Straits Echo, 7 March 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1209 1 I [SIZED NATUiii < BANKS. For Cars on Hire The TAI SENG EMPIRE •’The Little Aritlw' Call at or ’phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Motor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars and Cycles undertaken by expert Mechanics. Largest
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    • 11 1 MWssm ■:> >iy AT -<5 HOOT'S <j£M s =«r A«wn*til :-.h >s
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  • 269 2 The peccadilloes of the golfing crow at the Sports Club continue to annoy golfers and amuse other folk, says the Bangkok Time of 1 1 February 24. Last evening he made a big haul, securing five balls. A bird of discern- meat, he refused to touch three
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  • 1387 2 Two hundred and fourteen years ago this week —to be precise, on March 11 —was issued the fi. st English daily paper. The Daily Courant, as it was called, had its office ‘‘next door to the King’s Arms tavern at Fleet Bridge.” Thus Fleet Street was
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  • 509 2 Although it is not explicitly announced that Sweden’s embargo upon wood pulp is an act of retaliation for tome features of the blockade,” we may probably take it that such a motive is behind the macosuvre. It is scarcely calculated to evoke a more sympathetic feeling for her position
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 295 2 WANTED. FIRST CLASS SHORTHAND TYPIST for Penang O-fice. Apply with full details of experience to No. 33, 99 c/o Straits Echo WANTED. WANTED FOR SAMAGAGA ESTATE, Bagan Serai, junior Assistant, knowledge of planting preferred, but not essential. Apply to KENNEDY A Co, 113 Agents. TO LET. Commodious Offices (lately occupied
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    • 75 2 A Family Necessity. Every family should be provided with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm at all times. Spraio8 may be curved in much less time wben promptly treated. Lame back, lame shoulder, pains in the side and chest and rheumatic pains are some of the diseases for which it is especially valuable.
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    • 12 2 For Children’s Hacking Congh at Night. Woods’ Great Peppermint Care, Is 6d.
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    • 256 2 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR (THE ORIGINAL BRAND) AS SUPPLIED TO THE House of Lords AND House of Commons SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN l GO., LTD (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG. SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. Si Why not Now THERE ARE STILL some Whisky drinkers' who do not know how good our fine old Scotch
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  • 687 3 Reaction in the Commodity and its Relation to Share Values. London, February 1. With the momentary curtailment of the demand for raw rubber, prices have fallen away considerably. From all accounts very little of the commodity has been changing hands during the past week, and the present quotation
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  • 180 3 The Sultan’s birthday was celebrated at the port Tumpat on Friday the 25th Feb. His Highness travelled by train and was received at the r ilway station at Tumpat by a guard of honour and a salute of 17 i guns -fired. The station was decorated and the
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  • 74 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Rubber Auction yesterday 105,388 lb. were offered for sale and 27,838 lb. sold at the following prieps: Dunoud Smoked Sheet from $l7l to $176 Diamond Uusmokel Sheet $l6l $164 Plain Sm-'ked Sheit $166 Plain Sheet $159 B’7l B own Crepe $l5O Pale
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  • 737 3 Pro-Entente Sympathies Increasing. Budapest, January 18. Some change has been observed in the policy of Rumania recently, and her attitude is greatly exeroising the diplomatic representatives of the Central Powers in Rumania, as well as Vienna and Berlin. According to reports reoeived, the events in Salonika are
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  • 87 3 To-day Pungah,ior Belawan and Batu Bah r a, noor. Indragri, for Deli and Lingsa, noon. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham and Port Dickson, 12 30 p.mKedah for Belawan and Pangkalan Brandan, 1 p.m. Pin S*ng, for Rangoon. 1 30 p.m. Hong Wan I, for Singapoie and China, 2 30
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  • 50 3 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow: Champicnship. R N Byatt m A 8 Hall F C Greeson vs E H Everest. Double Handicap B. Goodrich and Crabb-Watt vs Edmonds and Johnson Gartside and McK Young vs Smith and Wemyss. Single Handicap B. Evans vs Blackford.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 432 3 SA.LE. 1915 Studebaker Car, Electric starter A lights. Excellent conditionApply to BOX No. 101, c/o Straitt Echo. town hall, PENANG. 119 NOTICE. A list OF APPLICATIONS for r\ public house licences for the year to be considered at the meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices on Wednesday, the 22nd
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    • 493 3 Re to KS 2 O' T/ E& o SE C—t Fabrique de w-J> CIGARETTES EGYPTIENNES wm FRERES t llr Bouton^CRouge PA«<r»B09 o^o /AaSPCRO Fr£&ES IT» o*N»ktut *ANjrie*uat a 9 TT (Mil FELUCCA *U =FRERES Fabrique p a r^j Maspero FreresLid DANS icu« manufacture au mlSBSnil^E COMING! COMINCM COMING!!! The World’s
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  • 103 4 PmbluKftd d&Ilj (except Suh laji ud pvfclir holidays) AT TH CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. Nj. 59. Beach Street, Peuang Peicb. Daily Local M $24 per utiixa Oatatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 OABLI IDDXIII ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. Echo, 589 Printing Department 343 N 4 All kuaiaaaa
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  • 1381 4 That erstwhile shining light of the Penang B»r who sent us recently a ribald postcard from "somewhere ii Ireland” complaining that there is nothing in the paper today” could hardly say as much jf L lay’s isbu i of the Echo And, happily, practically all the news is
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  • 277 4 A CHEERY SHOW. M'. Wolseley Charles’ company, The Scamp the latest venture to visit Penang under the auspices of the busy Mr. Bandmanr, attracted a good house to the Town Hall last night. Most of the programme was made up of that cheerful foolery which forms 6uch an
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  • 18 4 The ss. Mooli an arrived at Port Said on the morning of Saturday 4'h instant.
