Straits Echo, 15 June 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1216 1 ILftMAl it 3L' NATURAL I TYRES. (BRITISH MADE). Try help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. «94.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of Tyres.
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    • 11 1 T4l n m ift f n |S» I* as M HR
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 45 2 DRINK (HE* B l a rase m r 4 5K*. f b-r 53*1 w 44 JEM THE 4 Mjk t «AgSWtW ON SOLE AGENTS £&1 Iff Jg| "•'V M £<« WJ3 I# 1 CONNOISSEURS BRAND ■>;« 2 ttg 4 r> (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) LTD., PENANG.
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  • 1711 3 Sib J. Nizov's Dbsfatov. The publication of General Sir John Nixon’s despatch, dated January 17, has thrown fresh light on many details of the operations of General Townshend’s gallant but unfortunate division daring the period which elapsed between its advance after the battle fought at Es Sin
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 699 3 to on be Dg at ar Medicines Jest Unpacked. Not only is the Liver the largest but one of the most important organs in the human body, and when deranged it becomes the source of endless suffering. When the Liver is clogged y the inactivity of the kidneys and bowels,
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  • 955 4  -  BY N. Marlowe. I. One of the most interesting feature* of the recent outburst in Ireland was the number of writers prominently involved in the trouble. Of those who signed the "Proclamation of an Irish Republic,” all except two had earned a local reputation with
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  • 363 4 Old-World Conditions in the Libyan Region. Reuter’s representative has had an interview with one of the few Englishmen who have travelled extensively among the oases of the western Libyan desert in which according to the recent Press Bureau communique, British land Egyptian troops are now operating at Kharga
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  • 460 4 3 Its Effect on Indian Trade. Bombay, May 15. The proclamation of a moratorium in China is the general topic of conversation in financial and comirercial circles here to-day. 3 Opinion as to its probable effect on Indian 9 trade with China are divided. Mr. George
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  • 978 4 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. (UNDER S.R.A, RULES OF RACING NOTICE.—No amendments to this programme will bo considered noti™ 7 given in writing to the Secretary at least seven clear days before the dahT ‘J tbe Special General Meeting which is fixed for 15th June, 1916. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 219 4 r c DOC if DOC DC JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT OF TRIUMPH CYCLES. L/ U O u 0 Fitted Fitted with with Bind Dunlop Brakes. Tyre» w 0 X TRIUMPH Prices, from $7O to $125 nett. n o r\ V/ 0 PEDLEY TYRES. 0 O Pedley Oxford Cycle Covers, Prioe
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    • 34 4 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of the tiny laxatives which do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. sc, Singapore.
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    • 356 4 Methylated Spirits. (QUALITY GUARANTEED). Retail Price: 35 cents per quart bottle OBTAINABLE AT cheahkee EE&CO., 66. CHINA STREET, PUNA NO. FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS If you feel'OUT Of SORTS 'RUN DOWN ‘GOT the BLUES' SUFFER from KIDNEY. BLADDER, NERVOUS DISEASES. CHRONIC WEAKNESS,ULCERS.SKIN ERUPTIONS,PILES, write for FREE cloth bound medical book
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  • 563 5 Preliminary Inquiry. The preliminary inquiry into the case in which one Yeoh Khoo was charged with the attempted murder of Goh Boon Khor at Weld Quay on March 22 was commenced yesterday afternoon in the Third Court before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel. Messrs. G. N. Saye acd
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  • 208 5 THE NEW GRIFFIN SCHEME. Good Support Obtained. It will be remembered that, on the occasion of the Rig Gvmkhana on May 27, the Hon. Mr. A. N. Kenion invited support for a scheme to import some Australian ponies in sufficient time to enable a meeting being held
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  • 230 5 If Mr. W. George Maxwell com *s to Perak as Acting Resident, he will only be returning to his firet love in the Civil of Malaya, for he launched upon bis career theiein as Junior Officer, Perak, iu Much. 1891, when 1» was but 20
