Straits Echo, 28 March 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1310 1 ft HD NATURii M (BRITISH MADE). Try A help British Trade. You will be confident, if you try ROM TYRES, of their superiority in quality, reliability and durability. AGENTS: Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. (TELEPHONE No. 694.) Motor Car Importers and Stockists of various kinds of Tyres. Largest
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    • 5 1 'iic di IS IK mm
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  • 127 3 Prnanq, March 28 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4j m 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4f t» 3 Credit 2/4$ m 3 Documentary 2/4* Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 t» 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Lank 173 3 days’ sight
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  • 1128 3 Vbbdiot of Suioidb. The inquest into the death of a Kling named Abdul Gani, who was found with his throat cut at No. 18, Prangin Hoad Ghaut, was held yesterday afternoon in the Second Court before Mr. E. fi. Colman and a Coroner’s jury. Inspector McLernon conducted the
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  • 143 3 To- DAT. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca, 12.30 p.m. De Koch, for Deli and Batu Bahra, 1 p.m. Trang, for Trang, 1.80 p m, Rotorua, for Tongkah, 1 30 p.m. Perlis for Trang, Tongkah and Pang Nga, 1.30 p.m. Luzon Maru, for Colombo, 2.30 p.m.
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  • 84 3 At the Rubber Auction sale held at the Eastern Produce Exchange yesterday the following prices were realised Diamond Smoked Sheet from $165 to $177 Plain Smoked Sheet $164 Diamond Unsmoked Sheet $l6l Plain Unsmoked Sheet $l5B $159 Pale Crepe $175 $l7B Pressed Scrap $B2 Loose Scrap $77„
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  • 34 3 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow. Ladies Doubles. Mrs. Phillips and Mrp. Harrop vs Mr?. Souter and Miss M. Pritchard. Single Handicap C. J. Tryner vs L C. Robinson.
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  • 358 3 Cup Tibs Tomorrow, Wednesday, at Dato Kramat Gardens, Stia Pcrseuangan and Jematbol Hovea meet for the third time The previous encounters resulted in one goal all, and no score. If the play is as good as last time the fixture will produce an interesting match. The winners
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 441 3 TURNOUT FOR SALE. HORSE AND FOUR-SEATED VICTORIA. Apply A. CAMERON, 44, Northam Road. FOR. SALE. GALWAY Bungalow situate at Tanjong Bungah and MOUNT EDGECUMBE Bungalow situate at Government Hill, Penang. For further particulars apply to HOGAN <fc IVENS, 2, Logan' Buildings, 15t>a Beach Street, Penang, NOTICE. The resident councillor win
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    • 91 3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. STORE-KEEPER for Mining Company in Renong. Salary $50 per month and free quarters. Apply with references to EVATT Co, 3, Weld Quay, Penang. 154 “ST. GEORGE'S 1916. SUBSCRIBERS to the above are invited to attend a meeting to be held iu the Penang C/icket Club on Wednesday, the
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    • 401 3 O c--4? x> < o v 4c> <b v* x> S> 45 O <S> O o v o< 35 fV sj V. S’ V if c. Si s 3% Sfc COMING! COMING!! COMING!!! The World’s Longest Detective Serial The Exploits of Elaine in 72 Puts. ANOTHER SENSATIONAL DETECTIVE SERIAL THE
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  • 168 4 Situation Very Grave." Washington, March 27. The sinking of the Sussex and the Englishman has again raised the question of breaking off rtlttions with Germany if it is definitely c n firmed that they were torpedoed. But it is probable that President Wiison will first
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  • 98 4 Piblisktd daily (except Sundays and pwfcli* holidays) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang Fbxom. Daily Laaal IS4 w par ia« Outetatioa... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Port Fraa) «17.50 cablb Annans: ECHO—PENANG." i Telephone Nos. Echo, 58# Printing Department 343 H A.—All kiiiHM mmulwliMi
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  • 1377 4 Tte fear of a final catastrophe in which the universe known to us shall perish, his always had a fascination for a certain order of mind, and has exercised no inconsiderable influence on the evolution of human ideas. It has, naturally enough, been revived to
