Straits Echo, 19 June 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1123 1 lI4LMAID s'C IIJZED NATURE II IKIES. (BRITISH MADE). vf Jm Try help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds
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    • 12 1 7 A t 'd §h la Is» m mi an !S fcß
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 1182 3 A Mbmort or 1912. ~un Tat Sen returned. That wai the burden of a recent meesage from Shanghai. And that meant a great eal for China. Four or five years ago. Sun Yat Sen was a bi; man—not in sta ure, but in personality. When China’s
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  • 124 3 Iq his report on the Straits Settlements police force iu 1915, Capt. A. R. Chancellor, Inspector-General of Police, says In Malacca the new detective station at Tranquerah was occupied, and Chief Detective Inspector Nulah has been in charge. He has been very successful in the work, and
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  • 579 3 The following appointments ara notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette —Mr. H. C. Bathurst to act as Emigration Agent in India; Mr. 3.W. Jones to officiate as assistant District Officer, Ku&ntan; Mr. A. F. Worthington to officiate as District Officer, Kuantan Mr, J. E. Nathan to act
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 288 3 Craig 8 ,v LONDON. EDINBURGH. CLASGOW. ose Ltd. Contractors to H.M. Government, Admiralty and War Office. Manufacturers cf Paints. Oils VandsliM. A. V' Wnto it k. a headline, .tamp it on tb« Maik it on y< ur handkerchief, pa.t e it in Jour hat, Paint It on your window, to
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    • 51 3 Bowel Complaint in Children. Duiing the summer ramths mothers should watch £or any uonatural looseness of tbeebdd's bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble may be avoidd. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can 8 a) ways be depen* ded upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 453 3 Lassitude is a feeling of weariness, depression, fatigue, which affects equally men, women and child' ren, and it is most important that these signs of a run-down condition be not neglected. Neglect may easily lead to more serious ailments. Therefore if you are feeling exhausted, slack and depressed, don't delay,
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  • 1232 4 A Rcli Which was Hopelksslt Ultra Vibes As already announced the Appeal Court in Singapore gave judgment for the appellant in the case of Mr. A. B. Klyne against the Municipal Commissioners. Tnis reversed the decision of the Supreme Court, which upheld the Commissioners’ action in forfeiting
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  • 377 4 A Disclaimer and an Apolcot. The following letter appears iu the Morning Post Sir,—ln the Morning Post of Aug. 12, 1915, there are published extracts from a private letter under the heading Echoes of the Singapore Mutiny,” Tenderness to the Enemy.” The first passage runs as follows
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  • 250 4 INCREASE IN WEIGHT TEN POUNDS OR MORE. A Physician’s Advice. I’d certainly give most anything to be able to fat up a few pounds and stay that way,” declares every excessively thin man or woman. Such a result is not impossible, despite past failures.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 209 4 <r DOC DC DOC JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT OF TRIUMPH CYCLES. Q \J o w Fitted Fitted with with Bend Dunlop Brakes. Tyres U w 0 TRIUMPH Prices, from $7O to $125 nett. PEDLEY TYRES. 0 o o r\ KJ 0 Pedley Oxford Cycle Covers, Prioe 3-00 each Pedley International
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    • 62 4 NOTICE. A List of Applications for public house licences for the year 1916 to be considered at the meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices on Wednesday, the 21st June, 1916, may be seen on application at the Chinese Protectorate during the usual office hours. P. T. ALLEN, Secretary, Board
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    • 366 4 ;s> m II/, U yon had a French Chef Sff. C 0 l o Even he could not turn out lighter, daintier omelettes than your own cook can make quite easily with the Itflp of Poison’s Broun Parent" COHl FlOUI The Brown Poison Book of Recipes tells you how to
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  • 773 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. Ail Teutonic Coupiritori." St. Louis, June 17. The Democratic Convention has adopted for its platform a very interesting plank that is aimed at Teutonic conspirators which, it is believed, President Wilson dictated. It denounces as destructive to national unity
