Straits Echo, 8 February 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1333 1 ftMAIJJ UiZEn matiirAU For Cars on Hire BANKS The TAI SENG Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China EMPIRE "The Little Aristocrat" Cali at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Motor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars
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    • 10 1 sH’SMILK* §1 Von w *^g# B.ssSl w *3? s ess
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  • 2025 2 SERIES OP VIVID PICTURES. Mb, Balfour on the Navy's Q UARDIANSHIP. Londou, January 5. The wonderful aeries of film pictures of the British fleet which have been taken with Admiralty sanction were shown at the Empire Theatre this week. Mr Bilfour, First Lord of the Admiralty, was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 351 2 Methylated Spirits. (QUALITY GUARANTEED). Wholesale Price $3.50 per tin of 4 gallons. Retail Price 20 cents per quart bottle. OBTAINABLE AT CHEAHKEE EE CO 66, CHINA STREET, PENANQ. For Sale. SHARE TRANSFER FORMS PRICE: S CENTS EACH OB $1.50 PER HUNDRED The Criterion Press. Ltd. 69, BEACH STBEET, PENANQ. FOR
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    • 10 2 For Chronio Chest Complaints, Weeds' Greet Peppermint Cnrs li, M
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    • 36 2 Tickling in the Thront. Even the slightest tickling er hoarseness in the throat maj be the forerunner of a dangerous illness. Stop it at onoe with Chamberlain's Cough Kenedy. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 273 2 We do it for you. IF YOU MADE up your mind to obtain the finest possible Scotch Whisky, you might succeed in doing so without buying our brands. You would have to purchase and lay down the finest spirits, you would have to blend them in just the right way
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  • 776 3 FUND ORGANISED. Unde* Direct Authority of th* War Office. The Smallest number of Aeroplanes required f.r ax Air Squadron is 16. 14 Atropl*»fi Presetted to Dtte, ted No. 19 pertly Subscribed. I earnestly appeal to the people of Malaya of all Nationalities who desire to take
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  • 412 3 It will doubtless interest those who are charged here with the duty of preventing cruelty to animals to know that an article recently published! in this journal exposing the shocking brutality practised upon dnmb animals in this port has been reproduoed in extenso by the Bangkok Observer
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  • 189 3 The following ties have been fixed for to-day:— Single Handicap A. F G Penny vs AW Harries F N Syer vs A 8 Hall. Single Handicap B. W A Fell vs A W Blackford H M Stewart vs C R A Goatly. Single Handicap G. H W
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  • 110 3 Tuesday, Bth February, 1916. Golf Club, 5-45 to 7-15 p m. 1 Selection, Cavalleria Rusticana ...Mascagni 2 Alexander’s Ragtime Band ...Berlin 3 Selection. The Geisha ...Jones 4 Waltz Gold Rain ...Waldteufel 5 Serenade ...Moo6zkouwski 6 March The Honeymoon... Rosey. The Zorich correspondent of the Meseaggero slates that at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 994 3 NOTICES. I beg to inform the public that I will open a shop for the sale of Clean-fed Fork shortly at market prices Parti culars and locality will be announced later. This pork 9 on Avon Estate and under my personal supervision ri R. D. CASWELL. NOTICE. The s.8 Fong
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    • 405 3 a e mtem, a —a wbĕl «r. Sweet Becausĕ of its delicate aroma and flavour Sweet Chest*ri\lt Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. vl m N» 'G >s W u 7M m >a V/j 1 mm TO-NIGHt! TO-NIGHT! 1 The Electric Polyscope Co„ Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road.
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  • 95 4 Plfcliahod daily (except Sondaya and pahLie kolkUya) AT TV> CRITERION PRESS. Ltj> No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Pbios. Daily Leonl 9U pw aanora Ovtatatwa... Poatafa Extra. Mail Editioa (Port Frao) 117.50 OABLI ADDEiaa t ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone No*. (Echo, 580 Printing Department 343 ff g,—AU kaaiaaaa oaaa»uniaatio«« ,houM
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  • 1039 4 France, Russia and Germany have all, < as we know, made during the course of the war many and far-reaching change» ‘n the higher commands of their armies. On the other hand supersessions of Generals in the British forces have been few, 1 though it i» obvious that
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  • 51 4 Feb. 5 By Balance 91.130.14 7 The Employees of the United Engineers... 55.00 H. De Z Lancaster February subscription 25.00 The European Employees of the Malakoff Rubber Co., Ltd and the Malakoff Plantations Co., Ltd,, monthly subscription 130.00 Feb. 7By Balance 1,340.14 Amount previously acknowledged 22,216.50 Total
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  • 145 4 Mr. August Huttenbach, to whose generosity and assiduity in collecting subscriptions the establishment of the Maternity Hospital is largely due, has donated a further sum of 9500 to the hospital for the purpose of assisting pauper patients with gifts of clothing for their babies [on leaving the hospital.
