Straits Echo, 18 April 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1215 1 KMAI NATIJ^i lITYHES. (BRITISH MADE). Try A help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A V Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of Tyres. Largest
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    • 11 1 lĔ’S mihk nt»iN»inso«u^ «wgiti, HUBS’ I *IC T aif OHS 36f
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  • 331 3 To The Editob or the Strait* Echo. Bir, It is a matter of great surprise that the detention of the Alor Btar train at the Tapiocca Mills, a distance of about 3 miles from Bedong Station, has not yet taken effect, for the convenience of both the Tapioca
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  • 665 3 NEW GERMAN LOAN. Huge Wib Debt. Discussing the fourth war loan to be issued by Germany, the financial correspondent of the Nieuwe Courant says: “There is a connection between the German military action on the western front and the issue of the fourth war loan. Such
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  • 435 3 Bubit Mertajam, April 17. At thB Bukit Mertajam Police Court before Mr. G. A. Hereford, on Friday last, (1) Lo Hoot Tee and (2) Thug Hak Seng, who were originally brought up and charged with murder by causing the death of a Tamil named Nachiapen, were convicted
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  • 529 3 The following ties have been fixed for Thursday 20th in6t. Profession Pairs. Martin and Harries. vs Sayers and Savi. An Irish battalion is to be raised in Canada. Maximum prices for pork have been raised by 7 in Berlin. TLe large fortune of Isabella Lady WiltoD, who
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 663 3 ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company Ltd lacorporated i> India. BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE J. R. Macphkeson, Secretary S.S. and F Total Asset» exceed $28,000,000 Claims Paid $26,000,000 LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS Apply for Prospectus etc. to representatives in Penang Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 23, Weld Quay
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    • 433 3 "'Westminster" Turkish Cigarettes. Airtight Tins of 50s. Plain and Straw Tipped. For Sale by all Dealers. TO-Nki«. 1 TO-NIGHT The Electric ??jvscope Co, Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Present Kalem's Sensational Detective Serial 40 par s THE GIRL DETECTIVE ***** *KT A series of the most exciting ami sensational detective dramas
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  • 96 4 FtUiflrtd daily («xoapt Sundays aad pnklie holiday*) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltb. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang Psion* Daily Local M tS4 M puiun m Outrtataon.*, Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Port Fraa) «17.50 CABLE IDDIIH EOHO—PENANG.” TeleftkoM Not. Echo, 586 Priatiag Department 343 N A.—All hurt MM
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  • 1192 4 Two recent fevents in the Far East deserve more than ordinary attention. The first was the opening of a British School in Shanghai for the teaching of Chinese; the second is the proposed opening of a similar school in Hongkong under the auspices of the Chamber of
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  • 86 4 To-day’» Quotatioa». Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $96.50, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $97, business done (50 tons sold) and in London at £2OO ss. spot and £l9B 15s. three months sight. A special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange gives the following
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  • 606 4 Mrt. Percy Cobhim, of Lauderdale Estate, Taiping, has been on a short visit to Penang, Mr. P. E. Laws, who is an inmate of the General Hospital, is, we are glad to say, progressing favourably. Mr. Macnamara, formerly of the Hongkong Bank, Penang, now holds a commission
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  • 268 4 We have received from byed Salleh Alsagoff, Secretary to the Mohamedan Advisory Board, the following minutes of the meeting held last Friday; At the meeting of the Mohamedan Advisory Board which was held at the Land Office, on Friday April 14 the following subjects were discu6B9d. The
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  • 962 4 A Fortuae from the Law. Lord Alverstone’s estate of over thrss hundred thousand pounds must be ons of the largest fortuues ever made in the law Moreover the late Lord Chief started his legal career literally without a penny hi* father, himself a barrister, having corns badly to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 243 4 SUPER-ODOL. THE BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR GERMAN ODOL. Preserves the Teeth 8 Sweetens the Breath. A Delightful Liquid Dentifrice and Mouth Wash which imparts a feeling of Cool Freshness that no other Dental Preparation gives. IN BOTTLES 85 Manufactured and Sold Only by The George Town Dispensary, Limited. THE LEADING CHEMISTS,
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  • 777 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AROUND VERDUN. Aftotkar Attack Prokaklc. London, April 17, 1.35 p.m. A Paris semi-official announcement states that it is highly probable the Germans will •Mis attack when their troops are reconstituted. But it is doubtful whether they trill far# any better. Artillery Activity. London,
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  • 209 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. WARSHIPS IN SUDA BAY. Athens, April 16. Allied warships have anchored in Suda Bay. No troeps have been landed. [Suda Bay is in the north of the island of Crete. It has the best anchorage in the island.] Italy and the War.
