Straits Echo, 28 January 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1368 1 < BANKS. For Cars on Hire as: 4*K EMPIRE "The Little ArlifocjnH C all at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL OH ARTE E. Paid tip Capita! X 1,200,000 Reserve Fund X 1.800,000 Reserve L
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  • 3021 2 And its Epidbmiolo«t. An article on “Certain Observations in the Epidemiology of Malarial Fever by Dr. Strickland, the Travelling Medical Entomologist of the F.M.S., appears in the December number of the Agricultural Bulletin from which we quite It has, of course, been thought from the earliest times that the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 89 2 Straight at It. There is no use of our beating around the bush We might as well out with it first as last. We want you to try Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason so far as we can see
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    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cara, Is. 6d
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    • 247 2 _JMMWIUJ11 Ul—I WIIMII Mil—■■lllllllll HI Mil I HIIIBlHIf———n—~———W Whiteaway, Laidlaw 8 Co., Ltd., Penang. 12-DAY STOCKTAKING SALE. A BARGAIN THAT CANNOT BE REPEATED. Note Our Special Bargain Price$1.95 per dozen. TEA SPOONS 36 DOZEN TEA SPOONS. Note Our Special Bargain Price. $1.95 per dozen. The Poto»i Silver Tea Spoons, equal
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  • 376 3 Wasting Watbe. Teng Lim, charged with wasting water by opening the valve of a street water pipe in Mrcalister Road, yesterday afternoon, at first pleaded “not guilty.” Questioned by the Magistrate as to whether he had any witnesses he pointed out the P. C. who arrested him.
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  • 214 3 In the First Court, Singapore, on Wednesday morning, before Mr. R. Scott, Mr. C. J. Saunders, as Registrar of Companies, took action against two companies doing business in Singapore for infringement of certain sections of the Ordinance applying to limited liability companies. Against Mr. E R.
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  • 104 3 The following were the results of the ties played yesterday. Single Handicap C. Seatb beat Cheeseman 7—5. 6—1 Robinson beat Burgis 6-3, 6—2. The following ties have been fixed for to-day:— Mixed Doublet A. Miss M Pritchard and A S Hall vt Mrs Striven and C G
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  • 85 3 C From Oust Own Correspondent.') Singapore, January 27. At the Singapore Rubber Auction 364 tons of rubber were offered for sale and 268 tons were sold at the following prices Smoked Sheets 9175 to 9184 per picul Good 9170 9174 Good Plain 9166 170 Unsraoked fine ribbed...
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  • 368 3 Statistics just published in the F.M.B. Government Gaeette reveal a very satisfac- tory state of affairs as regards our great Rubber Industry, the increase in the export last year as compared with 1915 being very considerable. The following figures relating to the export trade in 1915 will
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  • 250 3 In the course of his lecture on Municipal Ideals at Singapore the other day Mr. Roland Braddell said In England education was nowadays a matter of municipal administration he was speaking of course, of public or State education. In Singapore although an education rate of one per
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  • 186 3 Sib Douglas Haig and Viscount French. It is a curious circumstance that both Sir John French and Sir Douglas Haig are connected by marriage with two of the most famous families in the history of hunting the Selby-Lowndes and the Pelhams, Earls of Yarborough. The
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  • 78 3 A meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya will be held at 10.80 a.m. on Monday, January 31st, at the Club, Johore Bharu, to transact the following business: Minutes of meeting of 29th November, 1915 Absconders —(a) Magistrate at Port Swettenham, (b) arrest without warrant of crimpers
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 819 3 GOVERNMENT of johore. WANTED for the Magistrate's Court at Johore Bahru, a competent Qbmpse Interpreter and Clerk. Candidate most have a fair knowledge of English and jflslav and be able to read and write Chinese. A knowledge of typewriting is ilio required. Salary $60 per mensem. Apply to FIRST MAGISTRATE,
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    • 320 3 Sweet CA K Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. Jsf-, THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. •j V/jL W to i H I /4 'W w V L w H TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT!! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. 2 Patrs THE
