
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    • 54 9 Safe, Sure, Always Cores. Do not suffer from cramp colic or pain in the stomach when Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes to the right spot and gives immediate relief. You cannot afford to be without it if you are subject to attacks of this kind. For sale by
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    • 8 9 Ftr Chest Complaints, Qrf«t P*pperp*i«t Onr* 1« #d
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  • 1198 10 It was in the half-forgotten daji whan thare were horse-omnibuses, driren and conducted bj men, and wit flourished in the thoroughfares. A ’bus-horse, checked too late, knocked his nose against a policeman’s arm. The p 1 iceman, very face, cursed heartilj. The wise drirer said
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  • 775 10 Air Indian Tbibutb. Yuan Shi-kai’s death is overshadowed by events in the western world, but it would be unwise to ignore the significance of the paesing of China’s single great man. It is barely two months since he penned the singular mandate in which, whilst cancelling the monarchical
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 45 10 Economy in the End It costs but a small amount to keep (Jhamberhin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy si ways in your medicine chest, and it is economy in the end. It always oures and cures quickly. For eale by all Di§. pensanes and Dealer».
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    • 198 10 o SOLE AGENTS FOR N MODE JL No. 10 The Machine that you will eventually Buy.” C U P A B UfS m s s? j*-jLGui<rrtWra > IS If] I <- N> isgls A .as 42\ ssssv ft S S* !9 aii E «CO T H E W 0 B
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  • 1393 11 Br Allan D. Row«. [This ttory wat related by my cousin —a business man resident in Ceylon— and his assurance teas given that it is a simple statement of facts I have merely put down, as faithfully as my memory will allow, the strange sequence
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  • 687 11 There are certain diseases which are not talked about and do harm through silence An old Latin tag says that scandals should be hidden so long as they are punished, but in the case of these diseases the innocent may suffer through the faults of the
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  • 157 11 There are men and women io every locality who are being racked to death with Rheumatism. Many of them have tried electricity, liniments, Turkish and mineral baths, massage, etc., while others have been doctored until they have lost all hope and patienoe. Little's Oriental Balm has, by
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 89 11 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is t Chamberlain’s Pain Balm drives awaj the pain at once and cures the complaint quicklj. First application gives relief When a bottle of it is kept in the house the pain of burns and
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    • 412 11 Methylated Spirits. (QUALITY GUARANTEED).’ Retail Price: 35 cents per quart bottle OBTAINABLE AT CHEAH KEE EE&CO,, 66, CHINA STREET, PENANQ. Medicines Just Unpacked. Menthol. Potassium Iodide. Iodoform. The Anglo-Japanese Dispensary, 393 395, Chulia, Street, Penang AGENT3 FOR S. S. F. M/S. Japanese Chemical Industry Co. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1572 12 P. O.—B. L AND «prAPCAK LINE (Incobpobatkd in England.) Mail And t Passenger Servioei PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan) Proceeds direct to Marseilles A London •from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) s.s. Somali
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  • 883 1 How Britain Finances (he War. Amsterdam, June 26. The Socialist, Herr Stroebel. iu a sweeping attach on the plutocrats in the Prussian Diet, declared that England had raised three hundred millions bv taxation instead of loans like Germany. If German taxpayers had to supply three hundred millions
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