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  • 966 4 Mr, F. B. I vena has been recommended for a Commission in the army at Home. According to the Vossische Zeitung, Lieutenant General Bogislav von Bagenski Seeben, commander of a reserve division, has died on the battefield. Friends of Mr. Jack Stuart, says the 8. F. P.,
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  • 991 4 Or Near Offer,” A caul is being advertised for sals in. London newspaper. Presumably there are still to be found folk of sufficient faith to regard these things as powerful tharm* against death by drowning. The price i> five pounds, or near offer,” which does not seem too
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 126 4 STILL LEADING!!! SUPER ICED COLOGNE. The Great Cure for Headaches Ask for the Super Brand. Look for the FLAG on the LABEL Price 40 and 70 cents. Tht George Town Dispensary Ltd., PENANG. T AI PING d IPOH. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Telephone Nos. 635 S 543. Proprietor A. KERDYK. T’graphic Address
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  • 686 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. greater enemy activity. Aa4 its Eiplmtlot. London, February 7. Reuter’s correspondent with the British iquarters discredits the idea that the increased activity of the enemy in tbe northern British sector presages an offenlive. These operations are purely local and limited in character and
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  • 756 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. SIR CECIL CLEMENTI SMITH London, February 7. The death has taken place of the Bt. Hon. Sir Cecil C'ementi Smith. [Few Governors of the Straits Settlements have rendered better service to the Colony and the Empire than the Bt. Hon, Sir Cecil Clementi Smith G
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  • 101 5 THE GENERAL AT IPOH. (From Our Own Correspondent O Ipoh, February 8. Brigadier-General Ridont this morning inspected “C” Company of the M.S-V.R, on the local padang. There was a large mnster under Captain Lawford. After platoon and section drill and attack practice, the General offered some criticism. He
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  • 643 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 2. —The Grand Fleet. 3. —The Malayan Air Squadron. Cruelty to Auimals. P.C.C. Tennis Tournament. Band Programme. 6. —India’s Place in the Empire. Bad Times for Clubs. Affairs in China. Naval Notes. 7. —Replacement of Men by Women.
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  • 936 5 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. A BRIGHT FUTURE. The adjourned fifth annual general meeting of this company was held at noon today at the Chamber of Commerce. There were present the Hon. Mr Robert Toung, in the chair, Mr. W. H. Thorne, Mr. H. A. Neubronner, Mr.
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  • 619 5 TO-DAY’S QUOTATIONS. Tin (unrefioed) ia quoted here to-day at $86 70, buyer* no seller*, in Singapore (refioed) at $87.25, business done (100 tons sold) aod in London at £179 15s spot and £180 three month’s sight. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following are the
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  • 56 5 Sikmpobi Bvbbh Attotiost Mabkbt Rbvobt. By the courtesy of The Eastern Produce Exchange we are enabled to publish the following Singapore Rubber Prices. Diamond Smoked Sheet $163 Plain Smoked Sheet 152 Unsmoked Sheet Plain Unsmoked Sheet 155 Pale Crepe ISO Brown Crepe 146 Bark Crepe 141 Scrap
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  • 192 5 Alma 21,500 lbs., Bukit Toh Alang 17,330 lbs., Shanghai Klebang 10,207 lbs, Kota Bahroe 42,573 lbs Sungei Duri 15,432 lbs., Chemor United 16 778 lbs Shanghai Malay 14 614 lbs Cluny 19,500 lbs., Kinta Kellas 33,638 lbs., Klian Kellas 3,501 lbs., Tanpng Pan 10,250 lbs, Old K-llas
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  • 228 5 The following were the scores made by the P. L. R. C. at Kampong Bahru yesterday 200 yds. Mrs Hulme-Bbarp 29 Mrs Wright-Motion 27 Miss Matbieu 25 Mrs Sproule 25 Mrs Liston 24 Mrs J Brown 24 Mrs Mo Lemon 19 Mrs Shepard 18 Mrs Frayne
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  • 329 5 Before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the Third Court this morning a well-to-do Chinese, named Lim Boon Cheang, was arraigned on a charge of theft of articles of jewellery to the value of $203.80 from a dwelling house in Beach Street, the property of one Sim Boon Sim.
