Straits Echo, 3 April 1916

Total Pages: 13
1 13 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1132 1 K iHs mm M < BAN K (BRITISH MADE). Try A help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 894.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds
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    • 11 1 Lfi's N MIB* •wwTStnu^ IM "WttISTMIBT «ar fl** Jsf W* «5
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  • 1814 3 THE WATCH ON TRAVELLERS, The Sceptics and the Depressed. (From a Berne Correspondent.) How valuable have been manv of the thumbnail sketches of life in Germany since the war, and how accurate most of the fleeting impressions of the many quickwitted neutral correspondents who have visited Berlin
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 349 3 WHAILEY’S SANITARY FLUID COMPANY, LONDON. ENGLAND. Suppliers to His Majesty's Households. *nd to The Corporation of the City of London. SOLU3L DISINFECTANT FLUIO. rf WMALIEY's FLUID "diluted strongest dranf#**^ VmE&m wm N ?NCTanT to mv w W'sMajesLysHousohoU* VFHALLEYi Mo e-werful.Butwd Ch«P^ FLUID. *OU! MAN Li F *CTU .'<*** A J-TC
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    • 75 3 A Family Necessity. Every family should be provided with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm at all times.; Sprains may be cured in much less time! when promptly treated. Lame back, lame, shoulder, pains in the side and chest and rheumatic pains are some of the diseases fori which it is especially valuable.
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    • 46 3 Rub It In. A good many people think rheumatism and not be curid without taking nauseous medicine. Chamberlain’s Pam Balm massaged thorougbJy into the skin has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remedy inexistence and gives relief quicker. For •ala by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 415 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • 1005 4  -  By a Non-Combataht. LIFE BEHIND THE FIRING LINE. The matter-of-factness and love of the normal, which are so characteristic of the British soldier, are also a marked characteristic of such towns near the firing line as have managed to keep up the continuity of their civil
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  • 1090 4 London, February 22. Now that we are well on into the second year of the war, and have begun to take the safety of our merchant shipping more or less for granted, it is well that we should be reminded occasionally of the great debt that the merchant
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  • 116 4 Pbnano, April 3. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4£ 4 months' sight Bank 24f 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary 2/4; J Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174* 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174* Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 3 days’ sight Private 175 Madras
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 392 4 MALAYAN DREADNOUQNTS =|g FRASER NEAVE, LTD ARCYLE ROAD. PENANG. NOTICE The policyholders of The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited, are heroby notified that Thien Ah Kwee, who has been representing the Company in Penang, is no longer connected with the Company. All communications must be addressed either to the
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    • 131 4 PLAYING CARDS OF GOOD QUALITY. t i The attention of Club Secretaries and others is drawn to the fact that the Criterion Press has just imported an assortment of high quality Playing Cards in such a large quantity as to enable them to be offered at the following extremely low
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  • 729 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Wkols-Heartcd Welcome. Rome March 31. Mr. H. H. Asquith, who haß arrived here, received a whole-hearted welcome from the Italian people who expressed their pleasure at the spontaneous cordiality cf the ovations. Demoastratioas of Wild Enthusiasm. Signor Salandra (Promier), Baron Sonnino (Foreign
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  • 632 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. SOME FORECASTS. Additioaal £100,000,000 Needed. London, April 1. The Budget is the principal Parliamentary event next week. Mr Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of the Exchequer, is credited with the intention of| raising an additional £100,000,000 and it is believed that a large part of this
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 200 5 m ►J < id CO Q W as gUCNANANS 1 w SCOTCH WHISKY d 4 H 0 w a an CO Z z < E O 3 CQ o c/5 < <c.y ■v\ V 44 w SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT" -Uglli *4 BLACK WHITE ALWAYS THE. HIGHEST QUALITY > r
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    • 438 5 r>** <4*9 o A O A < o v 3 'K s* A S' 4\ O O Vb #> <£ f* 6« o. A w* << Vi v s A S &4 **T Showing Friday. 7th April, 1916 The World’s Longest Detective Serial The Exploits of Elaine in 72 Parts.
