Straits Echo, 15 January 1916

Total Pages: 13
1 13 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1141 1 i BANKS. > For Cars on Hire The TAI SENG Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. EMPIRE "The Little Arl»loctot‘ r Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7\ Penang Road. Just Unpacked A New Shipment of Motor and Cycle Accessories. Repairs of Motor Cars and
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  • 1826 3  -  By G. B. Oseorn.. PESSIMISM AND OPTIMISM. There ii do greater plague in war-time than the pessimist-unless it be the optimist! it is the plain duty of all men at tba present moment neither to despair of the cause of the Allies nor to underrate the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 942 3 Weak Lungs by taking «n4 Bmmm. Of all Chemists #K i Those who have any weakness of throat entire mucons tract, an aid to appetite and or lungs, who are subject to bronchitis, or digestion and a most invigorating general have any tendency to consumption, should 4onic. It is the
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  • 512 4 Signs of thb Times A few years ago it was the fashion among foreign writers to regard Peking with its aii of decay and neglect as symbolic of the I decadenoe of the Chinese Empire, but were p it not for tbe engrossing war the attention I
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  • 418 4 A couple of articles in a New York weekly review, the New Republic, are devoted to the very unusual topic of an alliance between England and the United States. ADy cue who knows the historic temper of American journalism will realise that even the acade mic consideration
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  • 976 4 THE 19 7 CLASS. A Million A1«n at a St ok*. While the German politicians aie expressing their astonishment that the Entente Powers are not yet induced to sue for peace, the Tear is evidently still preparing for a very long campaign for he has issued
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 64 4 Every young child is susceptible to croup Don’t wait until this dreadtul disease attacks your little one before you prepare for it. It comes in the night when chemists’ shops a e usually closed, and this alone should be warning. Get and keep Cbambei lain Gough Remedy on hand. It
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    • 71 4 Having to live as we do, under the burning tropical tun, climatical conditions render us particularly liable to Colic, a most distressing complaint. The oorrtct medicine to produce a quick cure is WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. It is a wondertul corrective of all stomach disorders. Never be without a bottle
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    • 543 4 Pritchards FOR BRASS BEDSTEADS New Designs Best Make Untarnishable. Sizes S by 6 6" 8' by 8' 6 FANCY MOSQUITO NETS TO O'ORDER PRITCHARD 8 CO., LTD., PENA N G. Just Unpacked 1 Just Unpacked!! A consignment of Ever Ready Desk Calendars (Improved Model with Oak Base) An Indispensable Desk
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    • 90 4 ride: I B.SsA. Bicycles. Gloria Bicycles. MICHELIN MOTOR TYRES. SIDE CARS (Rattan and Coach Built.) Cycle and Motor Accessories of every description. Cycle and Motor Cycle Tyres of all sizes. CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., PENANG, IPOH 8 KOALA LUMPOR. 23, BEACH STREET, PENANG. 1 ‘I M M *4 i I M
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  • 435 5 Aytbkftid Mcbdbb. The hearing ot the case agaiust Abdulrabman, alias Kuppusamy, who was charged before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden and a common jury in the Supreme Court with attempted murder of one Kulsumbee was resumed yesterday afternoon. After further Police evidence the case for the prosecution closed
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  • 163 5 Januabt 16tm. I 2nd Sunday avtnk Efifkavt. 8-00 am. Matins I 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion I 9-15 a m. Holy Communion (Tamil SerI vice) I 10 15 a m. Chinese Service 5 00 p m Sunday School J 6 00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon I Hymn
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  • 41 5 ■Jan. 12 B7 Balance .-..$46,276.08 13 Seh Yeoh Kongsi from June to Dec. 1914 140 00 14 Balance 46,416.08 Remitted to London .£10,000 on 24-2-15... 85,618 73 Total subscriptions to date ...$132,034 81 m
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  • 107 5 Jau. 13 By Balance 991 14 14 Mr. R. Scitl 5 00 Jan 14 By Balance ***** Amouut previously acknowledged 22,116.50 Total 123,212.64 The Pdaang Relief Fund. Jan, 8 By Balance 150 00’ 13 Hon. A. R. 4dams monthly subscription 100 00 13 By Balance 250.00 The
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  • 1016 5  -  [By Tom Wright. 51 Life affords a sufficiency of legitimate 11 objects of laughter, so we can spare the old 11 maid, the elderly spinster, the on-tbe shelf 31 lady. But we do not spare ber. Pathos, I even tragedy, underlies her unwanted consi dition, yet conventionally she ie
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 498 5 wmĔ < bl Q UJ Q£ U Ui (L (/> (/> Z < z < I u =>■ £D o M -J I < *R SCOTCH WHISKY SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT’ n: &8 81/ACK WHISKV/ r_- SCOTCH ;j JAMES O+iOOl* oiasgo** 8s V 3 > r r a n 0
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    • 425 5 r? r* v Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. £'< 21 l ■A) 52 «safia A. *‘W Tonight! To-night!! The Electric Polyscope Co., Lyceum Theatre, Argyll Road. DETECTIVE HAYES IN 20 PARTS. V SERIES T 20 PARTS.