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  • 918 4 Dr. and Mrs. Jamieson and Mrs. Stephen Anthony are going on a short trip to Australia. The German Minister at Sofia, Dr. Michahelles, will be succeeded by the Minister at Christiania, Count von Oberadorff Heer Idenburg, the retiring GovernorGeneral of Netherlands India, has been appointed Grand Cross
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  • 954 4 False Derivatioa. lose papers there. Hde.” fro th 3 Unfortunate. Not quite so successful as some of it, predecessors was the naval air 1 Schleswig-Holstein and the loss "of D with their occupants 18 one tZ we can til afford just now. But clear the best policy against
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 284 4 CAPTURING ENEMY TRADE. The following preparations introduced since the Beginning of War have given great satisfaction to the Public on account of their intrinsic merit and sales are increasing daily. The George Town Dispensary, Ltd., PENANG. TAIPING <£ IPOH. r r TD»cz)#c=)»ooo##ooo»cz)«czD«cir: The Bernese Alps Milk Co. o 0 CONTRACTORS
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  • 1275 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. RELATIVELY CALM. London, March 27, 4.20 p.m. A Paris communique states that west of the Meuse there was relatively calm, while uninterrupted artillery fighting took place on the Douaumout—Vaux front. There was a fairly violent bombardment in the Woevre region. The mine and
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  • 551 5 The B. I. B.s. Fultxla, with the Outward English Mails from Negapatam, is expected to arrive here at 9 a.m. on Friday, the 31st current, and sail the same day at 4 p.m. for Port Swettenham and Singapore. There have been three fatal cases of plague at
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  • 653 5 (Reuter Service). Copyright Telegram. MEETINGS IN PARIS. War Aad Trade. Paris, March 26. Mr. Asquith and other British delegates to the Allied War Conference hare arrived here and received an ovation from the populace. According to the Daily Telegraph it is understood that Mr. Bonar Law will
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  • 917 5 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. GREEK TERRITORY CLEAR. Eaemies Drives Out. Salonika, March 27, 4.20 p.m. All the German and Bulgarian troops have been driven out of Greek territory by the French. Bulgaria» Muaitioa Depot Blow» up. Salonika, March 27. A large Bulgarian ammunition depot at j I
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  • 907 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from I the Sumatra Post and Deli Gourant of FriI day and Saturday, March 24 and 25 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Relations with Germany. The Batavier Handelsblad learns that on I Friday last one of the principal firms in
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  • 687 5 PRESIDENT S MANDATE. FULL TEXT. A cable to the Chinese Consul in Penang states: Waichiaopu has cabled the gist of the mandate of the 22nd inst., which is as follows: Since the establishment of the Republic disturbances followed one another and I was called upon to shoulder
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  • 80 5 To-day's Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted hero to»day at $91.25, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $95, business done (125 tons sold) and in London at .£2OO 10s. spot and £195 three months’ sight. A special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange gives the following prices
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  • 75 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 3.—Eastern Produce Exchange. P.C.C. Tennis Tournament. M. F. A. Coroner’s Inquest. 6. —Trade and the War. Changkat SerdaDg Estates. Lccal Djfence. French and English* Zeppelin Raids. Opinions. 7. —Qudtv Spending. Mr?. F. L. Stevenson's Funeral. A Chinaman Darned
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  • 918 6 We must confess to having experienced a feeling of some astonishment, when reading the Hon’ble Mr. Darbishire’s speech at the Chamber of Commerce, to see that what may now be termed enemy trade bulks •o very lightly in the total overturn of the Colony. There are
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  • 837 6 Twixti-fiti per cent. Dividend Foe the Yeah. Mr. C. Everitt signs the following direc- J tors’ report on the Changkhat Serdang j estates to be presented at the meeting, on Saturday, April 1. Gentlemen, —Your directors submit herewith a duly audited statement of the ac- 1 counts
