Straits Echo, 22 February 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1084 1 H4Sfi*AID 1 natuM For Cars on Hire < BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China |Th EMPIRE "77* Uttle Ariilacm*"’ Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Mftor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars and
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    • 11 1 Ĕ’S MIBK WSWFAMTS *»eflisTM*jr «r SMSS am r-t >« Sr *asr EE
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  • 3267 2 There are British disciples of Prussian Realpo'itik who are only happy in the con- ▼iction that their country has been actuated by no motive higher than that of mere self- interest; and some have worked themselves into what seems to them a state
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  • 208 2 Some people are naturally thin. T' #r? it also a natural pallor but most people who are bvtu thin anu pale are far from and thev reed a tonic. Many people neglect to take a tonic until they get so sick that a tonic is not sufficient just
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 148 2 r-H ‘*r.v i«' > irC! 4 u «HO 7« 14* Tls In out-of-the-way Places 1 Hor lick’s Malted Milk proves a veritable boon, i for it is made in a moment with the addition of water only. It keeps indefinitely, and for camp life is an indispensable stand-by. It solves
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    • 280 2 Methylated Spirits. (QUALITY GUARANTEED). Wholesale Price $5.50 per tin of 4 gallons. Retail Priee 25 cents per quart bottle OBTAINABLE AT CHEAHKEE EE&CO., 56, CHINA STREET, PENANG. The Eastern Produce Exchange in offering their services to the public, beg to announce that they also undertake to negotiate Loans, do General
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    • 77 2 PLANTS 5c FEUNS. FOR* COMPOUND HO SE (Inspection invited.) 15 17a, Northam Road t pbsasq Rubber Machinery FOE Washing Crepping and Sheeting IN ALL SIZES. EARLY DELIVERY. Bessemer Semi-Diesel (Crude Oil) Engines. The most reliable, economical and simple engines for Rubber factories and Mines. No valves, no complications, no skilled
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  • 1068 3  -  (Bt Tuan Weight.) f Now as I walked between the hedges, hedges bare enough except for infrequent j ivy (and once a holly clump) and played I with melancholy because mv trees were all naked, and the springtime yet afar off, I was cross-examining my demon i whether
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  • 403 3 {From Our Own Correspondent Bukit Mertajam, February 21. At the Bukit Mertajam Police Court before Mr. Q. A. Hereford to-day, a Malay named Raj ib bin Kahar pleaded guilty to a charge of using an unregistered bullock cart. The accused was convicted and sentenced to pay a
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  • 302 3 There is revolt in China, but even in the country itself nobody knows what precise significance to attach to these movements in the south, the west and the north. The elements of unrest have taken advantage of any feeling there may be against the decision to
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  • 311 3 Although the price of raw rubber declined again to day, says the P.Af Q. of January 14, the market position is quite sound. Even if the commodity should recede in value another shilling per pound the majority of companies would be able to produce rubber at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 800 3 WANTED. GHARRY (without a pony or harness) in good condition. Offers «fating lowest price to 71 BOX No. 21. Consulate for the Netherlands. notice. The right to fish piarl shells, mother-of-pearl shells and tripang in the whole district of the Residency Rhio and its Dependencies for the period from 1st
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    • 656 3 f[JIV jsmr vrr. zszikmuamz <o a < z o E& C b &£r tes E&VP _2II c.—? Fabrique de *~s> CigarettesEgyptiennes MASPERO FREKES riffir BoutonM, Rouge f*suraoj /A* SPtRO FRtBtS Ltp oi.n'tu. «isu*ijrv«<va> tel '.’<'1 FELUCCA "5- j MASPERO m plJLg FR^RHs r MASPERO FRERESLrD CANS IEUR MANUFACTURE AU TO-NIGHT
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  • 91 4 Pabliabed daily (except Suadaya and po&Hc holidays) AT Tl'3 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang Faxes. Daily Local m. 524 per aauitta. OwtcUbion... Postage Extra. ftgail Edition (Post Fro?) 517.59 CASTS AEDZ923 ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. Echo, 553 Printing Department 2D33 If. 6. —All bu«’**9j «•oemur,
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  • 1391 4 A correspondent writes to us fren Ku ila Lumpur To the Editor of the St.aits Echo. I Dear Sir, One hears a great deal cf gup in this Fedora Capiial aliout what will occur to tin Germhuns and Coy after the war. They are t< be rigorously
