Straits Echo, 17 February 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1100 1 iMjLMAin <4 B iiSZED NATUEfiI BANKS. > For«Cars;; 9 on>'Hire EMPIRE “The Little Ariatocroi"' Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Carage 7\ Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Motor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars and Cycles undertaken by expert Mechanics. Largest Dealers in
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    • 15 1 i-Ĕ’S MILK fOR/NBufrsaiaj^ fc'wmcH sun »cn °Ar **uz SS USC FOI Ss? *oni E 2
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  • 1627 3 A century ago. when ttie hieroglyphical script of the ancient Egyptians first began to be deciphered, it would hardly have been believed possible that scholars would one day find themselves possessed of such a vast literature as it is now at the disposal of Egyptogolists nor
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  • 117 3 Guide to Pronounciation. The work of teaching the British public how to pronounce the names of its nobility, begun in Debrrtt's Peerage of 19'5, is continued and extended in the volume for 1916 The phonetic spelling of some names is Dalzell—Dee-©1 Kino—Keeno Buchan—Bukkun Devereux—Deverooks Cadngan—Caduggan Heneage—Hennedge Burghelere —Burclair
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 260 3 MOTOR CYCLES. B.S.A. Motor Cycle 4f H.P. Cum-helt-Chain Drive 3f H.P. Fixed Engine Premier Motor Cycle 2f H P. Massey Harrie Motor Cycle 3f H.P. Radeo Motor Cycle 2 Stroke 2} H.P. Premier Motor Cycle 2f H.P. (2nd hand) J E.S. Motor Cycle If H.P. Price $6OO-00 4'50-no 300 00
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    • 441 3 A Perfect Food for Mellin s Food. Perfect becauv. contains all that is essential for heaWf development. Perfect because it can fx given to the most tender infant with assurance of complete assimilation. Mellins Food A Sample Bottle of Mellin s Food, together with Handbook for Mothers, ‘The Care of
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  • 1089 4 Should Wi Build Smallxe Battle hips. Loudon, January 8. The United States Naval Institute has had placed at its d spo-al the sum of .£2OO, to bi awarded in pnzes for essays dealmg with the subject of versus a Greater Number of Smaller Battleship*.” This problem—if it is
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  • 977 4 Human Leopards. By K. J. Beatty* With a Preface by sir William Brandford Griffith. (Hngh Rees ss. net.) iSo proolem with which British Colonial administration has had to deal has, ia its way, been more perplexing than that of the Human Leopard, Human Alligator and Human Biboun Societies
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 213 4 K RUT; HOTEL, PENANG. Nos. 635 S 543. Proprietor A. KERDYK. T’fhe Most Select Situation on the Sea-Side, w Terms SiDgle rooms from $5 per day upwards. Y Double rooms from per day upwards. For Monthly terms apply to the Manager. Special arrangements for meals at the Hotel by A
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    • 73 4 Don’t Ccujh. It is absurd to allow a cougb to bang on and sap your vitality wben Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy will cure you. You don't know where a persistent cougb will land you. You can’t afford to allow your tbroat and lungs to become diseased when it is such a
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    • 283 4 PENANG LIBRARY. (Opposite St. George’s Churoh.) Comprises some 20,000 Volumes, including the valuable Logan Library of Literature dealing with Malaya and the Eastern Archipelago. Entrance Fee: $2-00. Subscription Books: $l-50 per quarter. Newspapers and Magazines $l-50 per quarter. Visiting Subscribers $l-00 per month without Entrance Fee. Further particulars can be
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  • 687 5 PENANG ARCHITECT’S CLAIM. JvoaMlVT bob Plajntibb. In the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon before Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule the hearing was concluded of the suit in which Mr. H. A. Neubronner, Architect and Surveyor, sued Mr. Gan Ngoh Bee for $1,125 due to him by the defendant for
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  • 265 5 The Medical Officer of Health reports that 24 cases of bubonic plague were reported to him as having occurred in Bangkok during the week ended sth February. The number of deaths from plague for the same period was 22 aud from cholera I.— B. O. The Coonoor
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  • 928 5 Ahhual Gbxb&al Mbbtino. The Annual General Meeting of the above Society was held in the Town Hall yesterday evening when Mr. O. V. Thomas presided over a small attendance. Those present included Mesdames Haines and Souter, Miss Harding, Messrs, E. J. Bennett, Biggs, Hall, Harvey, Houston, S.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 443 5 J < Ul (/> Q Ui 0£ J < U Ul 0. U) V) m z < z < z u D at 0 I/I J < UCHANANS SCOTCH WHISKY 'SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT" -©BSE?!, BLACK&WHITE ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY is i B s K > r r «> ■o
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    • 374 5 s vy C 2 o E® o; as CfT£S EGVQ Tam&s. m K ggff^O'g 001 ategaTsg c—? Fabrique de *~j> Cigarettes egyptiennes FELUCCA EROfreres <*.r ir BoutonKßouge MasperO FaBAIQUC Paa r Maspcro Preresli* o*«s itu* /nAHUPACTum Ml fAsAiauc o*^o pRfcRES L r P o*«*»itua w'A*yf»et«M A rxr Caire.Egypte ’em TO-NIGHT
