Straits Echo, 2 March 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 36 1 Straits Echo l AlLi c #ROWt-ii »f fcVi;:: S. CiRCtaT/'Kfi T'WB ■'.•TRAITS, ‘THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND THE FAR BAST GENERAL VOL* $24 Per Anaum PENANG, THURSDAY, 2nd MARCH, 1916. Stable C«m, 1# cioti. No. 49
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1089 1 pEI^AID v vM to natu jr or Cars on Hire B A /V K S EKP1S4E ••The Little Arisfnc-ti Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Kotor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars and Cycles undertaken
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    • 22 1 V»«* INFANTS Cmi&Zf I 0f which is the best cow* 1 '"'ld IS. ?'«tc vW use “lONS Amount Si>< TOSS Maw Hi
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  • 1502 3 Ths Medical CoNrsanroi. The first Annual Conference of the National Medical Association of China has been an unqualified success, as would naturally be anticipated from a perusal of the programme and an examination of the list of names of those responsible for carrying out that programme. F'om
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  • 262 3 Polygamy is the universal practice in the equatorial provinces. “It would be absolutely improper,” says Emin Pasha, for even a small chief to have fewer than ten or fifteen wives.” The usual price of a wife in Unyoro ia four oxen or cows, unless she be so plain
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 11 3 For Chronic Chest C omplainta, Wood*' Great P#pj ermint Cere 1*. *>■'
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    • 387 3 ■V* 1, ,1» I m I u 4iASr SKIN DISEASES Ovarcome by the Wonderful Blood Purifying Properties of Dr. MORSE’S INDIAN ROOT PILLS. A person suffering from eruptions of the skin has much to endure. It is not merely the discomfiture and irritation and painful renration, hut life is made
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  • 3018 4 (From Our Own Corretpoudent.) J Tn Last Aib Raid. Ii London, Febnurj t. Ii The lotost mid in furtherance of the I Ooraon gospel of frightfalnoss resulted I in the dostrojing of 54 ncs, women end l children—oil civilians —end the wounding of 67 others. Tho
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  • 283 4 Thin men and women who would like to increeee their weight with 10 or 15 pounds of heelthy “stay there” fat should try eat* ing e little Sargol with their meals for a while and note result?. -Here is a good test worth trying. First
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 43 4 TreaMc Aftrtei. That little oold and eore throat of youri aaat be oheeked at onoe or it may develop into something woree. Take a few dotee of Chamberlain’e Congh Remedy and yonr troubles will eoon vaniah. for aale by all Ditpeaaariee and Dealer!.
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    • 46 4 Mbh. good mmmj people tkiak rhennuatiani oan aot be eared witkoat taking aaaaeoaa medicine. Cbaeaberlain’a Pain Balm dim* aaged tkorongbly into tke akin baa eared far more rbeoaaetiaae tkaa any interna! remedy in exiatenee and gim relief oaieker. For tele ky all Siapraaeriee and Sealer a,
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    • 365 4 NOTICE The a.s. Hong Meh, Captain G. Kinghorn, ia expected to arrive here from Singapore and China on Thursday, the 2nd inatant, and will leave for Rangoon on Friday,Uhe 3rd inatant, at 4 p m. For Froight or passage apply to Mbssbs. CHIN HIN Cot., 63, Bench 8treet Wenang. Agent»
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  • 338 5 A correspondent writes to the Free Press. — oould possibly have realized the far reaching effect of the war, even here so remotely removed from actual activities. Some of the local firmer recognising the increase in prices of the principle necessaries qf life, considerately made their assistants
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  • 149 5 Pxnano Women Workexs. Amount previously acknowledged $1,655.28 Mrs. Ebden 10.00 Mrs. Jamieson 10.00 Mrs. Yeap Keng Teng 10.00 Total 1,685.28 From the above sum $1,382.44 has been spent since the middle of nugust up to the present The expenditure may be divided up as follows 22.6
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  • 304 5 The following ties have been fixed lor to-morrow: Mixed Doubles B. Mrs Sinclair and W McK Young vs Mr and Mrs Souter Mr aud Mrs E J Bennett vs Mrs Shepard aud J E Smith. Single Handicap A. S F B Martin vs W H Tbrelfall. Single
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  • 385 5 Chinese Boy Mubdebed and His Sister Stabbed The police hare on their hands at the present moment, says the Straits Time* of Tuesday, a remarkable case which presents more than one puzzling feature calling for elucidation. It occurred a few days ago, but since then the happenings
