Straits Echo, 17 June 1916

Total Pages: 13
1 13 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1205 1 TkHLMAI A iW--1 SiUED NATUEa II TYRES. (BRITISH MADE). Try help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of
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    • 21 1 Sh =3 e» i jr «I N °3»v nfi} iO® jq jj_ jSrwo siwwm »0j S. 3 f,, *v V*' V
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 21 2 DRINK > <; m BY CONNOISSEURS AS THE FADING BRAND on the MARKET. SOLE AGENTS: BROTHERS, LTD., (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1315 3  -  Br Cecil Chestertom. [In this cart fully r «atoned article Mr, Cecil Chesterton expounds the theory that the fall of Napoleon teat iu the nature 0/ a reaction. The idea it one which it gaining increasing support especially in the light of more recent events in
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  • 284 3 Saturday, June 17. Town Band, Golf Club, p.m. Musketry Course, Cadets P.F S. f 7 a.m. P.V.R.C. Shoot—Rifle Range, 3 a.m. Straits Cinema, Peuang Road, 9.15 p.m The Electric Polyscope Co, Argyll Road, 9.15 p.m. Sunday, June 18. Trinity Sunday. Penang Volunteers, Field Operations. Monday, June 19.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 585 3 o >- < H w ta H UQ H C/3 tu cu Medicines Just Unpacked. UJ CO l-OR WRITE RYE* Menthol. Potassium lodide lodoform. the Anglo-Japanese Dispensary, 593 <§ 395, Chuli% Street, Penang AGENTS FOR S. 8. F. M. S. Japanese Chemical Industry Co. W« Supply WATCHES JEWELLERY Ring.* Brooches
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    • 515 3 BESSEMER CRUDE OIL ENGINES, of al] powers, most simple and economical. CR DE OIL BOAT MOTORS, 3 to 80 H. P. for launches, cargoboats, etc. ERIE WATER AND GRAVEL PUMPS. of all descriptions for Mines and Factories. UNIVERSAL" BBERRU WASHERS, Werner and Pfleiderers, known as the best. WATER AND OIL
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  • 2347 4 had been pushed down a shaft by Chan Moi. The man was taken to the house of Fung Ah Fong, and later removed to the hospital. Thung Soui Song said that she lived with the accused for the past Beven months. She went first to
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  • 902 4 (UNDER S.R.A. RULES CDF RACING.) RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Tuesday, 25th July, 1916. SECOND DAY Thursday, 27th July, 1916. THIRD DAY Saturday, 29th July, 1916 FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 25th July, 1916, 1. —The Opening Stake». Value $500. A Selling Handicap for horses that have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 199 4 c XX DC ..3QC DC U JUST RECEIVED NEW. SHIPMENT OF TRIUMPH CYCLES. U o w o A 0 Fitted Fitted with with Bind Dunloh Brahes. Tyres w TRIUnPH Ppioaa, from $7O to $125 nett. PEDLEY TYRES. Pedley Oxford Cycle Covers, Frioe *3-00 each Pedley International Covers, Price 2-50 each
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    • 53 4 Safe. Sure. Always CuresDo not suffer from cramp colic or pain in the stomach when Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes to the right spot and gives immediate relief. You cannot afford to be without it if you are subject to attacks of this kind. For 'sale b? all
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    • 364 4 Methylated Spirits. (QUALITY GUARANTEED). Retail Price; 35 cents per quart bottle OBTAINABLE AT CHEAHKEE EE&CO, 66, CHINA STREET PENANG MARTIN'S A French Remedy for all Irrotfularliin. Ladies keep a box ot Martin's Pills in the house v, thi. ol any Irregularity of the System Tpmdy 'w’ ,h autmmntcrel. Those who
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  • 940 5  -  [By Tuan Wright.] It is supposed to be summer, but this is the third day of ceaseless rain. Having only the one change in my knapsaok, and wetted that yesterday, I have spent a full half day in this inn, getting dried. It is the usual sort of
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  • 71 5 (From On? Oicn Correspondents Singapore, Junel 0. The following prices were obtained at the Rubber Auction yesterday Smoked Sheet $122 to $129 per picul. Good 117 123 Plain 118 123 Ribbed unsmoked... 117 124 Plain 115 127 Crepe 128 130 Good pale 1-2 128 Fine brown 120
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  • 491 5 Two Japanese Contictid. In the Third Court before Mr. V. Q. Esechiel yesterday afternoon the hearing was resumed of the case in which two Japanese named Sekiknchi and Okomntn, were charged with voluntarily causing hurt to one Nakamura, a Japanese Dentist. Sioond Accused’s Testimony. Okomutu, the second accused,
