Straits Echo, 9 June 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1431 1 jfezED NATUB^i II tyres. (BRITISH MADE). Try Help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGEN i'S: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of Tyres. Largest
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    • 11 1 w /7.7// fr? '1 V' Is» s RHR& 2 2 an
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  • 1267 2 ADMIRAL DE CHAIR ON OUR BLOCKADE The Adventure of tmb Bonncine Onion* In an interview with Mr. Henry Buydam, London correspondent of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle from which we are permitted to quote, Rear-Admiral Sir Dudley de Chair, who was in command of the British blockade in
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  • 205 2 The new regulations as to the attire to be worn by judges and lawyers, etc., in the Law Courts, come into force and make interesting reading. So far as Siamese lawyers are concerned the regulations insist upon a neat and modest attire. The wearing of
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  • 138 2 English German Education. Contrasted Bt Mr. Paton. Mr. J. L. Paton, High Master of the Manchester Grammar t-chool, who distributed the prizes at the Almondbury Grammar School, Huddersfield, said that English education gave a boy’s soul a chance. German education trained up clever people, but what guarantee was there, while
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  • 107 2 Presiding at an extraordinary general meeting of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company at Amsterdam, Mr. A. Capadozs explained the reasons for the proposed increase of the campinv’s capital frem f 1.100,000,000 to fl. 140,000,000. Mr. Capadoze said the Royal combination had acquired a leading place in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 11 2 Far (JtxroD'.c Cbe*t CoiopiaTPt», W*a i»‘ (ir«fct Psppsrmia* Cm:» It #<j
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    • 87 2 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm drives away the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief When a bottle of it is kept in the house the pain of burns and scalds
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    • 625 2 WARNING. All persons are cautioned against making unauthorised use of Reuter's Service of News, and any person or persons found infringing the Copy»' right Ordinance of the Straits Settle-' ments will he strictly dealt with in accordance with the provision* of that Ordinanee. REUTER. Prnang. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation
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  • 716 3 Daylight Thhtt. > Wong Sang was yesterday morniDg charged before Mr. W. C. Micbell in the District Court with theft of $3O in currency notes from the person of one Lim Lai in Kimberley Street on May 31: The accused claimed trial and Court Inspector Nicol prosecuted,
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  • 82 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange auction yesterday the following prices were obtained: Duuiond Smoked Sheet from $130 to $134 Diamond TJnsmoked $120 $123 Plain Smoked $123 Plain Unsmoked $11' $122 Pale Brown Crepe $114 Brown Crepe <* 93 »> Bark Crepe 65 oo Blanket Crepe f qq
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  • 134 3 The tenth ordinary general meeting of the Serendah Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd,, was held at the company’s offices, Kuala Lumpur, on June 5. In moving the adoption of the report and accounts for the year ended December 31, 1915, the chairman, Mr. Loke Chow Kit, expressed
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  • 392 3 A judgment of some importance regardl ing the administration of kongsi trusts was j delivered in the Supreme Court by Mr. r Justice Ebden bast week. i The hearing of the suit, with the inevitable postpone nents, extended over several years. In 1909 action was begun against
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  • 74 3 The following were the result of the ties played yesterday: Men a Doubts Handicap A, Forrest and Everest—15. beat Sayers and Stewart 6—3, 3-6. 6—3 Regers and Threlfall 15/4. beat Prentis and Harris 15. 6-2, 6—0. Tho following ties have been fixed for Saturday June 10th inst
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  • 111 3 To-day. Benoa. for Deli and Asahan, 10 a m. Omapere, for Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy and Moulmtin 2.30 p m. Jacob, for Singapore and Chiaa, 2.30 p.m. Alma, for Port Swettenham and Singapore, 2-30 p.m. Hebe, for Bagau Datoh and Teluk Anson, 3.30 p.m r
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  • 198 3 The net profit earned by the Nestle, and and Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Company last year shows that war conditions have brought greatly increased prosperity to that famous undertaking. The amount is 16 402,500 francs, which compares with 14,474,800 francs in 1914 and 13,427,000 in 1913. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 707 3 notice. WANTED. Tenders and specification are called for or building Abe body of an ambulance. Further details can be obtained at tbe Medical Officer’s Office between the boars of 10 a m. and 4 pm. Tenders etc. to be sent in sealed covers addressed to the Chief Medical Officer, Penang
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    • 412 3 Sweet Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. f V VI e. h R'i TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT I The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Prosent Pathe’s Wonderful Detective Serial. THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE 72 Parts Parts T2
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  • 100 4 MrililiiJ daDy (txcept Sunday* and publie holiday*) um l CRITERION PREBS,Lt». No. 59, Beach Street Penang. Pkioi. Daily Local M 924 per annua. h OuteUtion.., Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 M u j, CABLE address f ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo, 586 Printing Departnent 343
