Straits Echo, 27 May 1916

Total Pages: 13
1 13 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1083 1 «ti&ED NATIMi i TYRES. (BRITISH MADE). Try help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of Tyres. Largest Dealers in
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    • 9 1 m /mu N 'd r m mi I* V.'E
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 1906 3 Bx G. K. Chmtirton. I think I have written somewhere else (or perhaps I only dreamt it) the real and selfevident answer to Carlyle's phrase that men are mostly fools. The clear and Christian answer is that they are all fools, including Carlyle. There is in this attitude no
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 319 3 Craig 8 Rose Ltd. LONDON. EDINBURGH. GLASGOW. Contractors to H.M. Government, Admiralty. and War Office. Manufacturers of Paints, Oils VamisJut, 4/ Write it as a headline, stamp it on th« mat, Mark it on your handkerchief, paste it in your bat, Paint it on your windows to tell the coming
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    • 237 3 XX BHUNOLINUM THE PERFECT WOOD PRESERVER. Reliable Stop-rot Antiseptic V D v Certain protector against White Ants. BRITISH MADS BRITISH OWRfD McAlister Co., Ltd. ce ts 0 I D D n U n D n l I I a a i a a Chin Seng Motor Garage. Just received ex
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  • 1288 4 Our Alor Star Corespondent write*: A pretty ceremony took place l*st Thursday evening at the Rest House, Alor fctar, when the British Indians, Ceylonese and 1 Straits-born Malays presented an address to Mr. A. Cavendish, Assistant Adviser, on the eve of his departure from Kedah. The
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  • 1338 4 Presentation to Mr. Sells. Oq the occasion of the departure of Mr. Herbert C. Sells, Collector of Ltnd Revenue, who is the President of the Mi hamedan Advisoiy Board, the members of the Board at the Town Hall yesterday aftemoou presented him with two illuminated addresses one
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 503 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICE The Commissioner.'? of George Towd, i PenaDg, invite separate tenders for the following:— 1 1. Construction of Back Lane Drains etc. behind 1/29 Keng Kwee Street, 62/64 A 70/74 Kuala Kangsar > R)ad, &c. 2, Erection of Coolies’ Qaaiters at Patani Road. Full particulars can be obtained and
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    • 231 4 The Criterion Press Ltd NOTICE OF FOURTEENTH 6ENERAL MEETING. NOTICE is hereby given that the Fourteenth General Meeting of the shareholders of the Criterion Press Ltd. will be held at the Office of the Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd., No. 43, Beach Street, on Friday, 2nd June, 1916, at 3-30 p.m.
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    • 486 4 life without health is living death. VETARZ OnerJe This remarkable compound, the latest discovery of modern times, is without equal in all ease* of defective nerve and brain power, whether induced by worry, overwork, dissipation, or other influences. Sleeplessness, palpitation, defective circulation, nervous dyspepsia, tic or neuralgi, low spirits mental
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  • 1100 5 [By Tom W*i#MTi] M L There can be very little doubt now, in [the mind of any competent observer, that i I am definitely and haally dead. I have I only lately recognized this, owing to an I error natural to my state of mind. A I certain
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  • 1063 5 (At a Zip? Rain.) [Specially Contributed te the Echo.] I Boene. A London Street in the neighbouri hood of Charting Sguare. I Time 11 p.m. The night it very dark but quite flua. The fern shrouded street lamps whieh are alight, show only enough to prevent one i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1351 5 WANTED, A N XPERIENCED CLERK for a Rubber E>t»te in Enggor. Healthy and free quarters. Applicants must TOWN HALL, PENANG. piaC blfl to opr*«k Kheh bo “A MUSICAL EVENING” Arranged by Mrs. L. f. Ebden md AddIv personally to APP GOLl TA1K CHEE A £ON, Beach Street, Penang WANTED, 4
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    • 516 5 The Egyptian Favourite among those who have sufficient knowledge of the essentials of a perfect Egyptian Cigarette is one or other of the brands known as Bouton Rouge and Felucca Egyptian Cigarettes Until you have smoked them you really have not realised the perfection to which the manufacture of Egyptian
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  • 104 6 Published djkilj (except Sunday! end public holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street Penang. Price. I Daily Local $24 per annum. Outatation... Postage Extra. I Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” I Telephone Nos. (Echo., 586 I Printing Department 343 N.B.— All
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  • 1350 6 Three years or so ago the Municipal I r Preiilent laid before the Commissioners P an underground sewerage Bcheme for I Penang, drawn up by the Municipal 1 1 Engineer, at the suggestion, we believe, K i f the Health Officer. If our recollection L of that meeting
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  • 62 6 To-day's Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-3ay at $93, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $93 50, business done (50 tons sold) and in London at j£l93 spot and three months' sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following is the quotation for Rubbor