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  • 75 5 Obituary. Cotter, V. C. London, April 1. The Victoria Cross hero Lance-Corporal Cotter is dead. There was to be an auction in Hongkong on the March 27th of the whole of the I furniture of the German Club. The islands of TiumaD, Tulai, Seri Buat, KebaD, Layak, Tunus and Tengah
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  • 88 6 daily («zcept Sand*7 tad pwfciic holidays) AT TAB CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Boach Street, Penae? Pbiob. Daily Local »*4 p« Oatctatioa.M Portage Extra. if ail Edition (Port Fraa) $17.50 OABLH ADDBBSi ECHO—PEN ANG.” Telephone Not. Echo, 58® Printing Department 343 H g All kuIMM ••«■uniwtiOM k«
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  • 1264 6 This morning’s cables regarding the precautionary military measures taken in Holland during the past few days are both interesting and important. Naturally, people in the Straits, where we are near neighbours of Netherlands India, take a special interest in the attitude of the Dutch towards the
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  • 43 6 The Mail Notice issued this morning says G. P. O. London cables that fourteen bags containing mails for Penang were on board the p.s. Sussex. Ten of the bags were saved and four of the bags were lost.
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  • 129 6 Tha Rev. E, M. Greenhow, on the staff of the Diocesan Association, is expected to arrive in Penang on the next P. &O. mail from England and will be in charge of the Penang Chaplaincy till the arrival in June of the Rev. K. Gamier who has
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  • 894 6 Mrp. R. D. Acton baa left Penang and will be away for aonoe months. Mrs. Allen Dennys and her children are going for a Bhort visit to Southern India. Mr G. E. London, District Dindiogs, arrived here this morning by the aa. Pang Ur. The Hon. Mr.
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  • 1032 6 A Tip. A correspondent, who thinks that the adv ce it cc* ains may be useful to secretaries and committees of certain clubs in this part of the world, sends us the following extract from Capital “Traveller” writes to meSome time ago I heard a weird story about
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 263 6 When in doubt, ask for a Convincible Cycle. You will not be paying for a new experiment, but a substantial thing that has stood the te3t well. Ask those who have uK'd it and you will Boon be convinced of its sterling quality. Gcnu'ne Palmer Tyres, Supeib Brakes, Patent £priDg
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  • 941 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. ZEPPELIN CAPTURED. Nitily Boakt Dropped, L-nlon, April 1. The War Office announces [an air raid on the Eastern counties yesterday evening. It is believed that five Zeppelins participated in the raid. They crossed the coast at different places and steered different courses, Ninety
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  • 289 7 Mar. 22 By Balance 1860 27 April 1 Anonymous, monthly subscription 20.00 1 By Balance 880.27 Amount previously acknowledged 23,913.74 Total 124,794.01 The following passengers arrived here this morning by s. s. Klang From Singapore. Mr. and Mrs. Guignard and child, Dr. and Mrs. Graham, Mr. and
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  • 60 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 3. —Germany From Within, 4. —War Towns in Winter. Naval Notes. 5. —Telegrams. 8. Legislative Council. Selangor Trade. Penang Swimming Club. Tin Output. Cricket. M. F. A. Rubber Corps. 9. —Malakoff Rubber. An Alternative Government. 10. —Coalition and
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  • 771 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. DESPERATE ENEMY OFFENSIVE. Strvifle for Malancourt. London, March 31, 4.10 p.m. A Pam communique states that the Germans made another desperate offensive in the Verdun region. The bombardment redoubled in violence at Malancourt and the enemy launched a series of night attacks in
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  • 320 7 Measures of Preeautioa. The Hague, March 31. (Delayed by the Censor). Provisionally no furloughs will be granted for the Army or Navy. The highest military and naval authorities were busily conferring this morning. There wore also conferences between the Premier, the Minister of the Interio", the
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  • 268 7 SENSATIONAL RUMOUR. London, March 31. It is reported that news received from Peking in Shanghai states that the resignation of President Yuan Shi Kai is imminent. Li Yaan Hung, the Vice-President, will probably succeed him. Says the Singapore morning paper: Ipoh, which has a reputation to maintain
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  • 709 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Paris, April 1, 4.15 a.m. The French hospital ship Portugal, which was lent to tba Russian Government, has been suuk by a German submarine or destroyer. Numerous wounded were on board. Worst Outrage of the War.” Londoa, April J.—Later. The sinking of the
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  • 486 7 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Ptt of Friday and Saturday, March 31 and April 1 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. The New Loan. Sabfcrip‘ions are coming in well for the new Dutch war loan. Telegraphic Communication. Until lately there has been oaly
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  • 377 7 To-day's Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $93.25, buyers no sellers, in \Singapore (refined) at $94, businosa done (100 tons sold). j Messrs. Boustead &Co inform us that the following is the quotation for Rubber on Spot in London Plantation Ist latex crepe, 3/4^ The
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  • 3732 8 ORDINARY MEETING, FRIDAY, MARCH 31st. Presevt. H E. the Governor (Sir Arthur Young seai.w.) the General Officer Commanding The Hon. Atg. Col. Sec. (W. G. Maxwell.) M CoU Treasurer (A.M. Ponntney.) Attorney-General (G.A Goodman. Col. Engineer (F. J. Pigott.) H C. J. Saunders. Dr. Gilmore. Dr. W. G.