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  • 655 5 No Offeace. A Tamil woman name! Moteh was this morning arraigned befoie Mr. V, G. Ezechiel in the Third Court on a charge of being in possession of milk at Jelutong which was adulterated with water. On her claiming trial Mehat P. C. 555 deposed that at
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  • 230 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SETTLEMENT IN SIGHT. Peking, April 27. A Chengtufu telegram states it is reliably reported that, as the result of negotiations between the representatives of the Governor of Szechuan and Tsai Ao* the Yunnanese rebel leader, the latter has agreed to Yuan Shi Kai
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  • 208 5 London, March 22. Mr. Archibald Hurd, writing in the Daily Telegraph, expresses the opinion that a naval action in the North Sea is at present out of the question. On the other hand, other papers publish an article from a naval base stating that German warships have
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  • 197 5 The following articles will be feuud on our outside pages: Page. 3 —Kedah Railway. From tfce Dutch Standpoint. P. C. C. Tennis Tournament. Bukit Mertajam Cases, 6.— A Diplomatist’s Wife.” The Falling Mark. Thoughts for the Times. Week Events. Week in Germany. Nurses Anglaises.” 7 —Old Songs and New
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  • 464 5 AN EXCELLENT SHOW. Qaite a fair house greeted the Humph: ey Bishop Company at the Town Hall last night for they had bean preceded by excellent reports of their peiformances in the Tc-aight we expect to tee the Hall filled to its utmost capacity for
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  • 415 5 Annual General Meeting. The first annual gouoral meeting of the shareholders of the above Company was held at the offices of Messrs. R T. Reid and Co. yesterday afternoon with Mr. W. H. Thorne in the Chair. Toere ware also present Messrs. A. S. Anthony, G.
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  • 1214 5 CHARGE AGAINST A TAMIL. Before Mr. V. G. Ezecbiel in the Third Court yesterday a Tamil, named Suppiab, waa charged with abetting six coolies to leave the Colony without permits from the Indian Immigration Agent in or about March, '1913. The six coolies who were placed in the
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  • 657 5 Shellabear’s EnglishMalay Dictionary. At last we have the Rev. Mr. 3hellabear’s English-Malay Dictionary in a neatlyprinted, handy volume of 600 pages. Like his Grammar, it suffers somewhat from its effort to be practical,' but it should atone largely for certain obvious defects of scholarship by its popular nature. Unlike any
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  • 71 5 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Rubber Auction held yesterday 22,066 lb. were eold out of 51,295 lb. offered. The prices obtained were as follows Diamond Smoked Sheet from $l6B to $177 Diamond Unsmoked $163 Plain Unsmoked Sheet $155 $l5B Scrap Crepe $136 Bark Crepe $ll9 Virgin Scrap
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  • 926 6 Thk Rrcollh«mo»« or a Cosmopolitan. Storied Italy." by Mrs. Hugh Fr*s*r. (London T. W«rn»r Laurie.) 12* od. net. We know already from Mr* Hugh Fraser'* book* that *he is a beholder with an eye for beautiful place*, remarkable thing*, and interesting people. Only a part of this
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  • 1019 6 GERMANY’S LO3S OF CREDIT CRITICALLY EXAMINED. A Complicate Situation. Below, says the Westminster Ocuette, we f produce the'considered judgment of a well- U mown authority upon financial and econo- i mic questions' as to the main causes of Germany’s unenviable position as a trader i with neutral
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  • 964 6 Fidilitt or Ar bican Niobors. Amsterdam, March 12. “Togoland, South-West Africa, and thi Camercons have fallen into the hands of the foe,” says a writer in the Rheinisch Westfaelische “and none will lament the fact more than th9 African negro, who has always regarded his German masters
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  • 1051 6 Nurses Anglaises.” Hospital Wom In Thb Fmhci Limm. Paris, March 14. We have grown as used to the uniform of the English nurse in the streets of Paris as we have to the khaki of the British soldier, and although they are to be seen in fewer numbers now than
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  • 915 6  -  By Nereus. An who recently cavilled at obituary notice* of fallen officers a* too laudatory should hare avoided the mischief which Satan always finds for idle hands to do by employing his in a munition factory. Classical tags, which generations ago were the accepted evidence of
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  • 258 6 Tuesday, April 18, Wedgwood Classics. Town Hall, 9.15 n m Town Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Straits Cinema, Penaug Road, 9 15 p m The Electric Polysoope Co., Argyll R^ ‘9 15 p.m. Penang Volunteers Battalion Drill Race Course, 5.15 p.m. Wednesda't, April 19. Fillis’ Circus, Dato
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  • 396 6 To-day. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Diokson and Malacca, 12 30 p.m. De Kock, for Deli and Laogsa, noon. Pungah f for Batu Bahra Ipm. Alma, for Singapore, 1 p.m. Anjow, for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandar, 2 p.m. Olenogle for Rangoon, 2.30 p.m. Hebe, for Bagan Datoh and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 41 6 The Fruit SmoA. Bowel OouipUint is sure to be prevalent during the fruit reason. Be sure to keep a bottle oi Chamberlain’» Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea tyemedy on hand. It may save a life. For Me by all Ditpentariea and Dealer».
