Straits Echo, 24 February 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1025 1 II4JLMAID aS) NATiiifii For Cars on Hire EMPIRE “The Little Arixtocroi Call at or ’phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Motor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars and Cycles undertaken by expert Mechanics. Largest Dealers in Motor Accessories and
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    • 18 1 y£’s MILK INFANTS OMJ#?, 0f W HICH is the best (II IL* Ec TIONs use 5? !Si JSi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 DRINK m JS "j 2 S' 3» I P*S i 4 i v^a/ v;S S; raiKM RECOGNISED 1SSE0RS THE L*EAI ON THE k BRAND I TZSS&ft SOLE AGENTS: ■> 1 I w *3® k J LTD., PENANG.
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  • 1163 3 AN ABSURD BTORY OF THE GOIBEN.” S*IFB SaXLOM. Mr. Ronald McNeill deserves oar thanks for haviDg given Bir Edward Grey the ehance to contradiot an absurd yarn, emanating, I believe, from Switzerland, conoerning the eaoape of the Geehen and Br**lan in the first days of the war. The
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  • 384 3 Nature has been taking a casual hand in the carnival of destruction organised by man—"creeping up,” as Whistler said of her in a less sinister connection. The tidal wave that broke upon the ooaet of Holland is au episode in an inoeseant conflict—a revolt against the steady
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  • 283 3 [To Til SniTom or tub Strait* Ech* Dbax Sib, It is with the greatest interest that I have read the comments made by Bystander in her article entitled Impressions of a Bird of Passage which appeared in your issue of the 19th instant. Though I understand
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 240 3 MOTOR CYCLES. nil, Motor Cycle H.P Cum belt-Chain Drive 3JH.P. Fixed Engine Premier Motor Cvcle 2J H P. Ma*»ey H»rrie Motor Cycle 3| H.P. Radeo Motor Cycle 2 Stroke 2| H.P. Premier Motor Cycle 2J H.P. (2nd hand) j 18. Motor Cycle 1} H.P. Price $600-00 450-00 300-00 350-00 300-00
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    • 498 3 SKIN DISEASES Overcome by the Wonderful BlocxFPurifying Properties of Dr. MOUSE'S INDIAN HOOT PILLS. A person suffering from eruptions of the skin has much to endure. It it not merely the discomfiture and irritation and painful sensation, but life it made miserable by depression of spirits. The liver it torpid
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  • 235 4 The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight ia that they insist on drugging their atomach or stuffiag it with greasy foods rubbing on useless creams,” or following some foolish physical oulture stunt, while the real cause of
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  • 1119 4 [Bt Hoeacb Hutchinson in the W. O. Mr. Jeruuao Travers, tour tunes amateur champion and once open champion ot tUe United States golfers, has written, in conjunction with another, a book which he has called The Winning Shot.” Having Won t 0 often, it may be thought
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  • 528 4 PEACE LONGINGS OP THE WORKING CLASS. >’ SiaNIFICA-NT Expbbssions. Amsterdam, January 22. It is more and more evident that the split in ttie Get mau socialist Parly is wideuiug, with p 'SaibiliUes ot tar reactuug couatqitmocs. Waite itiemcjoruy ot the oouiaiist iioicuslag meuibeis supported tbe Governuieut, tbe
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  • 325 4 > Touch and-Go Escape feom Feahci Tissues. 1 Mr Francis Gribble imparts what he terms his one item of exclusive informa- tion as to what transpired in Luxemburg during the early days of the war to the readers of the current Edinburgh Review in the course of a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 378 4 Plain CrutDs on the «abject of Health are the only acceptable pronouncements. Exaggerated «tatements end by convincing no one—rather do they create suspicion, and give rise to doubt. Hut yoo may safely listen to universal opinion. The public have for long known the value of Beecham’s Pills in cases of
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    • 10 4 For Chronic Cheat Complaint*, Waoda' Great Peppermint Chare la, M
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    • 73 4 Don't Couth. It is absurd to allow a cough to hang on and sap your vitality when Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cure you. You don’t know where a persistent cough will land you. You can’t afford to allow your throat and lungs to become diseased when it is such a
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  • 667 5 Mysterious Hanging Cask. An inquest mto the circumstances attending the death of a Cantonese woman named 8i«w Ah Sion, who was found dead in a sitting position leaning against a wall of the bathroom of No. 101, Hope Walk, with a cloth string loose round her neck, was
