Straits Echo, 17 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1089 1 1145: A m i&D NATUM I TYRES. (BRITISH MADE). Try help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 094.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of Tyres.
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    • 23 1 fees miisk l *hS^ T llMßWTs is u^" 1 of wtucfl u mi tea 55° *T I Ct IOIM Mi a gMLj D*P,
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  • 2129 2 Laegi ikd Small Scale Production. Aircraft work no longer callß for manufacture in ten», but in hundreds and in the rarer case thousands. In other words we have reached quantity production,” a change which carries with it both advantages and difficulties as well as some effects which are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 78 2 With the distressing moist heat of this tropical climate one is apt to get a body chill, always most dangerous because the liver or kidneys are affected, and with either out of order a diseased condition may be set up. WOODS’ GBEAT PEPPERMINT CURE is the finest corrective of a
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    • 459 2 What Meg Need. Here, as everywhere, are many men win, nervous systems urgently in need of better tone.” The feeling of exhaustTon'affedha is the result of thin blond Ur K i aL such men h “*od effect, of the climate, wor.7, mi aril .J other causes. u To every man
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  • 120 3 Pbnanq, Mat 17 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4J n 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4| 3 Credit 2/413/16 m 3 Documentary 2/427/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174* i, 3 days’ sight Private 176* Bombay, Demand Bank 1741 Moulmein, Demand !3ank 1731 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 287 3 List of Subscription». Cheques should be made payable to the Manager, Chartered Bank, crossed and and endorsed 14 Penang Aeroplane Fund” or 5 to Lt. Colonel the Hon. A. R. Adams, 2 Commander Macintyre, Mr. Jules Martin or the Editors of the Pinang Gazette or Strait» Echo
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  • 377 3 Alleged Attempted Murder, The hearing was resumed yesterday afisrnoou before Mr. Justice L P. Ebden aod a common jury of the case against Syed Ismail who was charged ou two counts in that he on or about April 14 did an act, to wit, by cutting with a
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  • 95 3 To-day. Will 0’ the Wisp, for Deli, noon. Hok Canton, for Port Swettenham and Singapore, 12.30 p.m. Jin Ho. for Asaban, 2 p.m, Atjeh, forLangsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang, 2 p.m. Ontang, for Calcutta, 2.30 p m. Mentor for Singapore, China and Japan, 2.30 p.m.
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  • 435 3 I The Jardine liner On Bang, from Singapore bound for Calcutta, arrived here to-day and ia discharging 1,000 tons of general cargo in the roads. The s.a. Carmarthenshire which is expectj ad to arrive soon from London has 500 tons j of cargo for this port. The s.s.
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  • 319 3 The report to the members of the Singapore branch of the Straits Settlements Association for the period from April 1, 1915, to March 31, 1916, says At the last general meeting the following committee was elected: —Hon. F. M. Elliot, president, Hon. W. W. Cook, vice-president, Sir
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  • 31 3 iUdJ 1 0 UJ DalaULU w 16 Amount collected at St. George’s Church on 2nd April 1916 188.47 16 By Balance 2,834.83 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total 826,748.57
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 504 3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY WANTED immediately Shipping Clerk, onlj experienced men need apply BARKER A Co. Engineer with knorledge of Rubber Manufacture for Estate in Perak. Apply to K 0. J. M. KEULEMANS, 4 F-M.S. Railway Buildings 231 Penang. tronoh mines, limited. (Inoobporatid in England) DIVIDEND No 42. A Dividend of 1«.
