Straits Echo, 11 February 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1426 1 H4HS*AIB HgD natures For Cars on Hire BANKS EMPIRE "The Little Aritfocralt'"' Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Motor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars and Cycles undertaken by expert Mechanics. Largest Dealers in Motor Accessories
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    • 6 1 milk^ i **?»2SSXK3SS u& 1 «4
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 37 2 DRINK m m® fm m s*l m M EiWJ **l 1 ->)y VJfcNft fl i PI 8 A. wBl v? >i I b <* if BY CONNOISSEURS THE LEADING BRAND ON THE SOLE AGENTS: KATZ BROTHERS, LTD., PENANG
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  • 1187 3 Fighting in the Floods. It does not require a vast knowledge of military matters to understand how great a part Nature plays in all campaigns. The first Napoleon during the years of his exile in St. Helena attributed his disasters, in both 1812 and in 1815, to the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 74 3 Don't Cough. It is absurd to allow a cough to hang on and sap your vitality when Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cure you. You don’t know where a persistent cough will laud you. You can’t afford to allow your throat and lungs to become diseased when it is such a
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    • 435 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE A Special Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal Office at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, the 8th instant. Business. 1. To consider, and if approved, to pass amendments to By-laws for the Registration, Control and Destruction of Dogs and for the Registration of Dairymen
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    • 294 3 PENANG LIBRARY. (Opposite St. George’s Church.) Comprises some 20,000 Volumes, including the Ek valuable Logan Library of Literature dealing j|| with Malaya and the Eastern Archipelago. Entrance Fee: $2-00. Subic fiction Books: $1-50 per quarter. Newspapers and Magazines: $1-50 per quarter. Visiting Subscribers $1-00 per month without Entrance Fee. Further
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  • 795 4 Th» Tiit o» Patriotism. Not since tbe Civil War has any other 1 President given to the Congress such momentous information of tbe state of the Union” as President Wilson gave it in an i address dealing almost wholly with the 1 issue of national defenoe in its
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  • 106 4 Saturday, 12th February, 1916. Golf Club, 5-45 to 7-15 p.m. 1 Selection. Samson and Delilah. Saint Saers 2 Everybody’s Doing it Now Berlin 3 Selection. Welsh Hare 4 Waltz Lysistrata Lincke 5 Sacred Song; Orapronobis Piccolo mini 6 March 30th October Olano, A widow in Wellington, New Zealand,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 379 4 WARNING All persons are cautioned against j making unauthorised use of Reuter's Service of News, and any person or persons found infringing the Copyright Ordinance of the Straits Settlements will he strictly dealt with in accordance with the provisions of that Ordinance. REUTER. JPmaoue, The Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd.
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    • 68 4 Hew few people realise that indigestion is nearly always caused by wind on th« stomach, and yet it is so Now a dose of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORF, taken after meals would remove all that over loaded feeling which makes the «offerer ao miserable. If you are afflicted in this
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    • 178 4 HUTTENBACH B™. 6 o. SOLE AGENTS FOR TYPEWRITERS Have much pleasure in announcing the arrival of IE NEW MODEL No. 10. fi 3 3', m sr B ip* UJJMimI -r.l' ii m l"jL n '1® i 7* n Hi. PRICE LIST. HEAVY MODELS. NEW MASTER MODEL No. 10 Foolscap Brief
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  • 1059 5 i At the recent meeting at which a discussion took place on the question of the Clubs in the East what were regarded as the favourable features of Club life were laid side by side with those looked upon as unfavourable. The system is one
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  • 406 5 To thb Editor of thb Malaya. Tribune. Sir, —In connection with the article on Singapore’s anniversary which appeared in your issue of the sth instant, it might not be altogether uninteresting, in view of the approaching centenary of Singapore three years hence, to ascertain if there are any
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  • 391 5 (From Our Own Correspondent o Bukit Mertajam, February 10. At the Bukit Mertajam District Court, before Mr. G. A. Hereford, on Monday, 1 1) Chung Lian Ok., and (2) Mah Tek Wong were brought up for trial on a charge of robbery. The accused were acquitted and
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  • 54 5 The Scholarship founded in August, 1915, by the President of the Republic of China, has been awarded to Sung, a candidate from Queen’s College. Cash prizes of $lOO each have been awarded to She Shiu Tsoi, Li Sung, Hu Kwok Leung (Queen’s College), Ong Siow Hian and
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  • 35 5 The following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Single Handicaplß. ODD Hogan beat J H B Smith, 6—3. 6—3. Single Handicap C. J Seath w.o. from F T Ellis-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 628 5 The Eastern Produce Exchange in offering their services to the public, beg to announce that they also undertake to negotiate Loans, do General Agency business and act as Brokers and Auctioneers of Landed and Moveable Properties. The Fifth Auction Sale WILL BE HELD On Monday, the 14th February, 1916. NOTICE.
