Straits Echo, 16 June 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1270 1 IM*£*AID B !i!ZED NATUE^i I TYRES. (BRITISH MADE). BANKS Try help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 684.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of
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    • 20 1 I{ ;Ĕ’S MILK ll It J^T rosinfants 1 °f which is the «nT lOI iSjjUr lvt*> I, ▼IUMI ISa* e
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  • 2339 2 Tho Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaoonatield.” By George Earle Buckle, in succession to W. F. Monypenny. Vol IV., 1855-1868. (John Murray.; 12. No one can read this fourth volume of Disraeli’s Life without being acutely conscious of the change in perspective which the great
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  • 423 2 Tkavillir W*o Tmouoht a Finn Was French. J. W D. Bannister, a traveller representing the firm of Messrs Fisher and Co.. Hudersfield, woolen manufacturers, was charged before Mr. G. N. Orme at Hong kong, on June 5, with attempting to traae with the enemy, to wit, the
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  • 168 2 Here, as everywhere, are many men with neivous systems urgently in neeid of better tone." Tbe feeling of exhaustion affectiog such men is the result of thin blood, which has become de-vitalized by the enervating effects of the climate, worry, malaria, and other causes. To every man
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 2 Bowel Complaint in Children. Duting the summer m >ntha motbera ihou! 1 watch for any unnatural locaeneaa of the child's bowels. When given prompt attention at thu time serous tmub e may be avoid-d. Chamber Uin’i Colic, Cho'ern and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon. For aale by all
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    • 390 2 1a ' frAm fife ■>.<?_ Ifvllfg qj--4 -U. i'H £4fEs 3r Days Summer Days Are Flesh Building Gain Healthy Flesh —Increase Your Weight From Ten To Thirty Pounds —By Taking Sargol Tbin Men and Women Bay I’d give most anything to put on a little flesh and weight,” but when
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  • 1109 3 SUMMER PrOORAMMS ADOPTED. A epeci-il general meeting of the members of the t'enang Tarf Ciub was held at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon for the purpose of approviug the programme for the Summer (1916) Bace meeting. Tnere were preteut Messrs. W. Peel (in the chair) H.
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  • 240 3 To the Editor of the Btraito Echo. Dear Sir, I have read with much interest Mr. Appa Row’s reply in your pap9r of 14th instant to my letter of 2nd instant under the heading of Strongest Man Controversy.*’ If Appa Row would only refer to bis challenge
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  • 80 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Rubber auction to-day the following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Sheet from $l2l to $127 Diamond Unsmoked $ll6 $ll7 Plain Uosmoked $ll5 $ll7 Pale Crepe $126 $127 Scrap Crepe $88„ 92 Brown Crepe 8 96 $lll Bark Crepe 63 Virgin Scrap 80
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  • 30 3 Captain’s Prize. 18 hole Match play Competition for men. Date later. Entries close Saturday, June 24. Ladies’ Spoon Competition. Wednecd-y and Thursday, June 21 and 22.
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  • 377 3 Members are reminded-of the Club handicap shoot, to take place to-morrow afternoon at 3 p.tu., Ranges 300 and 6CO yards. The unusual way in which four counterfeit five-dollar totes were found was mentioned in tfce third police court this morniDg. It appeared that a Hokien named
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 205 3 In the Matter of the Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinance, 1914, nnd In the matter of Behn Meyer and Company, Limited, an Enemy Company within the meaning of the said Ordinance. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE LAUDED PROPERTIES SITUATE AT COLLYER QUAY, DE SOUZA STREET, PRINCE STREET, ROBERTSON QUAY, KANISAH MARICAN
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    • 456 3 Sweet Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet CKestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. 1 SA X A TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT I! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Present Pathe’s Wonderful Detective Serial. THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE 72 Parts Parts 72 Tbo
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  • 98 4 Pifeliihftd daily (except Stmdayi and pvblie holiday!) at na i CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street Penang. Faica. Daily Local 924 per annum. M Outftation... Postage Extra. If ail Edition (Post Free) 917.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Departnent 343 Jf.n.-AIl bail new
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  • 1312 4 It is well that the Court of Appeal in Singapore Las settled the vexed question as to whether the Municipality is entitled to forfeit contributions to the Provident Fund of an employee who, after a departmental inquiry, is dismiesed for misconduct. The elision, which affects a large class
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  • 61 4 The Penang Aeroplane Fund closed to-d-y We are iufoumd that a sum of $11,130 has been forwarded through the Chartered Bank to Lord Incfccape for a scout aeroplane which will be named Penang II ami wi Ibe attached to the Malayan Squadron. Juno By Balance $10,802.95 Bertie
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  • 26 4 (.From Our Own Correspondent London Juop, 15 The pi ices in Rubber Market to-dav were as follow? Pale Crepe 2/5* Diamond Smoke 2/4J
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  • 41 4 Singapore Auction. C From Out Own Correspondent Sirgapore, June 16. The rubber auction is unfinished. Prices are lower, and the demand was fair. Standard crepe aDd sheet sold for $l3O and-$129 and the average price of unsmoked rubber was $llB.
