Straits Echo, 3 March 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1133 1 'HiĔrPaTI} w 45© 1 H li!LED NATUia BANKS. For Cars on Hire <|pv EMPIRE Little Arista Call at or ’phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Read. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Motor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars and Cycles undertaken by expert Mechanics. Largest
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    • 9 1 NC^ SJL liW rOR use «I w r KmmmtkA
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  • 3188 3 At a meeting of the China Society held at the Caxton Hall, W.. on 27th January, a paper on The Chinese as a Warrior in the Light of History” was read by Mr. S. G. Cheng, late of the Chinese Admiralty, and now a student in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 512 3 V c YOU MAY REST ASSURED that Beecham s Pill* will be of great service :o you if your stomach is out of order or your liver is sluggish. The conditions of life in these days are so strenuous «hat nearly everybody is at times, overtaken by various derangements of
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    • 500 3 m v > Little Lectures by Nurse ‘Wincarnis. (Lecture No. 4.) Weakness Every movement of the body uses up a definite amount of vitality. When you overtax yourself, or your vitality is undermined by illness, your whole system becomes too exhausted to recover its lost vitality without assistance. Your system
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  • 987 4 (Bt One of Their Guests.) No sarcasm is bidden in the title of tbis article. The people of France and Belgium have been and are still on friendly terms with the British Expeditionary Force. True, the early exuberance with which they welcomed us is not much in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 854 4 TO LET. Commodious Ofiices (lately occupied by Messrs. Slot Co.) i Bench Street. Apply at THE SIAMESE CONSULATE. NOTICE. INVESTMENT. Anv bum or tutus up to $50,000 awaiting investment iu good freehold securities. Apply with full particulars to 89* X c/o Straits Echo. he Singapore Oil Mills Limited. rrHE business
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    • 47 4 Rub It In. A good many people think rheumatism can not be cured without taking nauseous medicine.- Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massaged thoroughly into the skin has cured far more rheumatism than any internal remedy in existence and gives relief quicker. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 473 4 1916 ■sc $2,130 1 ELECTRIC LIGHTS ELECTRIC STARTER Model 83 Touring Car Roadster (Price) 52,080 /S D 0 We Build More Cars of This Size Than Any Producer in the World We build many thousands more Overlands than any other producer builds of any other car of anywhere near its
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  • 377 5 Last night Kinsuti,” the residence of the Hon’ble Dr. Lim Boon Keng on Emerald Hill, says Wednesday’s Malaya I ribun», transformed into a rentable fairyland with rarieoloured lanterns and other bright lights, the occasion being a dinner given by the indefatigable representative of the btraits Chinese in
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  • 464 5 To-day. Brandin, for Belawan and Asahan, 11 a m. Hok Canton, for Port Swettenbam and Singapore, 12.30 p m. Gregory Apc>r, for Port Swettenbam acd Singapoie, 12 30 p.m. Perlis. for Trang, Tongkab, and Pang Nga. 1.30 pm Hong Moh, for RingooD, 2 30 p.m. Kamor, for Singapore
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  • 286 5 Tbe new Trading with the Enemy Bill will give the Board of Trade absolute power to close down, whenever it considers it expedient to do so, businesses caried on wholly or mainly for the benefit of enemy proprietors, whether they are sole proprietors or shareholders in
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  • 187 5 Under the auspices of the Kota Star Football Association, a general meeting was held in the premises of the English School ou Friday, February 25, at which the following gentlemen were present: —H. H. Tunku Abdullah, H H T Ismail, H H. T. Md. Akit, Messrs.
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  • 357 5 Deebook Drbdqinq. C “t£: d No. 1 52,931 400 196 No. 2 50,572 508 210 406 It is lepoited that owiog to the rise in the price of paper all the magazines and periodicals in Japtn have decided to raise their subscription rates tweuty per cent from
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 922 5 Harmston's Circus AND ROY A L MENAGERIE. Bigger, Better, Brighter han ever Grand. Opening Night Saturday, 4 th March, 1916, at 9-15 p m. Location DATO K RAM AT GARDENS Now Artistes! New Acts!! •HARMSTON the apex THE CRUX THE ACME TH ALPHA OMEGA town hall, PENANC Of all that
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    • 456 5 Fabrique de Cigarettes Egyptiennes ERO FRERES 'JTO' lf|R^ BoUTOlWtoUGE F*an»dLt Mfj O o /AaSPCRO FRERfcS L t0 OAMituft «*Nu*e*uM rn x: FELUCCA 50 I t MasperO i *J FBfeRES *Z f*BSIQUC Pao iif VUi !*1J T I J,i IT* OANS UU* AAANUFACTURC AU Caire.Egypte.VtG [jj COMING! COMING!! COMING!!! The World’s
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  • 96 6 Published daily (except Sunday! and pabliti holiday!) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Pmicß. Daily Local 924 per annua. Ont*t»tion... Pottage Extra. Mail Edition (Pott Free) 917.50 CABLB iDDXIII ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Not. Echo, 586 Printing Departnent 343 N.4.—AU» wmaiioiMtioM ahouM bi addreaaad
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  • 36 6 Hall-Saye Oj March 3rd at S*. Michael’s Cbuich, Colombo, by the Right Reverend the Bishop of Colombo, G lbert Hall to Dorothy Gertrude, daughter of Evelya Geoffrey Sayr, E c q., of Heathfield, Cbristcburcb, Hants.
