Straits Echo, 7 April 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1134 1 KMA !&ed natuEe (BRITISH MADE). Try help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of Tyres. Largest Dealers in
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    • 14 1 *>. g£L r»' 7S? n >rM i >W l U3 prf)iCO>Uli: 2rwosi«v*jiaoj l^?*i^ 3TIIW S,g^
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  • 1085 3 Reason ind tk Rcir of Luck. There is still a firm belief in Jonahs at eea and the other day a Bailor, who was prosecuted for failing to join an Admiralty transport, pleaded in excuse that he was known to seamen generally as Jonah and that the sailors
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  • 965 3 Once upon a time there was a plumber j no once upon a time there was a poet. For after all (though the world never knew it) the poet came before the plumber, which is the whole essence of this profoundly signihcant story. So let us start
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 421 3 The Eastern Produce Exchange in offering their nervicen to the public, beg to announce that they also undertake to negotiate Loans, do General Agency business and act as Brokarr and uctioueom of Landed and Moveable Properties. The Twenty-first Auction Sale WILL BE HELD On Monday, the 10th April, 1916. NOTICE.
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    • 47 3 Serves the Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain's Cough Rrmedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The same bottle serves the whole family. Fcr sale by all Dispensaries and Dealer*.
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    • 293 3 SWAN t 1 INK. atalogues Free. 'C a: i ,/j SOME MAKES OF PENS »re pretty, but fail the test of hard work. Some pens write under favour able conditions, but fail when driven The “Swan” stands every test. Unqualified satisfaction is guaranteed. Does not leak or Dry up. USE
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  • 1027 4  -  SOME COMPARATIVE NOTES. By a Hongkong Visitor. A visitor, familiar with some Eastern ports, is naturally curious as to the progress made during the past decade in this important outpost of Empire. Curiosity, says the Strait t 7 tmss, prompts enquiry, and reflection suggests a comparison with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 256 4 ■■■■■■■■■■HBVOVBB"■■■■■■■■ RUNNYMEDE HOTEL. Telephono Nos. 655 8 545. Proprietor A. KERDYK. T’graphic Address Rennymeic Hotel." Manager J. G. Hummelmf. The Most Select Situation on the Sea-Side. 0 Terms: Single room 3 from $5 par day upwards. H Double rooms from $3 per day upwards. H For Mouthly terms apply to
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    • 64 4 A Parent's Duty. Tour boy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds hare healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that erery injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 380 4 TRY i Beecham's Pill*, they are just the thin* u a j family medicine. Nothing to be compared with them ha* yet been put before the public. For over half a century thi* medicine ha* been an easy First Favourite in countless household* and the name and fame of Beecham'*
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    • 612 4 ONLY BARBAIH J. No. m 'J 0 N» *»y To INTRODUCE our CATALOGUE. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. MASTERS. Ltd., of KYK. England, f.labll.hed 45 whose famous BnglUh made g.*** r T h everv |>*rt of the world, offer you thlo Kmf.- .a less than *alo pr*oe •‘'"P** introduce our 1915 Catalogue,
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  • 1078 5 Revenue Officer Charged. Before Mr. W. C. Michell in tbe District Court yesterday afternoon, the case was concluded in which Mydin, a Malay Senior Revenue Officer of the Government Monopolies, was charged with cheating three of bis junior?, named Tan Ah Kow, Mobamed Esah and Drahman, by falsely
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  • 257 5 Per P. &O. steamer Kashmir. F roaa London April 1. —To Singapore: Mr. O. G. Rust, Mr. Howell To Penang: Mr. Feeny. Per P. A O. steamer Khyber. From Loud, n April 15.—T0 Singapore: Miss M. Ford. Per N Y.K. s.s. Kamo Maru. From London March
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  • 183 5 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, To cherish and foster ideas of injustice or unfair treatment re marital affairs, one has first to be convinced that the justification of one’s case is borne out by facts. For this reason we should uot dissipate our