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  • 93 6 Published daily (eTcept Sundayn «.ad pai cw holidays) AT TUB CEITEKION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Fbiob. Daily Local M $24 per ua*?. Ontatation... Poatage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Frao) $17.50 OABi.B iDDHIR ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo, Printing Department 343 N.S. —All buiiasra ««nraunieatioaa b*
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  • 1281 6 While both the causes and the course of the rebellion in China still remain obscure, some interesting sidelights on the character and career of the actual leader f the outbreak in Yunncn and some im portant facts regarding the conditions prevailing in that province are afforded
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  • 896 6 Mr. V. G. Savi, A. S. P., has gone on inspection duty to the Diudiugs. The new Governor of Ceylon, Sir John AndersoD, is sailing from Home by th 6 Kashgar in March 4th. We hear that Captain Radcliffe, formerly Harbour Master of Singapore, is now working
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  • 1054 6 Ov'rhenrd in Singapore. First Civil Servant Dsmn those Secretariat, fellows! They seem to have nothing else to do but write snotty minutes an<J boll up papers Second Civil Servant: *‘oh I’ve know» a worse crew iu the same job. You can at any rate say of this lot
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 185 6 AL^ HOV? SIIPER odol BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR GERMAN ODOL. This preparation gives perfect Satisfaction to regular ODOL users. It is th.e most effectual germicidal agent for the mouth and teeth. PRICK 85 cents. Town Dispensary, Ltd., PENANG. TAIPING IPOH. r^ZD»CZ)»CD#OCX=*#c3CXD«ICZ)«CZD«Cr 0 0 0 The Bernese Alps Milk Co. CONTRACTORS TO
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  • 1526 7 T HE WESTERN THEATRE. (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. BRITISH OPERATIONS. PARTIAL enemy success. London, February 16, 12 15 a iu. (Uritiflh) communique states that terday Q ‘K ht aftor a he!iVy bombartlmeDt V r the whole trout of the Ypres salient along IUD of Hooge, the enemy made several Gantry
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  • 599 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. LORD KITCHENER IN THE LORDS. Our Growing Army. London, February 15. Iu the House of Lords, Lord Kitchener, Secretary of State for War, announced that though ludiau troops had been withdrawn from France the B.itish forces had been materially ioc;eased by eight
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  • 699 7 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. ENEMY FORCES AT MONASTIR Salonika, February 16. According to reliable information from Monastir the enemy forces iu that region do not exceed 10,090, of whom 3,000 are Germans aud the rest Bulgarians, Vicxoet in Defeat. In all the central and southern portions of Serbia
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  • 97 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. J ERZERUM FORTS CAPTURED. Petrograd, February 16. A commuuique regarding tha operations in the Caucasus says that seven more Erzerum forts have been captured. A later communique announces After an artillery preparation we stormed another of the Erzerum forts and took over twenty
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  • 101 7 Wilful o:s.ib<-d et(e. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, February 17. At the Marine Court 32 sailors of th< City of Colombo were charged with wilfu l disobedience. Three of them were sentenced to four weeks’ imprisonment and to forfeit two days’ pay and the remaining to 21
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  • 83 7 New Flotation. (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, Febiuiry 17. The Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Kong and Messrs. J. N. Sime, Lee Choon Gum, Tan Kheam Hock and J. A. Elias are directors of Sendai, Ltd with a capita* of $BOO,OOO in $5 shares for tin purpose of acquiring
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  • 421 7 To-day's Quotations. Tin (uurefioed) is quoted here to day at $BB, buyers uo sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $BB.BO, business done (K 0 tons sold) and in London at .£lB2 spot and three months’ sight. A special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange gives the following prices
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  • 802 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FAVOURAB E CONDITION .OF THE FINANCES. Ottawa, February 15. The Hon. W. T White, Minister of Finance, has presented his Budget which shows a remarkably favourable condition of the Canadian finances. As the result of increased revenues and economies there was the largest
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  • 83 7 Ihe following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 3.—An Egyptian and" Death. Peers* Names. 4-—Naval Notes. Human Leopards. s.—Penang Choral Society. Plague in Bangkok. Supreme Court. 8. —A Giant Regiment. Singapore's Rubber Business. Trip to Tongkah. Singapore Rubber Auction, Penarg Golf Club Queen Mary's Needlework Guild.
