Straits Echo, 2 May 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1168 1 ilrmaid NATURE II TYRES. jBRITISH MADE). Try help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of Tyres. Largest Dealers in
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    • 11 1 m 'i£gf\ mm ,Jlh -if« mini lit* L -s^lB n# 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 51 2 DRINK Wt tXi tlsilf? cQFtXfu t/kJarPa Lijv'J SC 9S »r. ■L< jgfe t£§i f r ft I-. > i r-m agfa ■iK& ’fcfiTWSi «,< 02 w ‘rt S 4 3 fc* H -JS3 V 1 SP V*": S# THE r\ j§ V, 5PF ON SOLE AGENTS: i OISSEURS BRAND KET.
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  • 125 3 Pin ano, Mat 2 (Bp eonrtesy of the Chartered Bank.) Uadon, Demand Bank 2/4$ 4 months' sight Bank M 2/4$ m 8 m Credit 2/422 8 Documentary 2/4$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Bs. 174$ i. 8 days' sight Private 170 Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 174 3 days’
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  • 776 3 Death by Poisoirme. The inquest into the circumstances Attending the death of a Chinaman named Quah Chai Seng, who died at the General Hospital ae thi result of asphyxia, following poisoning by hydrochloric acid according to the medical certificate of Dr. J. Y. Pestana, took place yesterday afternoon
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  • 79 3 The 2nd Race in the Gibbons Cop Competition was held at the Swimming Club on Sunday with the following result:— Start. Ist S. A. Yell 2 secs wins 5 points 2nd G. M. Teizano 3 „3 3rd W. H. Tbrelfall 10 I There were 6 starters
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  • 178 3 Your Drinks will Cost You Less It will be seen by an Express enclosed in this issue that the Bodega is making a sound bid for increased patronage in these hard times by appealing to the pockets as well as the patriotism of Penangites. In spite of the advance in
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  • 1030 3 I am the sole first-class passenger in the night mail swaying recklessly through the storm of rain at some 15 to 20 miles an hour, luckily with the wind behind us. t’resently the train slows down to nothing and stops. Far away ahead the engine is in difficulties
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 652 3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY COMPETENT CHINESE TTPI8T. Willing to travel if required. Good Salary to good nftQD. Headquarters—Medan, Sumatra. Apply in writing to V HAJ)OW A PINCKNEY* F.M,8. Railway Buildings, Penang. 28-4 210. if o* From the 1st of May the Office of the TRADING SOCIETY DELf-ATJEH" formerly at 2nd Floor Railway
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    • 354 3 NOTICE. Mr. A. G. Anthony has been admitted a Partner in our Singapore and Penang firms as from the 1st day of January, 1916. HUTTENBACH BROTHERS Co. 211 NOTICE OF SALK BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, The undersigned is instructed to pu f up for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, On
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    • 396 3 t <Vjt ~J*yr > >: Tt ,11 ."’i«sa -nMTfaßsumßßgcrjj The Egyptian Favourite among those who have sufficient knowledge of the essentials of a perfect Egyptian Cicai tte is one or other of the brand» :.nm. n s Bouton Rouge and Felucca Egyptian Cigarettes Until you have smoked them you really
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  • 99 4 rmbliskad daily (except Sundays and pafclie holidays) AT THB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang Fbiob. Daily Local M f 24 per uim m Oatetatioa.M Postage Extra. Hail Edition (Poet Free) 917.50 OASLB ADDBBBB M ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noe. Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 tf.M.—AU kMiMM
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  • 1118 4 As Mr. Roland Braddell observed in his very suggestive lecture on Municipal Ideals” at Singapore the other day, “the first thing that happened to a man—some lived to regret it, others did not—was that he was born.” The wonder of it is that so many of us
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  • 19 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 2. Pajam has paid a second interim of 20 per cent.
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  • 30 4 To-day’s Prices. C from Owr Oum Correspondent?) London, May 1. Tc-day’s prices in the London Rubber Market are as follows Pale crepe 3/Ofd Diamond smoke 3/-,
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  • 91 4 laterestimg Appeal Case. (From Our Own, Correspondent.') Singapore, May 2. In tbe Appeal Court judgment was given in the case of Ngai Low Shia alicu Low Hong Sian vertus Low Chee Neo, claiming to be the child of the late Low Kira Pong by his secondary wife.