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  • 232 5 A committee meeting, of the S.C.B.A. (Malacca Branch) was held at Mr. Tan Soo Hock’s residence on -Tuesday last (says the Malaya Tribune), and the following were present:—Messrs. Tan Chay Yan (President), Chan Ka>ng Swi, Chan Cheng Siew, Tan Cheng Lock, Tan Soo Hock, Neo Hong Hee,
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  • 251 5 Tbe following were the scores made by tbe Pi L. R. C. at Kampong Bahru yesterd&Y 1 Del. firing. oo cn t>' < H 3 ’’o r o -r: s frv t*-» i; =-> o P. »o cl 'J P-4 —> <M Mrs-Liston 29 32 28
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 654 5 AUCTION sale Of well grown 8 established PLANiS AT NORTHAM ROAD, PENANG, On Sat., 4th March, 1916. AT 3 30 P.M.’ PROMPT. In convenient lots, which may be cleared at end sale. Tirms—Casli before delivery. KOFI ENG HIN, Harmston's Circus 98 Auctioneer. Rubber Machinery FOE Washing Crepping and Sheeting IN
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    • 403 5 m <c. o <6 <2 ££Tes EGtfS C-* Fabrique de *-j> Cigarettes fgyptiennes ms FRERES r BoutonXRouge Fa'eiOOTl 0K» O 0 /AaSPCRO PRfcfttS L t P ©aa*U«>*»A»»v*e*ua« Au FELUCCA L// HasperO FREres^I f*B«iQUtp Ap Maspero Freres Lro Wwns LEU» MANUFACTURE au ■Hi jfti u«r ,7iunqmfc¥ri iTrrrniinii ni m n nwfu—n
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  • 98 6 Pmbliahdd daily (except Sunday» ?nd pablio holidays) AT 121 CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Faioß. Daily Local 024 per a anun Omtstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CARLS ADDKStS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Not. Echo, 583 Printing Department 543 N.ti.— All kuaiiMt **ronunic*tio»t thoakj
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  • 1373 6 Yesterday in Random Notes we touched very briefly upon the subject of the Dutch complaints of British violations" of neutral mails. As we said theD, Englishmen cm quite understand that it is galling for the Dutch and other neutrals to find that their letters have been seized,
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  • 879 6 Wo are glad to state that there has been a vast improvement io the condition of Dr. Rose. Mr. P. T. Allen, Assistant Protector of Chinese, has returned from his trip to Singapore. We hear that Mr. S. C. Ambrose will be visiting the Straits on private
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  • 856 6 A Ceylon Anniversary. Ceylon celebrates to-Jay the ammerwr, of her entry into the British Empire 0,7 intercourse with the island began in 17rq and m 1795 we captured the Dutch forti there but it was only in 1815 that tk British deposed the tyrannical kin. Wikrama Sinha, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 182 6 NOW OH SUPER ODOL THE BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR GERMAN ODOL. This preparation gives perfeet Satisfaction to regular ODOL users. It is the most effectual germicidal agent for the mouth and teeth. PRICK 85 cents. The George Town Dispensary, Ltd., PENANG. TAIPING IPOH. f "ID*CZ)®CD9OOCD©#ooO©CZD0CD9CIin 0 0 The Bernese Alps Milk
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  • 669 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. AUXILIARY cruiser sunk. Paris, February 29. official announcement states the xilivjcruiser Provence 11, which was t sniporting troops to Salonika, was torpe- in the Central Mediterranean on February 26. Of the 1,800 souls on board (#6 were saved. Further Survivors. Parip, February, later,
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  • 559 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. BULGARIA AND HER KING. Abdicstioa Demanded, Parip, February 29. A telegram from Sdonika states that meetings at Sofia demanded the abdication of King Ferdinand, the enthronement cf the Crown Prince Cyril and the withdrawal of the German troops. Japaaese Officers at Salonika. Paris,
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  • 758 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. MILITARY SITU VTION GOOD. P.emier’s Review. London, February 29, 12.10 p.m. M. Briand says that*the military situa(rion is good and the troop* are full of enthusiasm. Our reserves are powerful an d ready to receive the most vigorous I shock*. Moreover, the German
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  • 720 7 (From Our Oun Correspondent.') Singapore, March 1. The report of Haytor Rubber Estates shows a profit for the year of $69,418. A sum of $73,332 was available, of which $15,000 was recommended to be put to the reserve, $8,915 written off for depreciation, $40,000 set aside for
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  • 241 7 Many peop'le in Penang and the F.M. 3. will legret to learn Chat it is probable tbit Major H. B de Hame’, Chief Police Officer of this Settlement, will very shortly be invalided out of the service as permanently unfit to return to the tropics.
