Straits Echo, 19 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1180 1 icspaiU Hi W IiIZED NATUEa I IKIES (BRITISH MADE). Try Help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Oarage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of
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    • 14 1 milk FOR INFANTS CNMJ®: °f WHICH iSTHE «OT 5?« l> P»« U *2 r
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  • 978 2 A Garland or Shakesperian fact and Anecdote. Many fantastic explanations of Shakespeare's surname have been ventured, even one that identifies Shake with the German Schach, a corruption of Isaac, and another that derives the word from the apostolic names Jacques Pierre. Sensible people are satisfied to see it as
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  • 646 2 When the present war broke out, many rash prophecies were made about its probable economic consequences. Now that the contest has lasted well into its second year, it is possible to judge not only of these prophecies, but of the actual economic position, All the belligerents have
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  • 145 2 A me-sage friim Bangalore, dated May 4, says:—From more or less complete lists now compiled of South India planters who have gone to the war out of a total of 144 men, 24 sre from the Coorg, 23 from West Coast, 21 from Mundakayam. 16 from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 51 2 Always Recommend It. In almost eveiy community there is gome one whose life has been s.tvtd by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cboleiaand Diarrhot a Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an oppcrtuuity to recommend it, and these recommendations and its never tailing qualities account fonts great popularity. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 9 2 For Chronic Chest Complaint», WMd»' Great Peppermint Oirejl», Id
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    • 672 2 LIQUID FUEL FOR Diesel and Semi-Diesel Engines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, etc. KEROSENE FOR KEROSENE OIL ENGINES. LARC? STOCKS ALWAYS on HAND. For particulars and prices, apply direct to THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO„ (S.S.) LTD., (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) 0 WELD QUAY, PENANG. 0 TRANSLATION. The undersigned und rtj t translate any
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  • 722 3 Both Accuskd Convictib. The hearing was concluded yesterday afternoon of the case against the two Chinese who were charged before Mr. W. C. Michell in the District Court with robbery of jewellery to the value of $90, the pioperty of one Yong Ah Yi oo May 10. Court
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  • 143 3 A Babb Attraction. To break the monotony of a continuous flow of moving pictures the Management of the Straits Cinema Company have engaged for a abort season the services of Miss Tenkwa and her troupe of twenty-five of jugglers, illusionists, magicians, trick-cyclists and dancers, who gave a most
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  • 108 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange rubber auction yesterday 25,963 lb. were sold out of 76,656 lb. offered, at the following prices Diamond Smoked Sheet from 9129 to 9135 Plain Bmoked Sheet 9126 9132 Diamond Unsmoked Sheet 9130 Diamond Smoked No. 2 9127 9128 Scrap Crepe?; 9104 9107
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  • 918 3 8EC0ND DAY’S RACING, r j (From Omr Own OatretpmdenU) Singapore, May 19. r The following were the results of the second day’s racing T*« Fikst Powt Griffin Handicap—-2-46 r u. Value $350 and $50 to Second Pony A Handicap for Subscription Griffins entered for the First Griffin
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 666 3 PENANG SALES ROOM. AUCTION SALE of a miscellaneous lot of fittings including large “Milner” Iron Safe, Eed else» vie fUab sign (suitable for a cinema), Bough Ublea, Show Cases, etc., etc. TIB BIOFIBIT OT George Town Pi'p«nwM*y Ltd. at 4, Beach Street on Saturday, 20th May. 1916 AT 11 Jl.M
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    • 441 3 o 3© egvS ts The Egyptian Favourite among those who have sufficient knowledge of the essentials of a perfect Egyptian Cigarette ta one or other of the brands known as Bouton Rouge and Felucca Egyptian Cigarettes Until you have smoked them you really have not realised the perfection to which
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  • 98 4 rblilkl daily (except Sundays sad public holidays) AT TEI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street Penang. Fmica. Daily Local M $24 per annas Omtetetioa Poataga Extra. lUil Edition (Poet Fiae) 117.50 OABLI ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noe. Echo, 589 Printing Department 343 N B.—AU kiilMH M«auniMti9M «VeuM
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  • 526 4 It ia difficult for men unacquainted with Malay ideas to realise how much the Federated Stat9s owe to the qualities of individual Residents. Should there be a question of stationing a Resident at a native Court, the Sultan will enquire about the personality of the man, not about
