Straits Echo, 14 June 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1202 1 TYRES. (BRITISH MADE). Try help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of Tyres. Largest Dealers in Motor Accessories
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    • 17 1 I'Ltrs Mil INTANTS J 0( WIiCH IS THEBES I CO» 1 P'^ec .50 TIOIHS FO» m*a *N.>
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  • 2647 2 (From Our Oum Correspondent.') A Rumour. London, Mar 18 Speculation ii rife as to the latest bit of news from Copenhagen, which has been th® starting point of not a few remarkable rumours —less or more true—since the war opened. It is there asserted that all
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  • 159 2 Tho current issue of <he F.Af.S. Government Gazette has the following; notification With a view to encouraging the local industry of extracting oil from rubber seed and the preparation of this oil and other residues or products of the seed for the market, the Government has decided
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  • 185 2 Wind in the stomach is caused by the food being retained so long that it ferments if it is vegetable f >od or putrifies if it is animal food. The usual treatment is to forbid the eating of the food that causes the trouble. This stops
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 739 2 LIQUID FUEL FOR Diesel and Semi-Diesel Engines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, etc. KEROSENE FOR KEROSENE OIL ENGINES. LARCE STOCKS ALWAYS on hand. For particulars and prices, apply direct to THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO., (S.S.) LTP.. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) 0 WELD QUAY, PENANG. 0 E. O. Hotel. •:o> SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY
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    • 88 2 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm drives away the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief When a bottle of it is kept in the house the pain of burns and scalds
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  • 530 3 Museum Destroyed. I The fruits of thirty seven years’ residence I and travel in Borneo and the Tropics vras I destroyed by fire at the residence of Mr, I Edward Perejrine Gueriti, formerly I Governor of British North Borneo, who reI cently went to live
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  • 78 3 At' the Eastern Produce Exchange auction yesterday the following prices were obtaiDed Diamond Smoked Sheet from $125 to $l3O Diamond Uosmoked $llB $125 Plain Unsmoked $ll7 $l2O Pale Crepe No. 2 SI J 8 Scrap Crepe $B7„ 98 Bark Crepe 63 6 76 Lump Scrap 73 77
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  • 69 3 For the period from June 16 to 22, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at 2s. 7|d. per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the rules
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  • 45 3 The following were the result of the ties played of yesterday Ladies Singles Handicap Final. Mrs. G. A. Hall beat. Mrs. Watson 4/6 6,-1, 6-4. The following ties have been fixed fer to-day:— Professior Pairs. Everest and Prenties vs Syer and Syer.
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  • 124 3 The following ties have been fixed for to-day Championship. J M Chalmers vs H Muir W K Sharpe vs J G Allan R H Reid vs W H Tbrelfall The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Championship. A Lindley vs Hall W S Dunn
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  • 501 3 A Nativi Opihiov. (Contributed.) The Allies must win the world war for many reasons. The Russians are ready in I East for their second offensive when these human tides come, there will be no resistance. The Allies in the West are also ready and I believe they
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  • 425 3 To the Ebitor of the Straits Echo. Sir, In reference to the item published about cue under headicg Strongest Man Controveey (which I regret I saw yesterday only in the columqs of you: issue of the 2nd inst.) I desire to let you know that, holding the
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  • 112 3 An ordinarv meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal office yesterday afternoon. There were present Mr. W. Peel (PreBident)fMr. P. T. Alien, and Mr. Lim Eow Hong with Mr. L. M. Bell (Engineer) and Mr. L. A C. Biggs (Secretary) in attendance. The minutes of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 709 3 TO LET. H 377 OUSE No 9 Logan Road from 1st July 1916. Apply to KENNEDY A Co.. Tenarig, NOTICE, NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Lim Eng Hoe has been appointed Manag|DK Director of the Criterion Preas Ltd. in place of Mr. Lim Seng Hooi. By order of the
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    • 366 3 Sweet I C./lestnut Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. a m c wm s I *4 f? i tt 1:: TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT I The Electric Polyscope Co, Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Present Kalem’s Sensational Detective Serial 40
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  • 97 4 PiWiihed daily (except Sunday! and pvblif holidays) 'AT TUB f. CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street Penang. Puce. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS 1 ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 JV.B.—AII business communications should
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  • 540 4 An admirer of Mr. Lloyd George not long ago described him as a man who is as light as a cork, swift as a swallow, and prompt as a tax-collector.” This was the portrayal of a Miaister who has played no mean part on the political stage during
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  • 694 4 IMPRESSIVE MEMORIAL SERVICE. A very impressive memorial service to Lord Kitchener and the officers and men who fell in the recent naval victory ofE Jutland was held at St. George's Cnurch yesterday evening. There was a large attendance including the Volunteers under the command of Lt. Col.
