Straits Echo, 5 February 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1117 1 M.MAID «50 JC 1 IIKED NATUifii For Cars on Hire BANKS r> EMPIRE •'The Little Aristocrat" 1 Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Motor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars and Cycles undertaken by expert Mechanics.
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    • 5 1 SS f 0 3sn ioyjoii^»t»
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 48 2 DRINK St. fr ,'5 4* m m m £8H Si i Si fl iw3B SE<bCK-> §fH \m i gpi r* f »ki BB ■< .a if m m, *9m m I J&r.a V. T Ti£i *£tmi Ir^l CONNOISSEURS fHE lr BRAND ON THE MARKET. SOLE AGENTS: p. LTD., PENANG
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  • 1019 3 GROWING bOCIALLST DISCONTENT. Dkrbt Men. Attempt to Disparafe Them Beforehand. The action of twenty Socialists in the Reichstag in voting against the new war credits has produced quite a sensation, and is the subject of a lively discu.-sion throughout the German Press. Naturally, every paper which is
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  • 673 3 Some Unpublished Letters. Paris, Dec. 29. M Gaston Thomson publishes this morning in the Matin some remarkable extracts from the unpublished letters written some 40 years ago by Gambetta to his friend, Ranc. The originals, according to Ranc's express wish, are to be sent to the Carnavalet Museum.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 434 3 MOTOR CYCLES. B.S.A. Motor Cycle 4* H P. Cum-belt-Chain Drive ii M 3jH.P, Fixed Engine Premier Motor Cvcle 2| H P Massey Harrie Motor Cycle 3£ H.P. Radeo Motor Cycle 2 Stroke 2| H.P. Premier Motor Cycle 2f H P. (2nd hand) J E S. Motor Cycle If H.P. B.S.A.
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    • 721 3 Build up after Illness by taking and Bax a ar i Angier’s Emulsion is both healing and proper tone to the digestive functions and strengthening. Soothing to the entire for building up health and strength after mucous tract —throat, lungs, stomach and intestines—an aid to appetite and digestion and a
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  • 2099 4 WITH THE INDIAN CONTINGENT. 1 ok a Transport. HilUitderi of E»»t &td West. By Eye Witneu. The Persian Gulf, Off Esso, Dec. 30, 1915 It can be no secret to the enemy that for the last month transports conveying somn unit 8 of the Indian contingent have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 371 4 Rubber Machinery FOB Washing Crepping and Sheeting IN ALL SIZES. EARLY DELIVERY. Bessemer Semi-Diesel (Crude Oil) Engines. The most reliable, economical and simple engines for Rubber factories and Mines. No valves, no complications, no skilled attendance required. Cost of fuel: one cent per H.P. Hour. Awarded GOLD-MEDAL at Panama Exhibition.
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    • 40 4 Do You Cough Don’t overstraiu tbe fine membrane of your throat in trying to dislodge the phlegm. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will accomplish this for you, and cure the cold that is oausing it. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 675 4 nnnnnunMmnmmmom*n*******nn\ RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Telephone Nos. 635 8 543. Proprietor A. KERDYK. T’graphic Address Runnymede Hotel.” Manager J. G. Hummelint. The Most Select Situation on the Sea-Side. Terms Single rooms irom $5 per day upwards. M Double rooms from $9 per day upwards. For Monthly terms apply to the Manager. Special
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  • 1058 5  -  (By Tom W*i«*t). Spending a sunny afternoon on the mount called Olivet” (Jardin d’Olivet) though here were no suggestions, apart from the name, of Moses ancient or modern, I began to think of spots that might be, and are, considered holy ground”. I have visited a few such,
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  • 396 5 Awirvax. Ca.ut. The annual eamp of the Penang Volunteer Corps, which commenced on Wednesday evening, is a record in the annals of the history of volunteering in this Settlement not only as regards the number but also as to the work done, which covers the advanced stages. There
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  • 237 5 E.M.S. Estate 10,219 lbs. Juru Estates, Ltd. 11,582 lbs., Kong Lee (Perak) Plantations. Ltd. 1,100 lbs., Perak River Valley Rubber Co., Ltd. 5,365 lbs., Semanggol Rubber Co., Ltd. 7,230 lbs. The Straits Rubber Co., Ltd. 207,000 lbs.. The Penang Rubber Estates Co„ Ltd. 176,000 lbs The Rubana
