Straits Echo, 21 February 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 38 1 Straits Echo CtfßONitLe OF EVENTs. ttRCtiUTIKG t aßiii GHOl" Tit;. 7/MTS, TBB FEDERATE!) MALAY STATES AN!) THE FAR BAST QBNBRAE VOL. 14. $24 Per Acnu% PEN AM G, MONDAY, 2ist FEBKUAKY, 1916. Single Copy, 10 cents. No. 40.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1097 1 fflMPAID k£ i to NATU For Cars on Hire BANKS /Rf^ rv. «ft empire "The Lillie Adatom*’' Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL C BARTER. Pa dup Capital w X 1,200,000 Reserve
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    • 11 1 vte+y WHICH SEST fME eii '•icction* o* c is Kl BS
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 1476 3 Mr. Alfred Spender, in his Latter to the Antipodes,” writes as follows in the Wtstmintter Gazdte: 1 win c* ute s to you that I had some qualms hbcut the Prime Minister's pledge, but none at all about its redemption. Having worked under it in my
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  • 428 3 I know of little hills that stand alone, A ell inland from the Yaugtse River s mouth \nd there a stone-cut Buddha faces south. But for his bulk I’d take him for mine own. Vi d place him in an ale >ve safe from cold ind heat and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 WHY NOT all that a pen SHOULD BE. GET A you carry a Swan Fountpen you are always readv to “jot it down.” The “Swan” has uo intricate or delicati) parts— —con- *1 soquenlly it never out of order, ii id is always ready to write without adjiMtiug or coaxing.
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    • 72 3 Don't Ccujh. It is absurd to allow a cough to bang on and sap vour vitality when Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cure you You don’t know where a persistent cough will land yon You can’t afford to allow your throat and lungs*o become diseased when it is such a simple
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    • 31 3 NO LAXATIVES are so gentle and effective as PINKETTES that’s why children can safely take them. Of ehumu'», por rhi*l. orp««t (m from ha Dr. Williami’ Mediaiuo Co., Dept- fc, Singsporo
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    • 697 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • 2171 4  -  Bt EUGENE MONTFORT. "The Frenchman is no peace soldier”, says Marshal N-y. Aud this remark, coming from a man wbo I knew tbe French soldier so well, is abso- I iuteiy true. It is as true no-day as it was a century ago. We get bored io
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  • 313 4 THE REAL CAUSE OP THINNE33. i A PhY'lcijln s Adticb, Most tbin people eit tr<>m tour to six pounds of good solid fat making food eveiy d*y and Btill do not inc eisw iu weight 01 1 ounce, while ou the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 12 4 For Gbildren’i Haoking Comgh at Nigkt, Woods' M Mpparaiat Ow. It M
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    • 206 4 For Sale. SHARE TRANSFER FORMS ft PRICE: S CENTS EACH OK $1.50 PER HUNDRED The Criterion Press. Ltd. 69. BEACH STBEKT, PENANQ. THE Newest Luck Charm, Luckiest cf all Luck Charm,. <*8 THE FOIH-LEAFSD CLOVER Ig going to be more worn than any other Luck Cb>irm thin year. This haa
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    • 333 4 WARNING. All persons are cautioned againtt making unauthorised use of Reuter't Service of News, and any person or persons found infringing the Copy, right Ordinance of the Straits Settlements will be strictly dealt with in accord Mice with the provisions o that Ordinance. REUTER, Pmano. The ftnglo-Japanese Dispensary, 393 a
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  • 432 5 DIRECTORS* it KF 'ET. The Directors’ report on tbe operations of tbe Company for tbe six months ended 31-t August, 1915, is as follows Tbe Mauaging D rector’s R port deals very fully with tbe dredging operations during the period. Shareholders will note the expression
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  • 380 5 SUBSCRIPTIONS OP CHINESE IN MALAYA. Millions of Dolars for the Motherland. Very strenuous aud systematic (Sorts are beiDg made at tbe present turn, says the Malaya Tribune by our Chinese fellowsui j~its ot tbe King throughout the Colony and tbo Federated MaLy States to raise s vt-ral
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  • 137 5 At a meeting of Rom in Catholics, including Several ladies, which was held at the Parish Hall yesterday morning it was decided to establish a Society in Penang to be c died The Pen*n; Catholic BeuevoiD’ Association, tbe obj ct being to grant towards the funeral
