Straits Echo, 18 February 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1109 1 ILKMAI]} V !UgD NATUE^i < BANKS. > for Cars on Hire EMPIRE "The Little Aristocrat Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Mitor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars and Cycles undertaken by expert Mechanics. Largest Dealers
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    • 11 1 LĔ'S MHsK «wttea UST tSTHE r^CTJONI U*£ »o» *aar ESS S
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 4674 3 THIRTIETH ANNUAL REPORT. The Thirtieth Annual General Meeting ,f the Members of the Penang Chamber Commerce will be held in the Chamber on Tuesday, the 29th of February, 1916, at 3 o’clock. Business. 1 To receive and pass the Annual Report and Accounts for 1915. .>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 972 4 The saying, a prophet is not without honour save m bis own country” ia peculiar* ly true with regard to the British, and also with regard to our posseaaiona. Most people resident in the Straits indulge in disparaging criticism of all cur institutions, which is cheap and often
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 206 4 RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, penanc. Telephone Nos. 6J5 8 5«. Proprietor A. KERDYK. T’graphic Address Runnymede Hotel." Manager J. C. Hummelin*. The Most Select Situation on the Sea-Side. Terms: SiDgle rooms from $S per daj upwards. Double rooms from $9 per day upwards. For Monthly terms apply to the Manager. Special arrangements
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    • 71 4 Don't Couth. It is absurd to allow a cough to hang on and sap vour ritality when Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cure you. You don’t know where a persistent cough will land you. You can’t afford to allow your throat and lungs to become diseased when it is such a
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    • 301 4 TRY SLOT Brandy. Produce of France. ONE STAR THREE STAR SIX STAR Finest on the Market. hhiTtko. 35, Beach Street, Penang. FOR SAJjE. 16 Horse Power 2 Cylinder Portable Robey Steam Engine in working order. Apply to BOX No. 69, 67a c/o Straits Echo. February 21st, 1916. SALE OF FULL-SIZE
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  • 518 5 At the inßtaDce of a ricsha coolie named Chan Kooi, Ewe Ka Sin, a driver of one of the Municipal conservancy cars, was yesterday summoned before Mr. Y.Q. Ezecbiel in the Third Court on a charge of driving his motor-car in a manner so rash as to eudanger
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  • 503 5 A Disgraceful Scene. A game of football was played on the Esplanade yesterday evening between the Penang Cricket Club and the Chinese Recreation Club, The latter team is proceeding to the Southern Settlement tomorrow and will play a series of matches there during next week. The game was
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  • 448 5 (From A Strait* Time* Correspondent.) Trengganu, February 11. At 4p m. to-day a very large gathering honoured the remains of Tunku Besar, one of the daughters of H. H. the Sultan of Trengganu, who had been ill for some time and who expired this morning. There were
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  • 448 5 The outputs from the following com paniesforthe first half of February were Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd. Piculs 488 Hours run 253 Chendbriang Tin Dredging Ltd, Dredging piculs 190 Hours run 260 Htdraulio Elevators. Piculs 40 Total output (Chenderiang) 230 General Lombard, who passed through Singapore recently by the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 855 5 FRASER 8 NEAVE LTD. Incorporated in the Straits Settlements. Notice is hereby given that tb« above Company does not sell thy Aersted Water bottles bearing its name gD d Trade Mark. Such bottles are onle lent to customers and any sale or attempted tile of any empty bottles bearing the
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    • 357 5 09 O S3 o; SITES EGtffi c~? Fabrique de »~-> Cigarettes Egyptiennes EROfreres BoutonXRouge 2ST-KV r«B«.au* >*« MaSPEBO pBEBES L t P *i i ia*=w<-.W*jy 001 FELUCCA IMWO i yr Fabrique par "Maspero FreresLtd DANS ICUR AU 'Emmnnm TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT!! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. Present Special
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  • 93 6 Published daily (axeept Sundays and holiday*) ar Tis n CRITERION PRESS, Lsr>. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang PmioB. Daily Local $24 per aj*nsu?t Oatetatioa... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Frae) $17.50 CABLE ADDBBfefl ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noa. (Echo, 53S Printing Department 343 N.H.— AU buoiaooc e*i»<Bun:e*tioa» obouitf bo