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  • 274 4 Juno By Balance 752.95 M M Noordin 103.00 Hon. A. T. B-jant 250.00 June 14 By B dance 10,102.95 Members of tbe Penang Turf Club are leminded cf the General Meeting which will be held at the Chamber of Commerce at 4.30 p.m. tc-morrow. We weie informed
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  • 669 4 Mr. W. Burton has been appointed to act as Magistrate, Saremban. Mr. R. E. Gordon Walker, F.M S. Civil Service, has been granted six weeks’ full-pay leave. Mr. B. F. Bridge, Cadet, has been appointed to act as Assistant Controller of Labour, Klacg. Mr P. C. Beal,
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  • 177 4 To-day's Quotations. Tiu (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at W 7.50, buyers jno sellers, iu Singapo-e (refined) at 188.25, business d<*ne (125 tons sold) and in London at .£lB2 10s. spot and .£lB5 three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following is the quotation
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  • 984 4 Local Ciacmat. Of course the Cinema man knows his pub. lie, otherwise his business would not be so extensive nor would he be able to pay pop U lar favourites the fabulous salaries that he is reputed to do. And, knowing hig public he probably puts very little
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 386 4 “Sleep, Nurse of our life, care’s best reposer, Nature’s high'st rapture, and .the vision giver.” I£ there is a baby in your home you need this “Excelsior” Cct. Babies seldom cry when they are comfortable, the Excelsior Cot stops crying, for it will make your baby happy. It is a
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  • 1284 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Attack oa Fort Vaux. Paris, June 12. A communique records the complete of a German attack to the west of port Vaux. ARTILLERY ATTACKS. [•«my Repulsed by Curtaia of Fire. Paris, June 13. A communique states that after strong artillery preparation, the enemy
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  • 91 5 Ia Liquidation. b)rom Out Own Correspondent?) Singapore, June 14 The Royal Johore Tin Company is liquidating. The mine has been worked out and it is too expensive to obtain expert opinion. Our Singapore correspondent wires The special resolutions were confirmed at a meeting of The Sandycroft Co.
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  • 589 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Army acar Cieraowitz. t Petrograd, June IS. k An official report states that the Rus- sians have approached the suburbs of Czernowitz. [Czernowitz is an Austrian town, the capital of Bukovina, 87 miles aonth by east of Taraopo), in the centre of a
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  • 809 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram.. Eaemy's Heavy Loaaea. Rome, June 12. A communique shows that the Italians l progressed at Vallarsa despite the violent artillery and snowstorms, also south-west of Asiago, in the direction of Monte Cengio r and in the Sugana Valley. Two enemy counter-attacks in the
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  • 763 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Adair»! Jcllicoe's Message. London, June 12. i Admiral Jellicoe has addressed a message jto the fleet in which he states his very high appreciation of the manner in which the ships were fought on the 31st of May. Full information is not yet
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  • 586 5 Mtrix P C Ckarg«4. Before Mr. E. E. Colman in the Second Court this morning the hearing waa returned of the Cise in which a Marine Police Con* stable, named Din, was charged with com* mitting extortion by putting one Vadiveloo in fear of injury of be ng
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  • 60 5 Memori»m Service is Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent,) Singapore, June 14. A service in honour of the naval victory and the heroic dead was held at St. Andrew's Cathedral, and the edifice was orowded despite the heavy raia. His Excellency the Governor, Admiral Grant, Lady Evelyo, together
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  • 241 5 The following articles will be (coni on our outside pages:— Tage. 2 —War News and Gosrip. Rubber Seed Oil. 3. —The World War. Strongest Man Controversy. Municipal Crmmission. Fire at ’Mr. Gueritz’s Residency. Eastern Produce Eichangp. F.M.S. Rubber Export Doty. Penang Golf Club. P. C. C. Tennis Tournamant, 6—st.
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  • 826 6 The following is an extract from a for the period April, 1915, to March, 1916, by the Societo Financiere des Caoutchouc», to be presented at the annual general meeting at 49, Beach Street on Monday, July 24, at 10 a.m. Gbntlbmbn, For the
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  • 628 6 Statistical tobies for 1915, issued by Lloyd'» Regioter Shipping thow that during the year 417 new vessels of 968,533 tons were classed by the register. Corresponding with the general movement of the shipbuilding industry, the present figures showed a decrease of 763,193 tons to those for 1914.