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  • 645 5 Teste»day's Finn Operations. The Penang Volunteers were yesterday engaged in field operations in the vicinity of Glugo* and some very strenuous work was put in. The Malay Company, uoder Lt. E. E. Colraau, who represented the enemy, proceeded towards the South on Saturday afternoon aud teok up their
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  • 257 5 The usual fortnightly handicap shoot took place ou Saturday sfternoon, the Rmge? beiog 300 and 600 yards, H.P.S, 100 The recult was as follows. S-rgtTJ Williams wit h h’cap .75 made 91.25 2nd Lt D A M Brown .75 90 75 Pto G N Saye .70
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 698 5 < laJ c/3 l-**. o Ui 06 J 4 H u u a n c/3 z << z < B O =3 CQ SCOTCH WHISKY w 77 I SCOTCH_W! lS -rr i JAMES BUCK <X OIASOOW CO o n < > r r *TJ SOMEfHING TO enow ABOUT' z o
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    • 467 5 Sweet C/iestnat 7b6acco Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. ~l THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. i V/ Z< /a A TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Present Pathe’s Wonderful Detective Serial. THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE 72 Parts Parts
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  • 98 6 FabEiltftd daily (except Sundays and pvblie holiday!) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street Penang. Fricw. Daily Local 124 per annum. Outetation... Postage Extra. M aU Edition (Post Fi*e) $17.50 H CABLR ADDRESS r ECHO—PENANG.” i Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 345 Jr.B.-AIl bailnesa
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  • 1329 6 General Brussiloff’s swift stroke has entirely altered the situation on the Galician front and Czornowitz is once again in possession of the Russians, while the reinforced enemy is making desperate endearours to stay the advance towards Lemberg. Measured by the captures made within the short rpace of
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  • 52 6 To-day’s Quotation*. Tiu (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $B5. buyers no ««llere, and in Singapore (refined) at $86.25, business done (125 tons sold. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following is the quotation for Rubber od Spot in London plantation Ist latex crepe, 2/5. Smoked
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  • 880 6 Our format Senior Puisne Judge, Mr. S. Leslie Thornton is at present touring in Cashmere. Messrs G.C.G. Muller and L-G-J. Laville are appointed supernumerary Civil Service officers of Class V. Captain T. L. P. Ebden, of the Indian Army, a cousin of Mr. Justice Ebden, is paying a brief
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  • 1039 6 The End ia Sightf A shrewd observer, wheie forecast* regarding the progress of the war have been remarkably accurate so far. oDine. that the final week of J*l* see the beginning of the end of the German effort though he is quite prepared for that end to last
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 380 6 LATEST ARRIVALS. P-'rs. PAT-FAME by Gertrude Atherton ANI> I T C*VK TO PASS by Guy Tboine MONIOREI by M»xime Provost bIDK I.IG HT3 by Hmace W. C. Newte XHK TREASURE OF HEAVEN by M mif Corelli THE PARS OF IRON by E*bol M Dell THE a NNEXAUON SOCIEIY by J.
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  • 1762 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copy right Telegram. FURTHER CAPTURES. Prisoaers «ad Material Takea, Petrograd, June 16. The Russians have captured a further batch of 100 officers and 14,000 men. Defeat of Austriaas. A Fetrograd communique states that by h heroic effort General Stcberbatcheff’s Army yesterday overthrew the Austrians at
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  • 206 7 ADMIRAL JELLICOE’S REPLY. To F.M.S. Message. CFrom Chur Own Correspondents Kuala Lumpur, June 19, Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, replying to.the congratulatory message from the P.A.M., Selangor and Perak Chambers of Commerce, and the F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce and a special message to the captain, officers and men
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  • 666 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Eaemy Attack* Repulsed. London, June 16, 4-35 p.m. A Paris communique states that violent enemy attacks on Hill 321 were smashed by machine-gun and rifh fire with heavy losses. German counter-attacks south of Morthomme were repulsed, Artillery Activity. Londou, June 17. 1 a.m.