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  • 651 5 Farewell bt the Indian Cono*b«ation. The members of the Holy Trinity Church. Nibong Teba), met their Chaplain the Rev, Mr. J. H. Smith and Mrs. Smith on Wednesday the 7th inst. to bid them farewell on the eve of their departure to Malacca. The Church
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  • 309 5 The statutory meeting of Scudai, Ltd., was held at the offices of the company, 191, Cecil-street, Singapore, on Tuesday at hood. The Hen. Dr. Lim Boon Keng presided, and the others present were Mr. S. Q. Wong and Mr. Chan Sxe Onn (secretary). The statutory report presented by
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 201 5 < U 3 C/J O fad J 4 N 0 u a (0 to m z < z < X o 3 CQ o (0 _i < a a »L B g* I SCOTCH WHISKY SOT'iETHING TO CROW ABOUT V' R (0 O r O tc < > r r
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    • 390 5 SweeC ToSaccv Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. n W‘, ,-r. m m TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Present Kalem’s Sensational Detective Serial THE GIRL DETECTIVE 40 Parts 50,000 Feet A series
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  • 98 6 MBaM faOy (except Sundays and public holidays) uni i CRITERION PEEBB, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street Penang. Fmxci. Daily Local $24 per annum. m Outetetion... Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 0 CABLE iDDUSS: f ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 580 Printing Department 343 X.B. —All koila»M
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  • 389 6 A Singapore contemporary has been drawing attention to the dangers of the firefoot ways in that city caused by the fruitsellers being permitted to bare stalls by the roadside, and sometimes on the fire-foot ways themselres and to their practice of throwing fruit-skins and peelings on the pared
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  • 657 6 The Russ ans, io common parlance, are having a great time.’ 1 A mighty sweep is being made through the enemy country and a slight check is admitted at one point where the German reinforcements have strengthened the Austrians. But no serious consequences are apprehended as a result
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  • 62 6 To-day's Quotatioas. Tiu (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $89.50, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $89.25, buyers no sellers. &Dd in London at .£lB3 ss. spot and .£lB3 15s. three months’ eight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following is the quotation for Rubber
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  • 24 6 June 14 By Balance $10,102 95 15 R. B. Murray 500 00 Latham Co. 200.00 June 15 By B dance 10,802.95
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  • 27 6 (From Our Oxen Correspondent.') London. June 14. The following were the prices at the London Rubber Market to-day Pale Crepe 2/6 Diamond Smoke 2/5|
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  • 45 6 Jadgmeat Reverted. {From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, June 15. The Appeal Court has reversed the judgment of Judge Earnshaw who upheld the Municipality in forfeiting the Provident Fund contributions in the case of a former employee who had been dismissed for misconduct.
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  • 734 6 Dr. Gray, of the General Hospital, is spending a holiday up the Hill?, Mr?. Bartels, who has been unwell, is up the hills recuperating after a successful operation. Mr. A. F. Richards, who has recently been stationed in Kelantan, has been transferred to Kulim, Kedah, to act
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  • 117 6 Memorial Service at Ipoh, {From Our Oiun Correspondent Ipoh, June 15. An impressive memorial service for Lord Kitchener and the sailors who fell in the Jutland naval battle was conducted by the Bishop of Singapore at St. John’s Church last nightThere was a large congregation present, including the
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  • 979 6 Kaiser’s Aceessioa. To-day is the twenty-eighth anniversary of the Kaiser’s accession to the thrones of Prussia and of Germany. With the exception of his Ally, Francis Joseph of Austria the Kaiser, comparatively young man though he be, has reigned for a longer p3riod than any other leading European
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 108 6 mm TRADE ENEMY SERIES VOW ON SALF, CYSTOIDS THE BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR GERMAN CYSTOPURIN. Price $1 per tube of 20, Sold only by The George Town Dispensary, Limited. Penan Taiping and Ipoh, ANDREW USHER Co.-s SPECIAL RESERVE O. V. G. WHISKY Sandil&nds, Buttery Co., Soli Agents for ENANG 5* PERAK.