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  • 757 4 A KULIM CASE. PROMINENT PENANG TRADER CHARGED. The Kedah Appeal Court, which consists of the Legal Adviser, Mr. W. S Gibsor, and three members nominated by the Ohiet Judge, sits at Alor Star to-day to hear an appeal from tho High Court ia a case which lias
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  • 156 4 Ecsuh cf Tennis Match. (.From Our Oxen Correspondent^ Singapore. February 22. The Penang Chinese Recreation Club team has arrived here. A comprehensive programme has been drawn up. In tbs Tennis Doub’e3 yesterday evening the S. C. R. C. beat the Penang team in each of tho
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  • 999 4 1 he Great Fish Joke. Universal military service ia KncrlanH;.. cries the Hamburger Nachrichten* .1 enough to make the fish m 11,1 laugh.” At any rate the fish i n ij an Ce&B waters must be having a fine tine"»!* haven t been worried by ships in motion
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 152 4 NOW ON RAliis: su L A DOL THE BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR t*. 4 GERMAN ODOL. This preparation gives per- feet Satisfaction to regular ODOL users. It is the most effectual germicidal agent for the mouth and teeth. PRICK: S 5 cents. Thc George I asary, Ltd a 5 PENANG, TASPING
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  • 588 5 (Reuter's Service) Copyright Telegram. CAPTURE OF MUSH. Turkish Communications Cut. Petrograd, February 21. The capture by tho Russians of the towns of Mush and Akhlat gravely affects tho Turkish positions and completely cuts off the communications between the north and the south, preventing the Turkish forces from
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  • 560 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Teleeram. FRENCH OPERATIONS. A Lull, London, February 20, 435 pm. A Paris communique states that there is nothing to report. Air-Raid on Cambrni Aerodrome. London, February 20, 11.45 p m. A (British) communique states that our aeroplanes made a successful night raid on the
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  • 76 5 To-day’a Quotations. Tin (unrefined) i. quoted here to-day at *87.50, buyer, no Feller,. S >”8»f. r8 < r fined)at$87.87J. busme., done (.,9 ton, sold) and in London at «£180 os. spot “TSSu tbe Eastern Produce Exchange gives the following pneas in the London Rubber Market: Diamond Smoked
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  • 387 5 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. MR. BONAR LAW INTERVIEWED. New York, February 20. In a striking interview Mr. Bonar Law said that the Allies were greatly improving in their direction of the war and in unity of control. He dwelt on the disadvantages of (democracies in prosecuting
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  • 236 5 Trade ia 1915. (From On? Oion Correspondent,") Ipob, February 21. The Annual report of the Perak Chamber of Commerce, covering the year 1915, was submitted to and passed by the meeting of the members oft he Chamber held this afternoon, Rising Freights. Mr. Garland, the President,
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  • 721 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. INDUSTRIAL DISTRESS. Sir Edward Grey's Memorandum. London, February 20Sir Edward Grey, in a Memorandum cn the industrial distress in Belgium, says that Great [Britain off ered months ago to S9nd raw material for the industries in Belgium through the Relief Commission, provided that Germiny
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  • 729 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. AMERICAN RESENTMENT. BcrrvstoTs Publicity Bureau. 1 New York, Febiuary 21. Resentment exists in Government circles 1 in Washington over tho disgraceful publicity of the methods of Teutonic diplomatists. It is more than hinted that unless the activities, which the Government
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  • 517 5  -  By 3. St. J. Urn Jt'cil. It is not easy to uncterstind how Me. Braddĕll finds time to puri-ue his multifarious activities. He is an enorgetc Municipal Commissioner, a specialist in Education, a writer of successful and at the same time enjoys a deservedly
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  • 187 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams aie from the Sumatra Post cf Friday and Saturday, February 18 and 19 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. The Mine Dancer. Tho Dutch steamer liandoenj bound from Bitavia to li ifterdaui ran on a uiiue in the mouth of tbe Thames.
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  • 31 5 CAPTURE OF LOUrCFIEOW DENIED. Fkench Ccnsulak Caslk Paris, FeO. IP. A message frem Peking says that the Chinese Government, demts tho capture of Loutcheuw by the rebel»;.