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  • 1361 6 E'stwhere to day we print a long paper written by a Chinese resident in England and read at a meeting of the China Society in London on the Chinese as warriors. The discussion comes at an opportune moment for it is becoming daily mire clear that if
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  • 933 6 The Rubber Growers' Association have appointed Sir Edward Rosling Vice-Chair-man. Mr. R. V. Prendergast, of U!u Sawah Estate, and now lieutenant in the R.F.A., has gone to Mesopotamia Capt. J. J. Hudson, for many years sailing out of Singapore, and for a time S.eretary of the Straits
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  • 991 6 Tobacco ia Shakespeare. Mr. J C. Squire, whose review j n New Statesman of G. L. Apperson’» •< y 6 History of Smoki»* day. states that S.akespeare mnr tobacco, There we join issue with i, Sbakespaare did. With true pro J? insight he made Rosalind exclaini in* a*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 122 6 iXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X NOW IN STOCK EUROPEAN T B 99 100 GLACIAL. X X X X The Eastern Trading Co., 35, PITT STREET, PENANG. Telegrams PINCHONG M Telephone No. 554. x x X :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*c SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co., Ltd. I IMPORTERS OF Australian Frozen Meat and Produce ALSO English Siberian Fish
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  • 837 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. bxttle SLACKENING. Mutual Bombardments. London, March 3, 5 p.m, p.iris communique reports that north r j Verdun and in the Woevre no importt e vont took {lace. There was an intermittent bombardment cf different points f our front. We bombarded the Ge first
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  • 941 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. STATUS OF MARRIED MEN. London, March 1. In the House of Commons Mr. Walter President of the Local Government Board, said that tin Government was considering the question of a moratorium regarding the liabilities of married members of the Derby recruits. Mr. H. J.
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  • 600 7 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. THE TRADE WEAPON. London, March 1. At a meeting at the Guildhall Mr. Bonar Law, Sec re ary of Stvteforthe Colo ies, said that trade was one of our chief weapons in the war. Germany had plunged the w.rld into misery, believing tiat
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  • 649 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. RUSSOPHIL FEELING IN BULGARIA. Daily Desertions. S lonika, March 1. Reuter's correspondent with the British headquarters says that daily desertions take place among the Bulgarian troops, the deserters complaining c f hardships and lack of food while the Germans, wdio aiv well fed,
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  • 67 7 Mar, 1 By Balance $1,908.79 2 li. de Z Lancaster, monthly Bubscriplion «5«0 M. Maude, monthly subscription 15.00 Teob Cboow Cbeaog, monthly subscription Maf. ‘2 B f Balance 1 950 79 Amount previously acknowledged 22,216.50 Total $24,167.29 The K.oyal steamer Xamur having left Singapore. .V expected to
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  • 239 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AN ULTIMATUM. Madrid, March 1 It is reported that Germany has sent an I ultimatum to Portugal demanding the return of the vessels seized in the Tagu* within 48 hour Another Fire in Canada Ir.c’Bdiari; m Susp cted, Ottawa, March 1. The Grand
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  • 434 7 Tan Ah \eow was yesterday charged lefore Mr. W. C. Michell in the District Corn t with robbery of the sum of $57 from the person of one Tan Ah Cbak at Weld Quay. Th) accused c’a'med trial and Court Inspector Nicol prosecuted. Tan Ah Chak, the
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  • 62 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 3. —The Chinese ss Warrior?. 4—The Friendly Native?. 5, Penang Representatives Entertained. Trading with the Enemy. Kota StarFootbill Assoc atior. Febru ary Tia Outpu f Singapoie Rubber Auctior. Eistern Preduce Exchange. 8. Leta' Notes. Venetian Night The Chinese
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  • 349 7 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. TLe foil awing sp cial telegrams are from lie Sumatra Pont of Tuesday ai.d Wedneslay, Februtry 29'and Mtrch 1 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. Arohef Steamer Sark. The Dutch steamer M ck’enburg belonging to the Z •eland Company, stiuck a mine md said'. '1 he
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  • 194 7 Three Chinese Darned Pong Ah Qian, Than Heir, Lim Ala You this morning pleaded guilty befoie Mr. V. G. Ezechielin the Third Court to a charge of theft of rubber, worth $l4, from laud belonging to ibe Penang Municipality on or about February 22 at Bukit Penare,
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  • 174 7 fo the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, Hats off to Mr. Maurice Maude for aivocatiog thit lubber companies should eacourage their Assistants to save and assist them by advacces to plant up land of M ®if own Could not the larger companies put
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  • 75 7 To-day's QuotatioaS» Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to day at fri9 50, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $9), business done tons fold) and in London at =***** 10?» spot and throo liunths’ sight. At tho rubb3r auction held at Tht Erslern Pro luce Exchange yesterday the
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  • 920 8 T*k Work o* thb I'over Patrol. London, January 24. Among the many interesting features in Sir Reginald Bacon’s dispatch, covering the fairly recen operations on the Belgian coast, not the least noteworthy are the references to the work of t’ e monitors. It was mentioned in these notes