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  • 241 5 To the Children of the Southern Cross. I appeal to ail of you living in the Malay Peninsula, men, and women, who claim a birthplace under the Southern Cross and who have a birthright to glory in the undying fame of the “Anzics”, to help to include in the
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  • 76 5 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Mixed Doublet A. Mrs Striven and Newton beat Miss Pritchard and A S Hall 6 3. 1-6, 6-1. Mix d cubles B. Mr and Mrs E J Bennett beat Mr and Mrs CDD Hogan g_6 6-
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  • 251 5 Women Workers. Amount previously acknowledged $1,409.00 Offertory Intercession Service, 2nd Jan 1916 197.28 Mrs Bitchie, Gedong Estate (4th Donation jq oq Mrs Heim (6th Donation) 10.00 Mr Marples, Sale cf Limes (3rd Donation) 10 00 Mrs Trengrove (6th Donation) 5.00 Mrs Wilson, Caledonia (5th I
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  • 360 5 Claim for Jbwellkrt. In the Full Court of Appeal before the Chief Justice Sir J. A. Buckuill, Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden and Mr. Justice Edmonds in the Supreme Court yesterday the hearing was commenced of the appeal of Yeoh Soo Neoh. the administratrix of the
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  • 141 5 Enrollment of Chinese Company. All prospective members of the Chinese Company of the Penang Volunteers may be enrolled at the Orderly Boom, Fort Cornwallis, on Saturday, the 26th instant, from 930 a.m. till 1 p.m. and also on Tuesday the 29th instant from 11-30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 389 5 NOTICE OF SALE. JUDICIAL COMMISSIONER’S CIVIL APPLICATION NO. .07 OF IS NO AUN TliYE OF TAIPING VERSUS Chairge*, MALCOLM NALPON OF PENANG Chargor. the J dioi c —one, at Ipoh, dated the The undermentioned will dispose of by PUBLIC AUCTION, otb *»1«, S<5^® dule Rf>fer «’ed to QSAITT No. 1625
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    • 403 5 c O n IUVIMVw OOI Ĕ3E .gj^w^Trsypn c—« Fabrique de »—_> CIGARETTES Egyptiennes FELUCCA SH FRERES r Bouton I MasperO f*BBiQUt P* 0 W r MASPERO FRERESlra OANS ItU* MANUrACTUBC AU Mwm «m 5^o m*4PER0 PntrttS L t Hmutiuuiie.iKl c COMING! COMING!! COMING!! 1 The World’s longest serial The Exploits
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  • 95 6 Fmbliihftd daily (except Sunday* and public holiday*) AT THB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang mcL Daily Local' 124 par annua. Omtatation... Postage Extra. Edition (Poet Free) 117.50 w CISLI ADDKBSB ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone No». Echo, 553 Printing Department 343 Jf.jf All ku»i*»M •*raiaunic»tio2» «hould b*
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  • 1290 6 With great interest and genuine sympathy Britons in Malaya are watching the efforts of their Dutch neighbours to tackle the question of the defence of Netherlands India. It is a big problem and will no doubt prove both difficult and expensive to solve satisfactorily,
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  • 560 6 The mysterious word Habrakol” which adorns our pages to-day is not the magic formula of some secret sect of dabblers in the art of the unknown. Fantastic and unusual as at first it may appear, the name has been aptly chosen to distinguish a material which
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  • 88 6 THE KULIM CASE. Accused Found Guilty. {From Our Own Correspondent O Alor Star, February 23. The Kedah Court of Appeal yesterday reversed the decision of the High Court in the case of Syed Abdulrahman Aljunid and Wong Ah Ghee. Both were found guilty and Syed Aljunid was
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  • 78 6 Singapore, February 24. CFrom Our Own Correspondent In the tennis matches Singapore won one Singles and one Doubles and Penang one Singles, [A private telegram states that in the Singles Foo Soo Wan beat the Singapore representative by three sets to one. In our announcement of
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  • 77 6 To-day’s Quotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $88.50, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $89.12£, business done (125 tons sold) and in London at .£lBl 10s. spot and three months’ sight. A special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange gives the following prices in
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  • 976 6 Of No Importance Does it mean that the Young Turks are being ousted from the control of things in Constantinople Anyhow, there is a fine Old Turkish touch about the communique which say that Erzorum was abandoned because it is of no military importance. The same will apply
