Straits Echo, 27 April 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1208 1 TI4LMAI ago natuM n r rvnES. (BRITISH MADE). Try A help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS s Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds
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    • 10 1 t£’S MILK wnomuninT «ar On* u l «u ui* Sr
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  • 1117 3 Thi nan ea the pevemu** has ast forward with his oontnbutiowho the vamu War Loans a* readily m Might have b*an i pec ted. Therefore, in certain quarters? Hb u proposed to appeal to his patriotism and sporting instincts at tbe sane tine by tbe issue
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  • 639 3 In all democracies there ia, apparently, a tendency for political power to gravitate towards the lawyers. We see it in France, very markedly in the United States and perhaps most clearly of all in England. Since democracies, from the days when Cleon cajole i the Athenians, to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 762 3 J 111 The i Cause of much Suffering. When the Boweb are l clogged the waste matter decays and ferments and enters the blood, and is carried to all parts of the body, producing Headaches, Biliousness, Sleeplessness, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Neuralgia, Rheumatism and *v&ricftf* other ailments disturbing the
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  • 1045 4 Duma’s Growing Power. Petrograd, Maroh 18. The Russians, like all other Slavonic nations, are of sanguine temperament. They are easily carried away in all phases of life in politics as well as in others. Time after time in the Duma this has hampered the progress of business.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 595 4 F.M.S. SIX PER CENT. WAR LOAN. NOTICE. THE GOVERNMENT of the Federated Malay States has made arrangements with the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China for the Bank to accept payment in full with applications for Bonds in the Federated Malay States War Loan, in cases where applicants desire
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    • 41 4 The Frait Sasoß. Bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent’ daring the fruit season. Be sure to keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. It may save a life. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 370 5 An Unqualified Success. The Patriotic Concert, which was given lat the Town Hall last night under I the auspices of St. George’s Society and in I which some of our local amateurs were I assisted by naval men, proved an unqualified success The'proceeds of this concert,
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  • 535 5 Allseed Theft of Boots. A Chinaman named Yam Alar was this morning arraigned before Mr. E E. Colman I in the Second Court on a charge of theft of a pair of ‘K toots, valued at $l2, from Messrs. Pritchard Co., Ltd. yesterday. I The accused claimed
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  • 48 5 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Championship Everest vs F. W. Harris. Profession Pairs. Rogers and Dunn vs Martin and Harries. The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Profession Pairs. Martin and Harries beat Sayers and Savi. 8—6, 6-8.
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  • 227 5 An enquiry into the circumstances attending the death of a Chinaman, named Ong Ah Tew, whc fell from a tree in the compound of the Penang Health Culture League on the 11th instant was held yesterday afternoon before Mr. E. E. Coltnan, the Coroner. Lan Tong Kee,
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  • 172 5 Kaigaay Recruitiag. (From Our Own Correspondent O Kuala Lumpur, April 26. At the P. A. M. meeting Mr. Aldwortb Controller of Labour, delivered an interesting address dealing with the work of the Department, especially as regards kangany recruiting. He recommended the gradual introduction of voluntary recruiting.