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  • 92 6 Pnblished daily (except Sundays and pnbiic holidays) ▲T THI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59. Beach Street, Penang Fbioe Daily Local 124 per aauuu*- Ontetation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) >17.50 CABI.H ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone No*. (Echo, 58® Printing Department 343 N All com nunio«tioßo oheuM
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  • 1465 6 Apropos of our leading article of yesterd iv a correspondent sends us the I following extract from the Daily Telegraph of December lltb: RELATIONS WITH GERMANY. Sir E. Clarke on the Future Future relations with Germany were mentioned at the annual prize distribution of the City of
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  • 955 6 Captain W Hamilton is spending the week-end at the Crag Hotel. Mr. Archie Gaunter, eldest son of Mr. H. G. W. Caunter. Clerk of Works, Municipality, who enlisted in the 9th Highland Light Infantry, is at present at the front in Flanders. Captain H. D. Nicolson, of
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  • 1027 6 Nelson’s Only Love. Lady Hamilton died at Calais a hundred and one years ago to day. Under Nelson’s will she received in cash £2,000, an annuity of £5OO, and, in additiou, the valuable Merton house and grounds but this fortune was soon dissipated, and eight years after Trafalgar
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 171 6 LOOK for the FLAG on the LABEL and you will then know you are getting the British Brand. mMH Sills Hi m®*"'iS r" I 1 HR BRITIE H and J BES THE THE Super Iced Cologne 40 and 70 cents. GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY Ltd.. PENANG. TAIPING iPOH. CO., SOLE AGENTS
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  • 546 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. ABSENCE OF THE KAISER INCREASED TAXATION, Amsterdam, January 13 Tb« feature of the opening of the Prusaian Diet to-day was the absence of the Kaiser. Dr. von Bathmaun-Hollweg, in delivering the opening speech, said that the Kaiser had charged him to open the
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  • 603 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. german attack repulsed. London, January 13. A Paris communique states that the 3 Germans bustained two minor defeats in the region of the Somme and Champagne. It appears that the German poison gas at Forges blew back the enemv into their > trenches
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  • 596 7 (Reuter Service) Copyright Telegram. CZ r RNOWITZ. Petrograd, January 14 3 The enemy twice unsuccessfully attempt 3 ed to assume the offensive northeast of Czernowitz, says a Petrograd communique i The Russians drove the enemy out from, r and occupied, part of the trenches. Reinforcement* from Other
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  • 534 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. GRAND DUKE'S VISIT TO TOKYO. Tokyo, January 13. The Grand Duke Michaelovitch has arrived here to convey the Tsar’s congratulations to the Emperor of Japan on the occasion of his coronitioa. He was met at the station by the Emperor, Prince Fushimi, Prince
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  • 501 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. A LENGTHY LIST. London, January 13 The London Gazette publishes 55 pages of military honours. The list includes all ranks and arms, also a number of nurses. Many Australasians and Canadians were i honoured by having conferred 01 them the Companionships of the
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  • 62 7 To-day’* Quotation*. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $B4 62 j, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $84.62{, business done (75 tons sold) and in London at .£173 15s. spot and <£l7s three months' sight. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following is the
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  • 38 7 Just as we were going to press we hear that a private telegram has been received in Penang to the effect that His Highness Sir Irdris Mersid-el-Azam Shah, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.0., died last night-
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  • 503 7 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The following special telegrams am from the Sumatra Post of Tuesday and Wednesday, January 11 and 12 HOLLAND AND THE WA*. The Interned Bclligcrsata, 1 The British officers to be interned at Wieringerschans were transferred there on Saturday. In the neir future the German
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  • 277 7 The following articles will be found en our outside pages: Page. 3.—Maladies of War Time. —How Russia Gets Recruits. Affairs in China. England and America. —Unwanted. The Assizes. Penang Presbyterian Church. St. George’s Church, Penang. The Penang Relief Fund. Belgian Relief Fund. The Prince of Wales' War Relief Fund--B.—The
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  • 23 7 Obituary. Sir W. W. Oaalow. London, January 14. The death has taken place, at the age of 71, of Sir William Wallace Onslow.