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  • 1225 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Co pyright Telegram. GERMANY MASSING TROOPS. It Belgium. Amsterdam, June 13. It is reported that there are 120,000 German infantry from the garrison in Belgium and other sections of t h e western front concentrated at Zonnebeke and Gbeluvelt, and considerable reserves are also being
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  • 79 7 F.M.5. Coagratulatioaa. From, Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 14. A joint cable from tbe P.A.M, the Selangor and Perak Chambers of Commerce, and the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines baa been despatched to Sir John Jellicoe to-day, offering congratulations da the victory in tbe battle off Jutland
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  • 65 7 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday Smoked Ribbed Sheet *126 to $127 Plain No!*2 Smoked Sheet diamond $l2O Unsmoked Sheet J}. 1 J No 2 Unsmoked Sheet S IA/ F bLS 6 Thi *>29
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  • 1602 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Eacmjr't Withdraw»!. Petrograd, June 13. A Petrograd communique states that the enemy have at maDy points withdrawn out of the reach of our southern armies. Tbe number of prisoners has increased a little and now is 115,700. We have reached the River Stokhod,
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  • 192 7 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. WILSON'S .NEUTRALITY. Traly America*. St. Louis. June 14. At the opening of the Djmooratic Convention, ex-Govarnor Martin H. Glynn, who was chairman, paid a high tribute to P.eiident Wilson’s statesmanship and affirmed that his policy of neutrality was truly American. Uadilatcd Americanism. New York,
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  • 137 7 Mr. Garland Wiu tk* Stepkeaa Memorial Cap. There wore twelve competitors for the Stephens Memorial Cup which was played for on 11th and 12th inst. Ten of these completed the thirty-six holes (medal play), eighteen of which had to be played each day without a break. On
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  • 184 7 The following was the result of the shoot for tbe Monthly Handicap Prize yesterday:— Total Handicap. Mrs. Y. Thomas 34 60 Mrs. Shepard 33 62 Miss Mathieu 33*40 Miss M. Pritchard 32*96 Mips Pritchard 32*47 Mrs. Duiege 32*40 Mrs. Frayne 32*10 Miss Smith 31*80 Mrs. Liston
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  • 98 7 The following articles will be fcuai oc our outside pages:— Page. 3. —The Military Situation. 4. —Aspects of the Irish Rising. The Moratorium in China. D:sert Fighting. 5—Alleged Attempted Murder. R»riog in Kin'a. Mr. W. George Maxwell. The Rev. John H. Smith. Scudai, Ltd 8.—Sr R>ge-. Quern Miry’s Needlework
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  • 1004 7 DECISION TO WIND UP. The third annual general meeting of the shareholders of the BukitTawaog Hydraulic Mining Company, Limited, was held at the offices of Messrs Kennedy ACo yesterday afternoon. There were present Messrs, H. Waugh (in the chair) 8. E. Ambrose, W. S. Goldie, F. Duxbury,
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  • 725 8 How H* Appbakbd iic thk Dock at Bow 6tb*kt. Sir Roger Casement's appearance is always striking, and there ia little chance of misdescribing bis very distinctive head, and face, and figure. It may be interesting, however, to see how far the descriptive writers of the various papers agree
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  • 249 8 Pbnano Women Worker*. Amount previously acknowledged $2,112.83 Mrs. G. H. Pritchard (4th Don:) 10 00 Mrs. Heim (9th 5.00 Mrs. CraigeD, Byram Estate (sth 5.00 Mrs. Samuel (3rd 2.00 Mrs. J. A, Brown (2nd 1.00 Total $2,155.83 Hospit tl garments for soldiers ready cut out for
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  • 1082 8  -  By Si r Leo Chiozza Money, M.P. Are we doing cur utmost P It is really very unfortunate £hat the nation should be divided into two' schools of thought, one of which asserts that the Government is perfect, while the other is engaged in representing it as
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  • 506 8 Child Selleb Coxvicted. Tan Lau, a Chinese woman, who waß yesterday charged before Mr. W. C Miohell in the District Court with attempting to Bell a female child, Wong Kim Moy, under ten years of age on May 22. was convicted and sentenced to a fine of