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  • 504 5 At the Eastern Pioduce Exchange Uubbei Auction yesterday 34,525 lb. were sold out of 43,538 lb. offered- The following prices were obtained Di .mond Suioked Sheet from $l6B to $l7B Diamond Unsmoked $163 $166 Plain Smoked Sheet $l6B Plain Unsmoked Sheet $152 $163 Diamond Smoked No. 2
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 262 5 M < U) (0 «Ptt* e UJ B 5 UCHANA SCOTCH WHISKY o r 0 J M 0 a a (A (0 z *< z < E O 3 03 < > r r SOMETHING TO CHOW ABOUT' *0 50 z o weraSSii 4* s\ SCOTCH JAMES -^.l OLAS&OW f
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    • 427 5 "Westminster” T urkish Cigarettes. Airtight Tins of 50s. Plain and Straw Tipped. For Sale by all Dealers. Kalem’s Sensational Detective Serial 40 Parts Xhe Girl Detective 50,000 Feet will be shown on Tuesday, ltth April, 1916. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. 72 Parts THE EXPLOITS
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  • 99 6 Pabußhed daily (eic*pt 3n»d*/> %»d fil ii(i holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang Fbiob. Daily Local s'24 per lasts Owtatatioß. M Postage Extra. ICail Editioa (Poet Free) $17.50 M CABLE ADDBBSB ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. Echo, 589 Printing Department 343 N Ĕ. —All
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  • 1328 6 The heavy fines imposed by the magistrate the other day on several persons convicted of concealing cases of small-pox should act as a salutary check on a practice which is more common than many of us suspect. Of course the delinquents, ignorant folk as a rule, do
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  • 60 6 To-day’» Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 195.50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $96, business done (100 tons sold) and m London at -€201 spot and £196 three months sight. Messrs. Boustead A Co inform us that the following is the quotation for Rubber
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  • 847 6 Iuspector Alexander is now in charge of the Gambling Suppression Department. Sir Hugh Clifford, who is not yet forgotten in British Malayas, reached his fiftieth birthday on March 6. Mr. L. E. Slowe, of Messrs. Adamson Gilfillan Co., I/d., returned from leave at home by the P.
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  • 961 6 Paper Victories. Victory wall-paper is already being exhibited in Germany for the benefit of those who may be able to afford redecoration at the end of the war. It shows tho German tricolor in vertical bans on a white ground, lined with black zigzags,” and sprinkled ith crowns,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 598 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AROUND VERDUN. Figktiag Favoura Frcaeh. London, April 5, 3.50 p m. A Paris communique states that the fighting at Verdun continues to be in our favourtVest of the Meuse it was comparatively i aim, while east of the Mouse we continued to make
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  • 595 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. London, April 6. It is officially announced that a Zeppelin I attacked the north-east oast at 9.50 yesterday evening, but were driven off by ant iaircraft guns. Some bombs were dropped. No information is yet to hand as to the I casualties and
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  • 607 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SIR PERCY LAKE’S REPORT. Eacaay’a Positioa Carried. London, April 5. General Sir Percy Lake reports that at 5 o’clock in the morning the Tigris corps I carried the enemy’s entrenchel position at I Umm-el-Hannas. The operations are proIceeding successfully. Geaeral Nixoa’s Despatck. London, April
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  • 339 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SECRET SITTING OF SECOND CHAMBER. Hague, April 5. t A secret sitting of the Second Chamber been held. the Ministers were present. Goverameat Statemeat. Hogue, April 6—later. After a secret sitting of the Second Chamber the Government issued a state- m ent
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  • 229 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 3. —On Jonahs. The Plumber Poet. 4 —Singapore and Hongkong. 5.—Alleged Cheating. Passengers to the Straits. Chinese Marriage. Eastern Produce Exchange. 8. —Press and Public in Malaya. The F. M. S. War Loan. Rubber Companies and Excess Profits.