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  • 140 8 lbs. 8. 8. (Bertam) 55,000 Knan Estates ><t 23 500 Total for 3 months 1916 "j 96^900 1915 67)500 The Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board decided at its last meeting to recommend the adoption of the system in vogue in England of dealing with pigs and pig owners in
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  • 255 8 The cricket match between *A’ company and the Veterans and ‘B’ company and the Maxims, which was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon, ended in an easy victory for the former team. The vanquished team went in first and compiled a total of 93 towards which L/C W.H.
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  • 190 8 Ckamker of Commerce Report. Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent has wired the following of the report of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce for 1915, to which we shall refer at greater length in a later issue The report notes a decrease in the tin output from Selangor, due largely
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  • 126 8 To-day. Ban Lee, for Langsa, noon. Providence, for Rangoon, 12.30 p.m. Ban Whatt Soon, for Deli, 1 p.m. Anjow, for Langkat and Pangkan Brandar, 2 p.m. Jin Ho, for Asahan, 2 p.m. Kumsanj for Calcutta and Durban, 2.30 p.m. Ban Fo Soon, for Dindings, Sitiawan, Bagan Datoh and
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  • 313 8 The April monthly Medal competition 440 yards handicap, was held at the Swimming Culb on Sunday morning with the following result:— Start. Ist S. A. Yell 10 seconds 2nd G. M. Terzano 16 3rd W. H. Threlfall 40 There were 9 starters and Mr. Yell won by
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  • 87 8 Cup-Tiss. Jamathol Moslem rather failed to oome up to expectations on Saturday and Orescent Star again won a three to nil victory. Sergeant S. S. Atsago* refereed. Jamathol Horea were only one goal down two minutes before time, but never looked like drawing level with the League
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  • 66 8 The Output for the month of March of the Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Limited, was as follows No. 1 Dredge No. 2 DredgeHours run 618 552 Cubic yards treated 111,000 82,000 Tin Oxide produced piculs 948.36 682.00 Total tin oxide produced piculs 1630.44 Realised on sale $90,361*30 No,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 66 8 1V.IUCUI MAN—do you know the danger of neglecting a chill Chills l.-ad to pneumonia and a score of other dangerous disorders. Be prudent, and at the first sien of a chill take a do>e or two of g WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. the medicine that should uerer be absent from
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    • 48 8 Best Medicine Made. A better medicine cm not be made than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It relieves the lungs, opens the secretions, aids expectoration and assists nature in restoring the sjstem to a healthy condition. Besides, it contains no opiates and is perfectly safe to rwift T Disceoaaxies and
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    • 590 8 PENANG TURF CLUB. NOTICE. The half yearly general MEETING of the Members of the Penang Turf Club will be held in the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, lith April, 1916 at 4 p.m. Business. 1. To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 22nd November, 1915. 2.