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  • 654 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Euay'i Massed Attacks. Rome, June 16. A communique issued iu Rome states that r the masEei attacks of eighteen battalions on the Asiago plateau broke down. The enemy left piles of corpses. We-counter-attacked and took prisoners. Strong enemy night attacks in the Lagarina Valley
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  • 465 7 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. Comiaf Categorical Demand*. Athens, June 17. The Entente’s sea restrictions are increasing and is believed that they are a prelude to certain categorical demands, including general demobilisation. Baltic Battle. Officer of Germaa Cruiser Killed. Copenhagen, June 18. A Danish smack has brought
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  • 243 7 At about 5 o’clock on Saturday evening two detectives who we eon duty near the Pitt Street Station and in the vicinity of Queen Street beard loud shouts and proceeded to Queen Street where they saw a Kling running down the street armed with a golok. They
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  • 75 7 The following articles will be found On our outside p?ges: Page. 3.—Sun Tat Sen’s Return. F. M. 8. Government Service. Congratulations to Malacca. 4 —Municipal Provident Fund. The Singapore Outbreak. 5. —Telegrams. Penang Volunteers. Penang Volunteer R fie Club. 8. —Legislative Couucil. News of Straits Men. Shipping News. P.
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  • 5628 8 NEW TAXATION TO COVER WAR CONTRIBUTIONS. Lrtt oh Incomes Proposed. A meeting of the Legislative Council was held on Friday, at which there were present H E. the Governor, (Sir A. H. Young, G C.M.G.), the Colonial Secretary (Hon. F S. James, C.M.G the Attorney-General (Hon. G- A.
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  • 207 8 Malaya continues to circulate in and r» U j rL (Sports) Club sporadically, Badchffe (Commander, late M. A. Siogapore) who had not been well when the Mtzlwa reached Marseilles was at the Club for a short time to dav in uniform, He way have to go
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  • 119 8 The s.s. Ceylon Maru is due to arrive here on the 24th instant from Singapore bound for Calcutta. The Holt liner Moyure, which is homeword bound, is loading 560 tons of tin and 927 cases of rubber alongside the wharf. The s.s. Atreui discharged 660 tons of general
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  • 124 8 The following ties have been filed for Wednesday 2lst inst. Double Handicap, Chalmers and Reid Vi Dick and E R. Henderson (1). R. N. Goodwin and G. M. Tersano vt R, Owen and H. Muir (2), The political position in Atjeh is at present very good, wires
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 47 8 Something Dependable Diarrhoea is always more or lesa prtvileut duriui; «bis weather. Be prepared V; r l u '*'iiberUio’ 8 Colic, Cholera and It t r o 'X R °T d I 18 P^^P l and effectual, hv ri\ depeoded upoD. For tala b) ah and Dealers.
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    • 11 8 FW Children's Hacking Co*gh *t Night. W«oVQn»| Pep?«n*ifl| O mrt( w
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    • 61 8 NOTICE. LABOUR CODE. 1912, F.M.S. "Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance, 1911.” Employers of Indian labour are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Deputy Controller of Labour, Penang, during the months of April, July, October and January. Forms for tbe return
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  • 2454 9 j'rotn (Jur Own CorrefipondcntJ) L >rd<JD, M-*y 26. Thk Crown Princr Although it is well known that the Crown 1 rince of Germany is the director of Hun strategy against Verdun the German newspapers are curiously silent on the point The paens in praise of the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 617 9 In the Matter of the Alien Enemies (Winding M Ordinance 1914 to 1916. ▲NO jn the Matter of Herm. Jebsen and Company an Enemy firm within the meaning of that Ordinance. Tho Undersigned as Liquidator of the firm of Herm Jebsen end Company offers for sale by Private Tender all
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    • 42 9 Economy in the End It costs but a small amours to keep Cb»iol»’i Colic, Cholera aad D'*"b«* Reuiedy alway» m your it is economy in the end. It al a y B ‘Vd cure, quickly. For »le b, all D,.penearies and Dealar».