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  • 905 4 Mr. F. A. Pledger leave by the s. s. Kamo Maru tomorrow homeward bound on long furlough. Mrs. Pledger accompanies her husband. The death is reported of the Rev. Cvßimir Salsillec, senior priest of Malacca and formerly Vicar of St Mary’s Church, Serangoon. Singapore. He had the
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  • 960 4 Napoleoa’s Campai|as. Almost all Napoleon’s campaigns were brief-—the crushing Marengo campaign, f or instance, occupied only four weeks but' the Waterloo campaign, which opened 101 years ago to-day at Quatre Bras, was probably the most rapid and decisive piece of warfare m history. Leaving Paris on June 12,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 163 4 The Most Popular Drink in the East. In Peace AS WON THE GRAND PPIZE AT THE Anglo-Japan Exhibition, 19!0 AND The Taislio (Japan) National ASAHI LAGER BEER, SAPPORO BLACK BE ER& In War CITRON WATER HAS WON THE GRAND PRIZE f y 'M AT THE titer. Panami 83* j t
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  • 1408 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Bi( Captures. Petrograd, June 14. I it is officially announced that the Russian* have occupied Sniatjn, twenty miles north-west of Czernowitz, where they captured six thousand prisoners, six guns and ten machine-guns. A Swccpiag Movement. London, June 14. While General Retchitsky’s forces are battling
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  • 109 5 June 5 By Balance $3 294 33 15 Employees of Caledonia Com Sections (May contribution) as follows W B Wilson 50 00 F C Marples 25 00 A S Evens 25 00 W M Miller 28 57 J M Kydi 2143 C Phillips 20.00 L F Smith
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  • 517 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. I No lofootry Attack, re I Paris, Jane 14* I A communique states that there has been ▼iolent bombardment on the right of the d Meuse, but no infantry attack. I Artillery Activity. r 1 Paris. June 15, I A communique reports that
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  • 76 5 The outputs from the following companies for the fi r st half of Jane, were as follows Kamunting Tin Dredoino Ltd. Piculs 450 Hours run 312 Chbnderiang Tin Dredging Ltd. Dbedge. Piculs 165 Hours run 231 Htdraulic Elevators. Piculs 50 Total outputs (Chenderiang) 215 Kamfong Kamcnting Tin Dredging
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  • 535 5 (Reuter's Service). Copyright Telegram. Gerati Trawlers Attacked. Stockholm, June 14. i A forty-five-minute fight took place in the I the Baltic off Braviken last night between German armed trawlers and an unknown enemy foroe. A German trawler has arrived at Norrkoeping with five wounded, who refused
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  • 613 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SCARCITY OF FOOD. IkM M Rotterdam Shops. Hague, June 15. A deputation of hundreds of women waited on the Premier and Minister of the Interior demanding the reduction of the 1 1 price of foodstuffs. The Minister said he had adopted measures which he hoped
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  • 653 5 TWO J APANtSL CHARGED. In the Toird Court before Mr. V. G, Ezecbiel this raoin ng the herring was commenced of the case in which two Japanese named Sekikuchi and Okomutu, were chargei with voluntarily cammg hurt to ore Nakamura, a Japanese Denti«t. Both accused claimed trial and
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  • 65 5 To-day's Quotations. Till (unrefined) is quoted here to-lay at $B6 50, buyers no seller?, in Singapore (refined) at busmoss done (7 tons sold), and in Lioaoo at .£lBl ss. spot aud £lBl 15*. three months’ si<kt. Bou9tead &C >. inf irm us that the following 19 the
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  • 78 5 The following articles will be fount ou our outside pages:— Page. 2. —The Lfa of Disradi. Enemy Trading Charge.. 3. Peoaug Tu f C u’\ Sfrocgrrt ManControversy. Eastern Produce Exchange. PV.R/\ P o nang Golf Club Fixture. 6 Au tralian Mine's. F.M S. Hospital. Penang Goif Club. The Value
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  • 128 5 A B't Profit. (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, Jane 16. At the annutl meeting of the Btlgownie Rubber Company Mr. Kmdcrsley, who presided, end that tho pn fir a $139,456, or 9J par CBnt increase, are due to the higher prices and a reduction in the ccst of
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  • 944 6 Woe* foe Tie Industet. Says the Ipoh correspondent of the Malay Mail Australia* Capital. It is to be doubted whether we yet recognise what Australian capital has done for the mining industry. As a rule we merely look at the short view that Australian companies are operating successfully.