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  • 46 4 We are ask-d to state that Mr. P. T All in, Assis'ant, Protector of Chinese, will address the Chinese Volunteers at th° Chinese R'creation Club at 6 pm. torn arrow. A cordial invitation is exten led to metnbors ani their friends to be presmt.
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  • 58 4 To-day’s Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $90.49, buyers no seller?, in Singapore (refined) at $9l, business done (100 tons sold) and in London at <£IS7 spot and three months’ sigh*. A special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange givrs the following prices in the
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  • 476 4 Mar. 3 By Balance $1,995.79 6 Mrs. Tan Choo Lian... 20.00 6By Balance 2,015.79 Amount previously acknowledged 22,216.50 Total $*****.29 Our Singapoie correspondent wires news of the death «f Mr. Tan Chay Yan, the wel’-known Malacca towkay, which took place yesterday from appoplexy. B 1 vian tin
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  • 1035 4 Ab Impossible Mixture, Hellenic culture on the basis of (i orm civilisation” is said to be the prescription f the regeneration of the world offered bv f Professor GerulauoP, of Athens. \V 0 culate in vam as to what the this wonderful miscegenation would h« Plato and Nietzche,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 126 4 NOW O m ALF. SUPER ODOL THE BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR GERMAN ODOL. Xliis preparation gives perfeet Satisfaction to regular ODOL users. It is the most elt'eelual germicidal agent for the month and teeth. Pi*ICE 85 cents. The George Town Dispensary, Ltd., PENANG. TAIPING IPOH. ©CDSCDC' The Bernese Alps Milk Co.
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  • 1401 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. round verdun. Furious Fighting. Paris, March 5, 3 p.m. The battle at Verdun was most furious throughout yesterday but the evening found the position of the adversaries unchanged. The enemy continued his maximum efforts the village of Dourumont and tried every expedient of
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  • 923 5 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. Londou, March 6. An official announcement states that it is believed three Z ppelins participated in yet tarday night’s raid. They took various courses and were apparently uncertain of their bearings. The area visited included Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Rutland, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk,
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  • 679 5 (Reuter Service) Copyright Telegram. SENSATIONAL REPORT. Paris, March 6. i In the official French Daily Review of Current Events” it is reported I that Turkey is considering peace negotiations on the initiative of Talaat Bey. The Corriere della Sera says that two Turkish envoys have been sent
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  • 1891 5 A POLICEMAN CONVICTED. Before Mr. V. G. Ez3chiel in the Third Court yesterdey Sulaimansah P. C. 894 was charged with receiving and illegal gratification of two cents from Mohamedsha, a bullock cart driver. Two other p:>licemeD,one a Chinese P. C. named Kboo Ah Nor, were also charged
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  • 170 5 The following articles Will b 3 fouud on our outside pages Page. 2. —Golf Under Difficulties. The Father of Dailies” Retaliation 3. —Rubber Note?. K* 1 intan New?. Etstern Produce Exchinge. Rumania and Silonika. P. 0. C. Tennis Tournment. 6. —Rights of Neutrals. Middlr-Clasg Germany. German Newspiper Difficulties. St.
