Straits Echo, 13 January 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1076 1 For Cars on Hire N K B A EMPIRE "The Little Aristocrat Call at or 'phone (No. 694) to Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital w Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors Head Officer NO.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 65 2 DRINK W m m MM z a imrs f _•> > r5 S E*rM O US V P&Hv, in Si 1 «■•'O' J? m m I M I '••.if W.-2E.V; V2*\ 3F m BS li £.$Tjj jM •i K MW wm tSKBft mm Kil Sjffitf** &£8 (stSSa 3&J& t >V
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  • 1900 3 10,000 MILES OP TRENCHES. Plague of Rati. The following despatch dated Tuesday, Dec 7, hn been received from Mr. H Warner Alleo, Special Correspondent of the B itish Press with the F ench armies In the section of the French lines that I have j ist b en
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 355 3 TIANG JOO Co 9 PENANG. Just Received a New Shipment of The JOOCOCLES" Guaranteed Briiish-made Turoughout From Frame to Pedal From Xyre to Saddle Fitted Complete with DUNLOP Tyres, Lamp, Bel!, Inflator 8 Tools. $55-00 Nett. TIANG JOO Co., So,c importers. •innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnif TEA. 11 n n 0 0 0 0
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    • 455 3 r '.fP»"* *r >*737****--*- GREEK OLD 3 I 1. Assured by ihe Occasional Use of Dr. Morse's. Indian Root Pills. To reach a green old age and enjoy good health can only be obtained by the care of the system. It is from the little irregularities of the system that
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  • 262 4 Thin men and women who would like to j increase their weight with 10 or 15 pounds of healthy stay there fat should try eating a little Sargol with their meals for a while and note results. Here is a good test worth trying. First
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  • 1189 4 LIFE oiOKY OF THE LATE SIB GEORGE WHITE. LADYSMITH Days. And Memories of the Kaiser's Visit to Gih, One of tho most chivalrous men I ever knew.” was Lord Riberls’ description of Sir George White, whose biography—" The Life of Field-Marshal Sir George
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  • 373 4 The Chancellor and Britain. If it is true that the speeches of the Imperial Chancellor have caused disappointment iu Germany, no one can be surprised. Tne kernel of his orations seems to have lain iu the statement that England is the fatal obstacle to peace. seem*,
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  • 395 4 Official Minutes. Minutes of a Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday the “28th December, 1915. Present. W. Peel Esq President. P. T. Allen, Esq. A. F. Goodrich, Esq. Yeoh Guan Seok, Esq. Absent. Quah Beng Kee, Esq. John Mitchell, Esq. Lim Eow Hong, Esq, 1. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 331 4 Extract from Government Circular note of tho 10th October. 1901, for General information K C. Dass, has,...without doubt, been very successful in his line of treatment and has acquired a most enviable reputation amongst all classes...who flocked to him daily in large numbers for the benefit ami comfort of his
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    • 62 4 Cure That Cough. Wh“n you have troublesome cough, it dees not mean that you have consumption or that you are eoing to have it, but it does mean that your lungs are threatened, and it is just as well to be on the safe side and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
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    • 152 4 •nr~~rjn( >Q( mr—nnr-nnnnntnnnm iQc ~)Q( DQ< )P# u n n n i i u n 5 I d innciii=Dnc=i=Dnc=Dnp##nc=Ddnc; vjnc —>nar:cr^ INSURE 3 YOUR Cars Motor Cycles U D *3 u a a n u a n u a n n n ac AND *$i mercidl Vehicles with the Company
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  • 2058 5 Allbbbd Robbbby. Lim Ah Kok was yesterday afternoon charged at the assizes before Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden and a common jury in that he, on or about November 12, at Penang with others to the number of five did commit gang robbery. The accused, who was
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  • 36 5 Jan. 8 By Balance ...$46^266.08 12 Simpang Estate Co, Ltd., Dec. subscription 10.00 12 Balance 4 6,276.08 Remitted to London jeiO,OOOon 24-2-15... 115,618.73 T*tal subscriptions to date ..«$1 81,8*4.81
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 426 5 5 *%estnu£ wm M Because of its delicate aroma and sweetnessof flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION Or QUALITY. 5 P */i Wa K 3^ 20 Parts Screening Saturday Detective Hayes Series Parts 20 NOW SHOWING B 7 SPECIAL. REQUEST For three nights only commencing Wednesday,
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  • 95 6 Pablixhed daily (except Sunday* and public holiday*) AT TEH CRITERION PRESS. Ivu No. 59. Beach Street, Peaang Pbiob. Daily Local M 124 per amnrr: Omtetation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Poat Free) $17.50 CAXLH IDDIIIS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Noa. (Echo, 5H6 Printing Department 343 A' 6. —All kuaiaMa aarumunieatioaa
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  • 1256 6 Typicailv liish has bsen the attitndo of Mr. Johu Reduioml towards the Military Service Bill. When it was first introduced in the House of Commons the Nationalist leader opposed it strenuously. If he had not d >ne so, it is just possible that the measure might tnve gone
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  • 34 6 To-day's Quotations Tin (unrefined) ia quoted here to-daj at $85.50, buBinea done, in Singapore (refined) at $85.50, buyers no sellers, and in London at .£173 10s, spot and >£l74 10s. three months’ sight.