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  • 115 5 The following articles will be found oa our outside pages: Puge. 2 British Idealism ajil its Cost ia War. 3.—Dry Bone». J’uhira of Rubber. The llivdc iu China. Bukit Mc.rtaj.iin C tsea. y 6. —War .News anil Gossip, The State of Feeling in Rtujsii. 'Belgian Relief Fund. P L.
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  • 2003 6 Avxeaok Like is the Tbknchrs. Loudon, January 27. Recent statistics on the subject show that the average life of a battalion of infantry on the various fronts where lighting takes place regularly is about seven mouths’ duration. This estimate takes in the proportion of killed, wounded,
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  • 1971 6 It goes without saying, since Russia has entered the war and is carrying it on with comparatively great energy, that the antiGerman policy of the nation is predominant It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that this decisive body of opinion is homogeneous.
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  • 460 6 Bar’s Congratulations to Chief Justice. Tbe Full Court of Appeal opened this morning in the Supreme Court before the Chief Justice, Sir J.A Bucknill, Mr. Justice Edmonds and Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden. There are altogether fifteen cases on the list, and a motion. Of the
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  • 404 6 To-day, Hslenus for Colombo and Dhanushkodi, Durban and London, 9.30 am. Indragri, for Deli and Langsa, 10 a.m. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca, 12.30 p.m. Rochussen, for Singapore, 12 30 p.m. Pungah, for Belawan and Batu Bahra, 1 p.m. Hebe, for Bagan Ditch and Teluk
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  • 102 6 Feb. 11 By Balance An 21 Ladies’ Bridge Win* ning at Golf Club, monthly contribution Mrs. W. Motion The employees of The Caledonia Estate Cum-Section J a n. subscription as follows W B Sim Aa L V Lowe L F Smith {'-g W M Miller G Phillips
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  • 126 6 The following were the scores made by the P. L. R. C, at Kampong Bahru yesterday Del. Firing. .9 CD 0D rT 'a ro w oc a .2 -g jj, S 8 S-S ho Mrs Liston 30 25 34 89 Miss Smith 26 29 29 84
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  • 408 6 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow:— Mixed Doubles A. Miss Pritchard and A S Hall vs Mrs Strivon and Newton Mrs Crabb-Watt and Forest vs Mrs Ebden and V G Savi. Mixed Doubles B. Mr and Mrs C D D Hogan vs Mr and Mrs
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 36 6 A Forty Years’ TestChamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been curing coughs and colds for the past forty years and has gained in popularity every year. What better recommendation is required For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 36 6 Tickling, in the Throat. Even the slightest stickling or hoarseness in the throat may be the forerunner of a dangerous illness. Stop it at once with Chamblain’s Cough Remedy For «ale by all Dispensaries and Deals.
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    • 70 6 Digestive troubles. What a world of misery those worlds represent, and yet the disorder can quickly be corrected by course of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, a medicine that is particularly efficacious in cases of indigestion, flatulence, acidity of the stomach. If you are affected in this way, buy a bottle
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  • 1550 7 In the January number of the Agricultural Bulletin Mr. W. N. C. Belgrade, in some note? on the fungus diseases of coffee in Malaya, says: These notes record observations made during the past year. Owing to the limited and diminishing area under coffee, and to the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 494 7 w yr i WmW 1 i £5*.. 's; VST w V <•• V X J m Vp C\T oV 0 #5 \W77 Effisi mu i.i* -^dj y r»HAOL MA V> o l? “CHOP KOTA 19 SOLE AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILL CO.. LTD (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG. SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. cc mo:
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    • 81 7 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious disease when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure
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    • 172 7 TRY SLOT Brandy. Produce of France. ONE STAR THREE STAR SIX STAR Finest on the Market. MIOTMo. 35, Beach Street, Penang. Extract from Government Circular note of the 10th October, 1901, for General information K. 0. Doss, has,...without doubt, been very successful in his line of treatment aDd has acquired
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1637 8 F. O.—B. L AND APCAR LINK (Incorporated in England.) Mail and PMsenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan») Steamer. Connecting with Malta Nagoya Namur Nankin Novara Malta Nyanza Namur Nankin Khiva Mooltan Kashgar Arabia Kashmir Medina Mongolia M&lwa Kaisar-I-Hind INTBRMEDIATE DIRECT
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