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  • 863 4 The Germans are still hammering at Verdun and though the fortunes of the struggle are not now attracting very much attention outside military circles the fighting in this region has not ceased to be the most important of current events. The German commander, whoever he be, has evidently set
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  • 941 4 It is stated that Mr. Hatchell, Kuala Lumpur, will succeed Mr. W. L. Conlay, as Deputy Commissioner of Police, Perak. Says Wednesday’s M.M.: Sir E. Brockman has pone to Taiping Hill. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wootton hare returned* to Selangor. Mr. and Mrs. Hatchell leave for
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  • 915 4 The Premier. At the moment there can be no question that politically the most important personality in the country is Mr. Asquith, and though Mr. Lloyd George may be more talked about it is Mr. Asquith to whom both his own followers and his opponents look for a
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  • 36 4 To-day’s Quotations. Tin (undefined) is quoted here to-day at $95.50, business done, in Singapore (re* fined) at $96, business done, (175 tons sold) and in London at 197 spot and £197 10«. three months’ eight,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 118 4 EUROPEAN ACETIC ACID 99# Galvanized Iron Latex Pails Pans. ASAHI LAGER BEER x The most popular brand in the East. CHANG YU PORT WINE The best wine ever distilled in China. The Eastern Trading Co., 35, PITT STREET. Telephone No. 554. Telegrams Pinchong, Penang. X SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co.. Lid.,
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  • 616 5 (footer's Service). Copyright Telegram. german trenches raided. Great Air Fights. London, May 18. General Haig, in a communique to-day reports that there have been considerable artillery and trench mortar actions. Two raiding parties of the Seaforths entered the German trenches north of Roclincourt last night. Five Germans
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  • 641 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. MITAU THREATENED. Germaas use Gas. Petrograd, May 18. A revival of activity on both sides is recorded in a communique. A German attempt to advanoe by means of gas clouds in the region of the MitauKreuzbrug railway was repulsed. The Russians advanced west
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  • 680 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FIERCE AUSTRIAN ATTACKS. Rome, May 18. A communique states that the principal > Austrian effort is being made in the Lazarina valley, where five fierce attacks on the slopes north of Zagna were crumpled up by a devastating artillery and rifle fire, inflicting
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  • 640 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. ITS RESUMPTION SUGGESTED. London, May 17. The suggestion that the quesi tion should be taken up where it was left in 1914 is generally welcomed, r It is rumoured that Mr. Lloyd George is also working for a settlement. It is expected that Mr.
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  • 1390 5 SETTLEMENT WITH TERMS PROPOSED. An interesting application for maintenance was heard in the Third Court this morning before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel. Inche Jan binti Abdul Kader summoned her husband Wanchee Ariffin bin Mohamed Ariff, claiming maintenance from him as his lawful wife. Mr. C. D. D. Hogan
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  • 26 5 (From Our Oim Correspondent London, May 18. The prices in the London Rubber Market are as follows Pale Crepe 2/91 Diamond Smoke 2/8£
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  • 73 5 {From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 18. The following prices were obtained for 362 tons Bold at the Singapore Rubber Auction: Smoked Sheets $137 to $144 per picul. Good $132 $137 Fine $135 $139 Unsmoked $l3l $l3B Fine $l3O $132 Good plain $126 Crepe $146 $l5O Good
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  • 47 5 May 18 By Balance ...$12,843.00 N. W. Mailer 25.00 C Cuuradi 50.00 H. Waugh 250.00 Penang Eurasian Community 500.00 19 Allen Dennys 50.00 Chiat Seng Kongsee 25.00 Chop Tiang Joo 25.00 D. C. Mac Dougall 100.00 Behr Co. 250.10 May 19 By Balance ...$14,118.00
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  • 22 5 May 18 By Balance 13,162.05 18 From Liege 50.28 17 By Balance 3,212.33 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total 527,126.07
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  • 114 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Page. 2. —Shakespearian;!. Germany’s Fading Credit. Planters with the Forces. 3. —Robbery Case. Eastern Produce Exchange. Singapore Spring Meeting. Straits Cinema. 6. —Lloyd George. Penang Library. New Devices on the Russian Front. The Week’s Events. Why Lord Montagu Resigned.