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  • 964 6 Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Alice Maude Daly and Mr. Noel Leicester Clarke, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, on Jan. 25. Mrs G. K. Wright was to have left London by the P. and O. Persia now at the bottom of the sea.
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  • 904 6 A Remind*r. Penang’s War Relief Funds seem to be languishing rathor just at present; there have been few subscriptions and those mostly for inconsiderable sums in the lists lately. That is not as it should be with tin and rubber at their present prices. Kiagtley’s Fist." An article
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 299 6 LOOK for the FL£G on the and you will then know you are getting the British Brand. 2.-1* .7":“' pfS’ 1 1:1 fil i m i»ti lillfe p BR1TI J H <W t rn a ifm M' Hit Hi i; P v V11! J ml. Hi i iii BEST. if
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  • 655 7 (Reiter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. DEBATE IN THE COMMONS. MR. REDMOND’S VOLTE-EACE. London, January 11. In tbe House of Commons Mr. John Redmond announced that the Nationalists will no futlher oppose the Compulsion Bill. Motion for Rejection. Not is tk< Name of th« Labour Party." In the House
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  • 660 7 (Reiter Service.) Copyright Telegram. EVACUATION OPERATIONS. Gcacral doaro's Historic Dsspstek. London, January 12. General Sir Charles M mro, Commander lof che forces in the Dardanelles, reports I that the Turks opened a heavy attack with guns and musketry on our lines on January 7. They attempted a bayonet
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  • 613 7 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. MONTENEGRIN CAMPAIGN. As Austrian Success. Loudon, January 11. An Austrian communique announces that the Austrians have captured Mount Livtohen, an important position dominating the Bay of Cattaro on one side and Cettinja on the other. Fierce Figktiag Continues. London, January 12, A Montenegrin
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  • 659 7 (Reuter Service) Copyright Telegram. BIG RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE. Austro-German Coaeeatratioa. Paris, January 11. A telegram from Petrograd states that the Russian offensive is now general from the River Pripet to the neighbourhood of the Rumanian frontier. The Austrians and Germans are concentrating great forces I with a view
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  • 445 7 (Reuter's Service.) Copyright Telegram. POLICY OF CO-OPERATION. Question in the Commons. London, January 12. In the House of Commons Mr. W. A. S. Hewins, Unionist Member for North HereI ford, moved that, with a view to increasing the power of the Allies in the prosecution of
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  • 63 7 I C From Our Own Correspondent, i Singapore, January 13. j The annual report of the Sporting Club shows that the year’s profits were $3,786, after deducting $9,343 as depreciation. The committee congratulate the members upon their decision to continue racing which is responsible for the improved
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  • 242 7 Mr. D. A. M. Brown, Honorary Secretary of the Penang branch of the Prince of Wales’ Relief Fund, has sent out the following circular to all subscribers Penang, 30th December, 1915. Dear Sir or Madam, At the Public Meeting held in Penang no 6th December, and reported
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  • 380 7 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS. The following report of the company was presented at the meeting in London on December 22 The Directors submit the Report and 3 Accounts for the year ended 31st August. 1915. The net profit for the period under review amounted to £32,612 4s.
