Straits Echo, 5 April 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1163 1 if USD NATy^i M IVIES. (BRITISH MADE). Try help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of Tyres. Largest
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    • 7 1 U!rs milk •'"neats ms W i»t TtOlU
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  • 1078 2  -  SUBSTITUTES FOR KTRRTTHING FROM SOUP TO SOAP. By Francis Gribble. Some day, perhaps, we shall really begin to economise in England the Germans i began long ago. A string of bints on the subject —the Ten Commandments, as it were, of the Thrifty Housewife—were posted up in
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  • 179 2 In many severe nervous disorders the I < most active tonic treatment is recommended 1 by the highest medical authority to arrest the progress of such diseases. It is impossible to reach thencives directly with medicine. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pill= I are a nerve tonic, but
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  • 1165 2 GERMANS THIRST FOR THE END i OF THE GREAT WAR. Gbave Fiars tor the Future. m wbt> would biV) believed,” says the Vo. vcstrlt, in a recoat article, that this devastating war would have lasted eighteen I months f For a year and a half the war
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 64 2 A Parent's Duty. Tour boy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
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    • 343 2 Medicines Just Unpacked. The Penang -Rubber Stamp Co. beg to announce to their patrons and many interested customers that they have now received a large fresh shipment of medicines from The Swasthya Sahaya Pharmacy, Calcutta, and cordially solicit their further esteemed orders. The Eastern Produce Exchange in offering tbeir services
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    • 38 2 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE. The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the above Corporation, and is now prepared to accept MARINE fi? FIRE RISKS at current rates. QUAH PENG KEE, 43. Beach Sired.
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    • 52 2 Bowel Cora pi* ml in ChtUicn. During the summer months children aie subject to disorders of the bowels and should receive the moat careful attention. Aa soon as any unnatural looaeneaa of the bowels is noticed Cbauiborlam’a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should bo giveu. For sale by *11 D.apousaries
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    • 220 2 For Chronic Cheat Complaint*, YV*«*V Pepp«rnpiet Cara la. fid DAVID CORSAR 6 SON'S Well-Known Extra 1 lavy Canvas, No. 0. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 U. *3 E. O. B •:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY S’ SATURDAY. 31 TO BOOK WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CONSIGNMENT OF 22 OASES BOOKS TOGETHER WITH
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    • 150 2 Province Wellesley Rural Board. APPLICATIONS for tbe poet of 8aniterv Insp ctor fur the Central District will be n C6iv8(l by the Senior District Officer up to noon on the 15th, April. O. A. HEREFORD, lt>5a Senior District Officer, Perak River Valley Rubber Co., Ltd. NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. Notice is
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  • 1971 3 A FAREWELL DINNER. At tbo Penang Club last night a gathering thoroughly representative of the European community of Penang entertained the Hod. Mr. Robert Young, M.L.C., at a farewell dinner and presented him with an > illuminated address in a handsome silver casket. Major Adamt was in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 756 3 NOTICE. PLANTS A FERNS. The policyholders of The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited, are hereby notified that Thien Ah Kwoe, who bas been representing the Company in Penung, it do longer connected with the Company. All communications must be addressed either to the Company’s District Manager, Mr E. C.
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    • 414 3 I "Westminster" T urkish Cigarettes. a t a i Plain and Straw Tipped. I For Sale by all Dealers. Airtight Tins of 50s. Showing Friday, 7th April, 1913 The World's Longest Detective Serial 14 The Exploits of Elaine in 72 Parts. COMING! COMING 1! COMING!!! Another Sensational Deteotive Serial The
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  • 100 4 Pmhlifh*d djuly (except Sundays tad pofcii* holidays) AT TH CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Fsica. Daily Local M 124 par uana Ovtctatioo... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Port Fra*) $17.50 GAEL* ADDRESS ECHO —PENANG.” t Telephone No*. Echo, 586 Printing Departnent 343 MM.— All ku§(***«
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  • 1288 4 Last night M”. Robert Yovrng, beat of citizens and cheeriest of good fellows, in what was undoubtedly the best after d nner speech we have heard in Penang poked somo mild and good-natured fun at the Straits Echos strictures upon the oratorical shortcomings of that august body,
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  • 157 4 Uniform Imperial Coinage Suggested. CFrom Our Own Correspondent!) Kuala Lumpur, April 3. At tbe meeting of tbe Solangor Chamber of Commerce M r Clodd, who presided, emphasised the necessity after the war of protective measures for British trade. He advocated uniform Imperial coinage with the rupee
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  • 26 4 To-day’s Quotation. A special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange give# the following prices in the Pale Ctife3/3i Diam .nd 3m »ked Sheet 3 3,
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  • 904 4 Mr. W. Duncan ii goiag on a *bort vUit tj Ceylon in the near future. The infant child of Mr. and Mr*. G. C. GMiiller i* a patient at the General Hospital. A correspondent writes from home stating that he has met Mr. L E. Gaunt who