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  • 159 5 Mr. SeeTeong Wah, Hon. Treasurer of the Penang Mutual Improvement Association Dramatic Company of Chinese Amateurs, Singapore, has received the following letter from the Finance Committee of the British Red Cross Society Dear Sir, I am obliged by the receipt of your letter of 10th April enclosing
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  • 88 5 Tbinitt Sunday. Junk 18. 8-00 o.m Matins. Hymn 163. 8-BO a.m Holy Communion 5-00 p.m. Sunday School. 6 00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Hymn 160. Responses Roberts. Psalms XCIII Oaselev. XCIV Gray. Magnificat Nunc Dimittis—Maunder in C. Aotbem What are these "—Stainer. Hvmus 370, 296. During
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  • 45 5 St. Andrew’s, Noetham Road. 9 a.m. Children’s Service. 6 p.m. Public Worship. Preacher: Rev. Donald J- Ross, m.a. Subject: Shall we believe in the Holy Trinity Hymns:— 673, 429, 10, 1. Service of Devotion and Intercession on Friday at 6.30. p.m.
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  • 39 5 P. C. C Bowls Tournament. The following were the results of the tie* played off yesterday CKampionthip. H Starr beat J M Chalmers 21—« G M Terzano best 8 C Ambrose W K Sharpe leaf 7 G Allan 21—10
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 208 5 E. O. Hofei. ■:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN WEDNESDAY 6’ SATURDAY c o A G U L A T E X Necestity is the Mother of Invention TRADE M~RK CuAGULATFX is A Boon and a Blessing to Planters A MW discovery for Coagulating Rubber. Superior to Acetic Aeid. Cheaper than aay recognised
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    • 462 5 Sweet To6acco Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. 1 v\ >7 y. i m o- 1 N* o o Sts; *St Is 2 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGH T The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Present Pathe’s Wonderful
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  • 96 6 MBrtri daily (except Sunday» art paMie holidays) If m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street Penang. Parcs. DrtyLoeal $24 per aanum. Oatatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS f ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 Jf. M.— All bnalnaaa emnnaunicstioaa *hould
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  • 449 6 The narrative which has just been I published by the Admiralty as to the disaster which befell H.M.S. in the North Sea, resulting in the loss of Lord Kitchener and a number of I distinguished naval and military men, is I •ne of the Baddest stories
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  • 778 6 TLe question has often been raised and discussed as to whether tbe cinematograph of to-day, with its intense variety of films dfpicting every shade of life, is the educative force some men claim for it. The past few years have revolutionised the industry sod thousands of people
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  • 46 6 June BBv Balance $11,713 92 13 "E W J.” 100.00 15 W. B. Wilson, May subscription 50,00 16 Contributions by the Pupils of the Penang Free School 19 60 Staff of Govt. Monopoly Dept., May subscription 70,75 June 16 By Balance $11,954.27
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  • 15 6 June BySisters Limejuice 20 00 Little Allen 7.00 Balance 12.18 Total $39.18
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  • 909 6 Mr. J. T. Donald, of Kuala Lumpur, has gone to Ipoh for a few weeks. Mr. F. M. Baddeley, Postmaster-General, left Singapore on Thursday for Penang on inspection duty. Mr. H. W. Buckland returned to Singapore from home on Thursday and resumed charge of the P. and
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  • 933 6 William Cokkett. Curiously enough the anniversaiy 0 f Waterloo is also the eighty-first anniversary of the death of William Cobbett, whose strange views on Waterloo and other heterodoxies have long since been forgiven in respect for his masterly English and the “Rural Rides. Born at Farnham in 1762,