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  • 153 5 A Great Struggle Coraiag, London, April 18. The Times Petrograd correspondent says that expert opinion is strengthening that there will not be a long time to wait for the end of the cntra’cte on the northern front. Both belligerents are then likely to struggle with the grimmest
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  • 84 5 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, Since writing my letter of the 25th inst, I have to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a further donation of $2O which lam forwarding to the Chartered Bank at Kuala Lumpur. This will raise the amount collected by
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  • 226 5 To-day. Malacca for Tongkah, 12 30 p.m. Hauroto, for Rangoon, 12 30 p.m. Jin Ho, for Asahan, 1 p.m. Kalmoa, for Langsa, 1 p.m. Ban Whatt Soon, for Deli, Ipm Ban Fo Soon, for Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson, 2.30 p.m. Padang, for Trang, 3 30 p.m. To-morrow.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 329 5 "Westminster" Turkish Cigarettes. Airtight Tins of 50s. Plain and Straw Tipped. For Sale by all Dealers. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Present Kafem’s Sensational Detective Serial w parts THE GIRL DETECTIVE ***** EEET A series of the exciting and sonsational detective dramas ever filmed full
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  • 91 6 mUiahed daily (axcept Sundays and p*lk kolkUp) at na CRITERION PRESBL Lra. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Fbiob. Daily Leeal tS4 per —i OvtoUboi Postage Extra Mail Edition (Port Fa.) 917.50 CABLE ADDABSS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Not. Echo, 511 Printing Department 343 Jf.J.—AD twl— 11 —ultrtiw AwM W
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  • 1361 6 Mr. Asquith's proposals at the secret session of the House of Commons on Tuesday amount to all practical intents and purposes to general compulsion. Provided the arguments and figures adduced in its support were adequate there should be no doubt whatever regarding the adoption by Parliament of
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  • 608 6 Mr. F. K. Dickson is cn a visit to Penang. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cavendish are on a flying visit to Penang. Congratulations to Mr. William Duncan on his unanimous re-election as Chairman of the PA.M. Mr. A. F. Richards, who has been spending a short holiday
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  • 112 6 At the meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday, the treasurer will move That this Council approves the loan from Colonial Funds, from time to time during the current year, of sums not exceeding in the aggregate $2,500,000 to the Singapore Harbour Board to meet expenditure in connection
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  • 165 6 New Time Table». The F. M. S. Railways administration has just issued new time tables which will come into force on Dt May. The principal alterations in the Northern District are The 1.35 pm. Penang to Taiping has been altered to leave 1.58 p.m. and arrive
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  • 951 6 Hurry Up! The list of applications for the F.M.S. War Loan closes to-morrow and those who have delayed up to the present applying for the debentures would do well to see their bankers at once. Such a chance is not likely to be repeated a six per cent,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 231 6 SUPER-ODOL. THE BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR GERMAN ODOL. Preserves the Teeth 8 Sweetens the Breath. A Delightful Liquid Dentifrice and Mouth Wash which imparts a feeling of Cool Freshness that no other Dental Preparation gives. IN BOTTLES 85 CENTS. Manufactured and Sold Only by The George Town Dispensary, Limited. THE LEADING
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  • 631 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. STATEMENT in the commons. Situation Well it Head. London, April 25. Id the Houso of Commons Mr. Augustine Birrell, Secretary for Ireland, announced that grave disturbances had broken ont in Dublin. The Tost Office had been forcibly taken and twelve lives- lost. The situation
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  • 548 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. INTENSE ARTILLERY ACTIVITY. London, April 25, 4.15 p.m. A Paris communique states that there was intense artillery activity at Avocourt, but Ihe Germans were defeated while attempting to carry the advance posts. There was a fairly lively bombardment of our first and secmd
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  • 456 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. London, April 25, The War Office announces that in yesterday night’s air raid on the Norfolk and Suffolk coast* four or five Zeppelins participated. Only two seriously attempted to penetrate inland. Seventy bombs were dropped. One man was seriously injured. No further details
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  • 262 7 To-day’s Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $96, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $96, buyers no sellers, and in London at .£l9B 59. spot and .£196 10s. three months’ sight. We commented here the other day, says the Straits Times, on the fact that the younger
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  • 934 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. RECORD GATHERING. House Cleared. London, April 25. Huge crowds assembled in the vicinity of the House of Commons where there was a record gathering. The Speaker, though indisposed, returned from Bath in order to preside. Only a few question* were asked, to which
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  • 442 7 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra I'ost of Monday and Tuesday, April 24 and 25 i HOLLAND AND THE WAR. The Recent Alarms. It can be stated jhl. good authority that Germany was really afraid that Great Britain at the eud ot
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  • 558 7 FROM INDIAN EXCHANGES. An Exchange telegram from Amsterdam says that a woman fired two rovolver shot a at Herr Liebknecbt in a Bjrlin street but missed him. The Taeghche Dumlsehau fears that another winter campaign is possible. Russia is already rnakiug ifforts for it. A Glasgow agitator
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  • 284 7 Tho following articles will hi found on our outside pages: Page. 3. When Lotteries were Legal. The Lawyer Politician. 4. —Russia’s New Leaf. s—Taiping5—Taiping Eutertainmeut. A Fatal Fall. The Russiau Front. St. George’s Patriotic Concert. Police Court Cases. P. C. C. Tennis Tournament, 8. —The F.M.S. War Loan. The
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  • 1064 8 The F M.S. War Loan is an assured success. Tuere has been so far no olflcial announcement of the amount subscribed, but the fact that the Government, after j inviting subscriptions to a first isste o< six' million dollars only, decided a few days later to
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  • 990 8 CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS. Their Pun nr tii Axtf The conscientious objector bill reason to tfe grateful foC the facility afforded him by the institution of the Non-Combatant Corps, for bearing a share of the military burden which weighs upon the nation without doing violence to his peculiar principles.