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  • 1026 4 As Error of Judgment. Generally «peaking, the Hamilton group of rubb3r concerns, that is to say those of which Mr. E. L. Hamilton is tha chairman, are admirably managed not only as estates but as companies. They seem, however, to have been rather badly left this year in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 223 4 When in doubt, ask for a Convincible Cycle. 4 You will not bo paying for a now' experiment, but a substantial thing that lias stood the we'l. Ask those who have used it and you will soon be convinced of its sterling quality. 8©(LS ©PNiTpS Genu'ne Palmor Tyres, Supeib Brakes,
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  • 660 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AROUND VAUX. Frtitk G*i>it| Upper Head. London, April 3, 5 p.m. The French are gaining the upper hand m the hghting in the Vaux region. A communique states that the battle, which was continued at night time, was favourable to ua. We gained
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  • 572 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SIX ZEPPELINS PARTICIPATING. London, April 3. I The War Offioe announces that six Zeppelins took part in a raid yesterday night. Three raided the south-east of Scotland, one the north-east of England, and two the eastern counties. Over Scotland. The airships cruised over
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  • 309 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AN OFFICIAL —STATEMENT. Germs* Isvestioss. t London, April 3. Reuter’s Agenoy is officially informed that there has been no development between Bri tain or her Allies and Holland to account for the various sensational reports in circulaI tion. Nothing adverse to Holland
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  • 188 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 2. —A Grand Fleet Chaplain’s Note-Book. A Turk Cinema Episode. 3. —Mr. Robert Young. 6. —The Cost of Living. Military Duties. Spain and the Wav, Chinese Marriages. From The Other Side.” Adulterated Drinks. The Dispensary (Penang), Limited Penang
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  • 581 5 (Reuter’s Service). Copyright Telegram. Artillary Opcratioas. Rome, April 4. A communique issued in Rome says that vigorous artillery operations took place from the Lagasina to the Setgana valleys. The Italians effectively bombarded the troops and transports. Enemy aviators failed to make reconnaissances in the Italian lines and
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  • 379 5 A Military Futml. The funeral of the late Mr. Fyfe Turner* which took place jesterday evening at the > Church of England Cemetery, Western R ad, wa9 very largely atteuded by hie many friend?, His body was brought over from Jawi Estate by train and
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  • 242 5 A* Harbour lacideat. Iu the Second Court this morning before Mr. E. E. Coleman two Javanese la3cars employed on board the s.s. Benoa named Jakaya and Abdul Rahman were charged wit h voluntarily causing hurt to one Kassim, a serang on board the same ship, with a knife,
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  • 247 5 The agents aro in receipt of a telegram stating that the s. s. Tara with the mails may be expected to leave Negapatam to-morrow. She cannot, therefore, be expected to arrive here before Monday evening the 10th instant. M. Edouard Helsey, telegraphing to the Journal
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  • 712 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following spaciil telegrams are from the Sumatra, Post of Monday, April 3:— HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Alarums «ad Excursions. Conferences have taken place between the principal naval heads of departments. The secret session of the Chamber was expected to take place yesforday. An
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  • 936 6 Rbsclts or Actitm Pro-Gbrmah I’EOrA.DA.IfDA. Gibraltar. A* is 'well known, there ha a been a strong pro-Gorman feeling in manj parts of Spain ever since the war began. Indeed, it has been said with some truth that the only Spaniards who sinoerelj hoped for a victory
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  • 1022 6 It is abundantly manifest from the tenor of correspondence appearing in this and other Malayan journals since our leader on- Marital Matters” saw the light on the 22nd ultimo, that the minds of many well-j educated Chinese are exercised about a state of affairs that seems to be
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  • 928 6 Ak Ibish-Ambbican Yibw of tei Wab. I was born and lived for eighteen years on a farm near Portaferry, in county Down,” writes an American correspondent, and have been practising law in this city for twenty years. After coming here I became a member of the
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  • 351 6 To thb Editor or the Straits Eehs, Dear Sir, Referring to your paragraph concerning the adulteration of drinks and the substitution of native liquors for well-known brands, Clubs are not the only offenders in this respect. At any place where there is not constant European supervision, the boys
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  • 234 6 Dibbctoks’ Report. The following is the report of the directors to be presented at the Seventh Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 3, Weld Quay, Penang, on Wednesday, 12th April, at 3.30 p.m. Penang, 4th
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  • 81 6 The undermentioned prices were realised fjr rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their Auction Sale yesterday Bmoked Ribbed Sheet $177 to $lBO Plain $l6l $164 No. 2 Smoked Sheet diamond $l7l $174 Unsmoked Sheet $l5B M $l6O No. 2 Unsmoked Sheet 9t Crepe Fine
