Straits Echo, 15 February 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1113 1 i i liliED NAIHEa 4 BANKS. > For Cars on Hire L r?. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. EMMIE "The Lillie Aritlocm* Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Carage 7 A Penang Road. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. £1,200,000 £1.800,000 Just Unpacked A New Shipment of
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    • 11 1 US mm d Sim c ft as Si aH air. w\
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  • 2096 2 Many authors have written in defence of the goat, the goosp, and the ass. They have contended, and not without a good bhow of argument, that the goat, the goose, and the a»s are maligned and beautiful animals. Mr. W. H. Hudson has written an apologia for the
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  • 234 2 Aa in all other countries where politics are esteemed as of chief importance, statesmen in China fiad the tide of their fortune ebb and flow. There are fire men whobe political or military history is not less interefto ft than that of those who in
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  • 231 2 Each of us has a certain supply of nervous energy. Every act, even every thought, use 3 up some part of this enert/ During rest and sleep the supply j s creased by the blood which gets the needed elements from the air we breathe and the food
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 679 2 Craig Rose Ltd. LONDON- EDINBURGH. GLASGOW. Contractors to H.M. Government, Admiralty, and War Office. Manufacturers of Faints, Oils Varnishes, Write it as a headline, stamp it on the mat, Mark it on jour handkerchief, paste it in jour hat, Paint it on jour window* to tell the coming gussl; Everyone
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    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Oomgh at Night,. Woods' Great Peppermint Oere, li. 6d
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    • 81 2 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious disease when they hare colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure
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    • 174 2 RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Telephone Nos. 635 6 543. Proprietor A. KERDYK. T’graphic Address Runnymede Hotel.” Manager J. G. Hummeling. The Most Select Situation on the Sea-Side. Terms: Single rooms from $5 per day upwards. Double rooms from $9 per day upwards. For Monthly terms apply to the Manager. Special arrangements for
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  • 1241 3 Dear Mr. Editor, When last I «aw you I promised you a letter, and post-prandial though the promise w»S I feel it gives rise to as strong an obligation as tbe historic Scrap of paper." A visit to tbe Straits after an absence of over two
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  • 596 3 Tbe following were the scores made by tbe P. L. R. C, at Kampong Bahru yesterday 150 yds. DeliberateMrs Hulme-Sharp 33 Mss Matbieu >M 31 Mrs Liston 31 Mrs Sayers MS 27 Mrs Wright-Motion 26 Mrs Sbepard 26 Mrs J Brown 22 Mrs McLernon 22 > Mrs Simpson 21
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 444 3 February 21st, 1916. AUCTION SALE OF FULL-SIZE OKTANC and ••ARC-OVAL” billiard tables. Cues, Sets of Balls, Chalk, Tips, Cloth and other Useful Sundries. AUCTION LI8TS FROM Messrs. Cunningham 8 Clark AND John Roberts, Hotel Norman. FEBRUARY 21st. 1916. TRY Produce of France. ONE STAR lost. Aft English Tom Cat Coloured
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    • 401 3 ft si 1 o E £&£s e<j^s aoi-Kgs® .Y r ''-:v 'K&y^s b—* Fabrique de Cigarettes fgyptiennes nIISnI» U'l V »1 R I *r BoutonXßouge r.x.iM *>• I /Aaspcko FntMS L'C a BEWBROQ' FELUCCA MasperO f aBRIQUC Aar r MASPERO FRERESLnv OA*S HUB *U TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT! The Electric Polyscope Co.
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  • 97 4 Plfeiiehcd daily (except Znaiay» -.mj yeae..-. haidapj AX TEX CRITERION PRESS. Lzt» No. -59. Beach Street, Penang Pbxcb. Duly Local M $14 per auvs OuUtotaom... Pcwtage Extra. Ha. Editooa (Port Ft») $17.50 CABLE ADD11II ECHO-PENANO Telephone Not. (Echo, 588 Printing Department 343 P —AE terjw 1 ii
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  • 1342 4 Quite the most significant news we have had lately was that contained in two messages cabled by Renter yesterday, nameiy the liquidation of two big banks io Scuth Germany anl tbe failure of several large German firms in South America. If the Berlin Government cannot keep the principal banking
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  • 810 4 Toe Bishop of London will again risit the soldiers in Flanders in April next. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Vcolee are going to Singapore this afternoon. flaring returned from leave, the Hon. Mr. A. M. Pountnev has resumed duty as i Treasurer, Straits Settlements. Mr. J. R.
