Straits Echo, 5 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1306 1 JIJJLRMAI g m SiUED NATU IMS. (BRITISH MADE). Try A help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of
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    • 10 1 5S *****1 l SCI is it, SB 1« h. ri
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  • 1090 2  - Those Politicians A DEFENCE OF A MALIGNED CLASd« By Spencer Leigh Hughes M.P. There are many men (and some women) who think that “calling names” is the most important ingredient in political controversy, even in truce times,” and one ot the favourite phrases they employ is professional politician.” These words
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  • 826 2 On recently retaking some trenches the Italians discovered the bodies of four of their Alpini with hands tied together with telephone wire and faces battered by rifle blows. Our Ally has had photographs taken of these poor victims of Austrian birbirity for the purpose of submitting them
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 83 2 Croup. This disease 19 bo dangerous and so r ipid in its development that every mother of young cliildien should' be prepared for it. It is very risky to Trait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child Buffor until it can be
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    • 10 2 For Cfcruaio Cheat Compli-nts, W*#4t’ Gr»»t fVfpar«i»»t 0«rt Is 6d
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    • 416 2 Driven Out Whenever Little's Oriental Balm! enters a homo the headaches are driven ont. By simply rubbing in a little of this sure-act-ing remedy the most stubborn ache or pain is soon brought to terms. When you apply LITTLE S ORIENTAL BALM you can feel the pain going away. Think
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    • 40 2 LIQUID FUEL FOR Diesel and Semi-Diesel Engines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, etc. KEROSENE FOR KEROSENE OIL ENGINES. LARCE STOCKS ALWAYS oh hand. For particulars and prices, apply direct to THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO.. (S.S.) LTD.. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) WELD QUAY, PENANG.
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  • 757 3 Housb-bbbxjcib® bt Nicht. In the District Court before Mr. W. C. Micheil yesterday afternoon Copal Singh was charged with breaking into the residence of Mr. P. R. Green at Barrack Road on April 29, and also with being in possession of house-breaking implements. Regarding the first charge
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  • 217 3 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Championship. E.H. Everest beat F.W. Harris 7—5, 6—2, 4-6, 7—5 Single Handicap A. A. W. Harries beat V. G. Savi. 6—3, 9—7. The Straits Cinema has set down the following features for to night’s change of
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  • 529 3 A u Natiohax.” We gather from the last mail that the flat-racing season came unostentatiously into being at Gatwick where the so-called Grand National was the most important event decided. The Racecourse Association with the Gatwick authorities appear to have constructed fences after the manner of the
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  • 92 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange rubber auction yesterday 25,456 lb. were sold out of 71.830 lb. offered, at .the following prices Diamond Smoked Sheet from $l4O to $149 Plain Smoked $l4O $144 Diamond Uasmoked $l3B $142 Plain'Unsmoked $135 $l4l Diamond Smoked No. 2 $127 Diamond Smoked Mixed
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  • 181 3 (From Our Own Correspondent^) Singapore, May 5. The following prices were obtaied at the Singapore Rubber Auction: Smoked Sheets $152 to $162 per picul. Good $l5O $159 Fine $l5O $156 Unsmoked fine ribbed $147 Fine plain... $l5O $153 Good $l4O $149 Crepes $l6O $l6l Good $145 $l6O
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 722 3 FOR SALE. RUBBER ESTATE of thirty (80) acres in Mukim V., Dindings Trees on 20 ac»e« are n tapping at present. No reason able offer refused. Apply to 215a HAJI MOHAMED TAHA Bin HAJI ABDUL WAHID. WARNING. WANTED FOR OFFICE IN MEDAN. Experienced Shorthand Typiat. Apply in person to THE
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    • 441 3 Si a *3 «2 *2 5$ EGVP2 The Egyptian Favourite among those who have sufficient knowledge of the essentials of a perfect Egyptian Cigarette ia one or other of the brands known as Bouton Rouge and Felucca y Egyptian Cigarettes Sr Until you have smoked them you really have not
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  • 93 4 rmbliAAtd d*ily (except Sundays and pafclis kciidays) AT THB CRITERION PRESS. Ln>. No. 59, Beach Street Penang. Pnom. Daily Local M 934 per ume. Omtctatioß... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 OABLM ACDZBSS ECHO—PENANG.” i Telephone Not. Echo, 580 Printing Department 343 ATA.—-All k«iii*w MQMun-MLtiOM tkouM
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  • 43 4 Dabby —At the Maternity Hospital, Penang, on May 3rd, to Mrs. Darby, wife of Fred J. Darby, S. Gettah Estate, Semiling, a son. McLeod —At Kriau Estate, Nibong Tebal, on the sth inst., to Mr, and Mrs. K. M. McLeod, a son.