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  • 418 7 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Suiuatra Poet of Wednesday, April s: HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Alarum» aad Excursions. Feeling in Batavia is calmer since the receipt of reassuring cables from the Hague. All the foreign representatives at the Hague called on the
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  • 321 7 April 5 By Balance $1,283.34 6 O. B. Pike, 15th contribution 25.00 F. C. Ebbels, April subscription 50.00 6 By Balance 1,358.34 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total $25,272.08 The output of the Ayer Weng Mine for the month of March was 160 piculs. The P. O. intermediate
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  • 154 7 If You Cannot FightIf you cannot fight you can help the Empire by investing all you can in 6 per cent. F.M.B. War Loan Debentures. If you have a relative in the Army, help him to win by giving his Country the money it
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  • 49 7 (Prom Our Own Correspondent Singapore, April 7. Messrs. Fraser Co.’s weekly report states that the market was fairly cheerful. Few stocks show any particular appreciation but there was a steady demand locally. Outside rubber shares the main factors were industrials. Mining shares showed a better demand.
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  • 637 7 C From Our Oun Correspondent Singapore, April 7. A farewell dinner was given yesterday evening to Sir E. C. Ellis his hosts were numerous, men prominent in public life of Singapore. In his speech Sir Evelyn said that he left them a legacy which was
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  • 31 7 Obituary. Sir Gerard Lowther, London, April 5. The death has taken place of Sir Gerard Lowther, formerly British Ambassador at Constantinople. Field-Marakal Brewalow. Field-Marshal Sir Charles Henry Brown- low is dead.
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  • 954 8 The subject of the Eices» Profits Tax as it may affect plantation rubber companies is one that has not yet been decided. The I Rubber Growers’ Association has taken the matter mto its competent hands, and is preparing a case for submission to the referees,
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  • 1030 8 Chief Secretary and the Free Pres», j We print elsewhere (says the Singapore morning paper) the full text of Sir Edward j, Brockman’s letter to the Malay Mail on the subject of the F.M.S. War loan. It is not substantially different from the summary sent us
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  • 1273 8 Air Ipoh Owiwion. Recently we (Timm of Malaya) have been under the necessity to give expression to one or two sentiments with the object of making clear the position of the Press in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future. From what cause we do
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  • 308 8 Drastic Suggestions By Royal Commission. As already briefly announced by cable, the recommendations contained in the final report of the Commission on Venereal Disease include one to the effect that men in the Navy and Army suffering from venereal disease whose period of service has not expired
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  • 217 8 Regarding Mr. J. N. Campbell whose death Reuter announced yesterday our Ipoh contemporary says Mr. “Jock’ Campbell, as he was familiarly known to a wide circle of friends in Ceylon and Malaya, was one of the leading planters in Ceylon and filled an important place in
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  • 72 8 Tbe > following were the results of the ties played off yestprdav Single Handicap A. V. O, Savi beat E. Q Qregson B—6. 6-3. Single Handicap B M. M. Stewart beat I, O. Hargrave 6-3, 5-7, 7—5. There will be a grand change of programme at the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 676 8 ••oalwjCy Bungalow situate at Taajong Bungah and MOUNT EDGECUMBE Bungalow situate at Government Hill, Penang. For further particulars apply to HOGAN A IVEN8, 2. Login’» Building», Beach Street, Pcnamg. 155a I Postponed Notice. Penang Auction Mart. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, TO BE «OLD BT PUBLIC AUCTION, On Thursday, 20th
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    • 41 8 Tk Fruit Seisoa. Bowel complaint is suie to be prevalent during the fruit sea**oD. Be sure to keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea K-iuedv uu baud. It mar save a life. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 53 8 Middle aged people are often afflicted With that distressing ailment, windy spasms they seem to cut like a knife. Suffered should get a bottle of WOODS' MEAT PEPPERMINT CORE. The very firrtdow will bring relief’ a( j prove it* value. Bold b T Di.penwr.e. and Btont ever? where at 80