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  • 971 6 A CHARMING SPORT. (By an Orderly Officer.) There is sombtuiug quite unique about billeting in France. It has a charm quite its own, and distinguished from any other form of sport. The method of procedure is M follows:—The battalion has left the trenohes, marched in full kit
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  • 1046 6 ARE THET INFRINGED BT OUR BLOUKaDE f Bt Sir Francis Piggott. Tlhre is yet one more suoj-jct connected with tbe question of contraband and block- ade on which a little simple talk may help to clear the public mind of a confusion which is almost inevitable. It
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  • 902 6 HIGH SHIPPING CHARGE3 AND HIGH PROVISION BILLS. By the Editor cw the Syren and Shipping. The British public, which is usually apathetic concerning the conduct of shipping business, is becoming seriously concerned by the continued rise in ireights, for it is realising that to some extent high
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  • 593 6 VON HINDENBURG’S APPEAL TO THE IMPERIAL CHANCELLOR. Anxiety in thb Trenches, A significant letter from Field-Marshal ▼on Hmdenburg to the German Imperial Chancellor and other Ministers of State is published in the Deutsche Tagesieitung— the organ of the Agrarian Party—in its issue of January 23. The letter first
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  • 175 6 A Shortage of Paper. Amsterdam, January 27. According to the Berliner Tageblatt, some 300 newspaper proprietors held a meeting last Sunday in Berlin to discuss the extremely serious position of German newspapers caused by the scarcity of paper. A resolution was adopted requesting the Government, after consultation
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  • 94 6 March 8. Ash Wednesday. 8-00 a. id. Matins. 830 Holy Communion. 600 p.ra. Evensong. 6-30 Chon practice. Friday, March 10. 10-30 a.m. Litany. 6-00 p.m. Service of Intercession for the War. Mr. Roosevelt wrote a letter read at a meeting of the American National
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  • 422 6 Lord Harris's Tribute to W G." With the 1915 cricket season a blank, so far as the first-class game was concerned, and with small prospects of the present year being much better, it is a little surprising, perhaps that Wisden’g Cricketers’ Almanack has made its annual appearance. That it
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  • 518 6 A good many thoughtful people, impressed with the awful horrors of modern warfare, are asking themselves what securities crn be taken when this conflict is over to save the world from the recurrence of such a calamity. We are glad to see that almost everyone who is
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  • 433 6 Feast at the Astana, K ua la Kangsar. r.O^ K wme, K l >!81r CMres P°“ 1 °‘‘t of the On Sunday, February 27, a big feast given at Astana Nagara, it being the fort do, of the death of H. U. tbe fig**-» From early morning crowds of nat.ves
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  • 363 6 Everyman (says that journal) has been severely taken to task by the Catholic News for expressing what millions of Catholics are feeling all over the world, and what some of the most brilliant and loyal Catholics of France have expressed—namely, that the Papacy has lost
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  • 86 6 Old Free School boys in Kedah and Perlis at a general meeting decided upon the following programme of festivities on Centenary Day. (i) Ex-Frees will be ”At Home to tbeir friends on the Centenary Day. (ii) Dinner (60 covers) on the following night. (iii) Rongeng on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 61 6 A Life Saver. It is safe to say that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has saved the lives of more people and relieved more suffering than any other remedy in existence. It is known all over the civilized world for its speedy cures of cramps in the stomach, diarrhoea
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    • 53 6 Best Medicine Mide. A better medicine can not be made than Chamberlain’s l ough Remedy. It relieves the lungs, opens the secretions, aids expectoration and assists nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition- Besides, it contains no opiates and is perfectly safe to take. For sale by all
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    • 83 6 It is but a short step from a chilled condition of the body to Pneumonia, and unless the chill be drivon off that second serious condition is reached, sometimes in less than 24 hours. Apply this warning to yourself when you feel out of sorts with a cold. Take a
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    • 42 6 Trouble Averted. That little cold and sore throat of vouri must be checked at once or it may develop into something wors°. Take a few doses of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and your troubles will soon vanish. For sale by Dispensaries and Dealers,
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  • 1159 7  -  A SURPRISE FOR 1 HE GERMANS. Balkans and Poland. (By Joseph Reiaach.) The greatest of the miscalculations made by Germany is, perhaps, Russia. We are perfectly familiar with the German policy of crushing France, and then turning against Russia. France after her checks at Charleroi and Mons
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  • 542 7 There are many good stories about the late Dean Pigou, whose death took place in mail week. He was a Huguenot by descent and a German bv birth, while he received bis training for the Anglican priesthood in Ireland. In his own cheerful manner he confessed that
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  • 251 7 Increase in Weight Tew Pounds or More. A Physician’* Advice. I’d certainly give most anything to be able to fat up a few pounds and stay that way,” declares every excessively thin man or woman. Such a result is not impossible, despite past failures.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 497 7 RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Telephone Nob. «35 S 54}. Proprietor A. KERDYIf TgrapMo" RennymCe Hotel." Manager J. G. H„ mmeling The Most Select Situation on the Sea-Side Terms Single rooms from SS per day upwards.’ Double rooms from $9 per day upwards For Monthly terms apply to the Manage**. Special arrangements for
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    • 9 7 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Wools’ Or*»t Peppermint Caral* 6-1
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    • 363 7 FOR SINGAPORE, HONGKONG. SWATOW AND AMOY, The 8 s. Hong Wan 1, Captain L. Victor Van Egdom, arrived here from Rangoon on the 6th instant, and will leave for the above ports on Wednesday, the 8th instant, at 4 p m. For Freight or passage apply to Messrs. CHIN HIN
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1737 8 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in]Enoland.) Mail and Passenger Service) KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPI4. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland.) N. Y. K. (Incorporated in Japan Japan Mail Steamship Company Lt PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and JapanJ INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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