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  • 30 6 To-day’» Quotations. Tiu (unrefined) is quoted here to-a $B5 75, business done, in Singapore rt nu at business done (lOOtoo»* and in London at iJI7B spot three months' sight.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 106 6 CAPTURING TRADE ENEMY SERIES NOW ON SAL^. CYSTOIDS THE BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR GERMAN CYSTOPURIN. Price $X per tube of 20, Sold only hy The George Town Dispensary, Limited. Penang Taiping and Ipoh. ANDREW USHER Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. WHISKY Saivdilands, Buttery Co., Sol: Agents for ENANG 2? PERAK. SO LIGN
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  • 568 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. No Infantry Actio*. Paris, June 15. A French communique atatei that there 1 as been no infantry action on the Meuse. DASHING FRENCH ATTACK. lateate Artillery Activity. Paris, June 16. A couununiqud announces that on the left of the Meuse, after artillery preparation,
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  • 295 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. HUGE CAPTURES. Gcaaral Bmaailoff a Offensive. i Petrograd, June 15. A communique states that General Brussiloff is continuing the offensive and has now captured over 150,000 prisoners, 163 gUDB, 266 machine-guns and 163 trench 1 mortars. The Germans violently bombarded with artillery many points
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  • 160 7 GENERAL RIDOUT AND M.S.V.R. Leek of Decision and Initiative. (From Our Own Corretpondent.) Ipob, June 17. Field operations were carried out last night by the ‘C.’ Company of the M.S.V.R., in the presence of General Ridout. A point behind the hospital in Anderson road was taken as the
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  • 224 7 Two Malays named Chat and Awang were this morning arraigned before Mr. V. G. Ezecbiel in the Third Court charged with begging for alms by exposing a deformed girl in Beach Street. Both accused pleaded guilty upon which Inspector Wylde stated that at 6.30 p.m. yesterday he
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  • 467 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. DETAILS BY THE ADMIRALTY. Terrible Suffering* at Sen. London, June 15The Admiralty announces that, as a result of the examination of the Hampthire survivors, the following conclusions have been reached:— She struck a mine and sank in fifteen minutes. All hands were sent to
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  • 250 7 A Curious Situation. Monday, June 19 has been notified in tbe F M.S. Gazette as a Public Holiday in Perak, a 9 the birthday of the Sultan of Perak. In accordance with this notification the B-anks in Perak have advertised the date as the Bank Holiday
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  • 27 7 (From Our Oun Correspondent.') London, June, 16 The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were as follows Pale Crepe */5 Diamond Smoke 2/4$
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  • 600 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SHIPPING PARALYSED. Death* from Famine. Athens, Jane 16. The Allies’ commerce restriction measures are still disquieting. No steamers up to the present have left the Piraeus. Replying to complaints by Deputies in the Chamber as to deaths due to the famine in the Epirus, Minister
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  • 100 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. —Was Napoleon a Tyrant The Week’s Events. 4. —Three Days in a Pit. 5. —Assault Case. P. M. I. A. Dramatic Co. P. C. C. Bowls Tournament. Church Services. 8. —Penang Aeroplane Fund. Business Training. Municipal Provident
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  • 627 7 WAR EXPENDITURE. COLONY’S ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION. Propoui IkoM'Tii. C fhm Char Own Correspondent o Singapore, June 17. At the meeting of the Legislative Council the Hon. Mr. A. M. Ponntney, Colonial Treasurer, moved that an annual contribution of be made from the Colony to the Imperial War Expenditure in
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  • 720 7 (Bp*ciax To Th* Straits Echo.) Green-silk-crimsonclocked-socked, brownbooted, piak-shirted, stiff-collared, underworked and over-paid. He is a motor knut, a positive Tt.’ And drive I should smile! He can go round a corner on two wheelf. He can run over an old Jlling woman wiU»out stopping: he can Lack out
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  • 176 7 The rates of taxation on tobaOco now obtaining in the FM.S, which will be enforced in the Colony are as follows s Cigars. If the price of cigars is $2 per lb. the tax is $1 40 and if the price is $1.40 per lb. the tax is