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  • 261 8 Thursday, April 27. Town Band, Golf Club, 6 Straits Cinert* Penang Road, 9.16 p.m. The Electric Polyscope Co., Argyll Road, 915 p.m. P. V. Recruit Drill, Port Ooroifalhs 5.30 p.m. Fillis’ Circus, D*to Kramat Gardens, 9.15 p.tfi Lodge Scotia. Election of officers. Football —P. C, C. vt.
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  • 237 8 For some time past, says the Bangkok Daily Mail there have been various stories afloat as to the Bhooting and killing of a kamnan at Maesort, near the Burma frontier, by Mr. Fabricius, a Danish subject and an ex-Major of the Provincial Gendarmerie. So far as wo
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  • 207 8 Her Future and Her Fears. London, April 14 According to reports from neutral sourcps, Germ .ny resolved last November to sacrifice half a million men in an attempt to crush France. Hence the assault on VotduD, the failure of which is now compromising the hope of a spring
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  • 70 8 Ipoh Ri csha Strike. QFrrm Our Om l Oarrtrpmdent^ Ipob, April 21 For some time there hare been complaint* of traffit Atgets thtdn&i rtcsfia jtolfets winder iof aimlessly a boot the streets. Ttte Police insisted that they must remtin in the stands and threitened prosecution where the regulations were broken.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 577 8 LAST WEEK I LAST WEEK Col. Franfc FilHs’ Circus and Menagerie. To-night I To-night!! MANS PtMIAMMI. Over 1$ New hems Orer IS New Items Don't Forget oar fortwcll Motioee on Saturday at S f.m. (JEO. T. BATTY, Manager. AT ONCE POR PENANG. SHORTHAND WRITER akd TYPIST. Application! with copies of
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    • 12 8 For Children’s Hacking Go«gh at Night Wm4i' Onat Peppermint Omr*, W. W,
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    • 64 8 Sharp attacks of colic are very preralent in this trying climate, and it is well to know what shonld be taken to overcome the trouble. Here is the knowledge to act on: Get a bottle of WOOftV CHAT PEPPERMINT CURE and take a teaspoonful every three hours, Speedy relief will
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    • 238 8 NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between us, the uoder*tgned, Ooi Lam Chong and Oji Hong Lim as Merchants under the firms or chops “Ban Hong Hin”, No. 204 Beach Street, Penang and “Ban Hin”, Taimaung, Siam, was to-day dissolved, by mutual consent, so far as
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    • 393 8 THE NEW MAP Of CHINA. Do you know whist the Ne* M»p of China really te—Do yon resdtes its Impbmnee value W fcttf Here art ft* of Hit Hehf fttftm. It is the first rrthM# tdd mbdeftf style map of China yet published. It contains over 10,000 place names, each
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  • 199 9 Official Minctm Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the 11th April 1916 •> Present. W. Peel Esq, Piesident. P. T. Allen Esq. Quah Beng Kee Esq. A. F. Goodrich EsqJohn Mitchell Esq. Absent Yeoh Guan Seok Esq. Lim Eow Hong Esq. 1. The
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  • 1052 9 Thi British Wat. The courage with which the British GovI ernment have faced the question, uuexampl- ed in gravity, of meeting the expenditure of this war is the best proof which could be afforded of their conviction that the people of Great Britain are absolutely at one
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  • 400 9 According to Rear-Admiral Grant, U.8.N., commanding the submarine flotillas on the.other side of the Atlantic, who has been giving evideoce before a Congressional i Committee, “reliable information has been received from abroad that the Germ ins have lost over'siity submarines during this war.” The Admiralty has stated