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    • 125 9 Methylated spirits. (QUALIFY GUARANTEED). Retail Price: 35 cents per quan bottle OBTAINABLE AT CHE4H XEE EE CO 66, CUTS A STREET, PENANG. -tat'. MARTIN'S Mia m LLS French Remedy for all Irrcgularl»!®*». Thousands o> vii a box o Martin’:- Pill. in the house, so ;hat on the first ct ary
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    • 122 9 TIANG JOO Co, PENANG > I Just Received a New Shipment of The “JOOCOCLES" Guaranteed British-made Throughout From Frame to Pedal From Tyre to Saddle Fitted Complete with DUNLOP Tyres, Lamp, Bell, laflator 8 Tools. $55-00 Nett. XIANG JOO Go., Sole Importers. WHALLEY'S SANITARY FLUID COMPANY, London. England. Suppliers to
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  • 1040 10 British avd German Zeppelins. Without knowing the terms of reference for the Committee to inquire into the administration and command of the Royal Flying Corps it is rather difficult to discuss the matter. The Committee is the <ne promised in response to the charge that our
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  • 935 10 To THE Edit©* or TH» Straits Tims*. Sir, —May I Buggest an alternative form for the Imperial contribution urged on your readers in your issues of June 7et sqq. (which I have jnst seen) Last year, if I remember rightly, you mentioned the idea of a voluntary income
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1185 11 ITS CAUSES AND REMEDIES. Standardisation or 8hipb. It is difficult at all times for a looker-on to get a true perspective view of vast operations such as those which are being conducted by the Government at the present time The facts which he can assemble as
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  • 606 11 Kipling no Longer the Soldier’s Author An interesting conference on the efb-ct of the war on the production and reading of literature from the point of view of tLe author, the teacher, the publisher and the bookseller took place at the annual meeting of the English
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  • 203 11 From the languor and weakness of early girlhood to the headaches aod backaches of later womanhood, the sufferings of the weaker sex call for constant watchfulness. Few women can boast that they never know a day’s illness, and few can say that they Are always as
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  • 180 11 Those who have suffered year after year with Rheumatism will be glad to hear of a remedy that has proved an absolute specific. There aro no conditions of Rheumatism, no matter how severe, nor from what cause, that cannot immediately be relieved, and permanently cured by Little’s
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  • 42 11 The Penang Rubber Stamp Co, beg to announce to their patrons and many interested customers that they have now received a large fresh shipment of medicines from The Swasthya Sahaya Pharmacy, Calcutta, and cordially solicit their further esteemed orders.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 90 11 9 IS Si f M CHOP K.OTA OLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, CILFSLLAN Go., LTD 1 (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINCAPORE MALACCA. COMING! COMINGTTT COMINGTT WOLF CYCLES MODEL 1916 SINGLE CYLINDER. •e engine clutch; three speeds; Kick-Starter, icl “C” 2V H.P. Fitted with J.A.P. Engine, “D Combination. Fitted with King Dick engine.
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    • 88 11 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A. touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm drives away the pain at once and chres the complaint quickly. First application gives relief. When a bottle of it is kept in the house the pain of burns and scalds
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    • 62 11 Nothing in this world is equal to a mother’s tender care for her children. She knowing the danger following an attack of Colic or kindred stomach trouble, is never without a bottle of that famous preparation, WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, in her medicine store. It is good for the whole
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    • 163 11 Medicines Just Unpacked Menthol. Potassium lodide. lodoform. The Anglo-Japanese Dispensary, 393 395, Chulia Street, Penang AGENTS FOR S. S. F. M. S. Japanese Chemical Industry Co. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGA PORE. The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the above Corporation, and is now prepared
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1857 12 P. o. I. AND APCAR LIKE (IncoUpobatbd in England.) Mail and Pataenger Service! PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. omeward /for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan X Proceeds direct to Marseilles A London •from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) s s.
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