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  • 355 8 HIGH-PLACED REBELS. JuDBBS SH DlLimca. Tho China.t reoo (Sbaughai) learns from Jf absolutely autuentic sou roes that none of the rebels captured aft**r the raid on the Chaaha have been executed. Nine prisoners < were taken—seven in Pootuog and two in h the Cninese City. 1 Theee men
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  • 615 8 Tbe report of the Singapore Sporting Club as printed in another column records a profit of nearly four thousand dollar* compared with a heavy loss last year, and the Committee express tbe hope that the revival of interest in racing wih continue. This is, as Sir Frank Swettenbara.
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  • 299 8 As already brief? reported by telegram, the report of the* Singapore Sporting Club for presentation to the meeting on Januarr 20 says 1 The statement of account shows I a net profit for the year of $3 78# 18, after j [deducting the sum of $9,3*3.40 for
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  • 568 8 We are afraid that we do not agree with Sir Edward Clarke’s views on tbe future intercourse between this country and Germany Speaking at the aunual distribution of prizes at the City of London College, he said it was a mistake to think that after the
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  • 949 8 WHY THE ALLIES WILL WIN. AMceioiv Joubnalist’* View. The Nett York Her* d of December 14 1 publishes the following telegram from its 1 special correspondent in London London, Sunday. •“I am now absolutely certain we will win this war,’ was the naively neutral declaration of Colonel
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  • 1386 8 By PLA TOO» COMMA*©»*-’ 1 la odd cornet* and aruuuU tue walls of 1 my rooms ate various obj Hits which, as 1 sit in an arm-chair by tiiu fire on a wot Dact-mber afternoon, link me up ourioudy with the past as my eyes
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 433 8 TO LET. 1st aod 2nd of 86, Be»cK Street litvsted at Corner of Beach and Market Strreta. Apply to i 778* 8ENO KEI Co. EXPERIENCED CLERK tor a Mining in. Renong. Mast bare a good knowledge of book-kooping and type writing and be able to take ap the position of
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    • 10 8 For Chronic Cheat Complaint», Weed»' Great Peppermint Onra 1«. 6d*
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    • 87 8 Stnathi «I it. There ia do use of our beating around the bush” We might-as well out with it first as laat. W* want you to try ChamberMu's Cough Remedy the next time you have a cough- or Cold- There is do reason *o far aa we can see why
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    • 376 8 PLANTS FERNS. FOR COMPOUND fi H(TSE (Inspection invited.) 15 17a, Northam Road PENANG. Central Sales Room. The Greatest Auction Sale or High Class Household and Hotel Furniturs ever held in Penang AT HO TEL NORMAN coMrnianro Drawing, Dining and Bedroom Suites Bentwood and Rattan Furniture, Almeirahi Tables, Pictures, Cutlery, Crockery
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  • 1011 9 Wbat will be the attitude of the Federi ated Malay Stated and the Strait* Settlement* Government* toward* German commerce at the close of the war That i* a question which is by no means premature, tor all the world knows by now that the policy of the Teutons
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  • 440 9 I MORE CHILD CRIMINALS IN THE FATHERLAND. Kbives and Pistols. Amsterdam, December 10. All the male grown-ups baring been sent to tbe front, the German children are making the most of their opportunities for mischief. Tbe t ologne Qcuettt makes s feature of tbe alarming spread of
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  • 431 9 Nbw Fabb Fob Gbbmab Readies The headings in the German and Austrian newspapers have latterly been such (observes the Morning Pott) that the casual readers glancing hastily at them might almost be excused for supposing that they had to do with some war in which the Central Powers
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 85 9 +n< ~~)D( me >nf ypcz innooaoonrK ~>ot x~x >nc. in# i& «as* $Sf $1 m ¥X. SAFETY aite A STOCKED BY n ’-L GAR AG Sole Importers; ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO.. LTD SINGAPORE. PENANG S’ MALACCA. g< M~l< )Q< > n i /;t -fT>, .<• Ij.ii 'S// //fir non a 'U
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    • 40 9 Do Too Couth Don’t overstrain tbe fine membrane of your throat in trying to dislodge the phlegm. Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy will accomplish tbii for you, and cure the cold that in causing it. For sale by all Wspenseries and Dealers.