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  • 296 7 Before Mr. W. C. Miebell in the District Court this morning Lee Kai Chai and Chuah Bok Seng were charged with robbery of $1 from th« nerson of one \eoh Pin Chooi in Prangin Road. Both accused claimed trial. Court Inspector Nicol prosecuted. Yeoh Pin Chooi, sugarcaue seller,
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  • 26 7 Feb. 25 By Balance 11,888 79 Mar. 1 Anonymous (monthly subscription) 20.00 Mar. IBy Balance 1,908 79 Amount previously acknowledged 22,216.50 Total $24,125.29
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  • 54 7 The Peasng Towkays* Gift. Mr. Alma Biker wires from Balu Gajah as follwos The splendidly patriotic gift to the empire of one reconnaissance aeroplane baa been made by two well-known towkays of Penang Gan Ngoh Bee and Khoo Choon Teong. This aeroplane will be Malaya number fifteen and
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  • 62 7 To-day's Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to cay at $9O 20, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $91.25, business done (125 tons sold)and in London at jC 187 os. spot and .£lBB three months’ sight. A special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange givr»s the
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  • 112 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Pape. 3. —Progress in China. Fifteen Wiver. 4 —War News and Gossip. 5.—P. L. R. C. A Dastardly Outrage. The Malacca Chinese Local War Prices. Queen Mary’s Needli work Guild. P. C. C. Tennis Tournament. B.—“ Nerves” in the
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  • 979 7 THEFT OF FILES. r la the Police Court yesterday afternoon 3 before Mr. F.E. Colmau, a Chinaman named Sui Ho San wts charged with theft of tan dozens of goldsmith files. The accused claimed trial and Court Inspector Nicol prosecuted. Inspector Nicol stated that the Police had
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  • 403 8 Per P A and O. steamer Khiva. From London Feb 5.— o Singa ore: Mrs Grisby and child, Mr. Gee, Mr Watt, Mr C. Wood, Mr. Mann, Mr. H Kappel, Mr G. Letwich. Mr G. E S. Fasshaw. Mr, W. S. Williamson, Mr J. G •"mailman. To Penang:
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  • 603 8 Want of imagination and foresight has soaked into British bureaucracy. The overpaid, insolent, indolent, soulful Cabinet Minister down to the youngest bureaucrat enamelled by Balliol with polish and turcel loose as a Brahmin into the higher branch of the Civil Service needs imagination and knowledge. A
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  • 262 8 Judging from a notice which recently appeared in the Government Gazette, Singapore seems to have had an attack of nerves? At a time of tension like the present it is astonishing how quickly scares arise, even in a well-ordered community. There may not be the slightest
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  • 127 8 The outputs from the following companies for the month of February are Piculs 1,050 Hours run 550 Yards treated 84,000 Chenderiang Tin Dredging, Ltd, Dredge Piculs 500 Hours run 540 Yards treated 80,000 Elevators Piculs 100 Total output (Chenderiang) 600 The output Kampong Kimunting Tin Dredging, Ltd.,
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  • 330 8 To-day. Kedah for Belawan and Pangkalan Braudan, 10 a.m. Calypso for Tongkah, 12 30 p.m. Perlis, for Trang, Tongkah, and Pang Nga, 1.30 p.m Gregory Apcar, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. 2.30 p.m. Maetsuijcker, for Sabang, Olehleh Ac., Padang, 4 p.m. To MORROW. Jit Seng, for Yen, 7
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  • 1968 8 ENVER THE DANDY. W< ndebyul German Train. 1 bavo not in Loudon twenty-four houis without realising a great and dangerous'ignorance kero, as to wbat Geimany is setting about in the Near East. Lot me piece together a uumoer of proofs beginning with the conversation that I had
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 525 8 Commodious Offices (lately occupied by Messrs. Slot ff Co.) i v Beach Street. Apply at THE SIAMESE CONSULATE. PENANG SALES RGOM. The undersigned is instructed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, AT 38, BEACH STREET, On Friday, the 3rd March, 1916, AT 11-30 A. M. A Valuable Collection of Jewellery COMPBISIN4
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    • 12 8 For Children’» Hacking Cough at Night, Waoda' Great Poppermint Care, la. 6d,
