Straits Echo, 1 February 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1355 1 WiiMAID v I I Ii!SD NATIIEa for Cars on Hire ——C BANKS ■i Chartered Bank of India, Australia and EMPIRE ’’The Lillie Arttlocryi'' Call at or ’phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Motor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars
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    • 27 1 Tfiiff milki^ St'!for INFANTS CHlLW't'i J 0f W «ICH 13 THt BEST CO** J d at LONF‘° r k 'ty 3*5 seS .V: i ciir j‘s- p
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  • 2128 2  -  By Cecil Chbstbkton. Mr. Roosevelt’s book America and the\ European, War (Murray, 5s. net), contains much excellent political doctrine as well as a good deal of p.ctty scathing and effective criticism of Mr. Wilson and his Secretary of State: but in America, at any rate,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 131 2 DO' >0C DOC DOC DOC DOCDOCZDOCDC OF KYE WHISKY. 0 0 Distilled, Matured and Bottled in Scotland. o 8 G. H. Slot Co., 35, BEACH STREET, PENANG. Sole Agents for Malay Archipelago. Telegram*: u SLOT. 77 Telephone 453» >OC DOC DooOOC DOC DOC DOC 5 S m DRINK 0m V
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    • 11 2 For Children'* Hacking Comgh at Night, Weed*' Great Pippenmt Oar*, 6d
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    • 371 2 ft rs la '-r' I» V'f > Little Lectures by Nurse ‘Wincarnis.’ (Lecture No i.) Anaemia Our blood is composed of red and white corpuscles—the red to nourish the body, the white to fight disease. In Anaemia —or bloodlessness —the red corpuscles are more or less deficient. Thus the blood
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  • 2090 3 Accused Committed for Trial. The preliminary enquiry into the case against Ojg Ling, charged with the murder ot Khor nah and Khor Hian' and the attempted murder cf Khor Feng was concluded yesterday afternoon before Mr. E. E* Col man in the Second Court. Court Inspector Nicol
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 740 3 OSAKA SBOSEN KAISHA. (0M IA MERCANTILE STEAMSHIP Co.) MEMBERS or POOL AGREEMENT.) FOR COLOMBO A BOMBAY. The Company’s steamer TOSAN MARJJ expected to arrive here from Port gwettenham on Saturday, 5th February, 1916, and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight, etc. apply to GUTHRIE A Co.,
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    • 373 3 Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. ij.i*** THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. WJ mi Y/: p ■Ji z 4.V titsm TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. 4 DETECTIVE HAYES 4 20 Parts In Parts 20 7 SERIES 7
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  • 104 4 Published daily (except Sundays and pwfclio holidays) AT THU CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Psion. Daily Local M $24 per tuners Outetetion... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) $17.50 oani,n addbuss ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 .V /I —All buataaaa earn
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  • 1325 4 At the b«yiaaiog of this New Year it is p*rh;tps pertloeut to take a brief survey of the position in China. For our part we are disposed to be optimistic, despite the recent internal troubles which the Government, appirently, has iffectually suppressed True, the finances
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  • 47 4 Prrrrc Woae» Workers, Owing to Chinese New Year there will be no distribution of work at the Town Hall on Friday, 4th February—but it can be sent to Mrs. Ebden, Western Road, if desired. Tbe next case will be packed on 17th February.
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  • 928 4 The engagement, is announced of Mr. Charles Oswald Forrest, of the Survey Department, Penang, to Miss G. Moreton, daughter of the late Captain and Mrs. Moieton. Our Singapore correspondent wires that Mr. Charles Simon, son of a former manager of the Ipoh Marble Quarries, was shot on
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  • 975 4 Aft Obliging Defiftitioa. The justifiable demands of Bulg» r i. in Macedonia after the last Balkan W were considerably restricted in f fcT0Ur “I Serbia,” said the Chancellor in hia lpe(Sr before the Reichstag the other day w* are reminded of a witty definition of Mac» donia which
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 137 4 BBBBSBI Chinese New Year BUY YOIJK PERFUMES HAIR LOTIONS <S&c., &c. FROM THE George Town Dispensary, Ltd. A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM AT REASONABLE PRICES. CHINTA HATi. Ilie Premier Per/ume. $2 A Bottle. •H PENANG. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Telephone Nos. 635 8 543. Proprietor A. KERDYK. T’graphic Address Kunnymedc Hotel."