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  • 1006 8 A HOSPITABLE COMMUNITY. Th* Tis Debdoiwo Ikdustbt. (From A "Malay Mail'* Correspondent) People bere who ere unable to take more than a few day's holiday at a time may like to know that a trip to Tongkab (W. Siam) is one of the few excursions which can
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  • 1009 8 HoBSKZOLLKKN PuCULIABITIBS. In a little book upon the renowned I "Grenadiers of Poetsdam” (Sampson Low and Co., Is.) Mr. J. S. Hutchinson, B. A. has exhaustively detailed the almost incredible story of this regiment of giants, the mania of Frederick William L of Prussia, upon which although
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  • 81 8 {From Our Own. Corr&pondeni.) Singapore, February 17. Ai the Singapore Rubber Auction 253 tons were offered for sale and 237 tons were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheets $lB4 to $193 per picul Fair, good $179 $192 Phin $lB4 $lB9 Unsmoked Ribbed $169 $175 Plain $165
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  • 73 8 La dibs' Spoof ro> Fbbbwaby. The play for this competition resulted as follows: Miss Barnett 7 up Mrs Sproule 1 up J Brown all square Tomson 1 down Armstrong 2 do SF B Martin 2do May 2 do Miss Mahler 3 do Mrs Duxbury, Mrs Hoefeld and
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  • 66 8 PaVAM# WoMBB WoBBBBS. Amount previously acknowledged $1,227.00 Mrs Heah Bwee Lee 100.00 Miss Mfthler’s Doll 75.00 Mrs Presgrave $.OO S H (sth Don.) 2 00 $1,409.00 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be given out at the Town Hall every Friday morning
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  • 82 8 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow:— Mimed Doubles B. Miss Pritchard and Tryner vs Mr and Mrs A W Blackstone Mr and Mrs C D D Hogan vs Mr and Mrs E J Bennett. Ladies Doubles. Mrs Martin and Mrs Samuel vs Mrs Phillips and
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  • 291 8 To- DAT. Priam, for Durban and London, 10.10 a.m. Indragri, for Port Swettenham, Singapore land China, 10.30 a.mPerak, (S. S. Co.) for Deli, noon. Calypso, for Tongkah, 12.30 p.m. Perils, for Trang, Tongkah, and Pang Nga, 12.30 p.m. Pnngah, for Belawan and Batu Bahra, 11 p.m. Ban Whait
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  • 1226 8 The useful price sheet of the Rubber 1 Association, showing the results for the past year, has been published. Study of it brings the conviction that the movement has within it the possibility of Singapore in course of time, if not superseding, certainly hitting the London market
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 TRY SLOT Brandy. t t c i Produce of I i < France. I ONE STAR THREE STAR V SIX STAR Finest on the Market. Hi SUM Co. 35, Beach Street, Penan*. OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA. (liMrforattJ in Japan.) (OSAKA MERCANTILE STEAMSHIP Ce.) (MCMBUS OF POOL AGBEEMENT.) FOt COLOMBO A BOMBAY.