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  • 106 6 New Colombia 34,247 lb., Sungei Batu (Malaya) 12,721 lb., Val Dor 15,600 lb. Kurau 19,000 lb., Malakoff 35.5001 b., 8.8. (Bertam) 55.000 lb., Windsor (F. M. 8.) 19,000 lb., Malakoff Plantation 5,900 lb. Merohiston 3,000 lb., Foothills (Malaya) 7,500 lb., Muda Syndicate 2,949 lb., Aver Klining 40,000
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  • 541 6 A. Singapore Complaint. The matter of the local rise of price* in certain commeditie» ii worthy the attention of the Government, or the Municipality, a* that body has the control of the market* In Hongkong there is an Order fixing maximum prices, which seems to act
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  • 428 6 Q It is reported that the authorities have decided to appoint local committees to cocO eider applications from membirs of the 0 M.S-V.R. for exemption from the Taipiug g camp. We would heartily welcome Bucb a scheme, acd feel assured that those who g have criticised the camp
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  • 426 6 The course of events in the Balkan is compelling the Allied Powers to coordinate their military efforts Hitherto there has been a tendency to regard the operations in the Near East as belonging to separate spheres but it is gradually being borne in upon the military commanders
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  • 43 6 The following ties have bean fixed for Thursday 6th inst. Single Handicap A. Grogsou vs Sari. Single Handicap B. Stewart vs Hargrave. Single Handicap C. Tryner vs Robinson. Double Handicap B. Sinclair and J. E. Smith. vs Goodrich and |Crabb-Watt.
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  • 365 6 To- DAT. Will o’ th e Wisp, for Deli, noon. Honj Wan I, for Rangoon, 2.30 p.m. Flying Dragon, for Portweld and Taiping, 4 pm. To MORROW, Namur, for Singapore, China and Japan, 8 am. Malacca, for Tongkah, 12.30 p.m. Laisang, for Calcutta and Durban, 3.30 p.m. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 80 6 One test of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, would prove to you its solid worth as a preventive medicine that should be in every family medicine chest Sold all over the world, its popularly is increasing every year, and, as you will know, it is not possible to keep selling a
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    • 13 6 Tin Outputs. The New Tambun Mioea 1*1.48 picula, S&bmas Mjdraulic Tin, 400 pikule.
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    • 47 6 brm thi Whole Family. The fame of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is world wide. It is good for the deep seated cough of the adult or the croup and whooping cough of the children. The same bottle serves the whole family. For tale by all Dispensaries and Dealers'
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    • 9 6 For Obildren’aaHoking Co«*h at NiglU. WMda'Oraat PinmiatOin, la id.
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  • 1128 7 Romxncb We were coaling ship, and it irai a miserably cold day the wardroom fire could not I be lighted, tecause the skylights were closed down and the fans switched off; there was a dreadful fog, and everything was beastly. Those of us who on
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  • 730 7 5 CHEERS FOR COLONIAL TROOPS. 1 Thb Wbomo Film. Reuter’s special correspondent with the British Expeditionary Force at Salonika writes i—- One of the English hostages detained in 1 Syria by the Turkish authorities, who recently succeeded in escaping to Salonika, reports a serio-comic incident in
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  • 184 7 Can You Stand the Cold Some people enjoy cold weather and take I annual trips to cold countries in order to enjoy the pleasures of winter sports the I keen air calls the pink to their cheeks and I the red to their bps. Others shrink from I cold and
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  • 141 7 To conquer an obstinate enemy requires I persistency and perseverance. It is the same I with Rheumatism, the dread foe of mankind, I which ranks foremost in stubbornness. To I eradicate it from the system, you must I use the right .weapon. Little's Oriental Balm is the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 154 7 -i '■,'Gxxn Hh. fe3 3**\ v ."SsA^ £ge.]£ii£ i -V, If r i.\ fe* w i3l£ii§g \V vS7- i. ML 7 v «as 'JU T LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEE 1916 PRICE LIST, SOLE AGENTS: v.* ADAMSON, GILFILLAN I GO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG. SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. I I
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    • 92 7 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide ieputation. You will
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    • 41 7 The Fruit Seuon. Bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent during the fruit season. Be sure to keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. It may save a life. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 518 7 jt I The list will be closed on or before April 29th 1916. FEDERATED MALAY d STATES GOVERNMENT. J SIX PER CENT. WAR LOAN. 1921. 1 Issue of $6.000.000 Debentures to Bearer, part of $15,000,000 authorised by Enactment No. 1, of 1916, e s The entire proceeds of the Loan
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1545 8 P. O.—B. I. AND APGAR LINE (IlfOOBPOBATUD I» EffOLAKD.) Mail 'V J5 a rV 1r KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPU. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (IWOOBrOBATBD I IT HOLLAND.) N. Y. K. (Ihoobpobatbd iv Japan.) Japan Mail Steamship Campany LU. Foa Intended to 8ail. Steambb PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward
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