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  • 886 6 Mr. J. Stark is on a visit to this place. Mr. VV.C. Michel!, we are sorry to say, is indisposed Mr. A. Cavendish has assumed duty as Collector of Land Revenue vice Mr. H. C. Sells. Mr. H. Furnivall, of the F. M. S. Forest Department, has,
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  • 1022 6 Vcrdua. The battle round Verdun continues to k. waged with a reckless wastage of Gml live*, and the telegrams almost every a speak of the mowing down of massed Lr£ ranks flung into tho battle line to sat? the craving for conquest. Ru, 0 if despair must have
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 I*. i CAPTURING TRADE ENEMY SEPwIES To Exterminate German Influence from this Market. That is our immediate aud present duty. We have no doubts about it. We are tryiog to do this by presenting to our Customers genuine British preparations in place of the hitherto popular German ones. With your
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  • 1329 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. DECISIVE PERIOD AT VERDUN. Goertl Battle ia Progress. London, March 25. Parhaps the whole of the war hinges on the present phase at Verdun. An important French Note issued this afternoon gt-ates frankly that there iB now a general battle between the two
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  • 26 7 (From Our Oxen Correspondent l) London, May 26. The following were the prices in the London Rubber Market to-day Pale Crepe Diamond Smoke
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  • 609 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE PREMIER'S STATEMENT. latcraeeiae Strife Not Tolerated. London, May 25. The House of Commons was crowded to 4 hear Mr. Asquith’s eagerly*a waited statement on Ireland. Lord Wimborne was a spectator in the Peers’ Gallery. The Premier affirmed that the primary duty of the Government
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  • 623 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AUSTRIANS SUFFER GREAT LOSS. Lias Rs-formcd oa Heigkts. Rome, May 25. A semi-official report states that after inflioting the most bloody losses on the enemy in the week’s fighting, the Italiars have withdrawn to tho principal line of defenc®, where they steadfastly await
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  • 649 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. aerial raids. Eeeay Posts Bomked. London, May 26. A communique states that in retaliation for an air attack on Port Said four of our aeroplanes dropped forty bombs on the advanced posts at Rodhsalem, Elhamma, Birbayud, Birsalmana and Bir-el-Mazar and did much damage,
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  • 298 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. MINISTER'S WARNING. Protests from Wurttcsbsrg. Amsterdam, May 26. In tho Reichstag, Herr Botocki, President of the Food Supply Board, warned the House not to expect any sudden improvement in the food conditions, and emphasised the great difficulties arising from the relations existing between
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  • 242 7 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Wednesday, May 24:— The Tuk&atis." Last Saturday there was a meeting between Minister Rambonnet, Cort van der Linden (Finance Minister), M. Loudon, and representatives of the army and navy in connection with the sinking
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  • 82 7 The following arthlea will be found on our outaide pages:— Page. 3. —Foola. 4 —Farewelling Mr. A. Cavendish. Mohamedau Advisory Board5. —Voces Populi. Marginal Notes. 8, Brunei in 1915. Penang Golf Club, Shipping News. Semanggol Rubber Co., Ltd. Church Service», Penang Relief Fund. Penang Aeroplane Fund. 9. —The Russian
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  • 54 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Shanghai, May 27, The Grand Lodge, through Mr. F. M, Ell-ot, D G M., has announced that Mr. Arthur Knight has been appointed by th« Grand Master of England Grand Past Assistant Dire tor cf Ceremonies Mr. R. J. Sproule D.D.G.M and M r
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  • 53 7 Obituary» Deatk of Mr. G. W. Wilson. (from Our Own Correspondent,") Ipob, May 27. The sudden death is reported at Sydney. Australia, of Mr. G. W. Wilson, of Ipoh. He was a member of the firm of G. W Wilson A Co, and left Ipoh for Sydney in January on
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  • 1819 8 A pathetic interact attaches to the Report on Brunei for 1915 which is signed by Mr. E. B. Maundrell, and from which we make the following excerpts. Financial*. The revenue amounted to $118,972 and the expenditure to $114,518. Bimvi. The revenue was $2,423 below the estimate of
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  • 484 8 The s.s. Ketga Maru is expected here on the 2nd proximo bound for the European ports. <s The outward bound t.s. Awtilocue from Liverpool will arrive here on June 3 with a large cargo for the Eastern ports. The Holt liner. s.s. Oemfa, 9,015 tons, is advised to
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  • 177 8 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following were the result of the ties played last night at the Golf Club: Men'» Doubles A Prentis and Harries wo from B Martin, aod Thomson Siyers and Stewart —5/6 beat Sproule. and. Swans 2/6 6 —4, 6—l. Mixed Doubles Handicap. Mrs Hogan