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  • 83 8 The following were the result of the ties played of yesterday Mens Doubtes Handicap B. Final. Hogan and Rieman —l6 beat E H Syer and Sharpin —l5 6-4, 7—5. Men's Open Singlet. L O Hargrave beat C C Rogers 6-8,6—4. Mixed Doubles Handicap, Mrs Hall and Save
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  • 93 8 The following was the result of the tie played off yesterday Championship. J M Chalmers beat H Muir 22—8. The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow t Championship. H Starr vs J M Chalmers (C S) S C Ambrose vs E M Terxano As one of
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  • 313 8 The O.S.E. a.?. Luzon Maru is expected to arrive here from Japan bound for Colombo and Bombay on June 17. The a 8. Moyune is expected to arrive here on the 19th instant bound for London. The a s. Tara is expected to arrive at this port from
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  • 83 8 To-day. Malacca t» for Tongkab, 12.30 pm. Pungah for Batu Bahra, 1 p.m. Ban Whatt Soon, f >r Deli, Ipm. Pin Stng, for Singapore, 1.30 p.m. Gregory Apcar, Port Swettenham and Singapore, 2-30 p.m. Padang t for Tracg, 230 pm Ban Fo Soon, for Bagan Datoh and Teluk
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  • 285 8 Thursday, June 15, Town Bind, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Penang Volunteers—Ambulance Co. Drill, Port Cornwallis, 530 p.m. Recruit Drill, Chinese Co., Fort Cornwallis, 5 30 p.m. Penang Tutf Club, Special General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4 30 p.m. Straits Cinema, Penang Road, 9.15 p.m. Tbe Electric Polyscope
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  • 206 8 Official Mikutis. Minutes of a meeting of the Municu*! Commissioners held on Tuesday, the affu May, 1916. Preamt. W. Peel Esq, President. P. T. Allen Esq. A, F. Goodrich Esq. John Mitchell Esq. Lim Eow Hong Esq. Abaent. Quah Bang Kee Esq. Yeoh Guan Beok Esq 1. The
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  • 118 8 Penang, June 15. {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank mi 241 4 months’ sight Bank 2/44 3 Credit 2/425/32 it 3 Documentary 2/413/16 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs, 174^ 3 days’ sight Private 176* Bombay, Demand Bank 1741 Moulmein, Demand Hank 1731 3 days’ sight Private 1751
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 522 8 WANTED. UNIOR TYPIST with previous office experience. Commencing salary $25, Apply with copies of testimonials to ••JUNIOR ejo Straits Echo. notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Lim Eng Iloe has been appointed Managing Director of the Criterion Press Ltd. in place of Mr. Lim Seng Hooi. By order of
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    • 75 8 The sudden changes of temperature that occur towards evening are liable to produce that nasty sneezing and snivelling sensation known as a cold in the head. A swift and certain remedy for this disorder is WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, A teaspoonful dose immediately the trouble is felt, followed by one
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    • 342 8 Fai Ch runic Ci.est Complaint», In the Matter of the Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinance 1914 to 1916. AND In the Matter of Herm. Jebsen and Company an Enemy firm within the meaning of that Ordinance. The Undersigned as Liquidator of the firm of Herm Jebsen and Company offer* for
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  • 1198 9 Fourth Annual General Meeting. Ttie Fourth General Meeting of the Foothills (Malaya) Rubber Estate Limit'd was held at the registered offices, 1411, Leadeohall street, Loudoo, E.C., on Tuesday, May 9,191 b, Sir Ernest Birch, K.C. M.G., chairmau of the company presiding. A representative of
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  • 347 9 INCREASE IN BERLIN TWICE THAT IN BRITAIN. Vienna Worse Oef Food prices in Berlin and Vienna have risen twice as much as those in Britain since the war. This is made clear in the Board of Trade Labour Gazette published rec ntly, Figures are given
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  • 149 9 91,162 in April Lists, German casualties reported ou German official casualty lists: The casualties, txclusive of corrections, reported during the month of Apri’, 1916, are as follows: Killed and Died of Wounds 17,455 Died of Sickness 2,395 Prisoners 1.221 Missing 6,217 Severe'v Wounded 14,557 Wourdad 4.001 Sligb’ly Wounded