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  • 94 4 Pibliefeod daily (except Sundays wad pvfelia holidays) at m CRITERION PRES8. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang Fbiob. Dulj Local 924 per mm» M Omtetation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poet Free) «17.50 oablb iDDtua: ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Noa. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 H.4.— All kaalaaaa ««■■oai—tiaaa akoald
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  • 1252 4 Iu our U> ding article of yesterday we ended with a statement which might well form the subject of another loading article the soul of man counts for more than 4 reeking tube and iron shard.' Belgium, Seibiaandnow Montenegro have proved the truth of that statement. History
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  • 62 4 To-iiy’i Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted bere to-day at 1185.90, buvers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $86.50, business d-me (125 tons sold) and in London at XI 77.105. spot and XI7B ss. three months’ sight. Messrs. Bonstead A Co. inform ns that the following is the
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  • 898 4 Mr., Mrs., and Miss Alma Biker will probably leave for Australia at tbe end of March. Mr. H C. Robinson and Dr. Stanton are leaving Kuala Lumpur, this week on a visit to Java. Mr. P. M. B. Colcutt, of Strathisla Estate and formerly of Klang, who
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  • 905 4 The Aati-Ze» Hotel. At last it has come; we have been wait, ing for it. London has a bomb proof hotrt Tne advertisement runs thus Where step in London. Try the Hotel. Bomh and Fire proof. Bpecial low exclusive war terms.” r Such enterprise surely must not go
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 164 4 The Eastern Trading Co., PENANG and IPOH. Estate Supplies. Acetic Acid 98/992 Glacial, Momi Chests, Glass Porcelain Cups, White Enamelled Latex Pans, Tapping Knives, Box Strapping, Wire Nails, Wood Preservative, Manure, Disinfectant, ONODA Portland Cement &c., Ac. PRICES ON APPLICATION. The First Rubber Auction On Thursday. January 27, at 11
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  • 740 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. rur.NCH OPERATIONS. LIVELINESS IN ARTOIS. London, Jtnuary 26. 5 15 pm. A Paris communique states that a sussed artillery fire took place at Artois. A sight attack drove out the Germans from one crater. London, January 27, 1 25 a.m. A Paris communique
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  • 600 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. STATEMENT BY MR. BALFOUR. 17-IN. GUN 3 NJT VERY PLAU IBLE. London, January 26. Iq the House of Commons Mr. A. J. Balfour, First Lord of the Admiralty, stated t aat Germ iny during the courss of the war had doubtless been able
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  • 147 5 First Day’s Haadieaps. (From Over Own CorretpondenU Kuala Lumpur, January 27. The following are the handicaps for the first day of the Selangor Meeting. Raok I. Betting BUI 11.7 Charity 10.5 Laksfon 9. Race II. La Vi* 10 5; The Wreck 10; Wee Wondilla 9 7 Jorrock
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  • 975 5 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. DEFENCE OF SCUTARI. PRINCE MIRKOS FATE. London, January 27. It is feared in Rome that Prince Mirko of Montenegro has perished or been captured io the defence of Scutari. Thousands of Sorb3 are struggling to get to Alessio They are being succoured by Admiral
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  • 803 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. ENEMY’S AERIAL ACT.VITY. Petrograd, January 26. A Petrograd communique reports activity of German aeroplanes in the Riga and Dvinsk regions. Russia's New Move —Russian preparations in the last six months have been colossal. The Tsar’s old army stands on its lines, numbering more
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  • 853 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. A CORRECTION. London, January 27. The Press Bureau announces that it appears from further communications that the recent fighting in the Tigris took place twenty-three miles eastward of Kut and not seven miles as was previously reported. Since then there has been nothing important
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  • 683 5 (Reuter Service.) Copyright Telegram. DEBATE IN THE COMMONS. London, January 26. t In the House of Commons Mr. Shirley Bonn (Unionist Member for Plymouth) raised a debate on the efficiency of the British blockade, saying that Germany, through the neutrals, had secured large quantities of commodities for
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  • 25 5 Obituary. Mr. A. L. Horaer M.P. London, January 27. I The death has taken place of Mr. A. L. Horner, Unionist Member for South Tyrone.