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  • 345 7 l Penang Womin Woikiii. Amount previously acknowledged $1,05#.00 Mrs. W, R. Armstrong 10.00 Mrs. Ritchie, Gedong Estate (3rd Don.) 10.00 Mrs. Jamieson 100# Mrs. Trengrove (sth Don.) 5.00 Mrs. Heim (4th Don.) 5.00 Mrs. 8. C. G. Fox, Taiping (4th Don.) 2.0# it a $1,096.00 Hospital
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  • 61 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3-—Allies’ Fortifications. 4. Disobeyed Orders and Got the V.C. Fooling the Germans, 5, Tho Assizes. The Prince of Walse* War Relief Fund. 8. Buddhism and War. MoreFrenoh Heroes. Our Submarines in the Baltic. Closer Union of the Empire.
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  • 121 8 Pbnano, Januabt 18. (By eewrteey of the Chartered Bank.) Londos, Demand Bank 2/4/, 4 month*’ light Bank 2/4f t Credit V*i 8 Documentary 2/4*5 Calcutta, Demand Bank Be- 174# 8 dayi’ eight Private 176# Bombay, Demand Bank 174 J Moulmein, Demand Bank 174 8 days’ eight Prirate 176 Madras
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  • 520 8 Haas Mokk Deceived or Bans. j Phra Deb Mori, the head Monk of Wat Boromaniras on Kloog Mabanak, baa been deprived of hie rank by His Majesty’s command, says the Bangkok TimesThe reason for this step was explained to I a repreeentatire of the Bangkok Timet by
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  • 474 8 UNDERGROUND PEACE METHODS Amazing Stoet, Read in connection with a statement in a German paper a few days ago, that a “hostile I Russia would be a source of weakness to Germany after the war, and other convictions of a desire to conciliate Rttssia (and. auto matxeally,
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  • 862 8 INTERESTING SUGGESTION BY AN AGENT-GENERAL. Plain-Spoken Annex. Mr. Bernhard R. Wise, K C. Ageuti General for New South Wales delivered an address to the Royal Colonial Institute on Deoember 14. He discussed the closer union of the Empire and made the interesting suggestion that a
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  • 502 8 OFFICER’S JOKES. Hun-Huntino Dubing Inkeubnza. Lieutenant-Commander F. N. A. Cromie, in command of a submarine, has been decorated by the Czar with the Cross of St. George, the Russian V. C, for his brilliant, work in the Baltic. Lieutenant Cromie is a son of Mrs
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  • 454 8 A Splendid Rbcoed op the Fusiliers Maeins. The return of the Fusiliers Marins to Paris, after long months spent in the trenches of Flanders, has given the people of the Frenoh capital opportunities to show their admiration of this magnificent body of men who, in accordance with
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  • 359 8 “A” Counant. Capt. H. A. Neubronner, Officer Commanding. 2/Lt. C.DI>. 2nd. in Command. Platoon. I. i 2nd. Lt. Prentis, Officer Commanding. Sergt. Reid, Platoon Sergeant and 2nd. 1 in Command. Snotion I Corpl, McNeill in command. Smith J. H.E., Souter, Harries, Douglas, Sellar A.M., Laudon, Meldrum. Simpson, Everest,
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  • 388 8 Singapore, January 13. The Rubber Auction was slow and doll. There were heavy declines in value notably in fine pale crepe which went down $23. The prices obtained were as follows Smoked Sheets $lBO to $177 per picul Fair $l7O $lBl Plain $175 180 Unsmoked ribbed... $167
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  • 273 8 The largest sale! of house-hold furniture which haß ever been held in Penang will take place at Hotel Norman on 17th, 20th, 22nd, 24th and 27th insfc. The sale being of such magnitude it is not likely that high prices will be realized and it should,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 342 8 WANTED. A CHINESE SALESMAN for Import business useless to applj unless having at least some years of experience in this line, good references indispensable. 2 Letter under I. K. THE CHINESE ENGUSH SCHOOL SAMARANG JAVA. WANTED. Three Chinese masters to teach English in a good-class school Quarters free. Commencing salary
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    • 78 8 With the distressing moist heat of this tropical climate one is apt to get a body chill, always most dangerous because the liver or kidneys are affected, and with either out of order a diseased condition may be set up. WOODS' MEAT PEPPERMINT CORE is the finest corrective of a
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    • 10 8 For Chronio Cheat Complaints, Woods' Crest Peppermint C«re la, 6d
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    • 376 8 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, la. 6d. Central Sales Room. The Greatest Auction Sale OF High Class Household, and Hotel Furniture ever held in Penang AT HOTEL NORMAN eoMPaisiifo Drawing, Dining and Bedroom Suite» Bentwood and Rattan Furniture, Almeirah» Tables, Pictures, Cutlery, Crockery and E.