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  • 560 9 It would be difficult to find a sounder investment in the Rubber list than Dennistowu at the present time. This company has 1,680 acres under rubber alone, 581 acres under coconuts, and 218 acres under rubber and coconuts intjrplanted. Allowing only £2O an acre as the value of the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 412 9 t o I I a o a i i i a I 0 a i s I a i i a o i a i i a a i i 0 I I I I a o 0 I I a i i a ASPINALI/S EASILY APPLIED HIGH CLASSO CARRIAGE
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    • 56 9 A Parent's Duty. Yoor boy i. always getting scratched or f illl T u. I!eCluse tb wounds have healed all right is no sign they alwa7s will and °i Ctamberla,n P»in Bilm immedStdv V njUr J “™<* *>r an<t y y can 8 9t nothing better, and blood poison is
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  • 866 10 Ralph Waldo Emibiox. Bom May 26, 1803. Died t April 27. 1882. Emerson ii a poet quoted, not read. Certain coupleta or quatrain* of hi* a>e ao familiar to our Euglish ears that tbej hare become aa it were household words, but in many instance* we do
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  • 886 10  -  MUST MERCHANT VESSELS SUBMIT TO BE SUNK F By Sie Feanois Piggott. In my laat article I analysed some of the minor suggestions contained in the United States Memorandum of January 28. I «hall now carry the anaiyaie a little further, and examine the major suggestion that merchantmen
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 Serves the Whole Family. I be fame of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The same boltie serves the whole family. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealer*,
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    • 55 10 To Correct Constipation and Biliousness, clear the complexion of blemishes and sweeten the breath, use the dainty laxative PINKETTES They gently assist nature and will h >lp to keep ycu well. Tiny but thorough, do not gripe. Of Chemists, 50 cents per phial, or poet free from the Dr. Williams’
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    • 261 10 Huttenhch Bros. 8 COMPANY. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER® CONTRACTORS SOLE AGENTS FOR: All kinds of ELECTRICAL MACHINERY Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work. Mining Plants and Private Lighting installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: HE STERLING TELEPHONE GO., LTD. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can be
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  • 1941 11 Just when the United States required to be strong to hold its own against the shocks of the European War, an aggravation of the ohaos in Mexico has compelled President Wilson to send a "punitive expedition” thither. Its object is to catch ana punish the notorious
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 61 11 y-'-\ n !J r tyJj J yjwm f 2 -> 0 2 S 3 <s■ A/ TWO MALAYAN DREADNOUGHTS FRASER NEAVE, LTD, ARCYLE ROAD, PENANG vvV '«r 3 t i/ «a 4-. -t kkg ir vT r.9>t ?v 24 > <* TYRES. LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEE 1916 PRICE LIST.
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    • 50 11 Bowel Complaint in Children. Ouring the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnataral looseness of the bowels is notioed Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 9 11 F*r Obroaic Chest Complaints, WWis’ Great Ptposrauet Oars €d
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    • 383 11 No More Headaches Headache*, intermittent pains, «harp •hooting spasms, or steady, dull aches, over the eyes, in the back of the head, at the baa* of the brain or in the temples quickly succumb to the soothing influence of LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM Every minute you suffer from a headache is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2009 12 B. AND LINE (IIfOOBPOBATBD IN E*OLAND.) Mail and Pi PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. X, W KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) Okooepobatbp ib Holland.) Steamib Poe Intended to Sail. N. Y. K. (Inoobfoeatbp in Japan.) Japan Mail Steamship Campaay Lt* V Outwird (for Ckiai tad Due
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