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    • 281 3 MOTOR CAR FOR SALE. Fivc-seater, 14—16 H. P. Four Cylinders, European make, everything complete in splendid condition Apply B x 33, 239 c/# Straitt Etho Central Sales Room. AUCTION SALE OP High Class Household Furniture COMPRISING»: Dining, Drawing and Bedroom Suite®, Almoirahs, Tables, Rattan and Bentwood Furniture, Glass Ware, Crockery,
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    • 404 3 ral F Cr a t o m iSis egvpI <s> The Egyptian Favourite among those who have sufficient knowledge of the essentials of a perfect Egyptian Cigarette is one or other of the brands known as Bouton Rouge and Felucca Egyptian Cigarettes Until you have smoked them you real'y have
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  • 99 4 ftfeuahad daily (except Sunday* uU holiday*} AT TUB CRITERION PRESS. Ltd No. 59, Beach Street Ponarg. Fmioa. Daily Local $34 per imb» Omtatatioa... Poatag* Extra. Kail Edittos (Poet Fro*) 117.50 CABI ii iDDXBIS ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone No*. Echo, 5C3 Printing Department 343 M.M.— All fcuita** auuiMtiOß* »fc<ruW
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  • 1382 4 Unless mankind learned from this war to avoid war,” said Sir Edward Grey a few days ago, this struggle would have been in vaio.” We are still under the illusion that this war is but an affair of navies and armies, of sieges and battles, of marches
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  • 980 4 Mr. Harold Norden, manager of Jasin Lallang Estate, Malacca, died on Wednesday last, the 10th instant. J 9 9 9-9 Dr. and Mrs. Yin returned to Singapore by the st3amer Hirano Maru on Friday last. Dr. Yin is much better and will resume practice in a few
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  • 1069 4 Dublin Castle. The Premier has visited Dublin Castle order to confer at some length with th° officials as to the recent trouble in T..,,],,, e Dublin Castle stands high, and occup,*, about teu acres of ground, but excentiJ St. Patrick’s Hall, the apartment? 7, small, and the building
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 278 4 Failure to secure re\l quality will bo a souro of much regret. We only select goods that can be absolutely relied upon to g thorough and lasting satisfaction Or ’i rsS The Alexander Car will not fail to satisfy you. Body made of wood with fine coach finish in Brown,
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  • 761 5 (Reuter's Service) Copyright Telegram. BRILLIANT FRENCH SUCCESS. Paris, May 15. The activity at Verdun has been confiaed to a continuation of the bombardment in tbe Hill 304 region. There was great artillery activity in Champagne, anl tho French made a brilliant coup fie main southward of the
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  • 566 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. CLAIMS OF COTTON SPINNERS. A London, May 16. Sir George R. Aekwith, Chief Industria Commissioner, and the representatives of the Mastara Operative Cotton Spinners Associations have had a five-hour conference on the men’s claim to tm per cent, advance. It is understood that
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  • 609 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. PROCEEDINGS AT BOW STREET. Bailey'* Story. London, May 15. Bailey, in a written statement, described how the two visited Wilhelmshaven and recoived facilities to go to Ireland. They entrained at Wilhelmshaven and boarded a submarine, reaching Ireland. They attempted to land in a collapsible
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  • 845 5 FIRST DAY S RESULTS. EIO TOTE DIVIDENDS. CFrom Chur Chon Correspondent.') Singapore, May 17. 1 Some interesting racing was witnessed I on the opening day of the Singapore meeting, with many close finishes. The divi- dends paid were high. 1—The Ofening Stakbs —2-45 p.m. r Value $500.
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  • 65 5 To-day’s Quotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $95.70, business done in Singapore (refined) at business done, (150 tons sold) and iD London at .£197 ss. spot and jSI97 15s. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following is the quotation for
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  • 1837 5 ANNUAL MEETING. The fifteenth annual general meeting of the members of the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association was held at the Chamber of Commerce this morning. There were present Me* ira W. Duccan (President) in the chair, J. W. Kennedy. W. Rankin, P. Mitford, P. MacDermont, G.
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  • 71 5 Play for the handsome trophy presented by Mr. George Macbain under match play conditions—lB boles—has resulted in Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Martin winning tbe final against Miss Brown and Mr. Byatt by 3 and 1. There were 25 couples entered for the competition. The Hon. the
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  • 27 5 (I rum Our Own Curretpondeit London, May 16. lhe following are tin prices in the London Kubb3r Market: Pale Crepe 2/9^ Diamond Smoke 2/8|
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  • 21 5 Obituary. Bombay Merchaat Dead. London, May 16. The death is reported of Mr, William Macdonell, formerly a prominent merchant in Bombay.
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  • 557 6 DIRECTORV REPORT. c 20 Pib Cbwt Dividbbd. 1 The directors of Chersonese (F. M. 8 Estates Ltd,, in presenting to the shareholders their report and accounts tor the year ended the 31st December, 1915, state After writing off depreciation of buildings, machinery, etc., the year s working has
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  • 240 6 The outputs from the following companies for the first half of May were Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd. Piculs 260 Hours run 314 Chen oKRi an a Tin Dredging Ltd Dredge Piculs 185 Hours run 301 Hydraulic Elevators. Piculs 50 Total output (Cbenderiang) 235 Katoo Deebook No Liability first
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  • 950 6 Much curious information respecting one of our best-known national habits has been brought together in Social History of Smoking,” by G. L Apperson, 1.8.0, (Seeker, 6s net). He claims that his book is the first attempt to write a history of smoking in this oountry from the social
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  • 403 6 Maoeinioent Wou in a Sea ow Mud. A Pioneer special says:—A correspondent at Headquarters describes the fine work of the Shropshires on April 21 and 22 and the I Dublin and Inniskilling fusiliers on the 27th. 1 The former recaptured the trenches lost two nights earlier
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  • 536 6 The arrival of the Russians caused the 1 greatest enthusiasm in France, reports a Paris-telegram of April 22. It is not known yet on which part of the front they will be sent, but the Germans will not be long before being aware of their presence.
