Straits Echo, 23 June 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1264 1 i! V I&ED NATURE Two second-hand two-seater MOTOR CARS for Sale. MORRIS OXFORD AND SWIFT. In good running order, complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can have a trial run and full particulars obtained from The Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Tel. Address: Hokimteik. P^ang. ’Phone No. 694. Mortor
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    • 20 1 WJ.T 9S> -s milk. 2 '■l 2**W fOR INWWTS C#r^ 50f WHICH IS IM£ BIST l !?<■. i M u •aesE.
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  • 1054 2 A P AEIH MkMOET. Some interesting personal reminiscences of the Countess Markievitz (nĕe Gore* Booth) the Irish revolutionary woman leader, are given in a sketch in the Daily Mail by Miss Violet Hunt n The mystery of the titled lady in it is now solved for me
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  • 1321 2 Son* true Submarine Stories. Like Brer Rabitt writes “A Submariner” in the Daily Mail submarines find it necessary to lie low an’ say nuffin’ at times. Such times usually come when a boat is waiting for the Gods of Chance to send within ran. e of her
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  • 180 2 Nervous dyspepsia is a disease of the nerves, not of the stomach. Indigestion one day and complete freedom from symptoms the next usually mean nervous dyspepsia, especially if the patient is of a nervous or highly emotional temperament. The attacks recur at more or lesß regular intervals and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 50 2 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer mmths mothers should watch for any unnatural looseness of the child’s bowels. When given prompt attoutiou at this time serous troub’e may b'< avoided. Chambet lain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealer*.
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    • 601 2 Penang Sales Room. To B« SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, Valuable Household Furniture COMPKISIVO Ornamental Sideboard, Extension Dining Table, Dressing tables, Wardrobes, Marble top Wash stands, Bentwood and Rittan furniture, Glass and Crockery, Double and Single Iron Bedsteads, Engravings, Stoves, Upright Piano in excellent order, Victoria, Phaeton rubber tyred, Harness, Tennis
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    • 88 2 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm drives away the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief When a bottle of it is kept in the house the pain of burns and scalds
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    • 181 2 WHALLEY’S SANITARY FLOW COMPANY; LONDON, ENGLAND. Suppliers to His Majesty's Households. and to The Corporation cl the City of Loudon. SOLUBLE DISINFECTANT FLUKL I rf WHAUEY’S mroM the etnmqtst dninfe^L to Hcusshotd* yyhalLeyj epwerful.Bttk and CheaP^ 1 FLUID^ smrn ln Ĕhaii Avenue, Loud°^' NON-POISONOUS NON-IRRITANT. HIGHEST EFFICIENCY. To be obtained
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  • 338 3 ILLEGAL GRATIFICATION. J A Chinese Police C mstable was yesterday afternoon charged, before Mr. E. E. Col man in the 83cond Court, with being a public servant and receiving an illegal gratification of 16 cents from one Loh Toh which was other than legal remuneration. Court Inspector
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  • 405 3 Ladies’ Meeting at Town Hall Over sixty ladies, including some Chinese Nonias, attended the meeting convened by Mis. L. P. Ebden in the Town Hall this morning. Mrs. W. C. Miclell occupied the chair. The meeting, she said, was for a very deserving objict and any
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  • 151 3 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, I need hardly ask the readers of you valuable paper to analyse the sensation and try to discover the various moods of your strongly opinionated correspondent, One Who is ia Love with a Widow” in his interesting article
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  • 276 3 The as. Ceylon Maru is due here tomorrow from bingapore bound for Calcutta. i 1 The B. I. (Apear) liner Japan is due to arrive here on the 25th instant from Singa--1 pore. > The Royal mail steamer Nankin, having left Colombo, is expected to arrive here at
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  • 89 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Rubber auction yesterday the following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Sheet $ll3 to $l2l Plain m 114 Diamond No. 2 113 Diamond Unsmoked 83 Plain n HO 11^ Pale and Brown Crepe 103 Scrap Crepo 85 97 Dark Scrap Crepe 80 Blanket
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  • 29 3 June2l By Balance 440,40 22 The Ladies’ Bridge Book at the Golf Club for May 11.10 Juue22 By Balance 451.50 Amount previously acknowledged 27,308.22 Total ...$27,759.72
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  • 357 3 The following is the result of the tie played off yesterday Championship. W B Houston beat J S Cunningham 21—16. Vice-Admiral Sir Richard H. Peirse, K.C.8., has been praised by General Maxwell for the valuable assistance given by the navy in the defence of the Suez Canal.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 613 3 NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF CHAN KANG C HOON deceased. NOTICE is heeby given that all persons having any claim or claims whatsoever against the abovenamed Estate are requested to send particulars of same in writing to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of July, 1916. LOO AN
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    • 732 3 In the Matter of the Companies Ordinance 1915 NO In the Matter of the BUKIT TAWANG HYDRAULIC MINING Co., Ltd. ATOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that a -Li Meeting of Creditors of the above Company will be held at the Registered nice of the Company, Downng Street, rerang on the 30th
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    • 428 3 Sweet rO 7b Sac co Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. m A 2 u V» i To-night! To-night 11 The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatve, Argyll Road. Prosent Pathe’s Wonderful Detective Serial. THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE
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  • 94 4 FlAßshsil daDy (except Sundays and pwbiis holidays) as ns CRITERION PRESS, bn. No. 59, Beach Street Pdoang. Fuel. Daily Loeal IM 924 per annum. Ontrtafcion... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Port Free) $17.50 GABLE ADDRESS t ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 543 Jf.B. —XU ba.ln.ii communication.