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  • 167 5 The case in which Mr. Tan Jiak Kim, c.m.0., as representative of the mortgagees of the estate of the late Mr Tan Beng Guat, of Singapore, asked for a declaration that the trusts of the said will ought to be performed and their execution be ordered and
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  • 78 5 The output of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, during the month of January was 500 pikuls. The output of the Ayer Weng Mine for the month of January was 160 piculs. The Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Coy. N, L. output for the month of January was 126 tons,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 508 5 J < Id (0 O Id 0£ J < U Id 0. to (0 m z < z < X u 3 ffl o (0 J < SCOTCH l WHISKY j zs i t-" w s m n: N x OlASOOW “SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT’ 6k BLACK WHITE ALWAYS THE
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    • 492 5 Sweet Y Because of its delicate aroma and sweetness of flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. Yt 1 u 8 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. TEOtfAS A. EDISON’S Latest Serial Featuring Miss Mary Fuller the Heroine in What Happened
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  • 93 6 F*blifh*d daily (except otindejs tad pvblio holidays) AT TS* CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Panaog Paicw. Daily Local 924 per uataw Omtetation... Postage Extra. Mai: Edition (Poet Free) 917.50 CABLE ADDEBBS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo, !sfio Printing Department 345 ti it. —All bu»i«,«, o»mnunieationt should
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  • 1381 6 Oue would have to search the annals of the saa for som considerable time to find a parallel to the romance of the Appam whose status, owing to the peculiar circumstances in nbicb she was captured, is likely to provide a pretty problem for the international lawyers.
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  • 852 6 Mr. A. Sarkies has gone on a business ▼isit to Rangoon. Mr. Douglas Campbell, British Adviser in Johore, is going on leave in the near future.: Mr. O R. Bateman, of Bateman A Co., Singapore, has been paying a flyiug visit to Penang. Miss Pigott, only daughter
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  • 905 6 A Tip. Perak River Valleys at anything $1.50 should show good returns at th* r of the yeir, and Pulau Bulangg (not f^ oD<l ting the $1.50 call) at round about offer an excellent lock-up to the lnraif who is prepared to wait a couple of T 0
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 181 6 Chinese New Year BUY YOUE PERFUMES HAIR LOTIONS <&0., &G. FROM THE m A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM AT REASONABLE PRICES. CHI MIA HAT I. The Premier Perfume. $2 A. Bottle. !OC r>C rsoc: 'IP tyres i.-. c and -ry^fctC^~ V,- rssfi Lr= R. T. REID S’ Co., SOLE
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  • 608 7 (Reuter's Service) Copyright Telegram. THE BUILDINGS DOOMED. Parlitmealtry Records Destroyed, Ottawa, February 4 The Parliament buildings are on fire and it is believed that they are doound. The membexs sitting narrowly escaped, though two are missing. Two nieces of the Speaker were killed. It is believed that
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  • 688 7 THE APPAM.” (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. STATUS OF THE LINER. U. S. A. Opinion. Washington, February 3, 12.50 p.m. The status of the Appam has not vet been decided, but official quarters believe that she will be held as a German prize under the Americo-Prussian Trnaty of 1828. Washington, Febiuary
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  • 753 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. FRENCH OPERATIONS. Enemy Offensive Cheeked. London, February 3, 4 35 p-m. A Paris communique states that the Germans attempted an offensive on the Aisne after an artillery preparation. The offensive was stopped by a curtain of fire and fussillades. Mining Activity. London, February
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  • 472 7 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. PRESS COMMENTS. Division of Control. London, February 4. It is understood that the Government Departments concerned are very active aa a result of the Zeppelin raid- The War Office at present controls the defences of London and the Admiralty the rest of England.