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  • 500 4 After Sir Ronald Ross, then in the Indian Medical Service, had established the connection between the mosquito and malaria he organised a sort of publicity campaign whereby he enlisted the co-operation of the people in taking preventive measures against the disease. We do not know that greater publicity
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  • 831 4 The colossal egotism of the Kaiser is still being displayed, for we find that at Wilhelmshaven he took up a position on the deck of a flagship, and in his usual dramatic manner spoke encouraging words on the “victory". Further, he asserted that “a start had been
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  • 869 4 Mr. J. G. T. Pooley, Advocate and Solicitor of Kuala Lumpur, is on a visit to Penang. Mr. E. E. Colman returned from the Bindings yesterday afternoon and resumed duties this morning. Mr. P. L. Hall, of the Eastern Smelting Co., Ipoh, has arrived in Kuala Lumpur
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  • 971 4 Zepp. Gal. Hydrogen, with which the Huns fill thoir ia a gas whose discovery is due to thn Englishman,. Cavendish. Paracelsus 9Us pected its existence, but it was Cavend, who provided it with an individuality jj was doubtful whether water was as siami! as it ..looked, and proceeded
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 The Most Popular Drink in the East. In Peace Tbo Taisho (Japan) ASAHI LAGER BEER, SAPPORO BLACK BEERt CITRON WATER ▲a WON THE CBAND PfilZE at m* Arglc-Japan Exhibition, v 'A 19:0 wr ANB PRESS COMMENT. In War HAS WON THN GRAND PRIZE AT THB PanamaPacific International Exposition, National ASAHI
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  • 625 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. STICK IT OUT.” Lord Kitchescr’s Message. London, June 7. Jjord Desborough, presiding at the Imperial Council of Commerce luncheon, read what may be regarded as one of Lord Kitchener’s last messages, which was contained in it letter to Lord Desborough regarding the war:
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  • 636 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Mr. Balfour aad Criticism. London, June 7. Mr. A. J. Balfour (First Lord of the I Admiralty), replying to criticisms of the /vdmiralty’8 first communique, said that Admiral Jellicoe’s message on the 2nd was obviously incomplete, but it was decided to take the
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  • 1394 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Powerful Eaemy Attack». Paris, June 7. A communique reports that there was a powerful German attack in the evening on Vaux fort, which was repulsed in disorder with heavy loss by our machine-gun fire. There was an intense bombardment of our first line
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  • 248 5 Gob Huat was this morning charged with the theft of a bag containing money, nnts and cakes to the total value of 83 cents at the Railway Station. The complainant, a sinkeh restd ng in Simpang Ampat (P. W), stated that he was on his way back
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  • 122 5 To-day's Quotstioa. Tiu (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $9l buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at 191.50, buyers no sellers, and in London at *.£187 10s. spok and JEIB7 15s. three months’ sightThe following passengers arrived here this morning per s.s. Ipoh: From Singapore. Mrs. Hoe Yee, Mrs.
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  • 501 5 (Reuter's Service) Copyright Telegram. Serioas Situatio*. Athens, June 7. i General Sarrail’s demand for the recall of three Greek officers is considered as an inadmissible interference. The Greek Government is taking up a very firm attitude. M. Skouloudis, the Premier, visited the British Minister presumably regarding
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  • 80 5 The following articles will be found oo our outside pages Page. 2. —*'Tbe Sea Fence.” The Garb of the Law. Royal Dutch Petroleum Company. Eugligh A German Education. 3. —Eastern Produce Exchange. Police Court Cases. Serendah Hydraulic Tin. Important Kongsi Ca«e. Penang Golf Club. Nestle’s Milk Profitp. 6. —Nerve
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  • 778 5 (Reuter's Service) Copyright Telegram. Violent Attack* R«p«Ia«d. Rome, June 7. A feature of the communique it the violent enemy attacks in Upper allarsa, Monte Spin, Posina valley, Campo Mule Valley and north-east of Aaiago. All were repulsed with heavy enemy losaes At Campo Mulo we counter-attacked, and drove
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  • 28 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.') London. Jane 8. The following werj the pric?s ia the London Rubber Market yetterd ij: Pale Crepe 2/7 Diamond Smoke 2/6}
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  • 620 6 The s.b. Chinese Frxnce from New York f is due to arrive here on the 13th instant with a general cargo and kerosene. The O.8.K. s.s. Luson Maru is expected to arrive here from Japan bound for Colombo and Bombay on June 17th. The N. Y. K. s.s,
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  • 285 6 Wednesday, 7th June 1916 The offerings at to-day’s Auction amounted to 325 tons and of this quantity 270 tons changed hands. Demand for the most part was brisk although bidding quietened somewhat towards the close. Standard Crepe and Sheet at 9140 and $138 marked increases of $1
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  • 1197 6 Sit Back iw thi Price or Rub»*»— j Dividred AnnoirATioire. A dull period has been experienced in the crude rubber market, during which price* fell back about 4d. per lb. In Mincing Lane the relapse ia regarded as of temporary duration, and at the time of writing the
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  • 781 6 PROBLEMS TO BE FACED. Madras Chamber's Vibws, In a letter to the Secretary of the Chamr ber of Commerce, Bombay, the Chairman i of the Madras Chamber sums up the views o of this Chamber on the main points likely I to come up for discussion on
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  • 1298 6 At a time when the distracted affaire of China cause that country to absorb so much of the world’s attention, it may not be without interest to enquire into the ideas of Government posse-sed by the inhabitants of that mysterious land. The progress to wards enli.