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  • 545 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE TORPEDOED TRANSPORT. Salonika, January 31. The transport which was torpedoed at ID0 entrance to Salonika carried only mules •oit of which were saved by beaching the ,hip The attack occurred in Greek ter riterial waters. Txi Balkan Nhbo.” —In a prints letter to.
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  • 748 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. CROWDS WATCH THE RAIDER t Paris, January 30, i The crowds which watched the Zeppelin i ■bowed no trace of fear but displayed great curiosity. They disregarded official instructions and rushed to the Boulevards eagerly watching the Zeppelin as if it was a
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  • 881 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. INTERESTING STATEMENT BY M. SAZONOFF. Fetrograd, January 31. M. Sazonoff (Foreign Minister) in a statement to the Pressmen said that he was convinced the Rumanians would not fall into the German trap since Germany only promised what belonged to others. He confirmed the
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  • 714 5 BATTLE WITH A BLACK PANTHER. TAPPING COOLIES SEVERELY MAULED. On Saturday morning a large black panther was killed on Kati Estate, which is situated fifteen miles out on the Upper Perak Road on the other side of Kuala Kangsar, under rather peculiar circumstances, and after it
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  • 296 5 Paris, December 31. In an article on the meeting of the British Chamber of Commerce to be held next month for the purpose of studying the commerciil relations between the Allies after the war, the Tempt says that the French Chamber of Commerce in London, which
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  • 1160 5 THE PROBLEM OF DEFENCE: POLICY OF THE SENUSSI. The western frontier of Egypt, which has come into some prominence in the war news, is some 700 miles long, but over nearly the whole of that distance nature has provided an impenetrable barrier in the shifting sand dunes,
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  • 313 5 From the Western Gazette of December 24, wo take the following On Sunday evening a memorial brass tablet was dedicated and unveiled in tfte presence of a large congregation by-> the Rev G. Menzies Lambrick (rector t>f Bligdon and rural dean). At the end of the intercession
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  • 186 5 ORDER BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER. To be Extended to the FM.S. The current issue of the F. M. 8 Government Gazette contains the following order by His Excellency Sir Arthur Young, High Commissioner for the Malay States:— Whereas it is provided by the Army Act Enactment, 1915,
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  • 114 5 His Aectsiios Gazetted. In the F. M. S. Government Gazette of January 28, we find the following announcement Raja Abdul Jalil bin Sultan Idris Mersbed el-Aszim Shah A’merhom Rahamatullah. Raja Muda of the State of Perak, was public’y proclaimed as having succeeded to the dignity of Sultan
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  • 52 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages: Page. 2. —The Star of Theodore Roosevelt, 3. —A Double Tragedy. 6. —Town Sanitation. Berlin Riots. Prison or Death.” War News and Gossip. The Next Kaiser. Shortage of Tonnage. Ministering Children’s League, Penang. 7. —As the Germans See It.
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  • 30 5 To-day's Quotatioas. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform m that the following is the quotation for Rubber on Spot in London Plantation Ist latex crdpe, 2/11. Clean Brown 2/6, Specky 2/5.
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  • 290 5 Obituary. i Sir Clements Markkas. London, January 31. Tbe dsath has taken place of Sir Clements Robert Markham. Whet who Bays t>ir Clements Robert Markham, K C B,: cr. 1896; F. R. S.; D. Sc. Cam. and Leeds; late President Royal Geographical Society, International Geographical CoDgress, 1194—99, Hakluyt Society, and
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  • 1508 6 Town Sanitation, as now practised, is almost a modern science as carried out in its application, by the highly equipped medical officers who specialise in the Department of Public Health. Perhaps most paople are sufficiently familiar with the indispensable elements of those conditions whose observance is mainly conducive
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  • 175 6 Cobblestones for Chancellor. The Amsterdam Telegraaf learns from a person who has recently returned from Berlin, and who vouches for the accuracy of his report, that the recent riots in Germany were in fact much more serious than would be thought from tbe reports that have so far
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  • 150 6 Prison or Death.*' Berne, December 28. The full text-of the recently issued official police notification to Berlin demonstrators las published bv the Swiss Socialist newsj papers is as follows WARNING.—If any assembly of people i openly gathers in the streets and attacks with violence any persons or things, each participant
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  • 2002 6 CFrom Our Own Correspondent0 Lord Derby’s Report. London, January 6. The publication of Lord Derby’s Report shows that there are a very big proportion of slackers for whom a Compulsory Service Bill is very much needed. After all the booming which Lord Derby’s Recruiting campaign received
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  • 1071 6 M. Paul-Louis Hervier has already given us an exceptionally readable book of anecdotes on the All Highest of Prussia. It was to be expected that his light and stabbing pen would be directed against the juuior assassin who has so long desired to chare the Imperial limelight.