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  • 702 6 Bbbaob or Extobt Obdinanob. On the oomplaint of Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim, Third Boarding Officer, Captain J. A. Milne, Master of the m Anjou, was this morning summoned before Mr. W. C Michel 1 for allowing a basket and a box of knives to be taken on board
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  • 126 6 To- DAT. Benoa, for Deli and Asahan, 10 a m. Van Neort for Langsa, T. Semawe, Sagli, Olehleh, Sabang, Padang etc., Batavia, noon. Pungah, for Batu Bahra 1 p.m. Skuld, for Singapore, 1 30 p m. Alma, for Port Swettenbam and Singapore, 230 p.m. Hebe, for Bagan Datoh
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  • 449 6 A Gamut* Suarririrra fob Nit*«Glyobbiwb. Numerous small aueceMei on all «actions of the front, particularly hi the extreme north and south, write» a Petrograd correspondent, are keeping up the Russians* spirits, and confirming army opinion in 'its conviction *of ultimate victory. The greatest artillery
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  • 317 6 Fbidat, Mat 19. Town Band, Esplanadp, 6 p.m. Penang Volunteers—N. C. 0.*s Lecture (by Capt. A. WilsoD,) Fort Cornwallis, Fort Cornwallis 5 30 p.m. Recruit Drill, Maxim, Fort Cornwallis, 5 30 p.m. Ambulance Co. Drill, Fort Cornwallis, 5.30 p.m. Cadets Drill, (P.F.S.) 4 15 p m. Straits
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  • 595 6 Jonrr Aim Coxrnirrmm 4* Umwommamim Institution.” First-hand revelations regarding the air service well made at Birmingham by Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, who also gave the first authoritative announcement of. his resignation from the Joint Air Committee. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of'the Lord Mayor,
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  • 333 6 After another winter in the trenches, the advocates of the puttee hare been silencec and there is now a general condemnation of the puttee for military service. One hac long since come to the conclusion that the ankle boot and puttee were the worst kint of foot and
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  • 559 6 A SAVAGE ATTACK. TBiBirs or Noineurva" London, April 23rd. —Mr, A-G. Gardiner writee in the Daily Note» a soathing open letter to Mr. Lloyd George. He says Tour friends have been silent too long. They have pretended not to know many things, end refused to see your figure flitting
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  • 311 6 Nmw Booms. The following books have been received, at the Library:— The New Zealand Official Year Book 1915, by M. Fraser. The Life of Henry Hartley Fowler, First Viscount Wolverhampton, by Edith Henrietta Fowler (Hon. Mrs. Robert Hamilton.) The Bancrofts, Recollections of Sixty Years, by Sir Squire and
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  • 441 6 The S.X.K. **TntM* ito* i. eipajted to arrive here ou Monday the 92nd instant on her Calcutta, %w The B.L s.s. Fultala, carrying the homeward mails, is due to arrive here on the 20th inst. from Singapore. The Holt liner Oyelope 9,033 tons, bound for London, is
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  • 410 6 I Creditable Pboqbbss iw a Good Causb The following progress report by the I honorary secretary of the Singapore Family Benefit Society will be placed baft re the I committee at their next meeting to ba held I shortly J The number of members on the roll
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  • 603 6 The Vomdrte publishes some inter».*; figarea about the price of living i n u!! 8 ••A correct estimat* of the increase* cost <$ Uving can only be obtained." it “by comparing the figures of MaJch low with thoae of to-day 8 uch a comp3 will show that
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  • 199 6 Lawk Tbkkis Toubnansbt. The following were the result# of the tie* played last night: I Mena Double» Handicap.A, Goodrich and Saye —14 beat Millar and Anthony—4/6 4—6, 7—5, 6—4. Syer and Sharpin —15 beat C; Benson and Black atone—3/6 10-8, 6-1. Crabb-Watt and Watson—15 beat Niool and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 57 6 A machine weakened in one part soon breaks down altogether. That is the case with «offerers from indigestion, a most disheartening complaint, if you are troubled, turn immediately to WOODS' MEAT PEPPERMINT COIE. A course of this medicine wilt plaoe the'bodv machine in peif«*ct running order. Sold at Dispensaries and
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    • 63 6 For a Lame Back. When jou hare pains or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for fire minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it on
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    • 11 6 Fn Ohildren'i Hacking CJo*gh at Night. W«#d»’ Graat Peppermint Oara, fd
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  • 1754 7 Windsor (F. M. S Rubber Estate. Annual General Meeting. The sixth annual general meeting of The Windsor (F.M.8.) Kubber Lstate Ltd. was held on April 18 at the registered offices, 149, Leadenhall-street, L.C., Mr. E. L. Hamilton (Chairman of the company) presiding. The Representative of the Secretaries (Messrs. Ed. Boustead
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  • 181 7 Nervous dyspepsia is a disease of the nerves, not of the stomach. Indigestion one day and complete freedom from symptoms the next usually mean nervous dyspepsia, esprcially if the patient is of a nervous or highly emotional temperament The attacks recur at more or less regular intervals and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 84 7 Croup. This disease is so dangerous and so rip d in its development that every mother of youcg children should be prepared for it. It is very ri?ky to wak until the attack ot croup appears and then send for medicine i and let the child suffer until it can
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    • 132 7 The National Review is a weekly Journal that provides for those who are interested in Chinese politics, full information each week as to what is going cn in China. If you wish to keep in touch with the trend of affairs Politically, Economically, Financially and Educational, subscribe to the National
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    • 398 7 Have you a Rheumatic Friend Tell him about Little's Oriental Balm, a modern emancipator from the aches aud pains of the human body. No mere relief, but permanent freedom from the tortures and deformities of rheumatism. The cure has been achieved not once, not a few times, but ‘bousands of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1678 8 P. O—B. I. AND apcar line (Incorporated in England.) Mail and [Pawenger IServioei PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. i Vi. mm ts KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPU (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) For s.s. Novara INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (lor China and Japan.) a s. Nyanza May 8.8.
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