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  • 393 5 A very pleasant afternoon was spent at Kampong Bharu on Saturday afternoon last, wben a handicap competition took pl»ce between the members of the above club and the Penang Volunteers at the 300 and 200 yards ranges. The attendance was not quite as good as it
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  • 505 5 (Comn.utoicated An interesting function took place at the Captain Kling Mosque Grounds on Friday the 18 h instant ia connection with tie Min*ret now in course of erection. Messrs. W. Peel (President, Endowments Board) H. C. Sell-* (Secretary, Endowments Board) H. G. Sarwar, Haji Z'kariab, Mas Abdul
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 195 5 j < Ld U) O Ul X J < <3 Ui 0. (0 V) m z < z < z o 3 CO o t/i j < r o9 r WSCOTCH WHISKY H t r •AMES BUCHANAN «<*h=^gg X x LOMO oN OtASOOW e*i > r r "SOMETHING TO CROW
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    • 424 5 m Co C a s?/ S3 EGVPl sLw-- Jzz-.!*r. mhkTTX SSi f V **agj§ c— Fabrique DE »--> CIGAR ettes EGYPTI en n es 113 •r BoutonKRouge r>wni *>■ s ‘-‘a o Maspcho Freaks lr<> >uum a gg FELUCCA > HasperO I freres w- Fabaiquc pap MASPERO FRERESlutWfeV DANS IIU«
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  • 1072 6 London, Februarv 20. Lord Chelmsford has been made a Privy C >unci lor. For Soldiers and Non-Coms. B 'nut to Continue ia Serv er. Lnilon, Februiry 20 The soldiers and non-coms who have com pip ted their original enlistment for twelve years or for any further period
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  • 94 6 Published daily (except Sued*»» uid p*buc holiday*) AT THI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Pkiob. Daily Local m* $24 por OatatatiOD... Postage Extra Mail Edition (Port Frao) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone No*. Echo 58® Printing Departnent 343 1f.4,— A1l ®*ni«ooo*tic»» «iooW iv»
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  • 1406 6 Every now and then one hears seme ineligible (.u the military sense) visiter from England remarking in tones of surprise and reproof upau the large number of young Britons of military age who still remain in comfort and security in this country while their fellows at Home
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  • 750 6 Dr. E. Glennie, District Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, has returned from home. I Mr. H, C. Pratt, F.M.S. Government j Entomologist, resigned his post on Bth ultimo. Mr. A, S. Small is appointed to act as A D. 0., Krian, with effect from the January 29th, 1916- Mr.
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  • 1038 6 An Excellent Object. Apropos of Sir Arthur Young’s graceful gift to the Aid Society, we read in a Singapore contemporary that This sum has beeD gifted by his Exoslleacv to the society on condition that it is used m th* nucleus of an endowment fund, the interest only
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1171 6 You can’t argue with facts. y vv'\ it yj sv J- v- A. H. Uaden*8 (England) “New Comet” Two Stroke Motor Cycle lias pleased thousands, it will please you also. For a man residing within 20 mile? of a town and requiring a conveyance, he cannot do better than ride
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  • 634 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. king to the tsar. London, February 18. His Majesty King George has sent a meMiige to the Tsar conveying his heartiest congratulations for the splendid achievement of your gallant troops at Erierum after such hard fighting which, I trust, will bare far-reaching effects.”
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  • 581 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. french operations. Lull Bcforg tke Storm. London, February 18, 4.50 p.mA Paris communique says that the night was calm. Miaor Artillery Bombardments, London, February 18, 11.45 pm. A Paris communique states that our artillery bombarded a position north of the Ypres—Comines Canal. The
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  • 583 7 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ROUSING AIR FIGHT. Aviatik Brought Dowa. Salonika, February 18. A rousing air fight took place north of Salonika. A French aeroplane tackled an aviatik which was photographing the French lines and drove the Prussian pilot and the officer to the ground. The German officer
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  • 377 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. MR. REDMOND'S MANIFESTO. An Irish Army, Led by Irishmen. London, February 18. Mr. John Redmond, in a minifesto to the Irish people, recalls his appeal at the beginning of the war for an Irish Army, led by Irishmen, and trained in Ireland.