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  • 263 6 In view of the great shortage of merchant tonnage at the present time owing to losses Htc it is considered in London and other U. K. ports that the Government should order the shipbuilding yards throughout the kingdom to once more turn their attention to the construction
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  • 416 6 Motor Ambulance Fund. A second draft for £l9 5-9 has been sent by the Hon. Sec M. C. L. to the Treasurer of the British Red Cross Society 88, Pall Mail, London, W. By Balance to Patriotic Stall $lOO 50 The Misses Pritchard 20,00 Mr. O.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 66 6 Croup. Every young child is susceptible to croup. Don't wait until this dreadful disease attacks your little one before you prepare for it. It comes in the night when chemists’ shops are usually closed, and this alone should be a warning. Get and keep Chamberlains' Cough Remedy on hand. It
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    • 56 6 There is nothing more certain than the fact theit WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE will correct that heavy overloaded feeling which affl cts those troubled wich weak digestive powers. It is a medicine that has been tested and proved by millions of sufferers from digestive troubles. Sold by Dispensaries and Stores
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    • 10 6 For Ohronio Chwt Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Care la. 6d.
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    • 89 6 Straight at It. There is no n<»e of our beating around the bush We might as wpII out with it first as last. We want you to try Chamberlain’s Coueh Remrdy the next time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason so far as we can see
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    • 40 6 Do Too Cotsfh Don t overstrain the fine membrane your throat in trying to dislodge the phlegm Chamberlain’s Cough Retaedv will aoco*plish this for you, and cure the oold that i* causing it. For sale by all Diaper»"* and Dealers
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  • 207 7 Whatever improves bodily conditions in general aids digestion. Cheerfulness, exercise, fresh air, baths and good habits make your digestion better able to take care of any burdens you impose opon it. But the greatest aid to good digestion is good blood. Anaemia, or thin j blood, is
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  • 1131 7 Th* "Hungry Fsklinq in thb Khinb Peovincb. Some highly interesting notes on the moral of the German troops found in a Uerman officer’s notebook at the front, are published by the Tempt. The officer was killed in the last attack in Artois. One extract says:
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  • 733 7 From the Times of Ceylon we taka this editorial on Ayricu'tural Education, much of which is applicable also to the straits Sir Anton Bertram obsei ved in Peradeniya the other div that education in Ceylon in the past had not been in touch with the lite of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 320 7 Extract from Government Circular noto of tbe 10th October, 1901, for General information K 0. D.iss, hap,...without doubt, been very successful in bis line of treatment and has acquired a most enviable reputation amougst all classes...who flocked to him dailv in large numbers for the benefit and comfort of his
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    • 413 7 ?nonc v i u j) i S. DOC DOoaOOC BY ROYAL DCDO APPOINTMENT. t O Contractor» to THE ADMIRALTY. THE WAR OFFICE, THE INDIA OFFICE. ALL Government Hospitals IN THE Straits Settlements AND Federated Malay States. OBTAINABLE RETAIL I m m m B AT®3 y&D AND ALL Leading Hospitals THROUGHOUT
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    • 271 7 O. Hofei. •:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY S’ SATURDAY. Sale by order of The Supreme Court of the Federated Malay States at the instance of the Chargee SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. By Messrs. Gleeson and Co., at the Selangor Chamber of Commeroe, No. 1, Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur. On
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1666 8 F. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE Incorporated in England. Mail and Passenger Services I PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Outward (for China and Japan.) v-y ■a,. KONINKLIJKE I U V I/ PAKETYAART Iw, I. iv. M AATSCHAPPIJ.I Japan Mail Steamship Company I t (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) For
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