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  • 1157 6 Another View. The shortest and most direct course has been taken in order to create a force adequate for purposes of local defence. By the amending Bill, the text of which we published yesterday, the Reserve Force created under the Reserve Force and Civil Guard Ordinance, and the
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  • 905 6 The British nation is making at the present moment a most praiseworthy effort to understand the French mind. Distinguished men of letters not a few have undertaken the delicate task of go-between. The Quarterlies print articles on French literature and politics for the benefit of pro-French enthusiasts
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  • 1303 6 The Zeppelin, says the Manchetter Omrhian has been busy of late with evil work in the world. The German excuse for their Zeppelin raid on Paris is that it was carried out as a measure of reprisal for the French raid on Freiburg. So far as one remembers,
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  • 634 6 Tbo nationalisation of railways aad thsir centralised management in the mt 9r J primarily of the producers is the first i mDor tant step in the general reorganisation of our entire system of production and distri bution for the benefit of all -Mr. H M Hyndman. Why, in the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 63 6 K Life Saver. It is safe to say that Chamber la n’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has save? the lives of more people and relieved more suffering than any other remedy in existence. It is known all over the civilised world for its speedy cures of cramps in the
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    • 12 6 For Children’s Hacking Oomgh at Night. Weode* Great Peppermint Oire, li. #d.
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    • 11 6 For Chronio Chest Complaint», Weed»' Groat Pepper Mist C*xe li. Od
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    • 54 6 To Correct Constipation and Biliousness, clear the complexion of blemishes and 'weeten the breath, use the dainty laxative PINKETTE^ They gently assist nature and will help to keep you well. Tiny but thorough, do not gripe. Of Chemists, 50 cent* per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine
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  • 1097 7 A New Trait in Social Manners. Repeated exhortation and occasional threat from the Government have so far at least accomplished this people, average people in middle and upper classes, have become shame-faced in their spending of minor moneys. We still spend, many of us we spend too much
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  • 781 7 Mr. W. Roberts contributes to the February Boofonan an account of Mrs. R. L. Stevenson’s funeral at Samoa, which he obtaiued from Mrs. Field, the novelist's stepdaughter. It is «oujd months since the cremated remains of Mrs. Stevenson were transferred from Santa Barbara to Samoa
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 219 7 EILL ggtCJC/ m L K I» SWAN BRAND” FOR FLOORING PAVEMENTS. SOLE AGENTS: ADAMS i i i i a i i a 8 a a I I I 8 i a o i a Off* k 'w G1LFILLAN GO., LT m. i (INCORPORATED IN ENCLAND) PEftANC, SINGAPORE MALACCA-. vaaiao^amaaiaiOaissBai T1
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    • 75 7 A Family Necessity. Every family should be provided with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm at all times. Sprains may be cured in much less time when promptly treated. Lame back, lame shoulder, pains in the side and chest and rheumatic pains are some of the diseases for which it is especially valuable.
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    • 43 7 Trouble Averted. That little cold and sore throat of yours must be checked at once or it may develop into something worse. Take a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and your troubles will soon vanish. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 552 7 Knife-like Pains The sharp, shooting pains, the intense of Sciatica, often make death preferable to life. The fiery darts that run from hip to heel, the sleepless nights, the ch*erlens days—why not STOP all this and get back to health *nd comfort again Little’s Oriental Balm is the best known
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1929 8 P. Or B. 1« AND APCAB LINE (InCOBNOBATBD I» ENGLAND.) Mail and Fa«»enger Service». PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. HoacwirJ (for Enron-* Ontword (for Clin» u>d Jonn.) Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with Apr. Apr. Apr. Mm May June July to Aug. 15 29 Novara Malta Nagoya 12 Namur Nankin
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