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  • 1073 8 SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING. N*w Option Exbbcisbd. The seventh annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Semanggol Rubber Co., Ltd* was held at the Chamber of Commerce at noon to-day. There were protect Meters. D. •A. M. Brown, in the Chair, J. McNeill, L M. Bell,
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  • 119 8 6tb Sunday aptib EasTUb. (Rotation Sunday). May 2s. 8-00 a.m. Matins. Hymn 17$. 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion. 5-00 p,m. Bunday School. 600 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Hymn 191. Responses Roberts. Psalms CXIXVI') CXXXVII Lloyd. CXXXVIII) Magnificat Barnby 47. Nunc Di mitt is Goss 61. Hymns 127,
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  • 61 8 St. Andbbw’s, Nobtbab Roas. 9 a.m. Children’s Service, 6 p.m. Public Worship. Preacher, Rev. Donald J. R oggi M.A. Subject: A cresd for the plain man IL The Masterhood of Christ. Special collection for Armenians rendered homeless and destitute by the War. Hymns 665, 381, 168,
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  • 44 8 May 17 By Balance ...$11.160.07 22 E. WJ. 100 00 25 Members of Nova Bcotia Club 148 00 26 Amt. collected by Mr. J. H. Phipps for May, Registry, Supreme Court and Audit Office 5.00 May 26 By Balance ...$11,413.07
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  • 36 8 May 26 By Balance $6,151 60 A. C. Elton 26.00 Edinburgh, Leith, Portobello Musselburgh A Dalkeith 25 00 Auchtermuchty 5,00 Ecolefecban 5.00 Camlachie 5.00 Milingavie 5.00 Appy’Ampstead 1.00 May 27 By Balance 6,222.60
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 480 8 MOTOR CAR FOR SALE LITTLE two-seater, in excellent condition. Owner (planter) going home. Price $1,700. Apply to 36 E, BEACH STREET. 266 Auction Sale. Tbe Steam Launch "TAISHUN,’ By Orbbb or CHOP BAN JOO HIN Thi AoaifTs or HEER TJONG A FIE OF MEDAN, THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANCE WILL SILL
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    • 61 8 For Lame Bock. When you have pains or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of tbo hand for five minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it on over
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    • 63 8 As one gets past middle age the Throat and lungs give unmistakeable signs of wear. Often a heavy phlegmy cough develops becoming chronic in nature, a source of pain and worry. For relief there is no better medicine than WtOM' SKAT PEPPERMINT CURE. It cuts the phlegm and soothes the
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    • 133 8 NOBEL’S EXPLOSIVES MAGAZINES AT PENANG AND IPOH Stocks always on hand of GELIGNITE. BLASTING GELATINE. SEXTUPLE DETONATORS. ELECTRIC DETONATORS. SPORTING BALLISTITE CARTRIDGES. San dilands Buttery fi* Co., Sole Agents for Penang and Perak, Aylesbury 6? Nutter, Ltd., Sub Agents, Perak. “BESSEMER” CRUDE OIL ENGINES, of all powers, most simple and
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  • 317 9 The following Re gulations, made by the Governor in accordance with the provisions of the Order of His Majesty in Council dated the 21st March, 1916, which was brought into force in this Colony by Proclamation dated the 20th May, 1916, and published iu a Gazette Extraordinary of
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  • 104 9 To DAY. Atjeh, for Langsa, Edi, T. Serna we, Segli, lOlehleh and Sabaug, noon. Perlis for Trang, Tongkah and Pang Nga, 1.30 p.m. I Rotorua, for Tongkah and Renong, 2.30 p.m. Trang, for Trang, 2 30 p.m, Ipoh, for Port Swettenham and Singapore, 3.30 p.m. Mambang, for Sstul,
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  • 334 9 Reporting on the Singapore Fire Brigade in 1915, tho President of the Municipality says: There were 55 calls to fires duriog the year, of which 32 proved to be genuine fires The rest were trivial alarms, including 7 f ilse alarms. The total value ef property at
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  • 380 9 [i* We are now in a position to surmiao the 1D Russian plan of campaign for the mxt few h months. We have seen considerable efforts on the northern part of the line to take up 5. positions of vantage which, when the thaw y
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  • 420 9 Saturday, Mat 27. Town Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Cadets Musketry Course, (P.F.S.) Rifle Range, 7 a.m. P.W.Y.R. Musketry Rifle Range, 3 p.m. Seraangol Rubber Co Ltd.,'General Meeting Chamber of Commerce, 12 nooD. Mobamedan Football Association Annual General Meeting, Crescent Star Sports Club, 3 p.m Straits Cinema,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 262 9 IT 0 D LK FOR THE BIST FOR INFANTS I APPRECIATED BY ADULTS!! F0PI)IA<! WITH AIL CLASSES THROUGHOUT r HE WORLD!!! 4? tONDEMSf CP* “"ausmTSS 's. •KWVCD KT «**«3 >^STo C 0 sirs CONDENSED NEW YORK 0> Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. Sterilized Natural Milk. St. Charles’ Brand Evaporated Milk Stood
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    • 81 9 Croup. This disease is so dangerous aud so rrpid in its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be obtained.