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  • 696 6 DR. FREER’S REPORT FOR APRIL. The New Wards. Sir William Taylor, writing under date 11th May, forwards a copy of Captain Freer’s report for April on the working of the F. M. S. Hospital, and adds:—“The number of beds now occupied is 74. The work of
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  • 149 6 The following ware the result of the ties played of yesterday Profeetien Pairt. Everest and Prentis beat Syer and Syer 4—6. 6-2, 6-0. Mixed Doublet Handicap, Mrs Hall and Saye—s/6 beat Mr and Mrs Blackstone —l/6 6Men's Singlet Handicap A Threlfall beat Hogan 7 6-1. The following
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  • 642 6 THEN TAKEN PRISONER F. M. S. Man’s Experience. A letter has been received at the Homestead, East Bridgford, from SecondLieut. Richard Milward, of the 4th Sherwood Foresters (attached to the 10th Battalion), formerly of Terentang Estate, Negri Sembilan, who was taken prisoner in February after being buried alive,
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  • 267 6 Asam Kcmbano Tin Drbdoinq. The Australasian of May 13 says» Shares of the Asam KumbaDg Tin Dredging, Limited, were over-applied for last week in Sydney. The company was floated by the Austral Malay Company of that city, and is the fourth Malay venture promoted by its directors,
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  • 435 6 It is clear fhat tbe scouting work of tbe Zeppelin airships was of the greatest value to tbe German* in this last raid of theirs, just as it has been of the greatest value to them almost continuously in tbe North Sea since the war began.
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  • 131 6 To-day. Perlit for Trang, Tongkah and Pang Nga, 1.30 p.m. Aim I f, for Port Swelteuham and Singapore, 2.30 p.m. Hebe, for Bagan Datoh and Teluk Aqbod, 3.30 p.m TJn Peng f r Puliu Langkawi, Perlis and Setul, 3.30 p in. Pangkor, for Dindings, Sitiawan and Bagan Datoh,
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  • 286 6 The s s Moyune is expected to arrive here on the 19th instant bound for London, The 8 s Tara is expected to arrive at this port from Singapore on the 18th instant. The O.S.K. s.s. Luzon Alaru is expected to arrive here from Japan bound for Colombo
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  • 408 6 E.FO.T 6, Ta, DI.MTO», The following report was presented u Shareholders at the Eighth Annual n° Meeting of the Company, held “w SS House, Old Broad Striet, London E May 24 <* The Directors beg to submit a Shareholders the Aceounts of the CW.. dal, audited, for
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  • 282 6 Friday, June 16 Town Band, Esplanade, 6 Fenang Volunteers—Recruit rill, Maxim, Fort Cornwallis, 5.30 p.m. Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwalhi, 5.30 p.m. Cadet Drill, St Xavier’s Institution 4.15 p.m. Straits Cinema, Penang Road, 9.15 p.m. The Electric Polyscope Co., Argyll Road, 9.15 p.m. Saturday, June 17.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 548 6 WANTED. A BILL-COLLECTOR, «eouritj $5,000. Apply personally to GOH TAIK CHEE k SON, Church Street, 289 Pmang. WANTED. JUNIOR TYPIST with previous office experience. Commencing salary $25. Apply with copies of testimonials to ••JUNIOR 286 e/o Strait t Echo. NOTICE. THE BUSINESS of the firm of Huttenbach Liebert and Company,
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    • 39 6 Something Dependable Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during this weather. Be prepared for it. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 11 6 For Children’* Hacking Congh at Night. W*od«’ Groat Care, I*. fd
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    • 88 6 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm drives awaj the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief When a bottle of it is kept in the house the pain of burns and scalds
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    • 61 6 There is a reason for everything. Therefore let us tell you that the reason why WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE ia so popular throughout the Indies is, that it fully carries out what it professes to docure chills, dysentery, aud complaints of the chest and stomach. One bottle will confirm this.
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  • 1327 7 I Home Secretary Defends G vernment I Mt. Herbert Samuel, the Home SecreI tary, made an important speech last month jat the National Liberal Club, of whose I members he was the guest at luncheon. Declaring that it was his intention to I take stock of
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  • 683 7 Shareholders Unanimously Agree to Liquidate. The liquidation of the company waif decided upon at an extraordinary general meeting of the Royal Johore Tin Mining r 0 Ltd., held on Tuesday afternoon following the sixteenth general meeting. The meetings were held at the offices of the company,
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  • 140 7 Do you Suffer with Rheumatism I Has this terrible, nerve-racking, painful I ailment fastened itself upon you? Don’t I lose hope. Here’s succour for you. Little’s Oriental Balm has cured I thousands of inveterate chronic cases of Rheumatism—among them hundreds of cases that were pronounced hopeless by doctors. Through this
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 54 7 Safe Sore, Always Cures Dj not suffer from cramp colic or pam in the stomach when Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes to tbe right «pot and gives immediate relief. You cannot afford to be without it if you are subject to attacks cf this kind. For sale by
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    • 413 7 KTOTICE rHIS is to notify that the powers of Attorney given bv me to Tan Hong Teng of Periis dated the 19th day of Rabilakin 1334 and the 10th dty of April, 1916 respectively are hereby revoked and cancelled with every authority conferred therein. Sd. YOONG TOOK SUN, 71, Market
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1642 8 P. O.—B. I. AND apcab link (Incobpoeatud in England.) Mall and |Pa»»enger ;Servioe«. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. A /for Eurooe.) Outward (for China and Japan) J Proceeds direct to Marseilles A London from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) B.s,
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