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  • 143 7 The member of the Indian Sikb community in Perak have conceived the idea of publicly demonstrating their loyalty to the British Raj, and have been making arrangements to present a loyal address to the Resident of Perak on the 25 inst. The movement, which is a spontaneous
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  • 847 8 We give below the full lint of wubsfcriptions to the Penang Aeroplane Fund up to June 16. A R Adams WO D C Macintyre 500 Jules Martin 500 Heah Swee Lee 1,000 A R A R S M Muthjia Cbetty 500 Jules Martin 500 James Dick 250
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  • 265 8 Some of the emphasis that has recently been laid in the press and in public conferences on science and commerce as, in the light of the war, our two greatest educational ooncerns is certainly false. There has been confusion between process and product. When in one of bis
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  • 140 8 To*dat. City of Rangoon, for London, 930 am; Benoa, for Deli and Asahan, 10 a m. Pin Seng, for Singapore, 12.30 p.m. D. van Txcitt, for Langsa, T. Serna we, Segli, Olehleh, Sabang, Padang etc., Batavia, 2 p.m. Jin Ho, for Asaban, 2 p.m. Kedah for Bagan Datoh
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  • 914 8 Appeal Court Decision. Says Thursday’s Straite Timet The appeal of’Mr. A. B. Klyne against the decision of the Supreme Court in the action in which he used the Municipal Commissioners came on for hearing in the Court of Appeal yesterday afternoon, before the Chief Justice (Sir John
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  • 752 8 The 8 s. Moyune is expected to arrive here on Monday bound for London. The s 8. Tara is expected to arrive at this port from Singapore to-morrow. The s.B. Ban Fo Soon brought 1,236 bags of tin ore for the Eastern Smelting Co. Ltd., and also 307
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  • 53 8 The exports of Penang for the first 15 days of June were as follows The United Kingdom. Tin 1,140 tons Black Pepper 25 White Pepper 10 Pearl Tapioca 75 Rubber 492 To U. S. America. Tin 225 tons Pearl Tapioca 16 Rubber 4 fcTo Continent of Europe,
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  • 463 8 Proceeds of tbb Concert The concert arranged by Mrs. Ebden and Mr. Ezechiel on the 27th of May in aid the Women’s “Star and Garter” Buildinl Fund for incurably helpless soldiers and sailors resulted in a credit balance of $317 Mrs. Ebden and Mr. Ezechiel tender
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 690 8 A List of Applications for public house licences for the year 1916 to be considered at the meeting of the Board of Lioensing Justices cm Wednesday, the2lst June, 1916, may be seen on application at the Chinese Protectorate during the usual office hours. P. T. ALLEN, Secretary, Board of Licensing
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    • 39 8 Somethin* Dependable Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during this weather. Be prepared for it. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 9 8 For Chronic Chest Complaint*, Wndi’ Great Peppermint Onre li,
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    • 139 8 Mr. Mrg. F. A. Pledger. P.P.C. WANTED. A BILL COLLECTOR, security $5,000. Apply personally to GOH TAIK CHEE A SON, Church Street, 289 Pending, Valuable Property for Sale. BY ORDER OF THE COURT. BT PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Archway of Logan t Buildings. On Tuesday, 4th of July, 1914, AT
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  • 1585 9  -  By W. K AY WALLACE. The Italian Front, The Carso, April. The Carso Bun-scorched, windswept, and treeless, broken up into rock-lodged ravines, steep sloped, impenetrable no war terrain is more ruthless, no field of battle more k brutal. Bo thankless is the soil that it will
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 382 9 JUST ARRIVED 25 M.P. METZ GARS (Fitted with Magneto and Self Starter) FIVE MASSES* GeR.” COMPLETE WITH ELECTRIC LIGHTS PRICE $2,000 Will challenge and climb any hill in Penang. The only car that climbed the Hill to Crag Hotel CYCLE AND CARRIAGE COMPANY, Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh Successors to