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 430 9 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is fair more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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    • 53 9 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months mothers j should watch for any unnatural looseness cfj the child’s bowels. When given prompt j attention at this time serious tiouble may j be avoided, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diairhoea Remedy can alwa)s be depeuI ded upon. For sale by all
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    • 40 9 Somethin* Dependable Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during this weather. Be prepared j for it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual It can always be depended upon For 6iie by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 942 9 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SING A POKE. The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the above Corporation, and is now prepared to accept MARINE S’ FIRE RISKS at current rates. TO LET. HOUSE No 9 Logan Road from 1st July 1916. Apply to KENNEDY A Co277
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  • 1188 10 We were talking, writes J. B. A” in the Manehetter Guardian, about theOerman doctrine of necessity. Ethefington argued that we were justified in using any means to defeat Germany, since Germany herself, by breaking all laws, had released us from all obligations. ‘‘That reminds me," said Middleton,
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  • 684 10 How Bkitish Distbotbbs Wbbb Avoid*». The crew of the Norwegian barque Lind field fared better at the hands of the pirates than many whose ships have been sunk, as they were taken on board a large submarine and well treated during the five days which elapsed before
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 90 10 Chamberlain's Pain Bel*. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain's Pain Balm drives awaj the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief When a bottle of it is kept iu the house the pain of burns and scalds
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    • 187 10 i? :ctrical engineers SOLE AGENTS FOR: ELECTRICAL MACHINERY, Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work. Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations a Speciality. AGENTS FOR: HE BTBEUVB TELEPIOIE CO., LflL Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can be Started on Receipt of Order. OFFICES: Ipoh,
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  • 1166 11 Don’t blame your luck, my boy; blame your play,” said a well-known bridge player recently to one who was grousing’’ about his bad eards. There is no such thing as luck It all averages itself out His remarks set me thinking, especially as I had heard them
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  • 947 11 Candid Admissions of Comim« German Difficulties. The Germans are making preparations as we know to re-establish their trade after the war, and they boast that they will get back, not only what they have lost, but will win a larger share in the makets of the world
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  • 135 11 Has this terrible, nerve-racking, painful ailment fastened itself upon you? Don't lose hope. Here’s succour for you. Little’s Oriental Balm has oured thousands of inveterate chronic cases of Rheumatism—among them hundreds of cases that were pronounced hopeless by doctors. Through this wonderful remedy sufferers have
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 127 11 J*r 2 v s'N vT ft r _r,-* i.\ v k/ s2»k -I» '"V "V. Wb t* kx! ■I --«ft 1 Lrv LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEE 1916 PRICE LIST. nmri Wl "MT SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN l CO., LTD., (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. COMING! Mir GIT
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    • 470 11 KTOTICE3. 1 r jpHIS is to notify that the powers of JL Attorney given bv me to Tan Hong Teng of Perlis dated the 19th day of 3 Rabilakin 1334 and the 10th day of April, f 1916 respectively aro hereby revoked and t cancelled with every authority conferred therein.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1772 12 p. I. AND apcar link (Incorporated in England.) Mail and Pawenger Servioei PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) s s. Novara Aug. 24 s.s. Somali June 28 The above datee are only approximate. Wireless Telegraphy fitted o» »11 Steamers.
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