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    • 54 8 MOTHER’S FRIEND. So effectual is that wonderful medicine, WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, in correcting-the ailments of children, that it has been truly christened. Children’s coughs, colds, whooping cough, croup yield to it lils6 a charm. Never be without a bottle in the bouse* -Sold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere' at
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    • 608 8 W ANTED. FIRST GLASj SHORTHANn TYPIST for Penang Ofice. AppU with fall details of experience to No. 33, 99 G h Straits Eeke NOTICE. 1 business of the George Town Bill A Posting and Advertising Aeenrv which has hitherto been conducted hv tu late Mr. F. H. Hawkins, will be
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 377 9 The Subscription List will be closed on Saturday, the 4th day of March, 1916. lUUIMKOL SYNDICATE. UNITED (INCORPORATED IN THE S.S. UNDER THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE IMS.) AUTHORISED CAPITAL 15,000 Ordinary Shares of $lO each $150,000. Issue of 7,500 Ordinary Shares of $lO each payable as follows: ON APPLICATION $5-00 ON
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  • 1486 10 The place is somewhere in Franc», and many a quiet holiday have we spent there in other years, giving our days to walking, to lounging in the sun on the far-stretching sand dunes, to watching the activities of the fish market or spending mornings in the
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  • 596 10 The H. S. Bank Meeting. Even in normal times,(says the Hongkong Telegraph of February 21) the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank meeting is an event to which much importance and interest attaches, for it is regarded in Far Eastern commercial and financial circles as an occasion when stock is taken of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 11 10 For Children's Hacking Oovgh .aV Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Gere, !•< 0d«
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    • 175 10 Huftefikch Bros. S COMPANY. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR: All of ELECTRICAL MACHINERY. Estimates Given for all Kinds 1 Electrical Work. Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: lH STEELING TELEPHONE CO., LID. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can be Started on
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  • 2229 11 The Western World waited a long time for tobacco. Pithecanthropus erectue, the first proprietor of the Piltdown skull, Buddha, the Pharaohs, Aristophanes, Caractacus. Rebelais, and Henry VIII. all did without it. Assyria never knew a hookah, and Borne Declined and Fell without suspecting that its historian would take snuff.
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  • 304 11 Official Mikutbs. Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday the Bth February, 1916. Present. W. Peel Esq, President. A. F. Goodrich, Esq. P. T. Allen, Esq. John Mitchell, Esq. Yeoh Guan Seok, Esq, Absent. Quah Beng Kee, Esq. Lim Eow Hong, Esq. A.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 145 11 TYRE LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES SEE 1916 PRICE LIS SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN l CO., LTD (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG. SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. po< European Acetic Acid i a GLACIAL 99 x 8 i Sulphate of Quinine. Packed in 1 Kilo Tins and in bottles of 250 Tablets. Assorted Vegetables
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    • 11 11 •A Steiml MUt*ry tf Smoking. By G. L Af]Mr*on S*ek«r, n«t.
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    • 75 11 k Family Necessity. Every family should be provided with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm at all times. Sprains may be curved in much less time when promptlv treated. Lame back, lame shoulder, pains in the side and chest and rheumatic pains are some of tbe diseases for which it is especially valuable.
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    • 240 11 Medicines Just Unpacked The Penang Rubber Stamp Co, beg to announce to their patrons and many interested customers that they have now received a large fresh shipment of medicines from The Swasthya Sahaya Pharmacy, Calcutta, and cordially solicit their further esteemed orders. Billiard Tables. Full-size solid mahogany on eight turned
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1919 12 p. I. AND APCAR LINE (In<JORPORATBD IN ENGLAND.) Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan») Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with Mar. 9 Mar. 18 Apr. 2 Apr. 15 Apr. 29 Mav 13 May 27 June 10 June 24 Malta Nagoya Namur Nankin
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