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  • 1124 6 Reuter explains at some length this morning the significance of the capture of Erxerum by the army of the Grand-Duke Nicholas, the leader who still remains in the opinion of many well-qualified to judge the great outstanding military figure of the war. There is therefore little need
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  • 81 6 To-day’s Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $87.15. buyers no sellers, |in Singapore (refined) at business done (125 tons sold) and in London at .£lBl spot and three months’ sight. A special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange gives the following prices in the London
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  • 56 6 The February Monthly Medal Competition, viz. 100 yards handicap, will be held at the Swimming Club on .Sunday, 20th February, 1916, at 11-15 a m. Entries will be received up to within half an hour of the start of the race. A list of the handicaps can
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  • 65 6 A Doaatioa. C From Our Own Correspondent.') Singapore, February 18. To the Children’s Aid Society H. E. the Governor has given $1,440, the amount to be refunded to His Excellency by the liquidator of tho Norddentscher Lloyd, on condition that it is used as a nucleus for
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  • 925 6 Mr. Maurice Maude is paying a visit to Penang and is staying at the Crag Hotel. e mm m Mr. W. S. Gibson, Legal Adviser to the Government of Kedah, is in Penang for a few days. e e Mr. E. H. Sharp, K.C., has been appointed
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  • 975 6 Another Tip, Scudai, Limited” (not Sendai,” as lt was spelt in our cable yesterday) 1 00^S very fair proposition according to the prospectus, a copy of which reached us from Singapore this morning. The board is quite a sound one and it is worthy of note that Mr.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 193 6 —B——— 'RSBD9 1! IMPORTERS OF Australian Frozen Meat and Produce ALSO English Siberian Fish Game SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co., Ltd., Telegrams: Storage. Telephone No. 602. E --re«sr:::-aasren3 rA-gyra IXXXXXXXXtt ACKTIC ACID. (European Z Japanese) Glacial White Glazed Porcelain Cups (TUMBLER SHAPE) SODIUM BISULPHITE IN i CWT. DRUMS White Enamelled Latex
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  • 880 7 (Renter Service.) Copyright Telegram. FAI L OF ERZERUM. GREAT RUSSIAN VICTORY. Petrograd, February 16. Au official announcement states that grierum ba9 been captured. Grad Duke's Wire to the Tsar. Petrograd, February 16.—Later. The Grand Duke Nicholas has telegraphed as follows to the Tsar "God has accorded the
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  • 872 7 BOMBS ON STRUMNITZA. Salonika, February 17. Thirteen French aeroplanes dropped 158 bombs on the town and camps at Strumnitza, causing several fires. All the machines returned undamaged. AT DURAZZO. Cessation of Enemy Offensive. Corfu, February 17. The Austrians have ceased the offensive at Durazz) owing to the arrival
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  • 320 7 BRITISH OPERATIONS. Reciprocal Bombardment. London, February 17, 1.5 a.m. Sir Douglas Haig in a communique reports reciprocal artillery bombardment and heavy grenade-fighting during the past twenty-four hours between Ypres and the Comiues Canal and Ypres aud the Cimines railway. The fighting contiuues. Otherwise the day was quiet
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  • 592 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. DIS USSION IN TH Z COMMONS London, February 16 The House of Commons discussed an amendment to the Address, regretting that the speech from the Throne did not mention measures regarding the strengthening of the air services. For Offenee not Defence. Mr. H.
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  • 531 7 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. QUESTION OF SUBMARINE WARFARE. 1 Washington, February 17. Cjunt Bernstorff, Germ tu Ambassador at 1 W ishington, has conferred with Mr. i Ltnsing, U. S. Secretary of State, relative to ’he advisability of postponing the application of Germany’s submarine order with a view
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  • 719 7 The festival of Chip Goh Mah is celebr t 'd with much pomp and merriment imoag the Chiaesa uuuyas nd mardens of this Settl“mer.t who once a year at this time go out in ricsha-i, gharries, buggies and t motor-cars and drive r >und the town and
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  • 73 7 'ihe following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 4—RrifH';B Museum. s.—East Coast News. Tin Outputs. Rash Driving. Association Football. 8. —Enoch Ardens of the War Hongkong and Shanghii Banking Corporation. P.O.C. Tent is tournament. Paste u Produce Exchange The Ichane D agon. America and the Philippines.