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    • 10 8 For Ohronifi Chest OompUiate. Weeds’ amt Feppwiat Oin li. Id
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    • 36 8 Ticklia* it the Throct. Even the slightest tickling or hoarseness in the throat may be the forerunner of a dangerous illness. Stop it at onoe with Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 51 8 Middle-aged people are often aflicted with that diat reefing ailment, windy apasma, they aeem to cut like a knife. Sufferers should get a bottle of WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, The very first dose will bring relief and prove its value. Bold by Dispensaries and Btorea everywhere at SO oents per
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    • 329 8 Don’t Risk Pieuaeni*. Get rid of every cold as quickly m pcui. ble. It is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, but the effect is marvellous. For sale bv all Dispensaries
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  • 218 9 Pvtsicun’8 Advice Foe Thin. Undkve r loped Men and Women. Thousands of people suffer from excessive 1 s weak nerves and feeb’e stomachs SU tried advertised H-ah-maker», food pad.. culture bluer» and rub 1 IhfflS resign themselves to life-long gtinniness and think nothing
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  • 841 9  -  (By Ashley Sterne.) January. I* 6th —G-rman officers return to Donington l~ Hdl on expiry of Christmas home-leave e th.- Rev R J. Campbell announces his s intention ot becoming a 8wedenborgiao, and receives present of a Ford motorcar from his parishioners. 17th.—Germany floats uew War Loan.
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  • 425 9 Will he Return to Teaching? Will the Public Scbool master now fighting at the front return readily to the classroom P Mr. S P. B. Mais, a master of Sherborne School, discussing this question in the January Nineteenth Century, writes “Of all callings in the
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  • 371 9 There have been various rumours, particularly among the Chinese, to the effect that the gambling houses in Bangkok were to be closed at the end of the present Siamese year. S*«n by a representative of this paper, H. R H the P. ine of Chandaburi, Minister of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 223 9 Extract from Government Circular note of the 10th October, 1901, for General information: g C. Daes, has,...without doubt, been iery successful in his line of treatment and has acquired a most enviable reputation amongst all classes...who fl >ck*d to him daily id large numbers for the benefit an' 1 comfort
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    • 12 9 For Children's Hacking Cough fc «m™* Woods’ Great Peppermint Owe. U. 6d
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    • 807 9 i m igrasy. .mnv ll lIJ| i HR ?jh >“fi i" TTT ‘1 REGULARITY of the BOWELS! h A*.>s The First Line of Defence nst 111-Hea r t rsi JL -fa Jl Ji j ave some B Only about one man or woman in a hundred is perfectly healthy. The
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  • 1076 10  -  By Charles Sarolea. I. The tourist who takes the express train betwren Berlin and Copenhagen, one hour after he has left the Prussian capital, reaches a vast plain more than half the size of Belgium, where barren moorlands alter nate with smiling fields, where dormant
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  • 805 10 Owing to the opposition of the Chinese residents abroad especially in Hongkong and Singapore and with a view to prevent them from giving financial assistance to the Yunnan rebels the Government has decided to appoint State Councillor Chang Chenghsun and well known wealthy merchant in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 Don't Risk Pneumonia. Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible. It is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, but the effect is marvellous. For salt by all Dispensaries and
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    • 177 10 Huftenkch Bros. 8 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTR ACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR: All kinds of ELECTRICAL MACHINERY Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: HE STERLING ?ELIP!O*E CO., LIE. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can be
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  • 1920 11  -  By EMIL! CAXXA.KTI. I was travelling the other daj with a 1 mud-stained Tommy back from the tren- chei. Like a great many of the men on 1 leave, the excitement of coming home after six months’ fighting prompted him to talk. He told me about
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  • 206 11 Whatever improves bodily oonditions in general aids digestion. Cheerfu ness, exercise, fresh air. baths and good habits make your digestion better able to take care of any burdens you impose upon it. But the gieatest aid to good digestion is good blood. Acatnia, or thin blood, is
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 81 11 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the oontagious disease when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure
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    • 99 11 »Nl> ■SS »p tUUTII w!S In out-of-the-way Places Hor lick’s Malted Milk proves a veritable boon, for it is made in a moment with the addition of water only. It keeps indefinitely, and for camp life is an indispensable stand-by. It solves the milk question. It feeds the tired body
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1832 12 P. O.—B. I. Mail AND APCAR LINE (IwCOBPONATUD IN ENGLAND.) and ]Pa»aenger iS KOHINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) in Holland.) Fo* Intbndbd to Sail. Sthambr Japan Mail Steamship Campany Lti. y\ PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China aad JapaiO Langsa, Telok Semawe, Segli, Olehleh,
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