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  • 617 4 Good and sufficient reasons interpore to prevent us at this juncture from discussing the new revolt of Islam in Arabia either as it is likely to affect the future of Turkey as a State or in its relation to the position of Islam as a religion. It
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  • 765 4 If wo had net been at war, this would have been a day of public rejoicing, for the Prince of Wales enters his twenty-third year to-day. But although the event passes without celebration, his Royal Father’s subjects the world over join in good wishes and in
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  • 886 4 Mr. W. E. I. Raid, of Batu Caves, has been wounded. Dr. Liebknecht is to be tried at Berlin by the High Court, under Article 89. Dr. R. Dane, S. M 0., Penang, has been is laid up as the result of too strenuous volunteering. Mr. J.
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  • 1019 4 H.M.9. "Malays.” As stated ou Tuesday, Malaya may We n be proud of the direct participation in the 1»J naval fight of the unit which bears the na of the F.M.S. and the movement now initiated by the Hon. Mr. E. Maofadven needs only to be brought prominently
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 159 4 The Most Popular Drink in the East. In Peace WON THE IRANI PRIZE AT THE Angh-Japan Exh bition, 1910 AND Tit Taiaho ASAHI LAGER BEER, SAPPORO BLACK BEER t a* IK MR CITRON WATER In War HAS WO* THE MAUD PRIZE AT THI PanamaPacific International (Japan) PRESS COMMENT. Exposition, National
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  • 765 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Artillery Activity. Paris, June 21. There has been considerable artillery activitv on both sides of the Meuse, after •xploding two mines. Tbo Germans’ attack on Hill 108 northwest of Rheirns was repulsed. Assaults Shattered. Paris, June 22. A communique states —On the left
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  • 691 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. massed german attacks. Flare* rightist for Villages. Petrograd, June 21. A communique describes a series of furious engagements along the Stokhod. North-westward and westward of Lutsk there were massed German attacks. Certain villages changed hands repeatedly. Some were finally in the hands of
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  • 659 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. THE PREMIER S TRIBUTE. A Msworisl. London, June 21. In the House of Commons, Mr. H. H. Asquith, in moving a resolution that a memorial be erected to Lord Kitchener, paid a tribute to his work in association with Lord Cromer in th 3
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  • 30 5 (From (Mr Own Correspondent.) London, Juce 22 Tbe prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were as follows: Pale Crepe m 2/4J Diamond Smoked ae« 2/ A
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  • 65 5 To-day’s Qaetatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $82.75, buyer» no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $B3 25, buyers no sellers, and in London at A 172 sa. spot and A 172 15s. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us'that the following is the
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  • 440 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Dslicsts Negotiation* Pr*t«tfit|. London, June 21. Apparently a strong effort is being made 1 to attain Cabinet unity on the Irish question. Mr. Bonar Law and Mr. A. J. Balfour, Lord Cecil, Lord Curzon, Lord Lana downe, Mr. Austin Chamberlain, Lord Selbome and Mr. Walter
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  • 94 5 LARGE PROFITS. Tia Etport Delayed. (FYom Our Own Correspondent.') Singapore, June 23. The Straits Trading Company for the. half-year ended the 31st of March shows a net profit of $636,619, and the total available is $915,543. A dividend of one dollar end a bonus cf SO cents
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  • 1608 5 To the Edito* of the Strait» Ech 9. Dear Sir, In jour last night’* leader jou struck a r#rj true note in the statement that the remarkablj uninimous rote of the unofficial Members of Council really represented little more than their own pious and private opinions Needles* to
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  • 476 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 2. —Pilgrimago to Hedjiz. Tbe Crown Prince in India. 3 —Police Court Cases. §tir and Garter Fund. Chinese and Widows' Marriage. Tin Output. P. C. C. Bowls Tourr ament. Belgian Belief Fund. Volunteering inSir gapore. Shipping News. Eastern
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  • 1022 6 At the outset I would like to correct ft mistake generally made by writers on this subject, that of confusing mine-sweeping trawlers with those attached to the armed patrol units. The work of the two units is absolutely different. The mine-sweepers’ work oonsists in keeping oertain channels clear
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  • 392 6 FREIGHTB PROM THE EAST, FORWARD SELLING. FftftlOKTS. An important development in connection with freights from Mid-Eastern ports was touched upon yesterday at the general meeting of the Allagar Rubber Estates. Mr. C. G. Bois (a director of the company) intimated that so far from there being a shortage