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  • 1047 6 Man or 76 AT THIS FRONT The following despatch baa been received from the correspondent of the British press with the French Army We were at lunch in a quiet little town ten miles behind the French lines. One of our party, who had just returned from
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  • 1183 6 England Still the Enbmt. 1 After a meeting with the Eiuser at Vilna —where the reporters describe him as having sat behind his Majesty in church looking like “a statue of bronze” and “an embodiment of superiority and calm”— Marshal von Hindenburg has been holding another
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  • 742 6 1,200 Guns Landed. Rotterdam, December 29. Tbe German newspapers are beginning to lay stress on the strong nature of tbe positions which the Allies are preparing at Salonika, and generally on the serious character of tbe preparations they are making in the concentration of troops and guns for operations
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  • 1233 6 Patrol Worn Perils. An interesting article on patrol work by Captain C. E W. Bean, official Press < representative with the Imperial Forces in f the Dardanelles, is issued by the High j Commissioner for Australia. In the course of it the writer says: It is a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 528 6 TO LET. lit acd 2nd Floors of 86, Beach ‘Street situated at Corner of Beach and Market Streets. Apply to 773 SENG EEE k Co. TO BE LET. WELL- FURNISHED HOUSE, No 7, Pangkor Road, for not lass than ■ix months from early in April next. Large drawing and dining
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    • 40 6 Somethin! to Remember. In buying a congh medicine for children bear in -mind that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is the beat for oolds, croup and -whooping cough, and that it contains no harmful drug. For sale by all I>ispansaries and Dealers.
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    • 62 6 Cure flat Couth. When you hare troublesome cough, it does not mean that you hare consumption or that you are going to have it, bnt it does mean that your lungs are threatened, and it is just as well to be on the safe .side and take Chamberlain's Cough Ramedy
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    • 377 6 Sufferers from Indigestion will fi D( j speedy and permanent relief by taking a course of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE, This medicine has been proved by generations of English Colonists throughout the world to be the best for family use. Ft is a true corrective and preventive. Millions of people
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  • 2885 7 (From Our Own Correxpondeni 0 German Naval Losses. London, December 31. A glance at thu respective losses of the British and! the German fleets since the war began shows bow unsound was the war of attrition” which was inaugurated by the War Lord of Germiny and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 64 7 Croup. Every young child is susceptible to croup. Don't wait until tbi« dreadtul disease attacks your little one before you prepare for it. comes in the night when chemists shops aie usually closed, and this alone should be a warning. Get and keep Chamberlains Cough Remedy on hand. It never
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    • 8 7 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Woods* Great Peppermint Car*
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    • 59 7 Harsh Purgatives, Salts and Castor Oil, are old fashioned remedies more drastic than safe. TT? m the tiny laxatives ensure the same results, but in a perfectly natural manner. They do not upset the stomach, nor gripe, but gently assist nature. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free
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    • 322 7 I BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KINC NESTLE VC. 1 VI ft Ti k v^ FOR THE FRONT. Having been requested by several Residents in the Malay Peninsula to send parcels of Nestle Chocolates to relatives or friends at the Front, we have now made arrangements to send parcels
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1738 8 P. O.—B. I. AND APCAR LINE Mall and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. ragKyry-Tj fes •iS KONIKKUJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPU. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY/) StkaMkr Fo» Iktindbd to Sail. Outward (for China and Japan#) Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with Jan. 27 Feb 5 Feb 18 Mar. 3
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