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  • 37 4 To-day’s Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $87.50, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $88.25, business done (100 tons sold) and in London at £180 15s. spot and .£180 10s. three months' light.
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  • 1013 4 A Baa EtuUesr No doubt our good Dutch a J tn and Samatra will duly sot* ac«l £~*j_ the report that all 'the Ge-aaa tknm m central porta have beec rr» toe to i make a dash fer liberty whecerer ™rt neeh. offers. Tbe actmb ot the Armn
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 115 4 HOW OW A L SUPER ODOL THE BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR GERMAN ODOL. This preparation gives perfect Satisfaction to regular ODOL users. It is the most effectual germicidal agent for the mouth and teeth. PRICE 85 cents. T t>e George Town Dispensary, Ltd., PENANG, TAIPING IPOH. r: •o§o#occ§#ooo#o# New Bottling ■J
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  • 588 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. french operations. London, February 14, 2.10 a.m. A Paris communique states that a series of attacks took place in Artois. The first attack in the morning, west of Hill 140, was without result, but the Germans in the afternoon, after a violent bombardment
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  • 782 5 (Reuter's Service.) C opyright Telegram. PROB ABLE TOTAL LOSS. London, February 14. The Admiralty announces that the cruiser Arethusa, Commodore Tyrwhitt, struck a mine off the East coast. It is feared that she will become a total wreck. About ten men lost their lives. e A Shot-Scarred
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  • 694 5 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. LIVELY ENEMY DISCOSSION. Effect of Rviiiu Victory ii the Ciuani. Paris, February 14. It is stated that after the Turkish defeat in the Caucasus a lively discussion occurred in the War Council at Constantinople between Enver Pasha and the Q-erman Generals. Enver Pasha insisted
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  • 538 5 (Renter Service.) Copyright Telegram. ENEMY AIR-RAIDS. Bonks oi Rateitt. Rome, February 14. The Austrian air-raid on Ravenna damaged the priceless sixth century Byzantine Church of 3t. Appolinare. His Holiness the Pope is greatly grieved and again appeals to the Emperor Francis Joseph to spare the churches. Aid
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  • 678 5 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams are from the Sumatra Pont of Friday and Saturday, February 11 and 12 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. The Artemis Outrage. The Wolff Bureau states that the German torpedo-boat fired at the Artemis because the commander was under the impression that
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  • 72 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 2. —Chinese Statesmen and South China. The Ass» 3. —Some Notes and Suggestions. Penang Ladies Rifle Club. 6. The Yunnan Revolt. Before the War. Bulgaria From Within. Merits and Defects of English Education. Mr. Lloyd George and the
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  • 1050 5 PENANG ARCHITECT S CLAIM* In the Supreme Court this morning before Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule the hear* ing was commenced of the suit in whiob' Mr. H. A. Neubronner. Architect aa4 Surveyor, sued Mr. Gan Ngoh Bee for 11,125 due to him by the defendant for pro*
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  • 871 6 PaoFassoa Sadlbr’s Survbt. Professor M. E. Sadler, Vice-Chancellor Of Leeds University, lectured on English j Education after the War to the Bradford Textile Society reoently. I In modern education, which for the last < ’SO years has txen everywhere in s state of tension
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  • 1007 6 UNDER THE GERMAN YOKE. Conflicting Emotions. (From the Txm t Coi respondent in the Balkan Peninsula.) Bnkharest. Dec. 21. A Bulgarian who has reoently arrived at Salonika writes as follows in a local journal; “Tbe situation in Bulgaria is extremely obscure. The nation is divided into two
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  • 1016 6 The disturbance in tbe South continues, I but fortnoatel/ it remains still the Yunnan revolt." It bas not spread to tbe other provinces. Tiue, the rehels have captured Suifu, a place of some importance on tbe Yangtze, just over the Sichuan border, but that success bas been
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  • 377 6 Tbe first bMtalipp parade of tbe Penang Volunteers, ajter a very successful annual 1 camp, W%s held op the Padang yesterday evening whet .there vj*s ,a Urge muster of t.fficers, nou commissioned officers and men. Among the officers present were Major the Hon. A. R. Adams, Comman- I
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  • 74 6 Ruaaxa Auction. At the Eastern Produce Exchange Rubber suction ycstsrdav 66 246 lb. of rubber weie offered and 57,778 lb. sold at the following prieps t Sheet Diamand Smoked from. $164 to £175 Uosmoked $162 $163 Plain Smoked $164 $166 Uoamoked $162 1165 Scrap Crepe $137 $l6!