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  • 978 8 Missing Min Whose With Rkhabry. Out of tbe lists of the missing have arisen a few tragedies that recall Tennyson’s haunting poem of Enoch Arden,” tbe shipwrecked and marooned sailor, given up as dead, who returned to find his wife remarried. i The other day
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  • 498 8  -  By Elizabeth Coo per Visiting a high class Chinese lady, one is imp'6-Hed with the number of children and servants that seem to be swarmug over the When one of a fnm ly hag distioc tion or wealth, all the poor relatives come to
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  • 497 8 The celebration of China New Year promises, a 9 we write, says the Shanghai National Fevieto of February 5, to be on as elaborate and as general a scale as it was before the advent of the Republic robbed the lunar year of its prestige and the
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  • 508 8 The Philippines problem is constantly cropping up in political circles in the United States, and, next to tbe Mexican question it has aroused more heated controversy, probably, turn any otner external issue within the pist fjw years. A sharp cleavage of opiuiou marks the rival groups
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  • 477 8 An extraordinary photograph has been submitted to us J>pan Chronicle) for inspection by a Kobe reader, being nothing less than a fitsh-light picture of the fossil dragon recently found near Ichang. Last November Dr. Irwin (from Tientsin) was spending a holiday in the gorges, and on November
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  • 918 8 Situation in Kweichow, The Chunj Hux Hein Poo says that Kweichow torinaliy announced independence on Jauuary 27th. The Central Government nas ordered the va bus government offices fo stop alt communication with Kweichow. Siys The P eking Gazette of Jan. 31 “Sensational aud persistent rumours were in
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  • 489 8 IN A ZEPPELIN THAT JUST ESCAPED DISASTER. Parachute Descent Prepared. The Bourse Gazette contains an interesting and circumstantial accounts, of a flight in a Zeppelin which nearly cost the Emperor William his life. It has been officially denied in Germany that his Majesty was aboard the ill-fated Zeppelin,
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  • 269 8 To-dat. Indragri, for Port Swettenham, Singapore and China, 9 30 a.m. Brandan, for Deli and Asahan, 10 a.m. Kutsang, for Calcutta and Durban, 10.30 a m. Ceylon Maru, for Siogapore. China and Japan, 1.30 p.m. Hole Canton, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. 1.30 p.m. Ban Whatt Soon, for
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  • 354 8 > REPORT OF THE COURT OP DIRECTORS. F The following report was presented to a shareholders at the meeting at February 19. Sfkong oa To the Proprietors of the Honokong and Shanghai.Basr,». Corporation Gentlemen, The Directors have now to suhmit a General Statement of the
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  • 61 8 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Double Handicap A. Sells and Sayers beat F N Syer and Blackford 6—l,6 —3. Single Handicap C. J Seath beat C T Johnson 6—l. 6-1. Double Handicap B. Adamson and Fell «Mi.jfrom Tryner and Lewis. Single
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  • 318 8 Rubber Auction. At the Eastern Produce Rubber Auction yesterday 68,436 lb. were offered for isle and 22,613 lb. sold at the following prices: Sheet Diamond Smoked from. $173 to $177 Unsmoked $164 $l7O Plain Unsmoked $165 $172 Brown Crepe $l5O slss Lump Scrap $95 $lO5 Bark A
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 51 8 Doa’t Risk Pneumonia. Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible. It is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, but the effect is marvellous. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 12 8 For Children’» Hacking Congh at Night, Waod»’ Great Peppermint Oere, 1*. tfd.
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    • 58 8 With a sore throat it is often sheer agony to speak a word. That is the time when W00M’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE proves its worth. Take a teaspoonful. swallowing it gradually, then an hour after use a little Peppermint Cure in warm water as a throat gargle The relief will
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  • 1288 9 To T*n Editou on ran Malay Moil Sir, —I shall be much obliged if you will publish the following being information asked for by Enquiry" in your issue of 12th inst. I would first like to prefaoe my remarks by stating that as soon as any
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  • 464 9 How tmwx an* Mads. The Autocar has been revealing, says Truth, the secrets of the prices paid for components for chassis assembled in Detroit, from which we gather what a highly organised business this parts-making industry in the States is. From my own experience in collecting data for
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 40 9 A Forty Yoon’ T«st* Cham’ jerlain*B Cough Remedy has been curing sought and oolda for the past forty yeara a *d hat gained in popularity every year. What bettor recommendation it requires i f For tale by all Diapenaariea and
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    • 35 9 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of pmtijriiTug the tiny laxatives which do not gripe. Of ohomists, *0 oati por phial, or port irm from the Dr. Williams’ Modioiao Co., Dopt. 5e, Singapore.
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    • 210 9 ‘vwr. **T3 hum*.'®*; kyj W> »MITU a*.v T J» In out.of-the-w»y Places Horlick’s Malted Milk proves a veritable boon, for it is made in a moment with the addition of water only. It keeps indefinitely, and for camp life is an indispensable stand-by. It solves the milk question. It feeds
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1500 10 p. B. I. LINE AND APCAR (Incorporated in England.) Mail and 2 Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan.) Vt:h Due Penang Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May June 19 3 18 1 15 29 12 26 10 Steamer. Sardinia Namur Nankin
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