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  • 366 7 To-day’s Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 183, business done, and iu Singapore (refined)at 583 62;, business done (125 tons sold). In the ordinary course the contract with the P. and O. Steam Navigation Company for the conveyance of the weekly mails to and from India and
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  • 739 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. Country's Huge Burden. LondoD, February 19. The Daily Telegraph states that a further vote of credit of w£420,000.000 will make the total votes sanctioned by Parliament £2, 082,000,000. A satisfactory feature is the rapidity with which the revenue is coming in. It is
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  • 918 7 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Post of Wednesday and Thursday, February 16 and 17 HOLLAND AND THE WAR, The Flooded Districts. It is xpacted that Queen Wilhelmina and Princess Juliana will pay a visit to the flooded districts. THE WESTERN FRONT.
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  • 1013 8 K -gelations made bv tun Cbi< f Secretary IJ io Gov*»tuuieui uud**r the Rom-tv« F**teeanu I Civn Gua-d Enactment pub iahwd y current FM 8 Government o>f tie A jvmU'hl of tbn in shown 111»» lb** Offi"*» 0 111 maud mg iho V<duut****r F uce and
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  • 808 8 Johori Rubber Estate Being Floated the fUi'scnpi'ou list ot S u t-i. Limited, wilt close- at 3 p. OU Weduesday, February 23. tor the Colony and the F.M 8. and catious from outside will Ibo received up to Tu-sdav, February V 9 The directors of the company are
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  • 162 8 [To the Editor of thk Tines of Mihya Dear Sir.—l havs to.dav cabled the War Office the balance of 34 8 X) for the “Jaff'ia” Armoured Gun plane "Fighter” costing £2 250. The splendidly patriotic gift from the small community of Ceylon Tamils in the F.
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  • 321 8 Mr Harries’ Xi vs Mr Clark’s XL I A v-ry luteiesnutf bx’Uie w-tt» p u tbe EspUnHde >n 9iiurd«y a temoon be i «veeu the ab >ve Eirv-ns resuming iu a vie I t *ri f>r Mr. Harrie-’ team bv 13 iuos. R F R i.t plajel in fi
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  • 580 8 The Malay Pexinsula. In the stiugile betwreu war conditions aud rubber for paramount it fiuence in th* \lal»y Peoinsula the latter has come out on t*p. Thant-s to a larve’v lDcr* ased output aud a rise in price from 2s. to 4-. the F>do rated Malay
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  • 254 8 Gold Medal tor 1915. The play for this c «mpelitioa resulted as ollowy E Winfield 46+51=97- 18=79 C C Rogers 43+3-I=Bl Sc* =Bl i G B Fi'Z'erald 49 +*s 94 12=82 F B Martin 4'+4< 84—8« r =B4 VG Ezchiel 47 48=95 10=95 C M Henderson 50+
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  • 108 8 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh. Feb'mry 21. The Military Tournament held on the Ipoh Padang during the week end was highly successful All the events were productive of keen competition. The rpsults wore as follows Reveille Race Teluk Anson Team. Bitnb Throwing —(l) Corporal Salter (Batu G»j
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  • 70 8 The F *brnary Mon«hiy Modal Competi *i n. 100 yard*» handicap, was held at the Swimming Club on Sunday morniDg with the following result Start. Is* C.A. Psdday 6 seconds 2ndS.A Til 3 3rd W H Threlfill 10 There were 7 starters and Mr. Paddav wen bv
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  • 332 8 (i+D77i Our Own Correspondents Ipoh, February 21. At the M.R.V R “At Horae” to the Ldies on Sunday morning the competition for the quaint old Birds Shield resulted in some fin» shooting. It was won by No. 12 section (Teluk Anson We have received from the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 604 8 WANTED. A GHARRY (without a pony or harness) in x od condition, i. ffcrt stating lowest price to 74 BOX No. 21. NOTICE. THE business of the George Town Bill Posting and Advertising Aitmcy, which has hitherto been conducted by tb* late Mr. F. H. Hawkins, will be carried on
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    • 10 8 For Chronio Chest Complaints, Woods' Gh-aat Peppermint Owe la. 6d
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    • 74 8 Don't Ccugh. It- is absurd to allow a c»ugb to bang on and sap v«»ur vitality when CbambprlaiD’s Cough Rpnudy will cure you You d<n’t know where a ppmistent cugh will land you Y' U can’t bffoid to allow your tbroat, and lungs to bpcome diseased when it is such
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    • 81 8 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious disease whnn they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold That is why all medical autboiities Bay beware of colds. For the quick cu<a