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    • 576 8 To-night! To-night!! E. 8 0. HOTEL. APRIti 7TH, A.T 9-30 P.M. SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT BY TERENCE RAMSDALE HUMOROUS MONOLOGUES, CHARACTER STUDIES, DRAMATIC RECITALS fi? QUICK-CHANGE SKETCHES. Collection will be made for the Artiste. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed the Agents of the British India Steam
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  • 181 9 Wind in the stomach is caused by the food being retained so long that it ferments if it is vegetable food or putnfies if it is animal food. The usual treatment is to forbid the eating of the food that causes the trouble. This stops the
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  • 2944 9 All Eras on Verdun. < London, March 9. 1 All Eyes are fixed on Verdun, where the i bloodiest struggle of the war is being i foughtjout on French soil, It is evident i that the German attack—although attend- t ed by partial sueceas—will not attain
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 170 9 Criterion Press, LIMITED. Office Stationery A Requisites. KZjVjdt a 3m Cast Brasi Pcs Rack with Pen Brush in centre. Price $l-00 each. 0 M G s*o Y a paste for clean people. Price 30 cts. each. «9 •O •o US *0 4^ cau a CT3 O. <o oO C o
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    • 145 9 NOTICE. LABOUR CODE. 1912. F.M.S. 'lndian Immigration Fund Ordinance, 1911.” Employers of Indian labour are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Deputy Controller of Labour, Penang, during the months of April, July, October and January. Forms for the return
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    • 92 9 > > > > > The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a
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  • 947 10 ROUT OF THE ARABS. I A Fbllib Account. Allahabad, March 23. The Pioneer'» Cairo co-respondent wrote on the 2nd:—On the morning of the 26th March our foroes came into contact with the enemy who were under the command of Nuri Bey, brother of Enver Pasha and
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  • 985 10 Consider, says" Vance in the Referee, the case of the relations between the British Empire and the Turkish Empire. Why should we have quarrelled Why should old Turks and old Englishmen find money and munitions to kill young Turks and young Englishmen Turkey and England have never
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 8 10 For Chronic Cboat Complaint!, Waoda’Graat Pepperosmt Cm li €<]
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    • 50 10 Bowel CoaplaiM is Children. During the summer moDtbs children sto subject to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels is noticed Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 192 10 ros. &G o. SOLE AGENTS FOR ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Have much pleasure in announcing the arrival of THE NEW MODEL No. 10. n /fi VA 9 tom (9 s ?r a I? 1 f r m m OP T3KT* y r w SĔ Sr 2 rs a f» CJ> «I PRICE
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  • 1108 11  -  By Hal. The winter is, and always has been since I oar raoe left its cradle, the appointed season I for ghost stories and weird legends. The loommon-sense explanation, as usually, is the I true one. In the bright, sunlit hours of I summer these yarns would not be
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  • 1032 11 “An Irishwoman in China.” By Mn. de Burgh Daly. (Laurie.) 10s. fid. net. i This very interesting and entertaining work is rather off the beaten lines of the I usual books about the world's last wonder. I land. It is largely a simple record of the
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  • 135 11 To conquer an obstinate enemy requires persistency and perseverance. It is the same with Rheumatism, the dread foe of mankind, which ranks foremost in stubbornness. To eradicate it from the system, you must use the right weapon. Little’s Oriental Balm is the only remedy that can overpower
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 8 11 For Gbildren’eaHckiag Alight. Wood*' Groat I’opporuiiDt Giro h
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    • 350 11 £AY!D COKSAR 8 SON’S Well-Known Extra* §avy Canvas, No. 0. SANDH.ANK LOTTERY 9 Co. smmnn. »»r- Nr*.;rsir.'«i/«ai Medicines Just Unpacked. The Penang Rubber Stamp Co, beg to announce to their patrons and many interested customers that they have now received a large fresh shipment of medicines from The Swasthya Sahaya
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1887 12 J» O B. X AND APGAR LINE Mail (Incokporatbd Ilf EnOLAVD.) and Passenger Seryioea. Vr KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland.) N. Y. K. (Inooepora*bd i» Japan.) Japan Mail Steamship Company Lt« Foa Intended to Sail. Btiambs PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINCS. MAIL SERVICE. Bth April
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