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  • 240 5 Writing from Berlin, a correspondent points oat how much Germany is indebted to her chemists they alone, he declares, have enabled her to carry on the war up till now, and without them the Fatherland would have been done for long since. When the German
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  • 922 6  -  A PLIA FOB Rtf PRESENTATION. By St. Nihal Singe. The Indian National Congress—which is 1 befittingly called India’s unofficial Parliament —now meeting in Bombay, has rightly paid a tribute to Lord Hardinge for accepting the resolution recently proposed in the Imperial Legislative Council recommending that
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  • 941 6  -  By Twells Brek The war has struck bard at clubs. Some of the mast famous clubs in Lon- don are abolishing entrance fees and cutting down subscriptions. Doors that the ordinary man never hoped to enter are now [open to him if he will open his
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  • 2041 6 Thb Yunnan Movewbnt. h Whilst it is certain that some time will I < lapse before the opposing armies of Yunnan H and the central Government will meet each other in actual battle, northern troops are I now pushing south as hard as they can. So I
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  • 1875 6 A Retrospect of 1915. It London, January 1, t The work of a Navy in war time can be 1 neither recorded in figures nor represented on a map. In attempting to sum-1 1 marise the achievements of the British 1 Fleet during the past year we cannot
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 For Children's Hacking Cowgh aft Night, Woods' Great Peppermint Cult ll. fid.
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    • 51 6 Don’t Risk Pneumonia. Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible. It is tbe forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a simple thing to do, but the effect is marvellous. Far sale by aU Dispensaries and
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    • 83 6 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious disease when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever aod consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure
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    • 66 6 Sharp attacks of colic are very prevalent in this trying climate, and it it well to know what should be taken to overcome the trouble. Here is the knowledge to act on Get a bottle of WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, and take a teaspoonful every three hours. Speedy relief will
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    • 74 6 Don’t Couth. It is absurd to allow a cough to barn? op aDd sap your ritality when Chamberlain 1 Cough Remedy will cure you. Yon know where a persistent cough will 1» D you. You can’t afford to allow yonr thro» 5 and lungs to become diseased when it J*
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  • 1822 7 During the next few months many hundred of thousands more men will, it is said, be withdrawn from civil occupations to join the Colours. Whether as a nation we can afford to lose this number of extra men from industrial and commercial work is
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  • 361 7 O Calendars 1 O annual blight! Which friends and kinsmen out of sight Delude themselves will be just right For pocket, wall, or bureau A comic Golfer by my bed, A Hilda Cowham overhead, Between a cat in green and red And Six Sea-Soenes from Truro.” Five snapshots
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  • 208 7 Seme people are naturally tbin. There is also a natural pallor but most people who are both thin and pale are far from well and they need a tonic. Many people neglect to take a tonic until they get so sick that a tonic is not sufficient just
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 797 7 :>oc —nnr DOC DOCDOCDOCDC TRY OF KYE WHISKY. W Distilled, Matured and Bottled in Scotland. G. H. Slot Co., 35, BEACH STREET, PENANG. Sole Agents for Malay Archipelago. Telegrams: SLOT. 77 Telephone 453> (OCZZDoooOC DOC DOC DOC E. O. Hotel. ■:o> SPECIAL TIFFIN EVEMY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. Sale by order of
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    • 35 7 A Forty Years’ TestChamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been curing coughs and colds for the past forty years and has gained in popularity every year. What better recommendation is required For sale by all Dispensaries and
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    • 197 7 Extract from Government Circular note of the 10th October, 1901, for General information: K. C. Dass, has,...without doubt, been very successful in his line of treatment and has acquired a most enviable reputation amongst all classes...who flocked to him daily in large numbers for the benefit and comfort of his
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1558 8 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR! LINK Incorporated in England. Mail and Passenger Service PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan*) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) «.i. Nellore l.i. Mongara «.i. Nora Feb. 12 (Calls Genoa) Feb 23 Apr. 6 s.s.
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