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 NOW owr THE BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR GERMAN ODOL, This preparation gives perfeet Satisfaction to regular ODOL users. It is the most effectual germicidal agent for the mouth and teeth. PBICE: 85 cents. Thc George Town Dispensary, Ltd., PENANG.„TAIJPJNG LE£tL 0 0 0 to. o CONTRACTORS TO THE Admiralty India Office
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  • 624 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. enemy attack in force. Partial Success. London, February 22, 5.10 p.m. p ar is communique Jstates that at Artois in the dusk the Germans attacked force at Bois de Givenchy and succeeded in penetrating the first trench which was completely wrecked on a
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  • 645 7 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. GOVERNMENT PROPOSAL. Tebate ia the Lords. London, February 22. t It is stated that the Government thinks 1 that, for the purpose of the enforcement of l the blockade against Germany, it was 1 desirable to have a single Minister to cot ordinate
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  • 574 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SUPPLY OF .WAR MATERIAL; Paris, February 22. The new Japanese Ambassador, M. 1 Matsui, interviewed on his arrival at Marseilles, said that all the Japanese fac--1 tories were working for the Russians. The output had not yet reached its maximum, but already
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  • 617 7 (Reuter’s Service) Copyright Telegram. FALL OF ERZERUM. Turkish Losses. Petrograd, February 22. t The Turkish losses at Eizirum were 40,000. I Turkish Explanation." London, February 22. A Turkish communique states that for military reasons the Ottoman Army had been withdrawn from Erzerum to a position westward of
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  • 708 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ENTHUSIASTIC SCENES. Tsar's Visit. Petrograd, February 22. The Tsar made a surprise visit to the Duma on its re-assembling and received a warm ovation from the members who repeatedly sang the National Anthem Enthusiasm prevailed throughout Hi B Majesty’s stay. He received
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  • 183 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. L.C.C.’S CONGRATULATIONS. London, February 23, At a meeting of the London County Council a resolution was adopted with acclamation congratulating Lord Chelmsford on his appointment as Viceroy of India and assuring him of the esteem of hii colleagues and of their confidence that he
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  • 58 7 {From. Our Ovjn Correspondent Singapore, February 24. The report of Tapah Rubber Estate shows an available profit of $164,703 from which $53,000 had been paid in dividends. Out of the balance a sum of $25,000 was recommended to be put to the reserve, The report recommends a
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  • 15 7 The s. 8. Khiva arrived at Port Said on hte 21st instant.
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  • 416 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 3. —The Sea-Affairs. Holland’s Chronic War. Another Reply to Bystander. 4. The Winning Shot.” German Socialist Split. Kaiser Ambushed. 5. —P.C. C. Tennis Tournament. Queen Marys’ Needlework Guild. Full Court of Appeal. Anazac,” Coroner’s Inquest. 8. —Negro Psychology.
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  • 1012 8 •avaoe Man in Central Africa A Study of Primitive Races in the French Congo. By Adolph Louis Cureau. Translated by E. Andrew. (Fisher Unwin, 17s. 6d. net) It has become a point cf honour with modern travellers to pretend to some tech- 1 nical knowledge of modern anthropology.
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  • 37 8 Members are hereby reminded that a Club Handicap Shoot tirill take place on Saturday afternoon the 26th inst, shooting commencing at 3.30 p.m. The competition is Rapid w^i *****^' Rapid at 600 yards
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  • 831 8 A Detailed Acc unt. S Sourabaya, February 17. A was caused throughout the island on Monday afternoon when it be came known that local aviation had claimed iis first victim in the person of his Excellen I cy Lieutenant-General J P. Michielsen, Commander-in Chief of the Dutch
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  • 100 8 To DAT. Pungah, for Belawan and Batu Bahra, 10 a.m. Calypso, for Tongkah, 12.30 p.m. Ban Lee, for Belawan and Langsa. 1 p.m. Perlis, for Trang, Tongkah, and Pang Nga, 1.30 p m Namsang for Calcutta Durban, 1.30 p.m. Alma, for Deli, 2 p.m. Pin Seng, for Ringoon.