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    • 524 8 3XT OTICB LABOUR CODE, 1312, F.M.S. Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance, 19l| EMPLOYERS OK INDIAN LAbOUR are b«r» by reminded that assessment luiuiDß for the preceding quaiter must be sent to the Office of the D puty Controller of Labour, Peuang, during the months of April, July, Odtobar and January. Forms
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  • 1012 9 Para* Woax. It has to be done, so let us get it ovei quickly. There is a confession to make N >w, —»tand by,— Weave no better than the Oermnnt in the matter of ante-bel um miscalculations J Granted that they exc-l us m the
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  • 1129 9  -  By Sib Lno Chiozes Money, M.P. In the year 1900 our exports of British r produce and manufactures reached the uu precedented total of 42^1,000,' 00.000, and in November of that, year they were worth X24.600.000 Suppose that in that year I anyone had decVed that
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 529 9 MOTOR CYCLES. B BA. Motor Cycle 4J H P. Cum Mt-Chain Drive ti 3$ H.P. Fixed Engine Premier Motor Cvcle il} H P. Massey H*rrie Motor Cycle 3$ H,P. Radeo Motor Cycle 2 Stroke 2$ H P. Premier Motor Cycle 2J H P. (2nd band) JE 8. Motor Cycle If
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    • 38 9 A Forty Yean’ TestChamherla n’s Ooutrh Remedy has beeD earing coughi end cold* for the past forty years an H has gained in popularity every year. What better recommendation is repaired F Tor sale hf all Dispensaries and
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    • 80 9 TRY SLOT Brandy. Producefof France. ONE STAR THREE STAR SIX STAR Finest on the Market. y. SLOT i Co. 35, Beach Street, Penang. Methylated Spirits. (QUALITY GUARANTEED). Wholesale Price $5.00 per tin of 4 gallons. Retail Price 25 cents per quart bottle; OBTAINABLE AT CHEAHKEE EE&CO., 66, CHINA 8TREET, PENANO.
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  • 1889 10 Sit-Back in thi Commodity—Outlook ii Siak —Pkospkcts ok Pahang Consolidated. The set-back in the price of the com modity has called a halt to Rubber share activity, but has failed to bring out more than a negligible quantity of weak selling. This is as it should be, for
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 Don't Risk Pneumonia. Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible. It is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, but the effect is marvellous. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 77 10 With the distressing moist heat of thi* tropical climate one is apt to get a bad; chill, always most dangerous because tbtliver or kidneys are affected, and with either out of order a diseased condition may be set up. WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, is the finest comctive of a body
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    • 204 10 > V ros. &G o. SOLE AGENTS FOR Have much pleasure in announcing the arrival of THE NEW MODEL No. 10. m it h s a» BR Jts* V* 90* M /5 2 a Tt FH n> P* o R OVa. UP(,w RlTE^c SA IQ PRICE LIST. HEAVY MODELS. NEW
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  • 1092 11 Ten IVD AV lOpTINOSST. London, January 8 The departure of the Indian Conti ig~ni of the Expeditionary Force for auother field of action deserves more than a passing notice. The employment of so large a portion of the Army of ladia in a European struggle was a well
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  • 870 11 Rbvolvibs, tii Ran Fnae, awn a Cuoumbub. The tale of two revolvers. Once upon a time Brer Hun blew up a mine—in the wrong place. He always does. Anyway it left a dangerous crater between the two lines, and A Company of the British sent out an officer
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 306 11 jr*>' «T m 1 1«. -N S 5 i\>o /4 a«8 w I LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEE 1916 PRICE LIST. SOLE ACENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN l CO., LTD (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. ifi sfi bii Sfi I fi ifj _n sr SR SR Si jjj I
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    • 81 11 Barer* of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagions disease when they hare colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure
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    • 138 11 I g> wt •,>**''» '“•i Hurtl SSTiIn out-of-the-way Places Hor lick’s Malted Milk proves a veritable boon, for it is made in a moment with the addition of water only. It keeps indefinitely, and for camp life is an indispensable stand-by. It solves the milk question. It feeds the tired
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1506 12 P. o. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incobporathd in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan.) Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with Feb. 21 Mar. 3 Mar 17 Apr. 1 Apr. 14 Apr. 29 May 12 May 26 June 10 June 24 Novara
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