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    • 10 9 F#r Chronic t ompUiata, W*da' Or**t P C«rf la, Cd
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    • 331 9 In the Matter of the Alien Enemies (Windin* up) Ordinance, 1914, and In the matter of Behn Meyer and Company, Limited, an Enemy Company within the meaning of the said Ordinance. AUCTION SALE Or VALUABLE LANDED PROPERTIES SITUATE AT COLLYER QUAY, DE SOUZA STREET. PRINCE STREET, ROBERTSON QUAY, KANISAH M
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  • 901 10 East Avbioah awd Mesopotamia* Expieikhcis. Writing on 9th April, 1916. from “Somewhere in German East Africa” Gunner Dickerson (of Burma) says We hare had several engagements with the enemy since last writing to you and you will hare seen what has been done by the Offioial
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  • 38 10 Golf Ciub, 545 to 7.15 p.m Saturday, 27th May, 1916. 1 Reminiscences O! Verdi Godfrey 2 Galop Tramway Burgmein 3 Finale Rigoletto Yerdi 4 Waltz Phuntome Gung’l 5 Brazilian Dance Habanera... D’orso 6 March ...Nulii Secundus...Bentley.
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  • 858 10 Box Giblkts. Giblets was the Pusser’s Name” with whioh be joined the Navy; and a vast amount of persuasion was exercised upon him, both at Shotley and when he was drafted to his first ship, to make him pronounce the initial G” hard— for the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 45 10 Now h the Time. For iheumati6in you will find nothing better than Chamberlain’b Pain Balm. Now la the time to get iid of it. Try tbii liniment and ate how quickly it will relieve the pain and aoreneea. For eale by all Diapenaariea and Dealers.
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    • 61 10 THE OFFICE MAN leads a sedentary life; his brain grows sluggish—so doee his liver. Hi* health suffers—so does his business. PWKETTF> the tiny laxatives, gently stimulate the bowels, thus toning up the system and nerves which lead to sparkling good health. Do not gripeOf chemists, 50 cents per phial, or
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    • 252 10 ros. &c SOLE AGENTS FOR THE MEW MODEL No. 10 “The Machine that you will eventually Buy.” C M A n n m f J MX as» j*. £3 r 2 --j TV fUD P£ vvr T £ftC T H E W 0 E E PRICE LIST HEAVY MODELS. No.
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  • 2036 11 (From the Manchester Guardian Corrss--3 -~~li pondent in China,) Early Restrictions. When war was declared the Government of Hongkong imposed certain financial restrictions and a certain supervision upon j enemj firms, but allowed them to continue trading. These measures were intended as strictly military precautions;
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 52 11 Always Recommend It. Ia almost every community there is some one whose life has been s <ved by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and these recommendations and its never failing qualities account for its great popularity. For sale by'all Dispensaries
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    • 445 11 You can do it yourself. If you know any one who suffers, if you suffer yourself in the relentless grip of rheumatism, if your joints are stiff or swollen, your muscles weakened, or your limbs drawn out of Bhape, if you suffer from headache, neuralgia, sciatica or other bodily tortures,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1916 12 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incobpobat«dsih England.) Mail and JP»s»en^er!;Servl PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MATT, SERVICE. J Proceeds direct to Marseille» A London •from London direct. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE.. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) a s. Norara Aug. 24 s.s. Somali June 28 The above dates
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  • 1286 13 Name. RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate, Ltd. Balgownie Rubber Estate, Ltd. Ckangkat Sordang Estate, Ltd. Glonealy Plantations, Ltd. Jebong (Perak) Rubber Co., Ltd. Kedah Rubber Co., Ltd. Lunas Rubber Estates, Ltd. Malakotl Rubber Co., Ltd. Mergui Rubber Estates, Ltd. Nellmay Rubber Co., Ltd. New Serendak Rubber Co., Ltd.
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