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  • 899 9 At last the machine-gun bids fair to corns into its own in the British Army. It is many a long vear since King Edward, then Prince of Wales, introduced the most perfect expression of it, the Maxim,” to the Kaiser. Sir Hiram tells the story id his recently-published
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  • 214 9 The muscles of the back do the heavy work of the body. When they are overworked or ill-nourished the? echo n-1 people who are looking for tioublo bag in io won y about their kidneys. Backache may be due to lum swhich is rheumatism of the muscles o£
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 344 9 CARLSBERG BEER MANUFACTURED IN DENMARK European Acetic Acid GLACIAL 99r Sulphate of Quinine i packed in 1 Kilo Tins and in bottles of 250 Tablets. G.H. Slot Co X X X X 35, BEACH STREET, PENANG, Telegrams: SLOT. Telephone 5453« We do Au for you fi in ••< t iri
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    • 88 9 Straight at It. There is no use of our beating around the bush We might as well out with it j last. We want you to try Cham'oerlain’s Cough Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. There ia no reason so far as we can see
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    • 202 9 The best of white sauces \our white sauces for boiled fowl, fish or vegetables will be much improved if your cook uses rown Polso- 's|' Patent" Com FI©‘Rir instead of ordinary flour to thicken them with. Corn Hour 'i>\\ sauces are much nicer, better flavoured, and qune free from “lumps’’
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    • 527 9 NOTICE. THE PERAK RIVER VALLEY RUBBER Co., Ltd. "TVTOTICE IB hereby gireo that, the 1 ransfer Looks of the Company will be closed from Tuesday. 18th Januiry, 1916, to Monday, 31st January, 1916, bjth dates inclusive. By Order of the Board. BROWN. FHILLIPS STEWART, Secretariat NOTICE All to Whom It
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  • 2024 10 The war is teaching us a good deal of political economy in a «omewhat costly fashion, and at the same time is revealing to the ordinary citizen the drawbacks incidental to our system of entrusting to private ownership the capital by which the nation lives.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 35 10 Sick Headache. Sick headache is caused by a disordered stoiracb. Take Chamberlain’s Tablets and. the headaches will disappear. ihey are just what you need to correct the trouble. For ■ale by all Diapensariea and Dealera.
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    • 183 10 Huttenbach Bros. 8 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR: All kinds of ELECTRICAL machinery. Jkdl ft .W. B —nr Free Estimates Given for all Kinds of Electrical Work Mining Plants and Private Lighting Installations A Speciality. AGENTS FOR: HE STEELING ?EL!P!0fE 00., LIE. Large Stocks of Telephones are kept and
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  • 2546 11 L)*lan» of Th© Tim©»” By Sir Edward Cook. (Makers of the 19th Centnry, adited by Basil Williams. Constable ss. net) (Bt a Member or His Srarr. The readers of The Timet have already been famished with an opportunity of considering this memorial of its great Editor,
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  • 382 11 Smoking. Rocking and Chbwivg. The caud.d tipositiou by A Reformer” appears in an American paper There are three nervous habits which are popular in this country smoking, rocking, and gum chewing. One does not obj Q ct to smoking so much ou mithetic principles. Tho odour
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 65 11 Cro«|. Every young child is susceptible to croup. Don’t wait until this dreadful disease attacks your little one before you prepare for it. It comes in the night when chemists’ shops are usually closed, and this alone should be a warning. Get and keep Chamberlains’ Cough Remedy on hand. It
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    • 40 11 Do You Couth Don’t overstrain the fine membrane of your throat in trying to dislodge the phlegm. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will accomplish this for you, and cure the cold that ia causing it. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 310 11 li a ft t 5 BY APPOINTS? NT As» IpfsS5 c* TO H. M. THE KINO NESTLE CHOGOLAT a H& r rx*.JJ>f it'OirA Tlaving been rcqu -sted by several Residents in the Malay Pcrinsida u> S‘ind parcels of Nest Chocolates to relatives or frieuls at the Front, wo now made
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1569 12 B. I. P. O.- AND APCAR LINE Mall and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL SERVICE. Homeward (for Europe.) Outward (for China and JapanJ INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE. Homeward for Europe. Outward (for China and Japan.) ■.I. Nellore a.i. Mongara «.a. Non Feb. 9 (Calls Genoa) Feb 23 Mar. 23
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