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  • 864 4 The Right Hon. Sir Cecil Clementi-Smifch. P.C., G.C.M G, left unsettled property of the valua of 17,329. Mr. A. Hale, F M.S. Civil Service (retired) has joined the Malay States Information Agency, as deputy agent. Mr. B. C. Griffin, Ist3 of Dannistown Estate, Parifc Buntar, has gone
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  • 984 4 For the Registrar’s Eye. A visitor to Tenang on Saturday made some pertinent remarks as to the condition of a large number of the public ricsh&i plying for hire here when compared with those patronised in some contemporary ports. It is not many years-ago that both Shanghai and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 233 4 SUPER-ODOL. THE BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR GERMAN ODOL. Preserves the Teeth 8 Sweetens the Breath. A Delightful Liquid Dentifrice and Mouth Wash which imparts a feeling of Cool Freshness that no other Dental Preparation gives. IM BOTTLES 85 CENTS. Manufactured and Sold Only by Th« George Town Dispensary, Limited. THE LEADING
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  • 745 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. Dublin Casualty List London, April SO. The casualties at Dublin are as follows Killed- —Captain P. C. Dietricbsen (Sherwoods). Lieutenants H. C. Daffen, W. W. Hawken anil P. C. Perry (Sherwoods), and A. L. Ramsay (Royal Irish.) Wounded.— Lieut.-Colonel C. Face woods)Major
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  • 697 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Frenek Comments. London, May 1. The keynote of the comment on Kut has been struck by the Paris Temps which says that Great Britain accepts the check aB an unfortunate event which had become almost inevitable, but which after all was considered as
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  • 487 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Frenek Successes. London, April 30, 4.20 p.m. The French success at Yerdun is the feature of to-day’s Paris communique. The Germans at Laesigny, after a violent artillery preparation, made a email attack southward of Lassigny and got a footing, but were immediately driven
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  • 128 5 The outputs from the following companies for April were as follows Kamuntihg Tie Deedging Ltd. Piculs 520 Honrs run 631« Yards treated 88,000 Chbndbriang Tin Dredging Ltd. Dredge Piculs 350 Hours run 513 Yardb treated 86,000 Elevators. Piculs 120 Total output (Chenderiang) 470 The output of the Tongkah
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  • 276 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Further Captures. London, May 1. General Smuts, Commander-In-Chief ip German East Africa, report* further captures of quantities of livestock at Kondairangi. Much ammunition was also captured. Dutch Comment: —Commenting on General Smuts’ expedition in German East Africa, the Vaderland says The region where
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  • 571 5 Aaaual Geaeral Meeting, (From Our Own Correspondent,) Singapore, May 2. At the meeting of shareholders of the Ayer Panas RubberCompany, Mr. W. M. Sime, who presided, invited discussion on the directors’ fees. Mr. Dunman maintained that the directors made an illegal cliim and moved a resolution that
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  • 349 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Figktitg at Lake Narotek. Petrograd, April 30. 1 The principal fighting on the Russian front has been at Lake Narotch where the Germans attacked in massed formation in order to retake a few trenches. A very fierce engagement is proceeding in the adjoining
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  • 422 5 At the annual, general meeting of the Mercantile Bank of India, which was held in London on April 4, the shareholders adopted the report of the Directors which showed that, for the year ended 31st December, 1915, the net profits after providing for bad and doubtful
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  • 622 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. German Canal Arrested. Salonika, April 80. i The German Consul at Drama, who has i been an active organiser of espionage, has been arrested and brought to Salonika where he has been interned on a warship, Salonika Impregnable The growing importance of the concentration
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  • 35 5 To-day’s Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $97, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (rtfioed) at $97.50, business done (50 tons sold) and in London at £200 spot and £199 three months’ eight.