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  • 112 6 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow: -rSinyle Handicap, C, Carmichael vs DaviesSingle Handicap B. B J Bennett vc J J L Harvey. Championship. E H Everest vs R E Prentis, Mixed Doubt** A. Mr and Mrs E Re minn vs Mr and Mrs R O
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  • 117 6 To-day. Tangisss, for Colombo, Dhanushkodi, I Durban and Tendon, 9.30 a m. Jndragri for Deli and Batu Bahra 10 am. Han Choo, for Alor Star (Kedah) 1080 amJonslia, for Pert Swettenham, Port Dskson and Malacca, 12 80 p m Pungah, tor Belawan and Batn Bahra, 1 pm Perlis,
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  • 1252 6 A Scraf of Paper. Lot not the reader be alarmed by the I title. Here is no further labouring of a point already somewhat ovet wrought. The sanctity of bonds is not our tbeme tbe j scrap of in question is only remote y .connected with diplomacy,
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  • 371 6 The Radical attack upon Mr. Lloyd George yesterday afrernoon is typical of the fate which in all democracies awaits the i successful demagogue, says the Daily Graphic of January 5. As Oscar Wilde said in one of his bitterest verities, “He that would lead
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  • 333 6 With an ever-widening interest in rubber and rubber shares, the question of health in the Federated Malay States is of general ooncern to this eonntry. So much rubber now comes from Malaya that the recent anti-malarial, discovery made by Dr. Striokland, the Government Travelling Entomologist, is likely
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 73 6 Don't Couth. It is absurd to allow a .cough to bang on and sap your vitality when Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cure you. You don’t know where a persistent cough will land you. You can’t afford to allow your throat and. lungs to become diseased when it is ■uoh a
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    • 36 6 A Party Tears* TatChamberlain's Coach Remedy bat been earing conghi and cold* for the p*at forty yean and baa gained in popularity ererj year. Wbat batter recommendation it repaired t For tele by all Biapeamriea and
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    • 34 6 Tickling in the Tkront. £▼6» tbe slightest tickling or hoarseness in the throat may be the forerunner of a dangerous illness. Stop it at once with Chamberlain’s Cough Beasedy for salt by nlr.PiipagriiM 1
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    • 60 6 Nothing in this world ia equal t? mother’s tender care for her children. Sbi. knowing the danger following an attack, of Colic, or kindred atomach trouble, ia no lBl, without a bottle of that famous prep»*** tion, WOODS’ MEAT PEPPEMINT COKE, in hpr medicjue atore. It ie.-gqod ior U* whole
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  • 2044 7 In the list year both we and the Germans have been learning unwelcome f-tefs about piich other. They had their formula for us and we had our* for them there was some truth in each formula, but the truth was not so important aa the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 51 7 Don’t Risk Pneumonia. Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible. It is the forerunner of ill pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a faw hours. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remfdv. It is a simple thing to do, but the effect is marvellous. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 100 7 WT3 ♦c», MAtTCi ,U< %"7 l' In out-t£-the-way Places Horlicks Malted Milk proves a veritable boon, for it is made in a moment with the addition of water only. It keeps indefinitely, and for camp life is an indispensable stand-by. It solves the milk question. It feeds the tired body
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1598 8 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE (Incorporatbd in England.) Mail and Fasaenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and Japan.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) a.s. Mongara «.i. Nore (Calls Genoa) Feb Apr. 23 6 s.s. Nellore
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