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  • 797 4 While we are not prepared to accept Reuter’s stories of peace rioting in Germany quite at their face-value, we can well believe that at the Socialist meetings organised on the first of this month —always a great day in social-democratic circles on the Continent —popular dissatisfaction
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  • 423 4 From a wall-informed source wa learn that, although the need for judicial reforms in Kedah is generally recognised both by the Malays and Europeans connected with the administration of the little State, nothing practical towards giving effect to such views has hitherto been done. Certain ‘‘ultra-conservative” influences
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  • 895 4 Mr. H W. Firmstone, acting Director of Education, is visiting Penang on inspection dutv. Mrs. Q. A. Hall, wife of the Adviser to the Kedah Government, is paying a visit to Penang. Mr. H. C. Sells is going on leave in the near future. Mr. A* Cavendish,
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  • 981 4 MeKem or M'Keaaa. What is the Chancellor of the Exchequer’* name? The English papers give it a “Me Kenna (as we have always spelt it) but it was not until we had occasion to look him up in Who's Who to-day that we found the entry, presumably revised
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 166 4 RICKSHAWS! A Shipment of the Latest Type of Akiha’s Rickshaws has just arrived ex. s.b. “Benten Maru.” X OBTAINABLE FROM Chin Seng A Co, Ltd., Northam Road, Aing Cheang A Co., Magazine Road. X ban Hong Aun, Noordin Street. Wholesale Distributing Agents for Penang and Perak The Eastern Trading Co.,
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  • 612 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. REBEL LEADERS SHOT. Mr Birrell Resigst. LoudoD, May 3. The Irish rebels are being tried by a Field Court-Martial under the Defence of the Realm Act. As soon as the sentences have been confirmed the public will be informed. The rebels whose
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  • 26 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 3. The prices in the London Rubber Market re as follows: Pale Crepe 2/9$ Diamond Smoke 2/8$
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  • 1209 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ARTILLERY DUEL. London, May 3.4* p.m. A Paris communique states that only artillery duels took place at Dead Man Hill and Douaumont. The French long-range guns made destructive work against the enemy railways eastwards of Vigneulles. Germs» Attsek Foiled. The Germans after an
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  • 25 5 May 3 By Balance $2,189.06 ‘4 O. B. Pike, 11th instalment 25.00 4 By Balance 2,214.06 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total $26,127.80
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  • 619 5 Result of Ladies' Competitioa for Presideat's Prizes. 1st Mrs. F. R. Sayers nett 257. 2nd Mrs, C. G. May nett 259. 3rd Mrs. C. R. Samuel 0i Mrs. A. M. Sellar j tie 2bL A friendly game of football was played on the Esplanade yesterday evening between
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  • 321 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. CABINET ACTION. Melbourne, May 3. The Federal War Committee has informed the Government that the Committee does not believe Australia is adequately represented at the front, and recommends that the Government should fix an early date for the minimum number of new recruits,
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  • 426 5 Mr. M. J. Foley, of the Eastern Smelting Company, by yesterday’s mail received a copy of the letter sent to the wife of the late Captain Michael Foley who was killed in action at Gallipoli in August last year. The letter is from the
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  • 189 5 To-day’s Quotation*. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $97.50 buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $98, business done (100 tons sold) and in London at .£200 spot and J£198 159. three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following is the quotation for
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  • 694 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. BRITISH PRISONERS’ FATE. Rome, May 3. A wireless message states that the British prisoners in Mesopotamia are to be sent to Anatolia. [Anatolia, which is practically identical with Asia Minor, consists of the vilayets of Adana, Angora, Archipelago, Brousss, Castamuni, Konia, Stvas, and Trebizon3,
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  • 70 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Page. 2. —Those Politicians! Memorials of Shame. 3. The English Turf. Eastern Produce Exchange. Singapore Rubber Auction. Police Court Cases. P.C.C. Tennis Tournament. 7. —The Faith of a Germanized Englishman. The Silver Problem. 6. —Penang Chamber of Commerce. Sir
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  • 300 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. CLAMOUR FOR PEACE. Poliee Charges sad Woaia Hurt. London, May 8. The most serious rioting yet reported has taken place in Germany. Vast mobe, principally composed of women, demanded peace. There wero exciting scenes at Berlin, Munich, Kiel, Chemnitz, and other cities, while
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  • 355 5 The following were present at the Connoil Meeting held on Tuesdiy the 25th April 1916: Mr. E. J. Vallentine (President) in the Chair, Mr. L. G. Attenborough (Vice-Prasi* dent,) the Hod. Mr. A. Payne-Gallwey, Messrs. J. H. Rich, A. C. Perkins, A. H. Flowerdew (representing Mr.