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  • 21 5 April 29 By Balance $2,127.06 May 1 Anonymous $20.00 By Balance 2,147.06 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total $26,060.80
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  • 172 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages:— Page. 3.—A Wash-out. Coroner’s Inquest. The Penang Swimming Club. “Your Drinks will Cost You Less! 6. —War News and Gossip. The Week's Events P.C.C. Tennis Tournament. P.L.R C. Eastern Product Exchange. Mail Notice. Gal*Kilumpong. 7. —Additional Army Nickname*. Bridge
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  • 189 5 Obituary. Death of Lord St. Aldwya, London, April 30. The death is reported of Earl St. Aldwyn, who has been indisposed for some time. His heir was killed in action last week. His four*year-old grandson succeeds to the title, [WAo’s Who gives the following beographical details of Lord St. Aldwyn:—
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  • 1017 6 PETITION from Transference. Speaking at the sixth annual meeting of 1 the above company at the Cannon-s»troet 1 Hotel, London, on April 4th, Mr. Frederick Anderson (chairman) said in regard to the I proposed transference of the company back 1 to Shanghai:—As you know, a considerable 1 number of
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  • 233 6 Tuesday, Wat 2, Town_Band, Golf Club, 6 p m. Penang Volunteers :—Battalion Drill, f Race Course, 5.15 p.m. i Straits Cinema, Penang Road, 9.15 p.m. The Electric Polyscope Co., Argyll Road, 9.15 p m. Wednesday, May 3. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Penang Volunteers, Recruit Drill, Chinese
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  • 434 6 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Championship. F.W, Harris vs E H. Everest (Unfinished.) Double Handicap B. Goodrich and J. Crabb-Watt vs D. L. Adamson and Fell. The following ties have been fixed for Thursday 4th instant Single Handicap A. A. W. Harries vs V.
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  • 126 6 The Penang Ladies’ RO9 CHub has suffered many recent losses by the departure or resignation of such enthusiastic and t fficient members as Mrs. Liston, Mrs. Wright-Motion, Mrs. Hulme-Sharpe and others. Tuis may account for the poor attendance at yesterday’s shoot, in which only five members
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  • 77 6 At the Eastern Produce Exchange rubber suction yesterday 18,946 lb. were sold out of 59,678 lb. offered, at the following prices Diamond Smoked Sheet from $159 to $l6l Plain Smbked $l4B Diamond Uosmoked $l5l Plain Unsmoked $146 $l5l Diamond Smoked Mixed $147 $149 Scrap Crepe $127 $l3O
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  • 574 6 1 To-day. De Kock, for Deli and Lrngsa, noon. Benoa, for T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang, noon. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. 12.30 p.m. Pungah for Batu Bahra. 1 p.m. Omapere. for Tongkah, Kopah, Rencup, Victoria Point. Mergui and Tavoy, 1.30 p m, Kalmoa,
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  • 3066 6 Zeppelin Raid». (From Our Own Correspondent.') London, April 6. The repeated air raids of the Huns this week had the usual results—the killing and maiming of a number of non-combatants and the destroying of property. No military purpose was served. So far as effect upon the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 74 6 The sudden cbangeV'bf tbfrp*rature that occur towardf evening are liable to produce that nasty sneezing and snivelling sensation known as a cold in the head. A swift and certain remedy for this disorder is WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT GORE. A teaspoenful doa:> immediately the trouble is felt, followed by one in
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    • 10 6 For Chrohio Cheat Complaint*, Weeds' Great Peppermint Care la, fd
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    • 38 6 The Fruit Season. Bowel cowpUint is sure to be prevalent during tbe fruit reason. .Be sure to keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. Zt may save a sale by all Dispensaries and
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  • 916 7  -  By HAL: Explanation is to be found in the regimental badges of the King’s Own Lancashire Regiment being the Lions,” the Rojal Fusiliers the Hanoverian White Horse,” the Kiog’s Liverpool Regiment "the King’s Hanoverian White Horse,” the Leicestershire Regiment the Tigerß,” "Green Tigers,” and Bengal Tigers.” The