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  • 96 7 la Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent.^ Singapore, February 5. The Chinese New Year passed off very quietly. The settlement was satisfactory. The Chinese concert in the Memorial Hall was very successful. the feature being Captain Brown’s song Tipperary in which the youngsters joined. In Penang also the
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  • 410 7 (Reuter Service). Copyright Telegram. AERIAL ACTIVITY. A Zeppelin Hit. Salonika, Februaty 3. A Zeppelin again approached the town yesterday night, bu‘ at stopped. It is believed that she was hit by the British batteries. Air-Raid oa Petriteh. Salonika, February 4. Regarding the aerial raid by a French squadron
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  • 66 7 To-day’s Quotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to day at $87.50, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $88.25, business done (125 tons sold) and in London at £lBO spot and three months’ sight. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following are the quotation for
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  • 156 7 The 8.8. Nellore is expected to sail on the night of Saturday the 12th instant. Homeward Mail Steamer. Tko RMS. Maloja arrived at Marseilles on the Ist instant. The connecting steamer from the Straits (s s. Nankin) left here on the 7th ultima Letters posted at Dato
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  • 397 7 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following telegrams are from the Sumatra Post ol Thursday, February 3: HOLLAND AND THE WAR. The Raid oa Ike Tclcgraaf." Not only tho offices of the Telegraaf, but the dwelling-house of Herr Holdert, iti director, was searched by the police. Soma documents were
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  • 403 7 Jan. 27 By Balance $678.10 31 Kanapathy Pillay 20 00 Feb. 1 R. B. Osborne Feb. subscription 25.00 2 Staff of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. A Co. 36 80 Chief Post Office 13th instalment 49 30 Feb. 2By Balance $BO9 20 All the accommodation at the Crag
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  • 1071 8 We owe a sincere apology to the Clergy of Malaya, and we freely give it, says the Timet of Malaya. The predominant im- i pression we carried away from the meeting i in the offices of the 8anitary Board last < evening, when the Rev
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  • 719 8 To tmw Emroa or rwm Financier, The recent rise in the price of rubber seems to have come to a great many people as a surprise, as something unreal, which cannot be permanent. The Stock Exchange is sceptical the man in the street” is sceptical, but does
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  • 320 8 We have the pleasure of announcing that -two welUknown Ipoh residents of long standing have most generously presented a Reconnaissance Aeroplane to the Empire. Mr. E. T. C. Garland; and Mr. Ashworth Hope, the two heads of two* of our. pioneer firms, are the generous donors, the
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  • 262 8 (From Owr Own Correspondent) t Kuala Lumpur, February 3. There was a good attendance at the Kuala i Lumpur Raaes;; tbe going was good. The results were as follows: i Rack I. 1 Lahsfoss, Ross had a walk over. Rack II. La Fie, Walker, 1. Jor recks,
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  • 359 8 Says Tuesday’s Straits Times: The time is coming when, almost certainly, a larger share of local military guard duty will haver to be taken by the volunteers. With the present establishment, this means heavy mobilisation calls upon the men already in the several units, many of whom cm
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  • 152 8 F.M.S. Armoured Battleplane Fighter.” The presentation by the Members' of’tbV F. M. S. Service of a Battleplane Fighter** to the Empire has been completed, and the sum required, $18,306, cabled to the'War Office. We understand that the Fighter was over subscribed by soma $5OO. This splendid gift-reflsets the greatest possible
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  • 306 8 Coincident with the collapse of the Ford peace futility the American mail brings some native newspaper comment which shows a keen appreciation of facts. A leading New England newspaper, for example, realises that any immediate termination of the war would bet" false conclusion if it secured measurable
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  • 215 8 Club Life.” Ipoh, Feb. 3rd. A paper on “Club Life” was read by the Rev E. L. Danson, of Seremban at the Sanitary Board Offices last evening in connection with Clerical Conference which opened yesterday with a large attendance of clergy and laietv. The Rev Danson, while admitting its imperfections,
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  • 348 8 5n SvMir imi ErimxT, Fnum 6, 1916. 8-00 a.m. Matins No Celebration of the Holy Communion 10-30 am. Chinese Service 5- p.m. Children’s Service 6- p.m. Evensong and Sermon GOD SAVE THE KING. Penang Presbyterian Church Services will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Northam Road,
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  • 517 8 The proceedings at the Indian National Congress in Bombay show how deeply the events of war have affected all political problems throughout the Empire. In the pre-war period the annual meeting of the Congress was genera 11 v untilised as an occasion for criticising British rule in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 572 8 I beg to inform the public that I will open a «hop for the tale of CU*n-fc4 Pork ■hortly at market prioes. Partieelara and {locality will be annonnoed later. This pork i« fed on the Aron Estate and mnder my personal smperrision. 51 R. D. 0A8WELL. The Criterion Press, Limited.