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    • 359 5 I I Vi' to. C < s a esj CiTfS EGtfC c~? Fabrique de —j> CIGARETTESEGYPTIENNES ERO FRERES boutonXkouge fAan a tit wr* 6k^Q Fr(MSIt* e*¥«tti/%afrfeitf<n<ftrzs 001 3E FELUCCA UEr? \7 li. 'lt FRfeREs FaBR'QUC Par U DANS 11UR AaANUFACTURC AU A I^CaireEgypte TC TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT!! The Electric Polyscope Co.,
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  • 91 6 Fa b'dated rjdly (except Sunday* and public hclidAyj) AT TV* CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Pare*. Daily Local 124 par arttm > Ontitation... Postage Extra. l£ail Edition (Post Frca) §17.50 CABL* ADDKE3S ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo, 58© Frintinf Department 743 V.jrf.—AU iurlxri* evauauaicatfoza ijmH
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  • 1230 6 Y<jt once again we must warn our readers against paving too much attention ot according too much importance to the p-ace-talk or which there was a striking revival yesterday No dcuht it is perfectly true that Geanacy did make proposals to Belgium and we may tike it that
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  • 63 6 To-day’s Quotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at l $86.65, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at business done (125 tons sold), and in London at ,£179 15s. spot and '£l79 10s.three months’ sight. A special wire to the Eastern Produce Exchange gives the following prices
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  • 378 6 The birthday celebrations of HH. the Sultan of Kelant in will take place next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, wires our correspondent in Singapore. Mr. Jack Jennings, Managing Director of the Times of Malaya, is on a short business visit to Penang, accompanied by Mrs Jennings. They motored
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  • 65 6 Increases in Imports and Exports. C From Ou? Own Correspondent.') Singapore, February 11. Tne trade for the last quarter shows an increase in the imports of $34,689,126 as compared with the corresponding quarter in 1914, and an increase in the exports of $36,493,831. Rubber Transhipped. Tue amount of
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  • 238 6 We give below the statement of receipts and disbursements of the King Edward VII Memorial Fund with which money, as our readers are aware, the Maternity Hospital was established. The balance of $61.82 has been handed to the management of the Hospital and will be
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  • 946 6 The Wizard. Thomas A:va Edison, who is sixtv eiohi to-day, has done his full share of kmoS discovery and invention, but he belief that the near future holds more revolution ary changes than any the present generation has seen A method of manufacturing may, bethinks, be discovered any
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 247 6 leap ymh dance AFI'ER A S -ECSA DINNER AT THE E. a O. HOTEL, ON TUESDAY, 291 H FEBRUARY. 1916, E. Ss O. OBOEESTa.:. TOW BAK'D. Successful Proposals wil have the privilege of a free week s Honeymoon AT THE GrtAG HOTEL •—»B( iaosoooeaoooeoioecr) The Bernese Ales Milk Co. o
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  • 55 6 Death. Woodford.- Killed in action in Prance on 13th Oct bur, 1915, Harold Vivian W udford, «ged twenty two, Second Lieu-t-u.nt 8rb Bit-. Rojal Berkshire Regiment, doai ly-loved and devoted younger sou of Cba'les Morris Woodford, C. M. G., late Resident Commissione»’, British Solomon Islands Protectorate, and Florence Woodford of
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  • 537 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. -NO DAMAGE DONE.” London, February 9. It is officially announced that two German ■eaplanes this afternoon dropped three bombs on a field near Ramsgate and four Dear a school at Broadstairs. No damage was done except to glass. There were no casualties. The
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  • 889 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. FRENCH OPERATIONS. PARTIAL ENEMY SUCCESS. London, February 9, 5.35 p.m. A Paris communique states that mutual artillery activity took place in Artois. The Germans exploded two large mines at La Roiie and penetrated some sectors of the tiring trench which had been shattered
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  • 507 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. SIGNIFICANT ENEMY CONFERENCE. Germans and Bulgarians in Conelnve. London, February 9. A Berliu official announcement states that Dr. Radoslavoff, the Bulgarian Premier, and General Jekoff, C'mmand9r-in-Chief of the Bulgarian forces, have arrived at the German headquarters to confer with Dr. vou Bethmann Hollweg, Imperial
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  • 71 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 3,—In Mesopotamia, 4 America’s Citizens. Band Programme. 5, Club Life in the East. Singapore Centenary. Bukit Mertajam Cases University of Hongkong. P.C.C. Tennis Tournament. g Duty of Defence. Building of Merchant Ships. Mr. Bottomley and the National Relief
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  • 536 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. GENERAL SMITH-DORRIEN RESIGNS His Successor. London, February 9. It is officially announced that General Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien has resigned his post as Commander-in-Cbief of the British forces in East Africa cwing to illhealtb. General Smuts succeeds him War Offiee Auaouacemeat. A War Office
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  • 558 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. BELGIUM'S INDIGNANT REFUSAL. Rome, February 9. It is stated that Germany has offered Belgium peace terms, the restoration cf the country, the return of King Albert and the payment, of a large indemnity in exchange tor economic and commercial privilege» wh ch will