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  • 940 8 Some Particulars as to How it is Run [To the Editor of the Free Press i Sir, lam a sailor, —rating, petty officer, i —on board one of H.M. ships, at present in harbour. A party of us bad leave on Saturday night, and we spent the
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  • 509 8 Yunnan b Difficulties. The rebels connected with the secession of Yunnan consist of two elements, the civil and the military sections. The civil element is powerless and plays only an unimportant part in the rebellion. Of the military section, General Tang Chi yao had originally no intention
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  • 361 8 Singapore, February 24 At the Singapore Rubber Auction 412 tons of rubber were offered for sale and 263 tons were sold at tbe following prices Smoked Sheets 8171 to 8181 per picul Good 8153 8170 Fine plain... 8165 $166 Good 8156 Unsmoked 8 <62 $165 Good 8145
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  • 612 8 A TYPICAL CASE OF WAR EARNINGS. (From a Shipping Correspondent.) As indicating the large profits now being made by owners the case of the British steampr Elmmoor may be given. This steamer, of 3 744 tons, built in 1910, belongs to the Moor Line, of which Messrs. Runciman
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 37 8 A Forty Years’ TestChamberlain’s Coueh Remedy has been curing coughs and colds for the past forty years and has gained in popularity every year. What better recommendation is required P For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 64 8 MaN do you kuow the danger of neglecting a cbiL Cbi'ls lead to pneumonia and a score of other dangerous disorders. Be prudent, and at the first sign of a chill take a dose or two of WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. the medicine that should never be absent from the
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    • 58 8 NOTICE. The 8.8 Hong Kheng, Captain J. Mason, is expected to arrive here from Rangoon on Saturday, the 26th instant, and will leave for the above ports on Monday, the 28th instant, at 4 p m. For Fre’ght or passage apply to Mbmas CHIN HIN Cot., 63, Beach Street, Penang.
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    • 185 8 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. 1«. 6d. PENANG SALES ROOM. The undersigned is instructed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, AT FORT CORNWALLIS, On Friday, the 25th February, 1916, AT 11-30 A. M. Unserviceable Clothing, confiscated property and Intestate Estate, etc. Tkbms Cash before delivery. KOH
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    • 573 8 W ANTED. First class estate clertt be able to typewnte writing to the undersigned. In Sd BROWN, PHILLIPS 4 STEWART 84a Agent,, J urH BiUUu, Ltt GOVERNMENT OF KEDAft WANTED an Immigration Clerk a Interpreter; must hare a English and Tamil education, and be aW to apeak Malay; a knowledge
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 2303 9 The Subscription List will be closed on Saturday, the 4th day of March, 1916. A Copy of this Prospectus lias been filed with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies. HABRAKOL SYNDICATE, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN THE S.S. UNDER THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE 1915.) AUTHORISED CAPITAL. 15,000 Ordinary Shares of $lO each $150,000.
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  • 1244 10 By na Ssxubxck. Now that I am a aoldier, I notice in tba Army many thinga that are reminiaoent of the daya when I sailed the deep aeaa in ■ailing ahipa—not in the tool-box contraptiona that to-day are called ships. The other morning, on battalion parade, I had
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  • 861 10 There would be a certain indelicacy in saying exactly where Green’s is. To begin with, everybody who knows anything knows that. It is, of course, in Clubland, and in what may be called the Faubourg ”of Clubland, for it is the oldest club in LondonBefore it was
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 36 10 Tickling in the Throat. Even the slightest stickling or hoarseness in the throat may ba the forerunner of a dangerous illness. Stop it at ones with Ohamblain's Clough Remedy For sale by all Dispensaries and Deals.
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    • 150 10 a COMPANY. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR: kinds of ELECTRICAL t Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work. Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: HE STERLING TELEPHONE CO., LID Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can be Started on Receipt
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  • 1933 11 The year Sixteen has not been particularly memorable in the historical sphere. Military events have had a singular knack of being concluded between the years Twelve and Fifteen, and in immediately subsequent years nations have been occupied collectively in licking their wounds. The memories suggested by the year Sixteen
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  • 219 11 When vegetable food ferments it causes lour rising in the throat, the formation of gas in the stomaoh which distends it and causes pain often extending to the region of the heart and arousing a fear of heart disease. This condition is called add dyspepsia. Heartburn, a name
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 357 11 bH In Edinburgh for 135 years. tfi i£ bfi JAMES STEWART established our House in Edinburgh in the year 1779, an d since that time we have concentrated our energies on one object, viz., the production of the finest possible Scotch Whisky. The result is just this, that our knowledge
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    • 81 11 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract tho contagious disease when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fevot and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medioal authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure
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    • 51 11 Don't Risk Pneumonia. Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible. It in the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, but the offeeb is marvellous. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 345 11 Extract from Government Circular note of the 10th October, 1901, for General information K. C. Dass, has,...without doubt, been very successful in his line of treatment and has acquired a most onviable reputation amongst all classes...who flocked to him daily in large numbers for the benefit and comfort of his
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1621 12 P. O B. I. AND APCAR LINE t* (Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. S? Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan.) Due Penans Steamer. MarMar. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May Jane 3 18 1 15 29 12 26 10 24 Namur
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