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    • 212 9 m m wmm mm' -C y /J <,sN /T E V4/> “2§£SsC Little Lectures by Nurse ‘Wincarnis.’ (Lecture No i.) Our blood is composed of red and white corpuscles—the red to nourish the body, the white to fight disease. In Anaemia —or bloodlessness —the red corpuscles are more or less
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    • 231 9 SOME MAKES OF PENS are pretty, but fail the test cf hard work. Some pens write under favour able conditions, but fail when driven The 4 Swan stands every test. Unqualified satisfaction is guaranteed. Does not leak or Dry up. USE SWAN INK. Catalogues Free. 17/ *5 c wam mm
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  • 995 10 Tokax." Thrown into the TMt melting-pot of the Navy, and into that particular portion of the crucible wherein our ship's company is collected, came a raw, loose-limbed Hebridean, with flaming hair and high cheek-bones, a wild and rugged son of the Western Isles. Donald McLeod
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  • 797 10 What is thb Bbitjih Poxict F We are now within month of the day fixed for the opening of the Economic Conference of the Allies in Paris. It is well that the country, especially the business community, should realise this and leave no stone unturned in order that
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  • 48 10 Golb Clbb, 5 45 to 7-15 p.m. Saturday, June 17, 1916. 1 Fantasia The Rose of Castille Balfe 2 Galop Queen Victoiia Hetker 3 Finale Act 2nd Vittore Pisiny Peri 4 Waltz The Gay Paris- ienne Kiefert 5 Bucarole Fischerlied Lauge 6 Match Oriental Echoes Rosey
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 10 10 1 crjaic Chest Conpliiitii W #d Great Pepper»iat, id
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    • 46 10 For Children’* Hacking Coigk at Night. Qr*at Peppermint Care, la fd NO LAXATIVES are so gentle and effective as PINKETTES that's why children can safely take them. Of chemist ft, s<> cent* per phial, or post free from the Dr. William» Medicine Co., Dept, 0c Singapore
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    • 558 10 COMPANY. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR: kinds of Electrical MACHINERY. Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work. Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations a Speciality. AGENTS FOR: TEE STERLING TILIFIOFE GO., LTD. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can be Started on Receipt of Order.
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  • 2085 11 To-momow’s AnSIT«*SA*T The victory at Waterloo on June the IStb, 1815, just one hundred and one years ago, was the climax and crown of Wellington’s oareer aa a soldier. Wellington was a great soldier before Waterloo; he was a great man both before and after the supreme
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  • 135 11 Has this terrible, nerve-racking, painful ailment fastened itself upon you? Don’t lose hope. Here’s succour for you. Littlr’s Orirktal Balm has cured thousands of inveterate chronic cases of Rheumatism—among them hundreds of cases that were pronounced hopeless by doctors. Through this wonderful reasedy sufferers have
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 88 11 Chamberlain'* Pain Balm. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm drives away the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief When a bottle of it is kept in the house the pain of burns and scalds
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    • 324 11 NOTICE THIS is to notify that the powers of Attorney given by me to Tan Hong Teng of Perlis dated the 19th day of Rabilakin 1334 and the 10th day of April, 1916 respectively are hereby revoked and cancelled with every authority conferred therein. Sd. YOONG TOOK SUN, 71, Market
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1842 12 O.—B. I. P. AND apcar line (Incobfobated in England.) Mail and Paiienger Servi PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. nmtfwurd ifor Kurort.) Outward (for China and Japan) !«BSS J Proceeds direct to Marseilles A London *£lool London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward «or Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) b.s.
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  • 1640 13 j* 8 on -3 Number of I S Capital. Shares P Dividends. Name. 2 E IS y i j i i i Cm pq m O* 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. p.o. p.c. p.c. p.c. p.o. 1909 450,000 131,340 111 5 5 5 15 Ayer Kuning Rubber
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