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  • 113 6 On Friday, the 16th inst., there will be a meeting of the Legislative Council at which the Colonial Secretary will move that the Council approves the amendment of the rules under section 40 of the Cbaodu Revenue Ordinance, 1909, and also the amendments to the rules for the
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  • 548 6 Staff Lotaltt. The very large number of planters from the Federated Malay States who have temporarily and spontaneously given up lucra- tire positions to come to this country to join the Army probably forms a greater proportion of their whole class than has been given
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  • 281 6 Wednesday, June 14. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Penang Volunteers.—N.C.O’s Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 5,30 p.m. Recruit Drill, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. Cadet Drill (Free School Ground) 5 p m. P.L.R.C. Shoot—Rifle Range, 4.80 p.m. Straits Cinema, Penang Road, 9.15 p.m. The Electric Polyscope Co., Argyll Road, 9.15
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  • 450 6 Hanbicafs. The following were the results of the drawing and the handicaps in the P.C.C* 'Bowls Tournament whioh will commence this evenirg Sinolh Uanhioaf. W K Sharpe scr bye H Muir 1 7 H Smith scr R Owen 3 7 J G Allan +3j H
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  • 278 6 The O.S.K. s.«. Luzon ifaru is expects to arrive here from Japan bound for Colombo and Bombay on June 17th. The 8.8 Atreus is expected to arrive hers from Liverpool to-morrow. The b s Moyune is expected to arrive here on the 17th instant bound for London, s
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  • 734 6 L»T 09 SviMUBlUi We append the list of subscribers to Bfc. George’s, 1916. Mr and Mr* WHR Allen h R D Aoton it WR Armatrong A S Anthony CD A’Hearne I. CW Barnett h E J Bennett m E Baber ..WE Cleaver i. G C Clarke HT
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  • 631 6 The Military Correspondent of The Ttmss thinks the German hand is now almost completely exposed, and though there are gome good cards in if, we are satisfied that ours ar« belter; The Germans have 119 divisions in the West, 49 on the Russian front, and two or three
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 43 6 Economy in the End It costs but a small amoun to keep Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy always in your medicine chest, and it is eeonomy in the end. It always cures and cures quickly. For sale by all Dispessaries aad Dealers.
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    • 70 6 How few people realise that indigestion is nearly always caused by wind on the stomach, and yet it is so Now a dose of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. taken after meals would remore all that over 1 aded feeling which makes the sufferer so miserable. If you are afflicted in
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    • 9 6 Far Ohroaic Cheat CompUiafc*, W—dtT Greet PtfWMiaft Oertjli, id
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  • 1215 7 A Social Pboblbm. There are a certain number of subject» I which harassed editors are trying to rejuI venate by adding the prefix war.” War Thrift” “War Charity,” *'War Work,” I "War Entertaiments” head various columos I in different newspapers. A more careful I investigation shows that they
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  • 682 7 *1 A well-known firm of rubber share I brokers, in a circular to its clients, points I out that the only section of the Rubber Id I Share Market in which shares can still be n I obtained at a considerable discount is that j. I
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  • 172 7 Ia popular language the word rheumatism is a term which covers a multitude of ills, of which pain is the chief Bvmptom Articular rheumatism, inflamma‘ory rheumatism, and rheumatic fever are all names for the same disease. Muscu'ar rheumatism affects the muscles and does not spread from one
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 54 7 Safe Sore. Always Cures Do not suffer from cramp colic or pam in the stomach when Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes to tbe right spot and gives immediate relief. You cannot afford to be without it if you are subject to attaoks of this kind. For sale by
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    • 580 7 8 £8 6 8.8. Do you Suffer with Rheumatism Haa this terrible, nerve-racking, painful ailment fattened itaelf upon jouP Don’t lose hope. Here’a auccour for you. Littlb’s Obiintal Balm haa cured thousands of inveterate chronic cases of Rheumatism—among them hundreds of cases that were pronounced hopeless by doctors. Through this
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1650 8 p. I. AND apcar line (Inooeporatrd is England.) Mail and Passenger Servicei PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. X Proceeds direct to Marseilles A London •from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) B.s. Novara Aug. 24 s.s. Somali June 28 The above dates
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