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  • 404 7 A correspondent sends the following hand, and asks me what, as dealer, I would do with it: Spades, 10, 9,8, 7, 6. Hearts, A, K, 2. Clubs, Ku, 8,6, 5, 4. Iu my opinion, the dealer must declare on this hand, though, whether he does or not, trouble
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  • 348 7 Par P. and O. steamer Khyber. Fiom London April 15—To Singapore: Miss M. Ford, Mr. McGregor, Mr. Archer. To Penang Mis Tweed. F t r P. and O. steamer Medina. From London April 28. —To Singapore: Mr. aud Mrs. PearsoD, Mr. Norman. To Pene»g M ss
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 273 7 E. O. Hotel. SPECIAL TIFFIN rVEKV WEDNESDAY S’ SATURDAY. CANADIAN CHEESE. (A shipment of Canadian Cheddar has just been received in excellent condition). SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co.. Ltd., P E IT O-. Telegrams: Storage. Telephone No. 602. p BHUMOLio-UH 0 THE PERFECT WOOD PRESERVER. Reliable Stop-rot Antiseptic D D n
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    • 458 7 OUR FICTION LIST. COLONIAL NOVfLS. A Tight Corner by A. W. Marchmont Guy and Pauline by Crompton Mackenzie The Fortunes of Garin by Mary Johnson The One Girl in the World by C. Garvice Salvation Sal by Harrace W. C. Newte The Lost Prince by F. H. Burnett Looking for
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  • 914 8 Paris, March 24. The principal events in Paris this week have been the arrivals o£ General Cadoma and Prince Alexander of Serbia. General Joffre motored up from his headquarters to welcome the Italian Generalissimo, President Poincare being on the platform the following daj to meet King Peter’s
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  • 895 8  -  AN APPRECIATION OF W. M. HUGHES. (By one who knows him.) In one of the great hotels of London shot t, spare, keen-eyed personality of middle age, inhabits an imposing suite of apartments which lose their very gorgeousness under the domination of his activity. He is marked man
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 225 8 (T DOC DCZZDOC X JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT OF TRIUMPH CYCLES. o 0 Fitted Fitted with with Bind Dunlop Brakes. Tires. S/ > n TRIUMPH Prices, from $7O to $125 nett. PEDLEY TYRES. Pedley Oxford Cycle Covers, Price 3-00 each Pedley International Covers, Price 2-50 each Pedley Red Cycle Covers,
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    • 64 8 A Parent's Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 543 8 Acute Kidney disease. Gail Stones causst* keen agony. Completely Cured at 82 by Ur. Cassell’3 Tablets, the World-Famous Remedy. Mr. de Grey, an old gentleman (82), <* 5 Cliftoa-terrace, Queen street, Spar brook Birmingham, England, says. ago i b« »U.«. pan» across :ny back *»g but it became sharp as
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  • 2189 9 There is an old maxim that “Ajiger is a bad counsellor.” Unfortunately, it is in the nature of things that war should produce anger, and, in our indignation at what is reported to us of our enemy’s misdeeds, it may be difficult for us to preserve that, calm
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 154 9 EASILY APPLIED ASPINALLS HIGH CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTS QUICK DRY 8 FOR I 4 i I 8 1 2 8 I I I I I 8 5 a i Buggies, Sulkies, Sleighs, Gigs fife. ALSO ALL KINDS OF Work on Wood or Iron Producing A High-Gloss Finish without Varnishing. THE PERFECT
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    • 15 9 Pitcml Polity ofitr Iht War. Bj J. M lUWrtMB, U P Th* CoW« Club, 191f.
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    • 49 9 Bowel Compleiat ia Children, During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels is notioed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should he given. For sala.hy all Disptneariee awd Dealers.
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    • 272 9 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of regiffisni the tiny laxatives which do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co, Dept. 5c, Singapore. Driven Out Whenever Little’* Oriental Balm enters a home the headaches are driven out. By
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1946 10 P. O.—B. I. AND APGAR LINK Mail and (IXOOBPOKA.TBD IN ENGLAND.) Pasaenger Services. KONINKLIJKE t PAKETYAART MAAT8CHAPPIJ. L' (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) x (Incobpobatnd in Holland.) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Fob N. Y. K. (Tncobpobatkd in Japan.) Japan Mail Steamship Company ltd. For Motor Gar rnstara ftce
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