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  • 640 6 Petrograd, April 5. The Tsar, in a rescript referring to the glorious actions fought by General Ivanoff, and particularly the great battle in Galicia which led to the capture of Lemberg and Przemysl and his brilliant resistance to the Austro-Germao armies on the Vistula, says he recalls
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  • 188 6 Recently what appears to be a somewhat mysterious robbery of Tcs. 21,000 took place at the Banque de lTndo-Chiae. It seems that in the morning the Chartered Bank paid the French Bank a sum of Tcs. 65,000, of which Tcs. 21,000 was in thousand tical currency notes
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  • 52 6 The following were tbe exports of Penang :or the fortnight ended May 15, 1916. To United Kingdom. Tin 275 tons Black Pepper 138 White Pepper 15 Tapioca Flour 5G Pearl Tapioca 298 Copra 175 Rubber 275 To U. S. America. Tin 475 tons Pearl Tapioca 185 Rubber
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  • 1197 6 By Sir James Yoxall, M P. When this Eighth Crusade is over, and we can call the roll of our gallant who survive, what stars and medals, brave insignia (or Mons, Bight of Heligoland, Marne, Ypres, Dogger Bank, Neuve Chapelle, Gheluvelt Falkland Isles, Aubers, Dardanelles and
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  • 579 6 Wednesday, May 17. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. King Edward VII Medical School, P re i liminary Examination. Lodge Scotia, Penang—lnstallation. Penang Volunteers.—N.C.O.’s Drill i Fort Cornwallis, 5.30 p.m. Cadets Drill. (S. X. I.) 5 p.m. M. P. A. A. Annual Genera' Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 11.30
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 46 6 Now Is the Time. For rheumatißin you will find nothing better thin Chamberlaiu’H Pam Balm. Now is tho tune to get rid of it. Try this hnuuent aud re i how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all Diapenaanea and Dealers.
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    • 51 6 A Good Rule for the Home. Make it a rule of your home to always keep ou baud a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe-guard against bowel complaints. It always cures promptly and no household is safe without it. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 10 6 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Weeds’ Great Peppermint Csro Is, id
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    • 62 6 For a Lame Back. When you hare pains or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flaunel slightly with this liniment and bind it on
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  • 188 7 The anaemia of young girls may be inherited, or it may be caused by bad air, unsuitable food, hasty eating, insufficient outdoor exercise, and not enough rest and sleep. It comes on gradually, beginning with languor, indisposition to mental or bodily exertion, irritability and a feeling
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  • 1071 7 [Bt Wilfbid Tea vans iir tbm Pall Mall Gazette.] t Not many people, lam afraid, pay atten--1 tion to the titles of the articles they read. They bare long ago been hardened into cynics i by the headlines in the halfpenny papers, r Bat those who
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  • 819 7 The statistics of the cost of war, both in lives and in treasure, appear colossul, but these appeal to us because they affect us, and we study them in consequence. When, however, we compare them with the statistics of the course of the world, they sink
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 409 7 LIQUID FUEL FOR Diesel and Semi-Diesel Engines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, etc. KEROSENE FOR KEROSENE OIL ENGINES. LARCE STOCKS ALWAYS on HARD. For particulars and prices, apply direct to THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO., (S.S.) LTD., (INCORPORATED .IN ENGLAND.) 0 WELD QUAY, PENANG. 0 NOTICE. We beg to give notice that for
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    • 70 7 WARNING All persons are cautioned against making unauthorised use of Reuter's Service of News, and any person or persons found infringing the Copyright Ordinance of the Straits Settlements will be strictly dealt with in accordance with the provisions of that Ordinance. REUTER. P*nang Methylated Spirits. (QUALITY GUARANTEED). Wholesale Price $7.00
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    • 52 7 Always Recommend It. In almost every community there is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recoiftmend it, and these recommendations and its never failing qualities account for its great popularity. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 81 7 Croup. This disease is so dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be obtained.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1735 8 P. o. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England.) Mailand 3 Pa««enger!;ServloeB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China aad Japani) «.a. Novara Homeward for Europe. Aug. 24 b.8. Nyanza s.8. Somali May June 22 28 The above dates are only approximate. Wireleaa Telegraphy fitted oa all Steamers.
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