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    • 11 6 For Children’saHckin* Ooegh at Night. Weed*’ Great Peppermint Cere, li. fd.
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    • 83 6 It ia but a abort atep from a chilled condition of the body to Pneumonia, and unleaa the chill be driven off that second serious condition ia reached, sometimes in less than 24 hours. Apply this warning to yourself when you feel out of sorts with a cold. Take a
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    • 57 6 A Parent's Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cu or raised. Because these wounds have ealed all right is no sign they alwajs will. a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. r o u can get nothing better, and blood
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  • 1314 7 The ordinary man, however violently he may be interested in politics, rather dislikes them. He watches the men he approves of and the men he disapproves of doing their best to save or to ruin the country, as the case may be he sees the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 260 7 WHALLEY’S SANITARY FLUID COMPANY, LONDON. ENGLAND. Suppliers to His Majesty's Household »nd to The Corporation of the City of London. SOLUBLE DISINFECTANT FLUID. o' l fc WHAUtf's FHHD'MM «ntk the dwmNctant VHP His RoutthoW* whalleyJ e Cheap®» 1 FLUID. feaSTi»^ Shall Avenue, London* NON-POISONOUS NON-IRRITANT. HIGHEST EFFICIENCY. To bo obtained
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    • 186 7 Methylated Spirits. (QUALITY GUARANTEED). Wholesale Price .17.00 per tin of 4 gallons. Retail Price 32 cents per quart bottle OBTAINABLE AT CHEAHKEE EE&CO 56, GUIs A STREET, PENANG. The Anglo-Japanese Dispensary, 393 395, Chulia Street, PENANG. Qualified Japanese Doctor always in attendance. All kinds of Patent Medicines and Proprietary Articles
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  • 1141 8 PREPARATIONS FOR THE TURK. Thi Pbotictzvo Baibiibi of Eotpt. Cairo. The rile that Egypt is playing in the theatre of war is one of great importance, for the Oermano-Turkish menace of attack upon the Canal touches the vital interests of Great Britain and her Allies.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 595 8 F.M.S. SIX PER CENT. WAR LOAN. NOTICE. 'jpHK GOVERNMENT of the Federated Malaj States has made arrangements with the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China for the Bank to aooept payment in full with applications for Bonds in I the Federated Malay Statea War Loan, in cases where applicants
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    • 94 8 Th« Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to ■arrive for a period of forty years. Chamber1 IaiD Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You
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    • 283 8 WARNINC. All persons are cautioned against making unauthorised use of Reuter's Service of News, and any person or persons found infringing the Copy, right Ordinance of the Straits Settlements will be strictly dealt with in accordance with the provisions of that Ordinance. REUTER Ptnang. Rubber Machinery FOB washing Crepping and
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  • 2289 9 Occasionally, in peace time, a judge or I magistrate asks a prisoner in accents of horJror, Have you no conscience P It is the I possession of a conscience, however, that in I time of war strikes many people aa a thing unspeakable. A member of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 147 9 1 jfclk -r« TO t- SC jut. '-v \w0Kki Si, J ••-s^j o>»«* TY LARGE REeUCTfON IN PRICES SEE 1916 PRICE LIST. SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN t GO., LTD (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. r i lO*»i European Acetic Acid GLACIAL 99 I Sulphate of Quinine. Packed in
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    • 50 9 Bowel Complaint i& Children. During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels is noticed Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 573 9 Nervous Ailing Little Girl Briffct and Wall fey Or. TiMata, tha World-Fameua Remedy. Mr. Oeo. p. Burley, 134, Highg&te road, Birmingham, EogUud, “A few year* ago my little daughter. Roema, had rheumatic fever, which left her with ahattered nerve* raid quite broken in health; and in aplta of medioal
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1659 10 P. O—B. I. AND APCAB LINE (IkOOBPOBATK» IN EwOLAWD.) P V VS 3 XKOHIHKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) N. Y. K. (Incorporated in Japan.) Japan Mail Steamahip Company Lti Fox PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Langea, Tslok Senwwe, Segli, Olehieh, S&bang, Padang, Benkoelen and Batavia. Bomcvard
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