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  • 592 6 3 (By Major-General Sir Alfred Turner, E K. C. B.) t Three years ago I left Sandakan, North Borneo, for Hong-Kong in German Lloyd r steamer, the Borneo the only means of transport available. There were five large steamers in the magnificent harbour of Sandakan as
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  • 2852 6 The writer of these «ketches was Home Office Commissioner with the British Expeditionary Force and had exceptional opportunities of seeing it in all its manifold as pects. In this attempt to convey an idea of its life to more sheltered people he has achieved no
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  • 770 6 Friday, Juni 23. Prince of Wales’ Birthday. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p. m I ouang Volunteers—Recruit Maxim, Fort Cornwallis 500 nU bU pm° C Dri Po 1 Cor “»aiul, Ca 4.15 AnBl ChinMe School Straits Cinema, Penang Road Q 1 Saturday, June 24. Golf Club, Captain’s Prize,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 13 6 For Children'! Hacking Uongk at Night. WaodV Great Papparaoint On re, 1«. <4
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    • 59 6 A machine weakened in one part soon breaks down altogether. That is the case with sufferers from indigestion, a most disheartening complaint. If you are troubled, turn immediately to WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. A course of this medicine will place the body machine in perfect running order. Sold at Dispensaries
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    • 39 6 Something Dependable Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during this weather. Be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It cau always be depended upon F6r sain by «II Dispensaries and Dealer»
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    • 74 6 F.M.S. GOVERNMENT 6% WAR LOAN. SUBSCRIBERS to the above Loan are reminded that the Ist instalment of 25% payable on the Bonds falls doe on 3rd July. Payment can be made at any of the Branches of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia ind China in the Federated Malay States
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  • 1302 7 Lady Wilson s Amdsino Recollections. Lady Wilson contributes to the May number of the Cornhill Magazine a. diverting article on the Crown Prince of Germany, «horn she met during his visit to India. Describing a dinner at Government House, Calcutta, she writes A little circle
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  • 482 7 Warning to Intending Pilgrims. Bombay, May 31 At a meeting of the Bombay Haj Committee held in Bombay on May 'i 3 it was unanimously resolved that the following expression of opinion regarding this year’s pilgrimage should be widely published for the benefit of the Moslem community
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  • 180 7 Those who have suffered year after year with Rheumatism will be glad to hear of a remedy that has proved an absolute specific. There are no conditions of Rheumatism, no matter bow severe, nor from what cause, that cannot immediately be relieved, and permanently cured by Littl»'s
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 96 7 JEFFREYS r>x ic-aaaar A »S w <2 v V m i CMOr AiOTA SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Go., Lm, (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE MALACCA. ■wrvro»^. COMING! -W WOLF MODEL 1916 SINGLE CYLINDER. rcc engine clutch; three speeds; Kick-Starter, [odel “C” 2V H.P. Fitted with J.A.P. Engine. odd “D Combination.
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    • 54 7 Safe. Sore, Always Coro Do not suffer from cramp colic or pain in the stomach when Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes to the right spot and gives immediate relief. Tcu cannot afford to be without it if you are subject to attacks of this kind. For sale by
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    • 54 7 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company Ltd lacorpor&ted i> ladia. BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE J. R. MACPHBRBON, Secretary S.B. and F M.S. Total Assets exceed $28,000,000 Claims Paid $26,000,000 LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. Apply for Prospectus etc. to representatives in Penang Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 23, Weld Quay Gkoh W.
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    • 316 7 Methylated Spirits. (QUALITY GUARANTEED). Retail Price: 35 cents per quart bottle OBTAINABLE AT CHEAHKEE EE&CO., 56, CHINA STREET. PENANG. Medicines Just Unpacked. Menthol. Potassium Iodide. Iodoform. The Anyio-Japanese Dispensary, 393 395, Chuli% Street, Penang AGENTS FOR S 8. F. M. S. Japanese Chemical Industry Co. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1607 8 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINK (Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Servic j' k KONINKLIJKE FAKETYAART. MAATBCHAPPU. (ROYAL PACKET S. M. COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland.) Fob Intbndbd to Sail. Stuamub PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. omeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan) Proceeds direct to Marseilles A
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