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  • 992 8 The war has plunged Venice into darkness, but it has also freed it from noisome tourists. The only traces that remain to remind one of their existence are the frequent English and German notices in the shop wiudows. Absolute impartiality seem, indeed, to be Venetian characteristic, and no
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  • 922 8 Thb Comumb of the Bar. L ndon, January 22. Was Mr. Justice Neville justified in refusing to hear the lady litigant who appeared before him arrayed in wig and gown Presumably he was, since judges have com® to exercise a curious control in these sartorial thing». They refuse,
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  • 2010 8 They are busy discovering the will of the people in China at present, and those who know the Chinese peasant cannot help but laugh. The will of the real workers of China will not be discovered within the text hundred years. They Lave to discover it for
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  • 98 8 (From Our Own Correspondent), Singapore, March ‘2 At the Singapore Rubber Auction 290 w r r,' of 570 «‘Cd °c sal-. The prices were obtained Smoked .-beets $l7B to $lB5 r» )r r G 'od $l7O P CU,< F'ne $l7O $176 Good $165 $l6B Unsmokel $l6l
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  • 67 8 Rubber Auction. At the Rubber Auction of the Eastern Produce exchange yesterday 79,293 lb. were offered for sale and 24.227 lb. sold at the following prices: Diamond Smoked Sheet from $l5O to $lBl Diamond Unsmokel Sheet $157 t jug Plain Unsmoked Sheet $156 58 B r own
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 63 8 Ae one gets past middle age tbe Throat and lungs give unmistakeable signs of wear. Often a heavy phlegmy cough develops becoming chronic in nature, a source of pain and worry. For relief there is no better medicine than WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, It outs the phlegm and soothes tbe
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    • 43 8 Trouble Averted. That little cold and sore of jours must be checked at once or it may develop into something wors°. Take a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and your troubles will soon vanish. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 12 8 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night. Woods' Great Peppermint Cere. Is. 6d.
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    • 75 8 A Family Necessity. Every family should be provided with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm at all times Sprains may be curved in much less time when promptly treated. Lame back, lame Bhoulder, pains in the side and chest and rheumatic pains are some of the diseases for which it is especially valuable.
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    • 10 8 For Chronic Chost Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Oars Is, id.
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    • 331 8 Best Medicine Made. A bettor medicine can rot bo mid*' than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It relieves the lungs, opens thn ewreMon o aids expectoration and assists na<uro in restor Dg the system to a healthy condition. Besido°, it contains no opiates and is perfectly rafe to takp. For sale by
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  • 1232 9 A great deal of ignorance prevails as to certain aspects of Chine s e social conceptions. This ignorance is not easy to explain, for on the points to which we are about to turn our attention there has been a long succession of writers who
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  • 525 9 Communication from tub Imperial Government. The following despatch has been received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, with reference to the F.M.S. Aeroplane Fund P.S M. War Office. 098/3039 13, Albemarle Street, (M.A. 2A). London W. Ist January 1916. Sir, —With reference to previous correspondence
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  • 173 9 The debility and depression following an attack of Malaria mean more than a fancied disorder. This condition is a form of neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion that usually develops after Malaria aud its seriousness is recognised by all medical writers. Lowering of nervous tone, with increased irritability, is
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 153 9 7 a,- 1 k K:. y 1« 4/; 5% <SrfV>»S 5^ ?Jf -■v i >•' -i *v S. *:>/* Wt > W 8 7 /4S& <<; ■AsK \i/V7b \\*t; fct: SU rm MaTT RADC <?- i CHOP KOTA >* SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLA I CO., LTD (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG,
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    • 61 9 A Life Saver. It is safe to say that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has saved the lives of more people and relieved more suffering than any other remedy in existence. It is known all over the civilized world for its speedy cures of cramps in the stomach, diarrhoea
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    • 34 9 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of tiny laxatives which do not gripe. the Of ohemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. sc, Singapore.
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    • 537 9 In the Matter of Kwong Hoong On Estate, KEDAH. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigued have been appointed Receivers and Managers of the above Estate by the Supreme Court Penang, and that their appointment has been authenticated by the High Court of Kedah and NOTICE IS HE EE BY
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1620 10 P. O.—B. I. AND APGAR LINE Incorporated inJEngland.) Mail And Pa«aenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan») Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with Mar. 9 Mar. 18 Apr. 2 Apr. 15 Apr. 29 May 13 May 27 June 10 June 24 Malta Nagoya Namur Nankin
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