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  • 662 7 AT ABATTOIRS INCIDENT. Before Mr. V G. Ezecbiel in the Third Court this morning Mr. H C. Rice and Mr. J H. Rice were summoned at the instance of Low Kuan c.n a charge of voluntarily causing hurt and wrongful confinement. Mr. J. Crabb Watt, appeared for the
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  • 253 7 Feb. 8 By Balance $1,390.14 10 Anonymous 800 Feb. 10 By Balance 1,***** Amount previously acknowledged 22,216.50 Total $23,614.64 Tho Echo de Paris publishes the following despatch from Copenhagen: Little by little proofs are accumulating of German p emedit&tion in regard to Danmark. Long b-fore the w%r
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  • 932 8 To th* Editor or thi Free Press. Sir, —It is evident that Government are endeavouring, through inspired communications to the Press, to bring home to members of the Reserves that though they are doing exactly what they were asked to do, they are not doing enough. They
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  • 610 8  -  A DIFFICULT AND COMPLEX WAR PROBLEM. The Sufply of Labour. By a Shipping Correspondent. The statement that the building of merchant shipping is in future to be classified as war work affords an opportunity for the consideration of several difficulties which, owing to the complete disruption
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  • 273 8 Mr. Horatio Bottomley, whose endeavours to damage the National Relief Fund were recently given quotation in this country, has been defendant in more actions with regard to companv-promotiug than probably any man in England. He first came into public notoriety some twenty-five years
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  • 492 8 We have spared our readers any detailed review of the war during the past year, says the Westminster Gazette, but we cannot quite forget that we begin a New Year with our present number, or refrain from a rapid glance backward and forward. We are
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  • 300 8 The Japanese newspapers are undoubtedly right in believing that the rapprochement with Russia will affect the future of the Far East. Japan can take a larger share in helping to develop Russia’s great resources in the East, and that this is intended is shown by the grant
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  • 109 8 Rubber Auction. At the Eastern Produce Exchange Rubber auction yesterday 79,394 lb. of rubber were offered for sale and 46,437 lb. sold at the following prices: Sheet Ribbed Smoked from $l6O to $l7l Plain Smoked $154 $l6O Ribbed Unsmoked $153 $l6O Plain Unsmoked $155 $l5B Pale Crepe
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  • 1953 8  -  (By Frederic J. Haskin.) The British advance up the Tigris River, and the recent check before the walls of Bagdad, brings that historic city into the limelight. Bagdad is the key to the Euphrates valley route, already partially traversed by the Bagdad radway, which is known as
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 10 8 For Ohronio Chest Complaints, Wood»’ Great Peppermint Cere Is. J»<]
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    • 36 8 A Forty Years' TestChamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been curing coughs and colds for the past forty years and has gained in popularity every year. What better recommendation is required For Bale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 36 8 Tickling in the Throat. Even the slightest tickling or hoarseness in the throat may be the forerunner of a dangerous illness. Stop it at once with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy For sale by «11 Dispensaries a?d Dealers.
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    • 51 8 Don't Risk Pneumonia. Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible. It is the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, but the effect is marvellous. For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 12 8 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Weoda’ Great Peppermint Care, la. 6d.
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    • 634 8 FIRE INSURANCE. ri HE undersigned hating been appoints 1 Agents for THE UNION INSm? ANCE SOCIETY of CANTON, LIMITED (incorporated in Hongkong) are prepared insure properties against FIRE at cUrL? rates, Dai ALLEN DENNYS A Co Penang. No. 6, Beach Street. 5 NOTICE. The s.s. Hong Kheng, Captain J. Mason
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  • 2731 9 On a certain evening in September a little group of R.A M.C, orderlies left b u hind them the last houses of the mining village and prepared to cross the wide fields that lay beyond. At certain points < hey stopped and one of the gioup would bend
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  • 222 9 The new regime in China will, we suppose, be ushered in with the usual lavish promises of progress and reform, and one of the first things to be referred to will, it is to be expected, be the desirability of taking steps to exploit Chinn’s mineral wealth.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 81 9 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious disease when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure
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    • 58 9 Harsh Purgatives, Salts and Castor Oil, are old fashioned remedies more drastic than safe. REISSES the tiny laxatives ensure the game results, but in a perfectly natural manner. They do not upset the stomaeh, nor gripe, but gently assist nature. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or pest free from
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1717 10 P. O.—H. I. AND APCAR LINE (IIVCOBPOBATBD IN ENGLAND.) Mail And Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan») V '.s ti 1. --f KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAAftT MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (iNOOSPOaATBD I* HOLLAND.) Fob Intended to Sail. Lanesa, Telok Semawe, Segli, Olehleh, Sabang,
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