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  • 296 6 Fbiday, June 9 Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Penang Volunteers—Racruit Prill, Maxim, Fort Cornwallis, 530 p.m Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 530 p.m. Cadet Drill, Penang Free School J 4.15 p.m. Straits Cinema, Penang Road, 9.15 p.m. The Electric Polyscope Co., Argyll Road, 9.15 p.m. Saturday, June
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  • 36 6 BePLAJU.DE, 6 TO 7 P.M Friday, 9th June, 1916. 1 Dances La Fleurette ...Welleeley 2 Polka En Garde ...Waldteufel S Waltz Las Adieux ...Gang’l 4 Mazurka Oentifolie ...Eilenberg 5 March The Jolly Bachelor ...Carter
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  • 1059 6 TbST or SELr-COHTBOl, A soldier writing home says: Here I am still alive that’s the sura*. That month of March (and the as I write, bursting close enough to sh*?' the ground and give one palpitation) w. one long-drawn-out escape just enough in terval between
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 54 6 Safe. Sure. Always Cures Dj not suffer from cramp colic or paiu in the etomich when Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes to the ngbt spot and gives immediate relief. You cannot afford to be without it if you are subject to attack* of this kind. For ta’e by
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    • 49 6 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months mothers should watch for any unnatural looseness of the child’s bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 64 6 Sharp attacks of colic are very prevalent in this trying climate, and it is well to know what should be taken to overcome the trouble. Here is the knowledge to act on; Get a bottle of WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, and take a teaspoonful every three hours. Speedy relief will
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  • 1128 7 T** Shipbuildings Pboblem v Now that the recruiting question is settled, the next thing is to solve the shipping problem. The worst of the struggle on the one subject was to obscure the other. It is no less urgent and vital. We have pointed out that
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  • 597 7 Calcutta Msec antilb Opinion d Since the passing of the Daylight Saving n Bill in the House of Commons, the feasik bility of such a measure being adopted in India has been freely discussed in mercantile circles in Calcutta The concensus of opinion J j appears to be
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  • 210 7 po6t of Assistant Revenue Auditor, vacated by Mr. W. E. Siddons, who has succeeded Mr. de Silva of the Police Department at Kuala Lumpur, has not yet been filled. Mr. Ashby, who left to take up the acting appointment of Secretary, Sanitary Board, Kinta, has been mentioned as
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  • 213 7 f I Every Woman knows from experience the i 1 debilitating effect this Climate has upon her I health, and difficulty she has in keeping her I strength up to par. Men, who go out of the house to work, J and feed themselves better than
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 73 7 r V cT- 4 sN n •r .r.-f S4^~* i.\ M*. 2 v~. '.i <i> ..'VS ss? >■ s m m inn i i i i LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEE 1916 PRICE LIST. SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN l GO., LTD., (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG. SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. THE B
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    • 38 7 Something DependableDiarrhoea iB always more or less pttToilent during this weather. Be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 11 7 For Ghildron’i Haokiag Ccogh at Night. Wood*’ Ortot P»pp«r*iflt o*rc d
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    • 453 7 n Shake Of! the Clutch l® n of rheumatism, the greatest enemy to tho it peace of maD. IS You can do it. I As evidence of this you have but to cons sider any one of the thousands of cures that have been effected by the use of Little's
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1499 8 B. I. LINK P. o. AND apcar (Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. /for Ftiroae.) Outward (for China and Japan) X Proceeds direct to Marseilles London «from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) s.s. Novara Aug.
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