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    • 164 9 For Chili!ron’& Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Curo, Ib. fid. TIANG JOO Co., PENANG Just Received a New Shipment of The JOOCOCLES” Guaranteed British~made Turoughout From Frame to Pedal From Tyre to Saddle Fitted Complete with DUNLOP Tyres, Lamp, Bell, Inflator 8 Tools. $55-00 Nett. TIANG JOO Co
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  • 1110 10 Natal Misbabbiabbs.” From the limbo of the past there cornea to mind an incident at a meeting of the college Debating Society. What the subject of debate was I hare entirely forgotten but the discussion drifted into a quite irrelevant aide-iasue—aa not infrequently happens at
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  • 844 10 LIFE AFTER THE GRE*T WAR, By Twblls Bbbx. Tbe great war has altered the social face ef Europe just as much as the glacial epoch once altered its physical surface. The Hobenzoilern glacial period has set back the growth of civilisation by a hundred years it
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 62 10 Core That Co«|h. When jou have troublesome cough, it does not mean that you have consumption or that you are going to have it, but it does mean that your lungs are threatened, and it is just as well to be on the safe side and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
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    • 196 10 HUTTENBACH B™ C o. SOLE AGENTS FOR ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Have much pleasure in announcing the arrival oi THE NEW MODĔJL No. 10. m m ft "if f mTTmrrn a I r «As* m F A m ii m it PRICE LIST. HEAVY MODELS. NEW MASTER MODEL No. 10 Foolscap 0
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  • 230 11 Inch of us haa a certain supply of nerrent energy. Erery act, even erery thought, uses up tome part of this snergy. During rest and sleep the supply is increased by the blood whioh gets the needed elements from the air we breathe and the food we eat.
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  • 1034 11 HOW TO GUARD AGAIN8T j german perfidy. r l Bt Admibal Sib Ctfbia* Bridob, G.C.B. d About the time of the Crimean War a tl good deal waa beard of what were called material guarantees.” Thia waa an expreaaion used in diplomatic reporta and a conversations, from which
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  • 914 11 i H. M. 8. "Time” A Cmiqubred Career I London, December 15. When we oonsider that thirteen years t o lapeed between the launch of Nelson’s Victory and her first commissioning tor sea service, the fact that the battle cruiser i Tiger only completes her second year afloat
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 332 11 Extract from Government Circular note of the 10th October, 1901, for General information: K C. Dais, ha?,...without doubt, been very oucceoaful in hia line of treatment and has acquired a most enviable reputation amongst all classes...who flocked to him daily in large numbers for the beneflt and comfort of his
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    • 89 11 Streiftht at It. There is no u«e of our beating around the bush We might as well out with it first as last. We want you to try Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy the next time you hare a cough or cold. There is no reason sc far as we can
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    • 249 11 ■5SSI 0 I u #•»«1 >**$ f«1 G fo O a n < BY APPOINTMENT O H. M THE KINC NESTLE CHOCOLATE FOR THE FRONT. Having been requested bv sever'd Residents in the Malay Peninsula to send parcels of Nestle Chocolates to relatives or frienls at the Front, we h.jve
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1557 12 B. I. P. 0.AND APGAR LINK Mail and Fassenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. X sSt'\ Homeward (for Etirope.) Outward (for China and Japan.) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) s.s. Nellore Feb. 9 ■.a. Mongara (Calls Genoa) Feb 23 u. Nora Mar.
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  • 2003 13 T Nnm ber ot g i g I' o»"* 1 1 S Di id d N.™. t B I It B 3 I S tC a 2 H,r m c p a a5 <y Iff *****912 1913 1914 1915 RUSBER—DOLLAR SHARES. I P°- P- c P-O. p.c. p.o. Hvt
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