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  • 239 5 There passed away at his residence in Ipoh early yesterday morning Mr. Daniel 8. Blaze, for 26 years a resident of Ipob. The late Mr. Blaze, says the T.O.M was well known for nearly half a century in Ipoh and Penang as a medical practitioner
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  • 453 6 FORMER KUALA LUMPUR RESIDENT. Bblaeooe Club Iboidbbt. A Ramleh correspondent writes to a Cairo paper; Now that there is so much said about the German Ambassador to the United States, perhaps the following notes about the career of his brother, whom I had the pleasure to meet (for
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  • 467 6 Thkbatbbbd Rbsionation feom THI Gabbllb. Serious news has been received in connec' tion with the Salt Gabelle, to the effect that Sir Richard Dane, K C.I E., threatens to resign the headship of the administration, in consequerifce of the Japanese Government's action regarding the surplus salt revenue
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  • 934 6 COMMITTBB MBBTIWO A Meeting of the Committee of the Penang Chamber of Commerce was held in the Chamber on Tuesday, 2nd May 1916. t Pbbbbnt John Mitchell Esq. (in the Chair.) A. F. Goodrich Esq., J. C, Benson Esom A. W. Blackatone Esq C- M Henderson
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  • 824 6 CANTON TRAGEDY. Twenty-Two Deaths. Hongkong, April 15. < The latest particulars of Wednesday’s 1 tragedy in Canton show the results to have been much more serious than at first reported, the deaths numbering twenty-two. The meeting on Dutch Folly was between the various commanders of the.Kiang
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  • 495 6 Ah Ahmbicah View. The Secretary of the German Imperial Treasury, before the Reichstag on Friday, spoke for rigid economy in private and public expenditure, the necessity for which was self apparent in a deficit of 48),000,000 Marks ($120,000,000) on account of the civil budget, exclusive of the cost
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  • 536 6 Semanggol, 5,675 lb. Consolidated 26,849 lb., Bakap 22,640 lb., Batu Matang 9,194 lb., Jong Landor 44,087 lb., Kedah 35,705 lb. Government offices do not write a very good style. Sometimes they are not even grammatical; often they are difficult to understand, as difficult as an Act of
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  • 1256 6 Fear God and Take Tour Own Pari By Theodore Rooeerelt. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7*. 6d. net) Had Germany precipitated the war twelve or fifteen years earlier than she did, long before the conflict had reached its present stage, United States would hare ranged itself on the
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  • 272 6 Friday, May 5 Town Band, Esplanade, 6 Straits Cinema, Penang Road, 9. J 5p. m The Electric Polyscope Co., Argyll Road, 9.15 r.m Lecture to N. C. O.’s bj Capt. A. Wilson, Fort Cornwallis, 5 30 Recruit Drill, Maxim Section, Fort Cornwallis 5.30 p.m. Saturday,
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  • 119 6 To DAY. Brandan, for Deli and Asahan, 10 am. Jin Ho, for Asahan, 2 p.m. Alma., for Port Swettenbam and Singapore, 3.30 p.m. Albiana, for Hongkong, 3.30 p m. Hebe, for Bagau Datoh and Teluk Anson, 3.30 p.m Mambang, for Setul, 3.30 p m Un Peng, for Pulau
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 11 6 For Children's Hacking Congh at Night. Weoda’Oreet Peppermint Gere, 1«. f<J,
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    • 59 6 Coughs and Colda are common ailments, and in consequence often neglected, thereby permitting the system to drift to a stage favourable for the entry of serious disease. Protect yourself at the first sign of a cold by taking WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, It is the finest medioine. Sold at Dispen*
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    • 52 6 A Good Role for the Home. Maf 0 it a rule of jour home to alwajß keep on band a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. It always cures promptly and no household is safe without it. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 66 6 For a Lame Back. When jou hare pains or lameness in tb« back bathe the parts with Chamberlain* Pain Balm twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for fire minutes at e« c application. Then dampen a piece of flan“ el •lightly with this liniment and bind
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  • 2023 7 The Ravings of a Renegade. By Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Translated from the German by Charles H. Clarke. (Jarrold. 2s. 6d. net.) A Germanized Englishman is sucb a rare bird that a serious book by one at this time would be deeply interesting and might
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  • 396 7 i The Timet has directed attention to the great demand for silver coin in England at the present moment, in spite of the fact that the mint has been working overtime,” to use a common partance, and the output of notes has been vastly increased. The suggestion
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  • 488 7 Nervous dyspepsia is a disease of the nerves, not of the stomach. Indigestion one day and complete freedom from symptoms the next usually mean nervous dyspepsia, especially if the patient is of a nervous or highly emotional temperament The attacks recur at more or less regular intervals and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 183 7 EASILY APPLIED ASPINALL'S HIGH CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTS QUICK DRY a s s a i 8 a a a a o l l a a a a Aspinall’s Sanitary Paint IOB Buggies, Sulkies, Sleighs, Gigs &c. ALSO ALL KINDS OF Work on Wood or Iron Producing A High-Gloss Finish without Varnishing.
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    • 53 7 Always Recommend It. In almost every community there is some one whose life has been saved by Chamber* Iain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, [and these recommendations and its never failing qualities account for its great popularity. For sale by all
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    • 45 7 Now Is the Time. For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Now is the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and aoreness. For sale by all Diepentariea and Dealen,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1943 8 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (INCORPORATED Ilf ENGLAND.) Mail and Pusengev Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan.) Steamer. Connecting with Novara Malta Nagoya •Nellore Nankin Novara •Nore Malta •Namur Sardinia Morea Khyber Medina Mongolia Malwa Kaisar-l-Hind Mooltan Kashgar Karmala Arabia
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