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    • 33 8 Somethin! te Remember. In buying a cough medicine for children bear in mind that Chamberlain'» Cough Remedy io the best for cold», oronp and whooping cough, and that it contains no and Dealer»
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    • 12 8 For Obiia»n i Jlantiag Oo«yhW Hight, Woods’ Wnot Psppomiat Oort. ls. «4:
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    • 309 8 Straight at It. There is no use of our beating around the bush.” We might as well out with it first as last. We want you to try Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the next time yob have a cough or cold. There is no reason so far as we can see
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  • 2279 9  -  Br Hollbrook Jackson. When Dr. Woodrow Wilson was elected to the highest honours of citizenship by the gr a r est of the world's republics, few in this country had heard even his name. Now that we know not only his name, but, owinsr to the circulation of
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  • 292 9 A New Discotert. Thin men and women—that big, hearty, tilling dinner you ato last night. What became of all the fatproducing nourishment it contained? You haveu’t gained in weight one ounce. That food passed from your body like unburned coal through an open
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 247 9 Marseilles ft L “SWAN BRAND. ASBESTOS ROOFING SLATES "COCK" BRAND. mTBUQOF, ARTISTIC AND INDESTRUCTIBLE. SOLE ACENTS: ADAMSON, CILFILLAN CO., LTD., (INCORPORATED IN ENCLAND) PENANC, SINGAPORE MALACCA. In Edinburgh for 135 years. j AMES STEWART established our House in Edinburgh in the year 1779, and since that I bi idh 1JZ
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    • 65 9 Cro«». Every young child is susceptible to croup. Don’t wait until this dreadful disease attacks your little one before you prepare for it. It comes in the night when chemists’ shops are usually closed, and this alone should be a warning. Gfat and keep Chamberlains’ Cough Remedy on hand. It
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    • 35 9 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of PINKETTES the tiny laxatives which do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Mediciae Co.. Dept. 5o. Singapore.
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    • 133 9 THE London Directory (Published Annually.) Enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English Manufacturers (P Dealers in each class of goods. Besides being a complete commercial guide to London and its suburbs, the Directory contains lists of Export Merchants with the Goods they ship, and the Colonia and
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  • 1004 10 Tme Story op a man who was Born Tired. The following narrative of an incident in the trenches in France is by a private of the 20th London Regiment, who was formerly a member of the Daily Express staff. He came out to us with a draft about two
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  • 760 10 HOW THE POILU IS FED, CLOTHED AND WARMED. Better ofe thae the German. The following dispatch has been received from Mr.H. Warner Allen, the representative of the British Press with the French Army About six months ago there was much discussion in France as to whether the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 88 10 Straight at It. There ia no use of our beating around the bush.” We might as well out with it first as last. We want you to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. Thera is no reason so far as we can see
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    • 49 10 Do not allow yourself to become a victim |to recurring Fever. There is a sure remedy at band in WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE. I a truly marvellous specific in all oonditions ;of fever and internal complainte. It is sold by Dispensaries and Store* everywhere at SO emits per bottle*
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    • 158 10 nnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnna Huttenkch Bros. 8 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR All kinds of EL ECTRIC&L MACHINERY Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: HE 5TEELM fELEPIOSE CO., LTE. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and Private Installations can
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  • 1327 11  -  Bt C. Thiemk. One gets the impression from time to I time that members of the British publio do not always correctly gauge the anxiety felt I by Netherlands for their independence. Perhaps the following consideration may I help to explain the situation. This independence may
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  • 560 11 When a man is in trouble his oredit is of little avail unless he can substantiate it with the production of hard cash or its equivalent. Similarly with a nation. China is passing through a period of trial and tribulation, but it is not so bad as it
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  • 210 11 When your growing daughter’s appetite becomes fickle and she shows a desire for sour, starchy or chalky articles look after the condition of her blood. If she is pale and languid, nervous, without ambition and irritable her blood is unable to meet the demands made upon it.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 143 11 •CZZDOCZZDOC DO< OC DOC D OCDOCDOCDC 0 0 0 0 OF KYE 0 WHISKY. o o 0 o o 0 Distilled, Matured and Bottled in Scotland. 0 0 G. H. Slot Co., O 0 0 0 n 35, BEACH STREET, PENANG. g r\ Sole Agents for Malay Archipelago. 0 n
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    • 62 11 Cure That Cough. When you have troublesome cough, it does not mean that you have consumption or that you are going to have it, but it does mean that your lungs are threatened, and it is just as well to be on the safe side and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
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    • 384 11 Extract from Government Circular note of the 10th October, 1901, for General information K C. Dags, has,...without doubt, been very successful in his line of treatment and has acquired a most enviable reputation amongst all classes...who flocked to him daily in large numbers for the benefit and comfort of his
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1757 12 iP. O B. I. Mail AND APCAR LINE Incorporated in England. and Passenger Services. Viv \l) 1V* KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. «ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) For Intended to Sail. Steamer PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Xabgsa, Telok Semawe, Segli, Olehieh, Sabang, Padang, Benkoelen and Batavia. 12th February 26tb February
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