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  • 1369 9 BOARD DECIDE TO CUT OUT ALL COCONUTS. Low Cost or Production. Th« anuual general meeting of tbe Malakoff Rubber Co., Ltd. was held on Friday at tbe offices of the company, Singapore. Mr. i R, J. Addie, chairman, presided, others present being Messrs. A. D. Allan, W. Lowther
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  • 605 9 (From a Parliamentary Correspondent.) The "new” party in the House of Commons has not yet abandoned hope of a General Election in January, and its members are all working overtime to be prepared for that event. It is recognised that it would be nothing short of a
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  • 259 9 Heei’s a Safe East Wat to Gain 10 TO 30 ABB. OF Solid, Healthy, Pbkmanent Flbsm. ThiD, nervous, undeveloped men and women everywhere are heard to say, I can’t understand why Ido not get fat. 1 eat plenty of good, noursbing food,” The reason is just
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  • 138 9 To conquer au obstinate en my requires persistency and perseverance. It is the same with Rheumatism, the dread foe of mankind, which ranks foremost in stubbornness. To eradicate it from the system, you must use the right weapon. Little’s Oriental Balm is tho only remedy that can
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 547 9 HEADACHES. The Cause and Remedy. Sick and Nervous Headaches are but the symptoms of other ailments to which they are merely sympathetic, such as Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, or some other irregularity of the system. Many women habitually suffer from Headaches, which make life a daily purgatory. Indeed this complaint may
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    • 7 9 For Chioni: CLoat Ccinpii^iiU, YVtcua’Ortfct Prpperiai&t M
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    • 179 9 V-V. rTt M A *k«avrv% '^i «MM«. < *rW»TT ***S»CI<Ji«'. PLANTS FERNS. FOR COMPOUND 8 HOUSE (Inspection invited.) 15 17a, Northam Road PENANG. For Sale. SHARE TRANSFER FORMS 1 PRICE: 5 CENTS EACH OE $150 PER HUNDRED The Criterion Press. Ltd. 69, BEACH STREET, PENANG. r ,'f Xl WAT s’
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    • 680 9 WANTED FITTER to run motor-boat And stationary pumpiug Net in Pahang. Salary $4O per month. Only men with thorough knowledge of repair work need apply. Good prospects for competent man. Ex—MARINE BERVICE man preferred Reply enclosing testimonials direct to MANAGER, Selbornk Plantatio», Kuala Lipis, Pahang. “ST. GEORGE'S 1916. SUBSCRIBERS to
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  • 1162 10 Toby, M.P., a»» Othbks. With no Tobj, M.P., to wag a pleasant tale, Parliament it ill m&gaged to get itself opened. Somehow or other, the ladies who usually attend upon their Majosties were not attracted by a Royal Commission, even as adorned by the the Duke of
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  • 903 10 The British North Borneo Herald and Fortnightly Record which reached us on Friday morning is apparently subject to no censor for its front page contains a lengthy account with the names large as life of the visit of various allied warships to Sxndakan. There are many interesting
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 13 10 or Children's Hacking C< »<h at Night. W»oda* Great Peppermint Cere. la. #d.
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    • 150 10 Huttenbach Bros COMPANY. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR: All kinds of ELECTRICAL MACHINERY Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work. Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: TEE STEELING TELEF a GO., LTE. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can be
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  • 2080 11 It would have been difficult to foretell I even a year and a half ago that a revival of j the sumptuary laws would ever take place in I England. And yet in the laws restricting j the sale of liquor we have what may
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  • 200 11 I Why should rheumatism, a disease of the I blood, be worse in wet weather than in dry T The rheumatic poison in the blood is tho predisposing cause of the disease. If you I have the taint in your blood you may have I rheumatism whenever
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 108 11 V M < v. rjk R \v ,,.J I':' slS i. -Sl* r LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES SEE 1916 PRICE LIST. SOLE AGENTS: K IS GILFILLA CO.. LT (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. mvunranm I I Produce of France From Pure Grapes Only 10^ i i a a
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    • 43 11 Trouble Averted. That little cold and sore throat of yours must be checked at once or it may develop into something worse. Take a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and your troubles will soon vanish. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 383 11 »AV!t> COaSASt 8 SON'S Well-Known Extra* Navy Canvas, No. 0. liAfDlLANOS, SJ TTEK7 8 Cs. Medicines Just Unpacked. The Penang Rubber Stamp Co. beg to announce to their patrona and many interested customers that they have now received a large fresh shipment of medicines from The Swasthya Sahaya Pharmacy, Calcutta,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1895 12 P. o. I. AND APCAR LINE (INCORPORATED 19 ENGLAND.) Mall and Pauentfer PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. HAIL SERVICE. Outward (for CUm and Japan.) VS .AN KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPI4. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Ikoorporatnd in Hulland.) N. Y. K. (Incorporated in Japan.) Japan Mail Steamship Campany Lt<. Fob Intbndid to
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  • 255 13 Blue Fuaail Liaer Suak. London, April 3. The Achillea has been sunk. Sixty-three of the crew have been landed. Four Chinamen and an engineer are missing. The Norwegian steamer Peter Harare, with a crew of fifteen, was sunk last night while anchored. The sole survivor lauded from
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  • 81 13 London, April 3 12-40 a m. A (British) communique states that two hostile aeroplanes were driven down behind the German lines. One of our machines which was sent out yesterday morning is missing. k esterday night at St. Eloi we captured an officer and four men. Grenade
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